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王思杨 《神州》2011,(9):37-37,39
基因工程已经用于人类克隆并因此引起了极大的关注和争议。比如道德灾难、基因歧视以及转基因产品的不确定性。因此人类克隆应该受到限制,用于治疗目的的人类克隆应该严格受控。  相似文献   

<正>The expression Rnying Ma-pa means "ancient" or "old".The Rnying Ma-pa sect maintained that it is ancient because Pad-ma vbyung-gnas established its doctrines in the 8th century,about three hundred years earlier than the origin of Tibetan Buddhism’s other sects.With regard to "old",the Rnying Ma-pa sect claimed to focus on the teachings of Old Tantric Mysticism,basically those translated during the Tubo period. The division of Tibetan Buddhism into various sects differed from that of Hinayana and Mahayana in Indian Buddhism.The separation of Hinayana into eighteen schools was  相似文献   

1. The present situation and structure of the income of peasants and herdsmen Before tackling the topic of Tibetan peasants and herdsmen's increasing income, one should have an overall understanding of their income level and have a clear view of its structure and sources. Only by grasping this basic data correctly and accurately, can we form an objective and just conclusion that can be accepted not only by the academic circles but also the decision-makers.  相似文献   

<正>There are two names for the Bkav brgyud sect:Bkav brgyud and Dkar brgyud."Dkar brgyud"means the"white transmission lineage"("White Religion")and"Bkav brgyud",the"oral tradition lineage".Dkar brgyud gained its name because to follow dharma,the sect’s founders,Marpa and Mila ras pa,both wore the white cotton clothing of the ascetic.(See the Chinese translation of the History and Doctrines of the Different Buddhist Sects by Thub Kuan,p.52.)The Tibetan monks who at that time practiced dharma usually wore the same white  相似文献   

上帝的灵在水面上运行的时候,灵感突发,于是,就改写了宇宙的历史。“要有光。”上帝的声音在亘古洪荒中回荡,于是绚丽多彩的光就从黑暗中诞生了。就这样,上帝只用了六天时间创造了世界及其万物,并按自己的模样用泥土创造了人类始祖亚当,将其安置在伊甸园里。  相似文献   

现阶段,随着房地产行业的飞速发展,建筑工程的数量也不断增加.人们对于房建施工质量要求越来越高,那么建筑企业为了能够达到这一点,就需要积极地开展现场监理工作,在保证质量的基础上,来获得更多的经济收益,推动社会稳定向前发展,为人们营造一个良好的生活、生产环境.  相似文献   

杨晓峰 《神州》2013,(27):155
为国际商务交易沟通的重要形式,商务信函的重要性逐渐被大众认可。适当的商业信函翻译能促进国际商业发展。为适应国际商务活动更加频繁的需要,商务人员应当切实掌握翻译信函的基本技能。鉴于商务信函的鲜明特点,本文从商务信函的选词、句式、语篇风格三方面剖析其具体特点,并结合商务信函翻译的原则,有针对性地探讨商务信函在词汇、句式、语篇方面的具体翻译技巧,从而实现商务信函适当的翻译目的。  相似文献   

王桂凤 《神州》2013,(9):51-52
Modern social practice has triggered transformation of thinking mode, developed creative thinking ways with distinct characteristics of the times of systematic analysis and comprehensive combination, like multi-dimensional and unidirectional and multidirectional combinations, fuzzy with a combination of clarity, combining qualitative and quantitative analysis, three-dimensional thinking, comprehensive thinking and backward thinking, strategic thinking and divergent thinking. The broad application of modern creative thinking makes the traditional way of thinking get the best solution to the complex problems in the past.  相似文献   

Shen Zhengping, professor at the College of Urban and Environmental Science, Xuzhou Normal University, obtained his PHD in Human Geography in Nanjing University. Currently, Professor Shen is the dean of college of urban and environmenfal science  相似文献   

郁心 《山茶》2011,(10):22-22
8月号《人与机器人》一文中,给人印象比较深刻的是Actroid—DER在卡内基梅隆大学的改造。改造之前。“她”自我介绍说“我看起来就跟人类一样,是不是”;改造之后。“她”会说“我不是人类!我永远无法跟你们完全一样…我喜欢当机器人”。人们对她的这一进步十分赞赏。两种完全不同的表达方式,隐藏在其中的深层意味是人类对机器人在潜意识中的恐惧:害怕它们将会脱离人类的控制乃至于取代人类、灭亡人类。  相似文献   

This essay frames a number of individual contributions on the subject of visa stories. The author considers the issues raised by these contributors in terms of human rights, structural violence and ethical globalisation. The contributions to this Forum sharply delineate the contrasting capacity of archaeologists from different countries to participate in international scholarly discussions. If we are to tackle the challenges of a more ethical globalisation, we need to integrate a human rights framework into our practices and policies, with a consequent emphasis on shared responsibilities.
Resumen Este ensayo enmarca las diversas aportaciones individuales entorno a las historias sobre visados. La autora tiene en cuenta las cuestiones planteadas por estos autores en relación con los derechos humanos, la violencia estructural y la globalización ética. Las aportaciones a este Forum delinean con gran agudeza la capacidad contrastada de los arqueólogos de diversos países de participar en discusiones eruditas a escala internacional. Si debemos abordar los desafíos de una globalización más ética, es necesario que integremos un marco de derechos humanos en nuestras prácticas y nuestras políticas, con el consiguiente énfasis en las responsabilidades compartidas.

Résumé Cet essai est pour synthétiser les contributions individuelles concernant les histoires d’obtention de visas. L’auteur considère les questions soulevées par ces histoires, en termes de droits humains, de violence structurée (injustices dans les procédures administratives), et de la globalisation de l’éthique. Les contributions à ce forum font ressortir clairement le contraste entre les capacités qui existent, selon le pays d’origine des archéologues, de participer à des rencontres académiques internationales. Si nous voulons relever le défit de développer une éthique plus globale, nous devons intégrer la conception des droits humains dans notre pratique et nos politiques, avec comme conséquence, une emphase sur le partage des responsabilités.

Claire Smith is President of the World Archaeological Congress, and Associate Professor at Flinders University, Australia. Her recent books include ‘Indigenous Archaeologies: Decolonising Archaeological Theory and Method (co-edited with H.M. Wobst, Routledge, 2005) and ‘Digging it up Down Under. A Practical Guide to Doing Archaeology in Australia’ (co-authored by H. Burke, Springer, 2007).  相似文献   

经济全球化与党的建设面临的新课题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙发平 《攀登》2001,20(Z1):111-114
经济全球化趋势正日益深刻地影响着世界和中国的发展.如何适应这一历史性变革,对于处在执政地位的中国共产党的建设提出了严峻的挑战,这不仅是关系到执政党应变能力和领导权威的大问题,而且是关系到党和国家前途命运的大问题.  相似文献   

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