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阳明心学的世俗化伦理观蕴含着诸多间接和直接有助于商人伦理转换和建构的思想及其依据,这些思想主要包括:良知说;"体用一原"论;"百姓日用即道";理欲观、公私观及其唯我论,尤其是"新四民观"和"贾服儒行"论。阳明心学的世俗化伦理观为明清徽商伦理思想的转换和建构提供了诸多理论和思想来源,帮助他们实现了传统商人伦理的转换和新伦理的建构。  相似文献   

王裕明 《安徽史学》2015,(3):123-128
宋元时期徽州商人十分活跃。徽商萌芽于两宋,兴起于蒙元。徽商兴起的根本原因,是由徽州经济结构决定的,而非所谓的地理、文化因素。宋元时期徽州商人的活动,加快徽州地方物产商品化,促进徽州人口流徙,推动徽州社会阶层分化。该时期的徽州商人属于专业商人,在经营过程中,获得大量财富,改变了徽州人的职业观,激起时人对四民观的审思;改变了自身和徽州经济面貌,形成区域经济中的徽州模式。宋元时期的徽州商人是明清徽商的基础。  相似文献   

段超 《史学月刊》1999,(2):25-29
文章详细地叙述了明清商业文化中儒家伦理精神的多种表现,较为全面地分析了儒家伦理精神渗透于商业文化中的原因,并就明清商业文化的儒家伦理化所产生的社会影响提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

民国徽州家谱的族规家训所见职业观的变迁是革新与保守并存,保守多于革新.从职业观变化的内容看,主要是废除了以士为先和走科举取士的条文,主张让子弟接受新式教育和适者生存的职业观,传统职业观中有关农工商等职业的内容变化不大.究其根源,主要在于民国时期徽州的近现代工商业发展缓慢,传统职业观的革新缺乏社会经济发展的有力基础,传统的农工商业仍是多数人谋生的主要手段.而徽州是明清时期和中国近现代时期发展具有典型性的地区之一,通过对民国徽州族规家训所见职业观变迁的考察和分析,可以推见民国时期基层社会职业观变迁的实态.  相似文献   

徽州历经长期的文化积淀,到了明清时期,不仅以"文风昌盛"、教育发达而闻名于世,还以"十室九商"的商贾之地而闻名遐迩。随着业贾者的增加,商业知识积累更为丰厚,一批有文化素养的徽商开始用文字的形式将经商经验编纂刊刻出来,这些商业书使得徽州社会商业知识与技术得到传承,更促进了徽州商业的发展,通过对《士商类要》的分析可以探究出明代徽州商业教育的诸多特色。  相似文献   

广义地说,儒商指商人群体中自觉以儒家伦理道德观念指导商业经营实践,不断以儒家思想文化充实自己,具有鲜明儒家君子人格和儒学气质的商人;狭义地讲,儒商指商人群体中早年投身儒业,后来以经商为职业和谋生手段,在经营活动中坚守儒家价值观的商人。商品经济的空前活跃,使明清社会呈现士商合流的趋势,涌现了大批儒商。儒商形象也开始不断进入文学殿堂,他们具有以义取利,诚信不欺;刻苦执着,勤俭精明;重情仗义,乐善好施;尚文业儒,神韵潇洒等特质。探讨中国古代儒商的精神风貌,具有深远的历史意义和时代意义。  相似文献   

儒家学说是中华民族道德观念形成的基础,仁义和忠信是其中最重要的组成部分。它虽以“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”为要义,却在造就华夏民族理想高尚人格与传统美德的同时,成为中国儒商经济伦理的基础理论,促进了社会整体经济的发展。儒商经济伦理以“见利思义”为核心,以“诚信”为重要表征。古今儒商在商业经营中实践儒学倡导的“据义求利”、“诚信待客”、“以德服人”、“知人善任”、“和亲一致”等道德观念,取得了巨大成功。  相似文献   

明清徽州茶商述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徽商所经营的行业是多方面的,其中以“盐典茶木为最著”,因而徽州茶商是徽商研究的一个重要课题。但因资料的匮乏和分散,至今尚未有专文论及。我们不揣固陋,拟对下述问题作一初步探讨:明清徽州茶商经营活动的主要范围,明清徽州茶商在商业竞  相似文献   

对清代扬州两淮盐务组织务本堂的商业文化背景、乡土文化背景及其在两淮盐业经营中的作用进行探考,发现务本堂的设立不仅是徽州盐商顺应商品经济发展的一大举措,也标志着在特定时代背景下徽、州盐商价值观念的转变和突破,主要体现在对传统农商观的思辨,"利"、"义"契合的经营价值观的确立和业儒弘儒的人文精神的践行.  相似文献   

徐彬 《安徽史学》2010,(3):68-72
史学与家谱关系密切,历史意识和历史编撰理论对明清徽州家谱深远影响。"以稽先世,以贻将来"的历史传承思想是明清徽州家谱发展的动力。"大有关于家教者"的历史借鉴思想是明清徽州家谱努力的方向。史学编撰理论对明清徽州家谱编写有明显的影响,其中正史的史表影响了家谱体例,信史原则对明清徽州家谱编修者的态度有直接影响。  相似文献   

Herrera reflects on the committee’s deliberations in how to approach developing a framework for ethics in tune with the aims and ethos of WAC. He points out the importance of a foundation of meaningful principles, embedded in the thread of the actions of individuals acting in specific cultural and historical social contexts and based on core values that at the same time acknowledge the contradictions inherent in diverse standpoints. The committee faces major questions of how to define social justice and appropriate ethical behaviour for people and institutions embedded in different social and historical contexts across the globe.  相似文献   

杨昌济的伦理学思想的形成深受中国传统文化特别是湖湘文化的影响,也受西方近代资产阶级自由平等伦理思想的影响。由于受中国传统文化濡染较深,杨昌济从立志、修身、齐家、为学等四个方面对中国传统伦理思想进行了阐释。杨昌济以中学为体,在《各种伦理主义之略述及概评》②一文中对西方伦理学思想进行批判。总体而言,他的伦理思想是建立在民族主义基础之上;中西结合;志趣高雅、客观务实;立足现实,具有承上启下的作用。  相似文献   

汪庆元 《安徽史学》2006,33(1):44-48
徽州家族文献具有丰富的社会内容,修谱以家族文献为依据.家族文献从多方面反映了宗族文化的内涵.南宋以降,精英学者关注宗族文化,把确立始迁祖作为宗族文化构建的基点;保护祖墓与生态伦理观念相关联;聚族而居的村落景观具有独特的文化品质.在徽州,不仅家族精英的文献得以传世,即普通族人的著述亦被录存,反映了社会文化的普及与深入.  相似文献   

贾博群 《神州》2013,(35):28-29
现代企业的市场竞争日趋白热化,而且竞争已经渗透过表层,深入至企业内核。市场不仅要求企业在价格、服务方面拿出相应的实力去竞争,更要求企业内部形成一种特定的企业文化。对于企业管理者而言,企业的多元化发展已经使得他们可以从哲学角度深入企业管理运作,形成自有的企业伦理文化。〈br〉 本文将从企业伦理的新时期演绎出发,对于我国现代企业伦理文化的出现和发展进行分析。由此探讨出企业伦理文化的发展轨迹,并尝试给出企业伦理文化对现代企业发展作用和发展前景评估。  相似文献   

For a while now issues surrounding ethics in archaeology have occupied my thoughts, as have case studies of ethical misconduct. In fact a large part of why I gravitated toward archaeology is rooted in past instances of poor ethical practice instigated against my people, and the overwhelming personal need I have, to seek redress and change for Iwi Maori. Part of my commitment to both of these endeavours, is expressed through my association with WAC, with whose present code of ethics and principles i find affinity with.  相似文献   

钟放 《日本学论坛》2003,53(2):55-59
利他经营的思想是稻盛和夫经营哲学的核心,这一思想使稻盛哲学带上了浓厚的伦理色彩。本文将从伦理学角度分析利他经营的思想,并通过与西方主要伦理学流派和日本传统伦理观的对比,进一步揭示稻盛和夫经营哲学的独特之处。  相似文献   

Since the early twentieth century, the practice of slash‐and‐burn agriculture by Betsimisaraka subsistence farmers of eastern Madagascar, and their reluctance to engage in wage labor processes, have been interpreted by French and other Malagasy people as symptoms Betsimisaraka laziness. Colonial officials’ idea of remedying Betsimisaraka laziness justified the imposition of wage work and forest conservation. The paper argues that colonial settlers, by conflating their vision of lazy labor and a victimized landscape, did not apprehend the co‐existence of an alternative work ethic which entailed a different time‐space orientation and social relationship to land. While scholars have analyzed the “laziness” of colonial subjects as a form of subaltern resistance to colonial domination, resistance alone does not account for the fact that under certain conditions Betsimisaraka people have also willingly partaken in wage labor. This article reveals how the labor and land ethics of Betsimisaraka farmers have actively contributed to the social and natural environments of capitalism.  相似文献   

Gender has been the privileged optic through which care ethics has been theorised. However, a long line of theorists has argued that gender intersects with other vectors such as race, class and disability in the social world, including in caring practices. This paper contributes to the emergent literature on intersectionality and care ethics by focusing on how racialised difference affects care practices and therefore care ethics. It focuses on competence and alterity, and recognition and communication, as two elements that point to how racialised care is risky. It argues that slavery and colonialism have underpinned racial hierarchies marking contemporary racialised care encounters. As a result, racially marked people’s skills are often undervalued and their competency questioned even as race becomes an increasingly important difference between who cares and who receives care. Secondly, racial hierarchies in who gets care and what that care looks like can make care so distinctive as to be unrecognisable both to the care giver and those who need care. Lack of care is as productive of subjectivities as care so that care needs simply may not be articulated. Finally, given these differences in what care means, caring can become risky. The paper concludes by suggesting that thinking through intersectionality as method allows us to focus on moments and events where care can become unsettled. Care ethics should learn not only from its successes but also from instances when care has failed. We need a feminist care ethics that responds to the distance and difference that race brings to care. That is the promise of good care.  相似文献   

旅游业可持续发展中的伦理辩护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙吉信 《旅游科学》2007,21(2):69-72
旅游业可持续发展应遵循伦理学准则.本文从分析中西方伦理入手,对旅游业可持续发展中所涉及的道义学、目的论、生态伦理、旅游伦理等准则进行了辨析和论证,目的是呼吁人们管束自己的"非伦理行为",以真正实现旅游业可持续发展.  相似文献   

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