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An analysis of evaporation changes in the Central Asian plain in connection with the drop of the Aral Sea level beginning in 1961 shows that there has been a reduction in evaporation from stream valleys and deltas and an increase in evaporation from irrigated land and newly formed evaporating surfaces. These new entities are primarily the Arnasay depression (west of the Golodnaya Steppe irrigation district) and the Sarykamysh depression (west of the lower reaches of the Amudarya), which have become filled with spent irrigation water draining from the irrigated land. Another new source of evaporation associated with human activity are the lakes and wetlands formed along the Kara Kum Canal as a result of the filtration of canal water. It turns out, furthermore, that irrigation on sloping piedomon plains, such as those watered by the Kara Kum Canal, requires more water than in old irrigated alluvial plains because of the additional water needed to flush salt out of the soil and to fill subsoil cavities and raise the watertable.  相似文献   

Summary. Archaeology has long operated from the premise that there was a diverse and ornate organic 'clothing' on the 'dry skeleton' of the past which evades excavation. This paper evaluates the evidence from recent wetlands excavations and considers the implications of the paucity of organic containers found, and the lack of decoration on recovered organic materials, in Britain. It is argued that this negative evidence has important ramifications for our understanding of production and the classification of 'things' in later prehistoric societies. These issues can obviously not be addressed without considering the wealth of organic artifacts recovered at Glastonbury and an extended discussion of its material culture assemblage is included. In conclusion it is stressed that by its relative invisibility 'organic archaeology' has been prone to our normative projections onto the past. The role played by organic goods cannot be understood as being constant and can only be appreciated within their broader archaeological context.  相似文献   

Flowers blossom amid the green grass, with leaves irrigated by dew and roots scented by butter." This best describes what awaits the visitor to Garze Tibet Ethnic Group Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province.Garze, covering 153,001.91 square km, was the first autonomous prefecture ever established in China. It exercises jurisdiction over 18 counties, with a population of 880,000, some 75.68 of them being Tibetan and the remainder Han, Yi, Hui, Qiang and Naxi. In this special issue, we i…  相似文献   

周黎明   《世界》2008,(5):170-171
鸟的飞翔,时而舒缓,时而急迫,舒缓时是人类的朋友,为我们的天空点缀上自由的梦想:急迫时是人类的天敌,让莫名的灾难从天而降。  相似文献   

本刊驻比利时特派记者任彦音乐会上的特殊听众比利时布鲁塞尔皇家音乐学院音乐厅是一座富丽堂皇的艺术殿堂,在这儿听音乐会,心情总是十分愉悦。可最近这次,我的心里十分忐忑,因为听众中有很多是监狱里的犯人。我环顾四周,却没有发现狱警或囚服。大家都沉浸在莫扎特、海顿、巴赫等知名音乐家的经典曲目中,不时报以掌声。这样的音乐会已举办了20多场。每年,比利时法务部会挑选一些表现良好的囚犯,给他们发放24小时的特赦令。这些囚犯除了参加一场音乐会,还可自由活动。  相似文献   

方圆 《世界》2008,(1):38-47
出国采访并不如大多数人想像的那样,是自由、惬意又有人买单的超完美旅行,其辛苦不为人知。即便这样,我们仍然将美好的片段向你呈现。并推荐几个采访者喜欢的东西和地方。  相似文献   

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浙江读者陈开复尊敬的《世界》全体编辑们:偶然的机会在报刊亭看到贵杂志,一发不可收拾,现在已经收集了从创刊号到今年2月的所有杂志。我是一个热爱旅游的人,虽然世界广袤,无数瑰丽的景观还没有机会——造访,但你们的杂志如撩拨人心的芳香剂,让头脑清晰,让视野开阔,点燃出行的渴望。纵观从7月创刊号到最新一期,风格更加统一,文字也越来越具有可读性,更加言之有物。但是如2007年8月号《你去度假,老板会疯吗》那样新奇有趣的文章,我仍然期待能看到。我也是一个工作忙碌的人,看到那篇文章非常有  相似文献   

正In June 2018, China's Tibet organized a group of journalists to travel to several counties within Chamdo,including such places as the city of Chamdo itself and the counties of Jomda, Gonjo, and Markham, and it was in these places that they were to conduct interviews with the local people.Despite advanced technology and convenient transportation becoming introduced to the region, Tibet is still an unknown land of mystery to many around the world.The geography of Tibet certainly does a lot to  相似文献   

KIKI  娜娜 《世界》2008,(9):30-33
我们已经可以非常平静地接受这个事实:在旅途中,必须使用各种各样的瓶瓶罐罐洗脸、护理、去角质甚至敷面膜,但是,你不会以为护理就是这么点颜面功夫吧?注意:双脚正在暴露你生活的真实质量。  相似文献   

中东流行植物“防毒”。法国40岁高铁退役在全球新冠肺炎疫情不断扩散的情况下,许多埃及朋友一脸认真和严肃地劝我饮用“阿尔格苏斯”泡的水。这是一种食用植物,有“甘草”的意思,状如铺散开的枯草,或被打得半碎的柔软麦秆儿,其貌不扬,甚至有些丑陋,但喝起来甜丝丝的,口感不错。我查阅了阿拉伯语权威百科,发现原来它还真有改善和提升呼吸道功能的明显效果,拿来泡水喝,可以扩大肺活量、预防感冒、减少上呼吸道感染的概率等。  相似文献   

11月29日,深夜11时许,台北市南京东路跟吉林路门旁的窄道,人迹寥落,只剩三两工人静默拆卸舞台。难以想象一个多小时前,这短短的窄道,曾挤入上万的群众。这些都是新任市长柯文哲的拥趸,在此欢庆柯文哲大胜连战长公子连胜义文25万票。  相似文献   

本刊驻韩国待派记者陈尚文“军界线小学”的毕业典礼近日,在朝韩非军事区内唯一的学校--韩国京畿道台城洞小学,5名学生迎来了毕业典礼。学校位于韩国台城洞自由村,是韩国最北部的村庄,离板门店只有1公里,离韩朝军事分界线仅有400米距离,普通韩国公民一般不能入内。村中共有230多名村民,但村内外到处都是军人、钢丝围栏、军队的检查站和反坦克路障,美国前总统克林顿曾将这里称为“地球上最可怕的地方”。  相似文献   

本刊驻比利时特派记者任彦荷兰人“跳海”迎新年“3、2、1,跳……”随着倒计时的结束,身穿泳装的男女老少冲破警戒线,像脱缰的野马向大海奔去。新年伊始,荷兰席凡宁根海滩,上万人冲进冰冷刺骨的海水中,大多数人“湿身”之后马上以最快的速度折返,但也有不少人冬泳一会儿再返回海滩。尖叫声、欢呼声不绝于耳,场面蔚为壮观。荷兰的“跳海”迎新年活动始于1960年,当时只是一个游泳倶乐部的小活动,意在用勇气战胜寒冷,热情拥抱新的一年。后来参加的人越来越多,如今已经成为荷兰辞旧迎新的一项传统活动。2020年,全荷兰“跳海”地点有127处,总共有6万多人参加。  相似文献   

出国采访并不如大多数人想像的那样,是自由、惬意又有人买单的超完美旅行,其辛苦不为人知。即便这样,我们仍然将美好的片段向你呈现。并推荐几个采访者喜欢的东西和地方。  相似文献   

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