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In recent years, in association with global climate change, researchers have found significant quantities of preserved archaeological material melting from kinetically-stable alpine and subalpine ‘ice patches’ all around the world. This paper synthesizes the findings and the methodologies of ice patch archaeology worldwide thus far in an effort to provide researchers with a broadened perspective on artifact collection and interpretation. In addition, I test the hypothesis that increased quantities of alpine ice in prehistory should correlate with decreased human use of these areas, and vice versa. I analyze the relationship between the frequencies of regional artifact dates over time, the nature of these artifacts, and glacial advances and retreats. Ultimately, I conclude that fundamental differences among these assemblages and their correlation (or lack thereof) with prehistoric alpine ice extents stem from the intention and the activity of the people who deposited the artifacts.  相似文献   

两晋南北朝等级婚姻初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
婚媾讲求门第等级 ,历来大抵如此 ,并有它相对的合理性。但在两晋南北朝时代 ,这种风气愈演愈烈 ,变成了不具条文的金科玉律。两晋南北朝等级婚姻十分讲究门当户对 ,以保持世家在政治、经济等方面的特殊地位 ,这种婚姻给当时社会带来了一系列严重后果  相似文献   

This article proposes a continuous approximation model for determining the number of hierarchical facilities when lower level facilities are subject to failures. The average distance from customers to the nearest open facility is derived for two types of customer behavior. The optimal number of facilities that minimizes the average distance is then obtained. The analytical expression for the optimal number of facilities demonstrates how the location of facilities, the failure probability, and the customer behavior affect the optimal hierarchy and the average distance. The result shows that introducing the hierarchy can reduce the average distance if the failure probability is small and the penalty for failing to use facilities is large. The model provides a fundamental understanding of the optimal hierarchy and is useful for designing hierarchical facility systems.  相似文献   

The characteristics of hierarchical trade flows, when placed in the context of differentiated markets, can provide some insight into the underlying bases of contemporary international trade. A model that relies on differentiated market theory and hierarchical market theory is developed. Trade characteristics derived in the model, concerning the frequency and value of trade, are empirically tested. Empirical results indicate that the model provides a useful framework for the analysis of contemporary international trade.  相似文献   

This paper compares three methods commonly used to extract fossil phytoliths from sediments. A basic procedure using heavy liquid flotation and oxidation is compared with two other procedures across a range of sediment types commonly encountered in archaeological studies. The three procedures are: (1) a heavy liquid flotation method (HLF); (2) a burning method (POW); and (3) another heavy liquid flotation method (HLFPol) similar to HLF, but adapted to allow the extraction of pollen and spores as well as phytoliths, within a single process. Comparisons of the resulting output using these three techniques for phytolith extraction show that different methods can produce different results, and therefore basic techniques should be modified according to the characteristics of the sediments for which they are used. While all the techniques showed similarities in assemblage results, there were problems associated with disaggregation and effective separation of light and heavy fractions, in particular with the POW procedure. The evidence suggests that morphotype selection occurred both within the physical sorting process and in the process of inverting slides to shed excess residue; in both cases it is difficult to suggest a solution to the problem. The results show clearly that the advantages gained by using the POW procedure are largely outweighed by the problems encountered with its use, and because of possible size/shape selection, it is not recommended for general extraction procedures. The heavy liquid flotation procedures, on the other hand, are shown to produce more concentrated residues with higher levels of clarity and less potential than the POW procedure for sample bias. The use of a non-toxic heavy liquid, sodium polytungstate, now allows the process to be used in relative safety. It is recommended that analysts use heavy liquid flotation procedures with chemical treatments specific to sediment requirements.  相似文献   

利用科学测绘技术绘制的近代地图作为一类珍贵的历史地理资料,不同程度上反映着过去的地表覆盖情况,数字化则是复原地图所载地表覆盖信息的重要途径。以《华东·上海》地图为例,实现并验证一种基于机器学习和图像形态学的彩色近代地图数字化方法。结果表明,该方法能够充分挖掘地图中的颜色信息和形态结构信息,以半自动方式快速准确地将彩色近代地图中的地表水体信息提取出来。该方法对数字化一类彩色近代地图具有参考价值,有望为精准复原近代以来地表覆盖变迁,深入理解人地关系变化提供数据和方法基础。  相似文献   


This article describes and analyses the process in which the establishment of a Christmas market led to an attempt to establish a regional destination brand named “Delightful Christmas”. Our focus is on the network dynamics of the process, in particular its multi-project network characteristics. Empirical findings are based on qualitative data from personal interviews, participant observation and documentation in an action research approach. The process is analysed as a so-called project network (Hellgren & Stjernberg, 1995 Hellgren, B. & Stjernberg, T. (1995) Design and implementation in major investments—a project network approach, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 11(4), pp. 377394. doi: 10.1016/0956-5221(95)00020-V[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) involving different actors having different aims in event and destination brand development, thus creating a process with actors of existing, but resource-lacking, dependencies. Despite the disagreements between actors, the common beliefs and hopes for the integrated destination theme remained and innovative work continued for about three years in an environment where conditions were difficult due to insufficient financial resources, project coordination and long-term strategic planning. Conclusions concern the dynamics of a complex multi-project network organization and how its failure can be explained.  相似文献   

In this article, generalized additive mixed models are constructed for the analysis of geographical and temporal variability of cancer ratios. In this class of models, spatially correlated random effects and temporal components are adopted. Spatio‐temporal models that use intrinsic conditionally autoregressive smoothing across the spatial dimension and B‐spline smoothing over the temporal dimension are considered. We study the patterns of incidence ratios over time and identify areas with consistently high ratio estimates as areas for further investigation. A hierarchical Bayesian approach using Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques is employed for the analysis of the childhood cancer diagnoses in the province of Alberta, Canada during 1995–2004. We also evaluate the sensitivity of such analyses to prior assumptions in the Poisson context. En este artículo los autores construyen modelos aditivos generalizados mixtos (generalized additive mixed models) con el fin de analizar la variabilidad geográfica y temporal en las tasas de incidencia de cáncer. Este tipo de modelos emplean efectos aleatorios correlacionados espacialmente y componentes temporales. Los modelos espacio‐temporales emplean un suavizado condicional intrínseco autorregresivo (conditionally autoregressive smoothing) a través de la dimensión espacial y un suavizado de tipo B‐spline sobre la dimensión temporal. Los autores examinan los patrones de las tasas de incidencia a través del tiempo e identifican las áreas con valores consistentemente altos con el fin de sugerir áreas de investigación para el futuro. El estudio utiliza un enfoque jerárquico bayesiano (hierarchical bayesian) que usa una cadena de Markov Monte Carlo para evaluar los diagnósticos de cáncer infantil en la provincia de Alberta, Canadá durante el periodo 1995–2004. Asimismo, también se evalúa la sensibilidad de este tipo de análisis con respecto a los supuestos a‐priori, en el contexto de los modelos tipo Poisson. 本文提出了广义可加和混合模型进行癌症比率的地理和时间变化分析。在这类模型中引入了空间相关的随机效应和时间组分。时空模型在空间维度上采用本征自回归条件平滑,而在时间维度上则使用了B样条平滑。本文研究了疾病发生率模式,并识别出一直具有高比率估计的地区作为进一步调查区。在1995–2004年加拿大亚伯达省儿童癌症的诊断中,采用了基于马尔科夫链‐蒙特卡罗模型的分层贝叶斯方法,并且在泊松先验假设条件下评估了该类分析的敏感性。  相似文献   

三种铁质文物脱盐处理对表面锈层影响的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>铁质文物在长期埋藏期间,随着腐蚀的进行,土壤中的可溶性盐类就会被结合在表面的锈层中。研究证明,这些盐类,尤其是氯离子(Cl~-),对于铁质文物出土后的腐蚀有促进作用。因此,在铁质文物保护工作中,脱盐处  相似文献   

通过当前韩国对于海外华人四个方面的"似是而非"认识的分析,对华商网络的倾向与特征、建设韩民族网络等问题的探讨,得出结论:韩国华侨与韩国所理解的海外华人之间存在很大的差异;当代韩国政府希望能像中国充分发挥海外华人的优势那样,使海外韩人发展成为韩国在21世纪的新的成长动力并加以利用的认识是一种错误的"乐观判断";海外华人对祖国的向心力,不只是来自爱国情,更重要的是其生存保障与利益的实现;中韩两国的侨务政策存在区别,中国致力于"护侨",而韩国的目光集中于"用侨"。  相似文献   

This work presents several thermoluminescence (TL) dates of six archaeological sites located in the Andean valley of the Chacabuco River, central Patagonia. We discuss the advantages of this method to assess the chronology of human occupations, employing samples of lithic artefacts with evidence of fire exposure from surface contexts in the area. We compare the results with stratigraphic archaeological dating by 14C. We discuss these results in the context of previously formulated hypotheses on the past behaviour of the human population in this area.  相似文献   

论文分析探讨了近代新加坡华人基督教跨国网络的发展历程和近代华人基督教的跨国网络结构。认为近代新加坡华人基督教跨国网络大致可以分成三个发展阶段,它是在"基督教网络"与"华人网络"相互嵌入的过程中形成的,这个过程不是单方主导的结果,而是双向互为的。在这个中西交汇的网络结构中,"基督教网络"和"华人网络"分别成为对方可资利用的资源。一方面,基督教通过"华人网络"中的地缘、血缘等关系网络,扩大自己的影响和传播范围;另一方面,华人也利用"基督教网络"拓展了自己的生存空间。  相似文献   

陈华文 《民俗研究》2010,95(3):66-79
中国非物质文化遗产的申报与保护工作起步较晚,但由于自上而下在认识上的高度一致,加之政府的强力介入和推动,因此,工作效率非常之高,影响也非常之大。其中,关于分级申报制度的实行,为中国非物质文化遗产的名录制度的建立和完善,提供了最有力的保障。这种从县级至地市级再到省级,然后到国家级的分级递进式申报名录制度,保证了地域广阔、民族众多、文化多样的国家在非物质文化遗产申报与保护方面,做到有次序、有层次、有轻重缓急的特殊对待,为多民族国家的非物质文化遗产申报与保护,提供了一种值得借鉴的宝贵经验。  相似文献   

Extraction of protein residues from archaeological matrices, such as pottery clay, lithics, and grinding stones, has proven to be methodologically challenging. Protein residue analysis is fraught with technical challenges in analytical chemistry. In cooking pottery, protein residues are thought to bind to clay surfaces in vessel walls through a variety of primarily non-covalent interactions. Removal of protein residues requires the disruption of these interactions, and a diverse set of tools has been proposed and applied. Here, we test extraction procedures through varying combinations of physical parameters and solvents to derive an optimal approach yielding efficiencies of recovery from experimental pottery above 60%. The utility of our extraction approach was further validated through liquid chromatography?Cmass spectrometry analysis of experimental residues. We have identified several hurdles to developing a successful study of protein residues from pottery, each of which is surmountable with additional method development in the realm of archaeological chemistry.  相似文献   

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