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“查士丁尼瘟疫”考辩   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈志强 《世界历史》2006,(1):120-124
公元6世纪中期,在东地中海地区曾爆发过一次大瘟疫,由于时当皇帝查士丁尼一世统治,后人因此称其为“查士丁尼瘟疫”。有关这次瘟疫的史料主要来自当时的作家普罗柯比。他在其著名的《战记》一书中比较详细生动地记载了这次瘟疫爆发和在首都君士坦丁堡流行的情况。然而,有些学者  相似文献   

"查士丁尼瘟疫"影响初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
“查士丁尼瘟疫”是地中海世界爆发的第一次大规模鼠疫,造成的损失极为严重。但是此次瘟疫对拜占庭帝国的破坏程度还没有得到充分认识,其极高的死亡率不仅使拜占庭帝国人口下降明显,劳动力和兵力锐减,正常生活秩序受到严重扰乱,进而产生了深远的社会负面后果,而且对拜占庭帝国、地中海、欧洲的历史发展都产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

公元6世纪中期,地中海世界爆发了史称"查士丁尼瘟疫"的第一次鼠疫,然而,部分现代拜占廷史学家对此却出现了"失语"现象,他们虽然对相关史料非常熟悉,但对这一事件却未能给予足够重视。这种无意识"失忆"的原因在于生态环境问题尚未成为其所处时代的主题,学者大多关注查士丁尼一世推行的内外政策,而没有注意此次"天灾"造成的严重后果。现代拜占廷学家在历史研究中的这种价值选择、判断和取向表明,人们力图通过历史研究再现已经逝去的生活记忆,但却总是自觉或不自觉地选择着各自的回忆,同时意味着某种程度的"失忆"。  相似文献   

何平 《文史月刊》2003,(11):42-44
“恐慌和骚乱笼罩在君士坦丁堡的街道上,死亡的人是如此之多,每天多达1万人。最后,君士坦丁堡市内竟连摆放尸体的地方都找不到了。当这场瘟疫最后平息下来,君士坦丁堡40%的人口已死去。”拜占庭历史学家普罗科匹厄斯(AD500—565)这样记叙发生在罗马帝国时期的欧洲历史上的第一次鼠疫。这场瘟疫当时被称为查士丁尼瘟疫,以此时君士坦丁堡为首都的罗马帝国皇帝而得名。鼠疫首先于公元540年在埃及爆发,两年以后,鼠疫传播到君士坦丁堡,导致地中海东部沿岸约1/4的人口死亡,然后又扩散至西欧。在其后两个世纪中,瘟疫又多次肆虐欧洲。鼠疫的致病和…  相似文献   

文献法与口述法的结合运用,能够更大程度地赋予普通民众阐释自身历史的权力,推进宏观论证与微观调研、量化研究与质性分析的同步进行,不仅有助于挖掘新史料,还能够拓宽研究视野、提供新的研究方法。对“文革”史研究具有突破性的意义。  相似文献   

黎虎 《史学集刊》2006,(4):13-21
在论证魏晋南北朝时期“吏户”问题时,论者提出了一系列相关说法,例如一经为吏,便“世代为吏”,因而“吏户”具有“世袭性”;“吏户”必须解除“吏名”或“吏籍”才能获得解脱而上升成为“民户”(平民);“吏”经常遭受长官的鞭打、虐待,表明“吏”的身份十分卑贱;“吏户”的数量非常多,如东晋时仅“司徒吏”就有二十余万等等。这些说法并不符合客观历史实际,有的是曲解史料。由此可见用“吏户”论的观点是难以解释魏晋南北朝时期的相关文献记载的,它几乎与这个时期的相关史料相互矛盾,无法自圆其说。原因就在于“吏户”论并非客观存在的历史实际的真实反映。  相似文献   

查士丁尼与波斯帝国之间的战争原因很复杂,既有历史上的大国争霸原因,如波斯与希腊之间的希波战争、波斯与罗马之间的争霸战争;也有现实的查士丁尼政治、经济和宗教政策的原因,它是两大帝国之间诸多矛盾激化的直接产物。而战争都以双方签订停战协定、查士丁尼为波斯提供巨额年金而结束,查士丁尼把解决波斯问题的任务留给了后人。  相似文献   

查士丁尼(527—565)在历史上最大的荣誉在于他为后代遗留下了一部巨大的《罗马民法汇编》,它成为人类历史上的重要的财富,正像《拿破仑法典》那样为欧洲各个资产阶级国家立法的依据。本文试就查士丁尼编纂法典的原因、性质及其重要意义进行初步的探讨。一查士丁尼编纂法典的主要原因东罗马帝国皇帝查士丁尼所以能够普遍地获得声誉,主要在于他的立法工作,只有这项工作才是完全地显露出他的惊人的组织才能。他为什么要编纂法典?其主要原因何  相似文献   

民国历史档案的研究与利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、档案是最重要的史料 史料是研究历史的原料,自从有了人类历史,就产生了大量的各种形式的历史资料并有相当部分遗存下来,这就是我们今天所能看到的史料。梁启超曾说:“史料者何?过去人类思想行事所留之痕迹有证据传留至今日者也”。①由于历史的基本特征是已经逝去的客观存在,它既不可能再现,也不会重演,因此,史学家只能依靠众多的反映以往历史的史料为中介,研究历史和认识历史,史料就成为历史研究的基础和依据。可以说,如果没有史料,就没有历史学,历史研究也将成为无米之炊。 史料从其来源形式上,可以划分为文字记录史料…  相似文献   

咸丰朝以降,作为清廷谋求增进团练功效的产物,"团练大臣"始终与王朝危机相随而行,承载着非同一般的社会动员(办团)和社会控制(防剿)的使命。作为深化团练研究的题中应有之义,对"团练大臣"的活动及其对地方权力结构和政治生态产生的影响进行系统深入的考察,不但有助于理解清政府与太平天国对抗态势的演变,亦将推进对咸同时期官绅关系及其未来走向的认识,从而为深入体察晚清国家与社会的复杂关系提供了新的视角和素材。鉴于今人对于晚清"团练大臣"的认知与其历史角色颇不相符,有必要系统梳理和评述中外学界的"团练大臣"研究,并就如何推进从史料和方法上提出若干思考,期能为后来者提供必要的借鉴。  相似文献   

The authors present a case of Morvan's fibrillary chorea. We compare this observation with cases in the past such as the "mal des ardents", the plague of Athens, acrodynia and the epidemic of Pont St Esprit which were all characterized clinically by pain, burning sensations, hallucinations and insomnia. Since aetiological aspects remain uncertain, the similarity in clinical observations establishes a close relationship between the "mal des ardents" and the clinical features of our patient.  相似文献   

曹树基 《近代史研究》2012,(2):65-75,160,161
1944—1947年滇西鼠疫之流行,在当时被认为源于缅甸境内,或源于日军的细菌战。但1940年代公共卫生调查的证据并不能支撑这一结论,而1950年代的疫情调查,也没有认同这一说法。在1950年代中期鼠疫自然疫源地理论形成之前,人们对于一个地区鼠疫疫情的寂灭与复活,相当不解,遂将鼠疫疫情归咎为境外缅甸或日军散布的细菌。当时的调查员,为了使其调查符合这一预设的主题,不惜强解调查资料。这一研究中的缺失,为近年来鼠疫史研究中民族主义思潮的崛起,埋下了伏笔。  相似文献   

The commonly accepted understanding of modern human plague epidemics has been that plague is a disease of rodents that is transmitted to humans from black rats, with rat fleas as vectors. Historians have assumed that this transmission model is also valid for the Black Death and later medieval plague epidemics in Europe. Here we examine information on the geographical distribution and population density of the black rat (Rattus rattus) in Norway and other Nordic countries in medieval times. The study is based on older zoological literature and on bone samples from archaeological excavations. Only a few of the archaeological finds from medieval harbour towns in Norway contain rat bones. There are no finds of black rats from the many archaeological excavations in rural areas or from the inland town of Hamar. These results show that it is extremely unlikely that rats accounted for the spread of plague to rural areas in Norway. Archaeological evidence from other Nordic countries indicates that rats were uncommon there too, and were therefore unlikely to be responsible for the dissemination of human plague. We hypothesize that the mode of transmission during the historical plague epidemics was from human to human via an insect ectoparasite vector.  相似文献   

"文化大革命"是中共党史研究者极为关注的重要研究课题.随着科研环境的优化及相关史料的涌现,关于"文化大革命"成因的研究呈现出欣欣向荣的可喜局面.对"文化大革命"成因问题的研究状况做一回顾与评述,将有助于"文化大革命"史研究的深入.  相似文献   

《四库全书》乾隆谕旨平议(续)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为《四库全书总目·卷首》乾隆二十五道谕旨是编纂《四库全书》的指导思想和总纲。因此,对这二十五道谕旨进行一番剖析,可知其编纂《四库全书》的基本目的是始终不脱离其宣杨封建思想、文化,维护封建统治这一宗旨,并因此而使许多典籍惨遭厄运。同时又在客观上使中国文化典籍得到了保存和流传。中肯地评价二十五道谕旨,能了解其某些文化政策和书籍编纂思想,有助于对其思想研究的进一步深入。  相似文献   

遗产学或遗产旅游学的"遗产"名称来源于一般生活常规的"遗产"名称,实物形态为财产,两者之间既有相同及重迭的部分,又有不同的特征。遗产学或遗产旅游学并不仅仅着眼于其权属、经济价值和使用价值,而是着眼于遗产的历史、艺术、科学和审美等文化价值,关注遗产的保护和传承,从不同的视角和标准可对遗产作不同的分级和分类。遗产学专家的长期论证表明,"遗产"一词较为贴近遗产学或遗产旅游学学科的特点和研究的对象。  相似文献   

Richard Black 《对极》2003,35(1):34-54
The study of refugees by geographers and other social scientists is, almost by definition, framed around a series of legal categories, which provide us with more or less neat categories of types of involuntary migrants. Yet the process of migration emerges in relation to legal categories and is not simply dictated by them. Thus, as legislation on migration in general and the interpretation of the 1951 Geneva Convention in particular have become more restrictive, patterns of migration have increasingly emerged that manipulate, circumvent or simply break existing legislation.
This paper examines the responses by researchers in geography and related disciplines to asylum–seeking and other forms of migration that are increasingly categorised as "illegal" as a result of recent European policy developments. Specifically, the potential for participatory and/or emancipatory research in such circumstances is explored, through comparative analysis of the ethical issues involved in radical research on a range of "trafficking" scenarios. The interaction of such research with public policy–making is also examined.  相似文献   

宋徽宗赵佶在绘画史中是一位承先启后的不朽人物。对于他的作品历来就有代笔之说,且流传至今的遗作为数有限,而其中精美之作亦往往被鉴家定为“代笔和御题画”。故宫博物院珍藏的赵佶之作皆被视为非赵佶的“亲笔”。作者有感于此,乃重新学习有关文献记载及当代论画名著,略有体会,因而提出个人的不同认识,特别对于《听琴图》提出了为赵佶“真笔”的七条论据,为研究赵佶“真笔”提供参考意见。  相似文献   

Peter North  Ulli Huber† 《对极》2004,36(5):963-984
The ongoing instability in Argentina that emerged from the December 2001 uprising in Buenos Aires (the "Argentinazo") has been one of the highest profile examples in recent years of reaction to the economic "disciplining" of a country. For enthusiasts, this reaction has been resistance, an upsurge against neoliberalisation by people conscious of what was happening and with alternative conceptions of how things should be ( Aufheben 2003 ; Carrera and Cotarelo 2003 ; Dinerstein 2002 ; Galeano 2002 ; Harman 2002 ; "IM" 2002 ; Klein 2003a , 2003b ; MAS 2002 ; Ollier 2003 ). Subaltern resistances such as those developed by Argentines have been the subject of much geographical writing on resistance in recent years ( Castells 1997 ; Leyshon, Lee and Williams 2003 ; Pile and Keith 1997 ; Sharp et al 2000 ). This paper addresses the range of actions, or "action repertoire"( Tarrow 1998 :20–21), of the Argentinazo to examine the extent to which alternative material and discursive "convergence spaces"( Routledge 2003 ) of political engagement emerged both as resistance to, and articulating a coherent alternative to, neoliberalism.  相似文献   

Gill Valentine 《对极》1998,30(4):305-332
Over recent months I have received silent phone calls and malicious homophobic mail that has referred to my sexual identity, my research, my teaching, and my position within the discipline of Geography, and I have been "outed" as a lesbian to my parents. This paper attempts to unpack these experiences: first, by examining the different processes (all of which play upon the mutual constitution of my academic self and sexual self) through which my harasser has sought to exclude me from the discipline of Geography; second, by exploring the geography of this harassment—focusing on how malicious letters/calls can disrupt meanings of place, particularly the way that personal geographies can be taken for granted until they are transgressed; third, by considering geographies of the law. Finally, the paper reflects onthe mutual constitution of my sexual identity, geographical research and writing, academic identity as a geographer, and the discipline of Geography itself.  相似文献   

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