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The stability of regression coefficients over the observation set (“regional homogeneity”) is typically assessed by means of a Chow test or within a seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) framework. When spatial error autocorrelation is present in cross-sectional equations the traditional tests are no longer applicable. I evaluate this both in formal terms as well as empirically. I introduce a taxonomy of spatial effects in models for structural instability, and discuss its implication for testing. I compare the performance of traditional tests, robust approaches, maximum-likelihood procedures and pretest techniques by means of a series of simple Monte Carlo experiments.  相似文献   

One approach to dealing with spatial autocorrelation in regression analysis involves the filtering of variables in order to separate spatial effects from the variables’ total effects. In this paper we compare two filtering approaches, both of which allow spatial statistical analysts to use conventional linear regression models. Getis’ filtering approach is based on the autocorrelation observed with the use of the Gi local statistic. Griffith's approach uses an eigenfunction decomposition based on the geographic connectivity matrix used to compute a Moran's I statistic. Economic data are used to compare the workings of the two approaches. A final comparison with an autoregressive model strengthens the conclusion that both techniques are effective filtering devices, and that they yield similar regression models. We do note, however, that each technique should be used in its appropriate context.  相似文献   

This article compares multivariate spatial analysis methods that include not only multivariate covariance, but also spatial dependence of the data explicitly and simultaneously in model design by extending two univariate autocorrelation measures, namely Moran's I and Geary's c. The results derived from the simulation datasets indicate that the standard Moran component analysis is preferable to Geary component analysis as a tool for summarizing multivariate spatial structures. However, the generalized Geary principal component analysis developed in this study by adding variance into the optimization criterion and solved as a trace ratio optimization problem performs as well as, if not better than its counterpart the Moran principal component analysis does. With respect to the sensitivity in detecting subtle spatial structures, the choice of the appropriate tool is dependent on the correlation and variance of the spatial multivariate data. Finally, the four techniques are applied to the Social Determinants of Health dataset to analyze its multivariate spatial pattern. The two generalized methods detect more urban areas and higher autocorrelation structures than the other two standard methods, and provide more obvious contrast between urban and rural areas due to the large variance of the spatial component.  相似文献   

This paper investigates directional influences in the distribution of Bronze Age surface pottery in the northern Murghab Delta, Turkmenistan. Drawing upon a continuous dataset of pottery sherd counts obtained by intensive field survey, it examines the degree to which we can make sense of the archaeological processes at work in a heavily obstructed and dynamic landscape. In so doing, it makes use of two analytical methods that have rarely been used in archaeology: a) geostatistical analysis using variograms to investigate directional spatial autocorrelation in recorded sherd counts; and b) angular wavelet analysis in evaluating directional influences in the sherd distributions for particular chronological periods. While some kinds of directional influence can be identified visually, a quantitative approach is particularly useful in deconstructing such patterns. In this particular dataset, distinct but related directional processes can be identified and measured: a) the impact of the complex system of watercourses in the delta on both settlement and post-depositional processes; and b) recovery bias in the observations made during survey.  相似文献   

Employment density functions are estimated for 62 large metropolitan areas. Estimated gradients are statistically significant for distance from the nearest subcenter as well as for distance from the traditional central business district. Lagrange Multiplier (LM) tests imply significant spatial autocorrelation under highly restrictive ordinary least squares (OLS) specifications. The LM test statistics fall dramatically when the models are estimated using flexible parametric and nonparametric methods. The results serve as a warning that functional form misspecification causes spatial autocorrelation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Many databases involve ordered discrete responses in a temporal and spatial context, including, for example, land development intensity levels, vehicle ownership, and pavement conditions. An appreciation of such behaviors requires rigorous statistical methods, recognizing spatial effects and dynamic processes. This study develops a dynamic spatial‐ordered probit (DSOP) model in order to capture patterns of spatial and temporal autocorrelation in ordered categorical response data. This model is estimated in a Bayesian framework using Gibbs sampling and data augmentation, in order to generate all autocorrelated latent variables. It incorporates spatial effects in an ordered probit model by allowing for interregional spatial interactions and heteroskedasticity, along with random effects across regions or any clusters of observational units. The model assumes an autoregressive, AR(1), process across latent response values, thereby recognizing time‐series dynamics in panel data sets. The model code and estimation approach is tested on simulated data sets, in order to reproduce known parameter values and provide insights into estimation performance, yielding much more accurate estimates than standard, nonspatial techniques. The proposed and tested DSOP model is felt to be a significant contribution to the field of spatial econometrics, where binary applications (for discrete response data) have been seen as the cutting edge. The Bayesian framework and Gibbs sampling techniques used here permit such complexity, in world of two‐dimensional autocorrelation.  相似文献   

In many spatial analyses and GIS applications, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is often used to derive a variety of new variables and parameters. Previous research shows that the accuracy of derived variables is affected, not merely by the magnitude of DEM errors and the algorithms applied to derive these variables, but also by the spatial structure of DEM errors. However, the lack of knowledge and understanding of the spatial structure of DEM errors often handicaps the analysis of error propagation. This paper investigates the spatial autocorrelation and anisotropic pattern of DEM error by using directional variograms in the spatial domain and Fourier analysis in the frequency domain. Based on an empirical study, it is concluded that the spatial autocorrelation pattern of DEM errors is anisotropic and scale-dependent, and that the maximum direction and range of the autocorrelation depends upon the orientation and wavelength of the terrain features. For a smooth terrain, the magnitude of DEM errors is correlated to surface slope. For a rugged terrain, the elevation values in DEMs tend to be underestimated in ridges, and overestimated in valleys, but the correlation between the DEM error and surface slope is quite low.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Despite the refrain that housing prices are determined by “location, location, and location,” few studies of airport noise and housing prices have incorporated spatial econometric techniques. We compare various spatial econometric models and estimation methods in a hedonic price framework to examine the impact of noise on 2003 housing prices near the Atlanta airport. Spatial effects are best captured by a model including both spatial autocorrelation and autoregressive parameters estimated by a generalized moments approach. In our preferred model, houses located in an area in which noise disrupts normal activities (defined by a day–night sound level of 70–75 decibels) sell for 20.8 percent less than houses located where noise does not disrupt normal activities (defined by a day–night sound level below 65 decibels). The inclusion of spatial effects magnifies the negative price impacts of airport noise. Finally, after controlling for noise, houses farther from the airport sell for less; the price elasticity with respect to distance is −0.15, implying that airport proximity is an amenity.  相似文献   

Regression models are commonly applied in the analysis of transportation data. This research aims at broadening the range of methods used for this task by modeling the spatial distribution of bike-sharing trips in Cologne, Germany, applying both parametric regression models and a modified machine learning approach while incorporating measures to account for spatial autocorrelation. Independent variables included in the models consist of land use types, elements of the transport system and sociodemographic characteristics. Out of several regression models with different underlying distributions, a Tweedie generalized additive model is chosen by its values for AIC, RMSE, and sMAPE to be compared to an XGBoost model. To consider spatial relationships, spatial splines are included in the Tweedie model, while the estimations of the XGBoost model are modified using a geographically weighted regression. Both methods entail certain advantages: while XGBoost leads to far better values regarding RMSE and sMAPE and therefore to a better model fit, the Tweedie model allows an easier interpretation of the influence of the independent variables including spatial effects.  相似文献   

A fundamental concern of spatial analysts is to find patterns in spatial data that lead to the identification of spatial autocorrelation or association. Further, they seek to identify peculiarities in the data set that signify that something out of the ordinary has occurred in one or more regions. In this paper we provide a statistic that tests for local spatial autocorrelation in the presence of the global autocorrelation that is characteristic of heterogeneous spatial data. After identifying the structure of global autocorrelation, we introduce a new measure that may be used to test for local structure. This new statistic Oi is asymptotically normally distributed and allows for straightforward tests of hypotheses. We provide several numerical examples that illustrate the performance of this statistic and compare it with another measure that does not account for global structure.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the intraurban spatial distributions of population and employment in the agglomeration of Dijon (regional capital of Burgundy, France). We study whether this agglomeration has followed the general tendency of job decentralization observed in most urban areas or whether it is still characterized by a monocentric pattern. To that purpose, we use a sample of 136 observations at the communal and at the IRIS (infraurban statistical area) levels with 1999 census data and the employment database SIRENE (INSEE). First, we study the spatial pattern of total employment and employment density using exploratory spatial data analysis. Apart from the CBD, few IRIS are found to be statistically significant, a result contrasting with those found using standard methods of subcenter identification with employment cut‐offs. Next, in order to examine the spatial distribution of residential population density, we estimate and compare different specifications: exponential negative, spline‐exponential, and multicentric density functions. Moreover, spatial autocorrelation, spatial heterogeneity, and outliers are controlled for by using the appropriate maximum likelihood, generalized method of moments, and Bayesian spatial econometric techniques. Our results highlight again the monocentric character of the agglomeration of Dijon.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper describes an analysis of relationships between language, geography and material culture in the upper Sepik region of New Guinea. We used Mantel tests and principal coordinate analysis to assess and compare the associations between arrow and string bag crafts and language and geographical distance. The Mantel tests resulted in a significant association between each class’ craft variability and both geographical distance and language, however, after statistical control was applied to either of the independent variables only a significant association with geographical distance remained. We argue that these results indicate craft techniques were readily disseminated and that craft distributions are unlikely to reflect any deeper historical relationships between groups. The spatial autocorrelation of arrow crafts was particularly great. A comparison of the principal coordinate analysis plots indicates a greater degree of diffusion and synthesis had taken place between lowland and highland arrow craft traditions. We conclude that the more intensive learning regimes needed to master string bag craft techniques, as well as a greater degree of interdependence between string bag components, had ensured more abrupt differences between bag types resulting in a more moderate degree of spatial autocorrelation.  相似文献   

Spatial autocorrelation (SA) is regarded as an important dimension of spatial pattern. SA measures usually consist of two components: measuring the similarity of attribute values and defining the spatial relationships among observations. The latter component is often represented by a spatial weights matrix that predefines spatial relationship between observations in most measures. Therefore, SA measures, in essence, are measures of attribute similarity, conditioned by spatial relationship. Another dimension of spatial pattern can be explored by controlling observations to be compared based upon the degree of attribute similarity. The resulting measures are spatial proximity measures of observations, meeting predefined attribute similarity criteria. Proposed measures reflect degrees of clustering or dispersion for observations meeting certain levels of attribute similarity. An existing spatial autocorrelation framework is expanded to a general framework to evaluate spatial patterns and can accommodate the proposed approach measuring proximity. Analogous to the concept of variogram, clustergram is proposed to show the levels of spatial clustering over a range of attribute similarity, or attribute lags. Specific measures based on the proposed approach are formulated and applied to a hypothetical landscape and an empirical example, showing that these new measures capture spatial pattern information not reflected by traditional spatial autocorrelation measures.  相似文献   

In retrospect it is the word "problem" in the title that seems most remarkable about the Cliff and Ord article. Spatial autocorrelation is indeed a problem in standard inferential statistics, which was developed to handle controlled experiments, when these methods are used to generalize from natural experiments. From the perspective of geographic information science, however, spatial dependence is a defining characteristic of geographic data that makes many of the functions of geographic information systems possible. The almost universal presence of spatial heterogeneity in such data also argues against generalization and is made explicit in the recent development of place-based analytic techniques. The final section argues for a new approach to the teaching of quantitative methods in the environmental and social sciences that treats natural experiments, spatial dependence, and spatial heterogeneity as the norm.  相似文献   

The problems of model specification in one- and two-dimensional stationary random fields are considered, with particular reference to the class of spatial autoregressions. The role of the autocorrelation function is discussed and it is shown to have a valuable exploratory use, especially in identifying directional bias in random fields. It is recommended that this analysis be supplemented by a likelihood-ratio test, which permits more precise tests of hypotheses about the form of the underlying model.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper, we suggest a framework that allows testing simultaneously for temporal heterogeneity, spatial heterogeneity, and spatial autocorrelation in β‐convergence models. Based on a sample of 145 European regions over the 1980–1999 period, we estimate a Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model with spatial regimes and spatial autocorrelation for two sub‐periods: 1980–1989 and 1989–1999. The assumption of temporal independence between the two periods is rejected, and the estimation results point to the presence of spatial error autocorrelation in both sub‐periods and spatial instability in the second sub‐period, indicating the formation of a convergence club between the peripheral regions of the European Union.  相似文献   

The influence in spatial epidemiology of the seminar work on autocorrelation by Cliff and Ord is discussed. Quantifying the evidence of spatial clustering was an important step in the development of modern statistical methods for analyzing spatial variations of diseases. Autocorrelation is nowadays mostly accounted for at a latent level within a hierarchical framework to small area disease mapping. The importance of accounting for autocorrelation in geographical correlation studies is also reviewed.  相似文献   

We review the recently developed local spatial autocorrelation statistics Ii, ci, Gi, and Gi*. We discuss two alternative randomization assumptions, total and conditional, and then newly derive expectations and variances under conditional randomization for Ii and ci, as well as under total randomization for ci. The four statistics are tested by a biological simulation model from population genetics in which a population lives on a 21 × 21 lattice of stepping stones (sixty-four individuals per stone) and reproduces and disperses over a number of generations. Some designs model global spatial autocorrelation, others spatially random surfaces. We find that spatially random designs give reliable test results by permutational methods of testing significance. Globally autocorrelated designs do not fit expectations by any of the three tests we employed. Asymptotic methods of testing significance failed consistently, regardless of design. Because most biological data sets are autocorrelated, significance testing for local spatial autocorrelation is problematic. However, the statistics are informative when employed in an exploratory manner. We found that hotspots (positive local autocorrelation) and coldspots (negative local autocorrelation) are successfully distinguished in spatially autocorrelated, biologically plausible data sets.  相似文献   

Based on a large number of Monte Carlo simulation experiments on a regular lattice, we compare the properties of Moran's I and Lagrange multiplier tests for spatial dependence, that is, for both spatial error autocorrelation and for a spatially lagged dependent variable. We consider both bias and power of the tests for six sample sizes, ranging from twenty-five to 225 observations, for different structures of the spatial weights matrix, for several underlying error distributions, for misspecified weights matrices, and for the situation where boundary effects are present. The results provide an indication of the sample sizes for which the asymptotic properties of the tests can be considered to hold. They also illustrate the power of the Lagrange multiplier tests to distinguish between substantive spatial dependence (spatial lag) and spatial dependence as a nuisance (error autocorrelation).  相似文献   

基于空间自相关和时空扫描统计量的聚集比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
聚集是区域经济研究中的重点问题之一,而聚集定位问题又是深入分析聚集需要解决的首要问题。由于聚集具有高度的尺度敏感性,采用空间自相关方法分析时,尺度选择容易受研究者主观判断的影响,而且空间自相关方法也未考虑聚集的时间特征。与之相比,Kulldorff等学者提出的扫描统计量方法表现出了明显的优势。研究探索性地选用浙江省各市、县工业从业人口的聚集问题,从尺度选择、尺度转换和时空融合三个方面,比较了空间自相关和时空扫描统计量方法在探测聚集问题上的差异性,进而证实了时空扫描统计量方法不仅有效解决了人为选择尺度的偏倚问题,实现了尺度推绎、转换的自动化,而且更加有利地融合了立体、动态、多尺度的时空分析优势。  相似文献   

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