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In this paper we use a small number of in-depth interviews with parents with primary school children to examine social mixing and friendship practices in two super-diverse North London boroughs. In these complex geographical contexts, characterized by gentrification processes and old and new migrations, we suggest that primary schools are convergent places where adults and children from different backgrounds are likely to meet and interact, and the paper explores the extent to which adults and children, thrown together in and through these sites, negotiate relationships with those who are differently socially and culturally situated to themselves. Informed by the interview narratives, the paper highlights the importance of focusing on the micro, quotidian ways in which differences in social and/or ethnic background shape those relationships and it explores some instances of the ways in which those differences are routinely encountered, managed and/or avoided. In this way the paper contributes theoretical and empirical nuance to current concerns around difference and diversity and the interactions of complex urban populations by ‘adding’ social class to everyday multiculture perspectives and everyday multiculture perspectives to urban middle class debates.  相似文献   

Having first met in 1835, John Stuart Mill and Alexis de Tocqueville began ‘an extremely interesting and mutually laudatory correspondence'; but their splendid friendship did not last. A popular thesis focuses on letters exchanged in 1840 to 1842 that reflect conflicting views on the Eastern Question and argues that Mill initiated the ‘strange interruption’. Given Mill's commitment to the ‘agreement of conviction and feeling on the few cardinal points of human opinion’ as a prerequisite of genuine friendship, such interpretation sounds plausible. However, circumstantial evidence, most notably Mill's willingness to have a frank discussion with Tocqueville on pending issues, contradicts the assertion that Mill was enraged by Tocqueville's 1841 letter. This essay suggests focusing attention on two additional cardinal differences between them—their contrasting views of François Guizot and confrontation vis-à-vis benevolent imperialism. Moreover, personal matters such as Harriet Taylor's dislike of Tocqueville and Mill's departure from the London and Westminster Review are also believed to have largely led to Mill discontinuing correspondence with Tocqueville.  相似文献   

作者生活在鸭绿江边,以幸遇鸭绿江而自慰、自豪、以满腔热情歌咏鸭绿江为己任。好诗疗疾——疗心灵之疾,读诗消暑,可以使人处于“清凉世界”。作者以江喻人,“江流向久远”,“清清洗我心”,是大江的奉献精神、牺牲精神、与世无争坦荡清廉的品格,启迪人生,从而净化思想,洗涤灵魂。作者以优美诗篇阐发亲近大自然、保护大自然的重要性和必要性。诗人丰富的想象力、诗中有画、语言的凝炼精美,显现《鸭绿江吟》突出的艺术成就。  相似文献   

19世纪七八十年代之交,以“实现关税自主”与“收回治外法权”为目标的日本修改条约交涉的经验,经由当时驻日的晚清第一任出使日本大臣何如璋介绍到中国及当时中国的藩属国朝鲜,成为剖析中国的不平等条约,以及朝鲜开港并与西方各国订立条约的重要参照系。虽然何如璋最终没能促成清政府像日本一样着手进行改约交涉,但是,他将中国的不平等条约问题明确定位在协定关税和治外法权两大关键性条款,是具有历史意义的。同时,何如璋以日本改约交涉为模式的订约策略,对于当时朝鲜与日本的关税交涉以及《朝美修好通商条约》的订立,均产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

<思潮志>立项已经近三年,三年来,<思潮志>的撰写一波三折,而此一波三折的过程则始终伴随着思考和探索,将其间的思考和实践书之于笔,借<清史研究>一席之地刊布,不仅可求教于学界各位前辈、同仁,而且可以为新修<清史>的纂修工程留下一纸文献.  相似文献   

Adding to the scholarship on early modern friendships, this article examines the friendship between the puritan preacher Thomas Gataker and the nonconformist cleric William Bradshaw. Despite their divergent careers and their distinct roles in puritan historiography, Gataker and Bradshaw shared an enduring affection and common concerns, with both men writing on the nature of magistracy, the international Protestant community, and the promotion of unity within the godly community. Outliving Bradshaw by thirty-six years, Gataker eventually turned to print to memorialize their friendship and to address wrongs inflicted on Bradshaw and his reputation. Gataker’s interventions included polemical pieces in the 1640s and a notable contribution to seventeenth-century biography or life writing. As in other early modern friendships, Gataker acted from a deep affection and a desire to protect his friend’s legacy, yet inseparable from these motives was his intent to edify the godly.  相似文献   

袁世凯对严修非常敬重,请严总理直隶学校司.严开拓进取,使直隶教育为各省之冠.清廷新设学部,袁荐严任侍郎.袁任总统,复请严为教育总长.袁氏诸子拜严为师.筹安会起,严进行了忠告.袁世凯死后,严与袁家仍长期保持友好往来.  相似文献   

Geographic engagement with Indigenous peoples remains inextricably linked to colonialism. Consequently, studying Indigenous geographies is fraught with ethical and political dilemmas. Participatory and community‐based research methods have recently been offered as one solution to address concerns about the politics of gathering, framing, producing, disseminating, and controlling knowledge about Indigenous peoples. In this article, we critically engage with the emergence of participatory and community‐based research methods as “best practice” for undertaking research into Indigenous geographies. We articulate four concerns with this form of research: a) dissent may be stifled by non‐Indigenous researchers’ investments in being “good”; b) claims to overcome difference and distance may actually retrench colonial research relations; c) the framing of particular methods as “best practices” risks closing down necessary and ongoing critique; and d) institutional pressures work against the development and maintenance of meaningful, accountable, and non‐extractive relations with Indigenous communities. We then contemplate the spatiality of the critique itself. We consider the ways in which our longstanding friendship, as researchers invested at multiple scales with Indigenous geographies and identities, provides its own distinct space of practice within which to confront the political and ethical challenges posed by research with/about/upon Indigenous geographies and peoples. While not arriving at any concrete template for undertaking research about Indigenous geographies, we suggest that certain friendships, established and situated outside research relationships, may be productive spaces within and through which research methods may be decolonized.  相似文献   

英美战时废约政策之异同与协调   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
与应付20世纪中的若干重大事件相似,抗战时期,英美在对待废除对华不平等条约问题上同样保持着协调的姿态。他们同时向中方作出展开谈判的提议,并提出了相差无几的条约草案,最后又在同一时间与中国签订了原则和措辞大体相同的新约,给世人以英美一体的感觉。本文通过对英美间往来电文的分析,指出英美确在总体上力求协调,并在全局上保持了同一步调,但他们之间又存在着很大的差异。在沿海贸易与内河航行权、经营商业的国民待遇及购置不动产等问题上,英美都存在着分歧。中关谈判的顺利进行在一定程度上对英国形成了压力,推动了中英谈判的进展。对此,英国颇多怨言。英美之间分歧的产生,其原因不只在于英美在华经济利益或英美国内体制上的差别,更深层的原因是,英美对于战后世界的勾画,对于中国角色的期待和定位都有着相当不同的认识。美国已经策划在一个新世界中充当领导角色,而英国则仍然怀念着一个已注定无法回复的旧世界。战时英美在对华政策上所呈现出的种种差异,其根源也在于此。  相似文献   

明治二十年代,以反对明治政府的条约改正案为契机,在日本兴起了一股反对极端欧化政策、主张保持日本国民性的思潮。陆羯南便是这股思潮中一位颇具影响的代表人物。在其所主持的《日本》等报纸上,陆羯南连续发表文章阐述了其所宣扬的国民主义的基本主张、宗旨等问题,呼吁日本国民在摄取欧美文明时,应该坚持日本的自主性,有选择地进行西化。  相似文献   

Dressmaking is a practice infused with historical significance which in the contemporary context of austerity has renewed social, cultural, economic, political and moral importance. Drawing on writing from across the social sciences we advance a geographical understanding of dressmaking by focusing on the themes of feminism and crafting practices, austerity, fashion and consumption, and friendship and encounters in order to theorise the everyday spatialities of contemporary crafting cultures. In doing so we argue that the recent return to dressmaking cannot be understood as an extension or repetition of historic practices but that contemporary dressmakers are claiming a history and geography of their own. To conclude, we argue that dressmaking and other related fabricultures have much to offer our understanding of austerity, feminism and friendship and thus merit further theoretical and empirical investigation.  相似文献   

北洋政府废约外交述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北洋政府在其统治时期,曾开展了一系列旨在废除不平等条约,收回国家权益,提高中国国际地位的外交活动,但过去史学界对此问题探讨不够,笔者不揣浅陋,拟作此尝试。  相似文献   

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