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Meaningful allusion to the classics in Papadiamandis's work is not a matter of the text's being stuffed with overt classical references. In his early novels we find a large number of, as it were, classical one-liners: essentially undigested – or at best opportunistic – allusions. The technique is a less focused form of Roidis's in Pope Joan; perhaps a closer comparison is Kalligas's Thanos Vlekas, which is replete with Homeric allusions and puns, none of them integral to the narrative. Similarly, we find in early Papadiamandis a disorderly collection of allusions: Byron, Milton, Aesop, Sophocles, Juvenal, Homer et al.; and sometimes we see his allusiveness to be a mere tic of style rather than fully purposive. In other words, .it is as true here as elsewhere in Greek literary tradition that we need to sift meaningful from more or less chance allusion.  相似文献   

丁四保 《人文地理》1992,7(3):14-19
本文列举了区域经济地理学研究中存在的危机表现,认为克服危机的出路在于参与区域发展与开发的实践。在当代的中国,实践领域是非常宽广的,区域经济地理学的科学属性和方法特别适合实践的要求。文章提出了当前应参与的实践课题和实践过程中应注意解决的一些理论认识。  相似文献   

西藏城镇发展环境分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
西藏特殊的地理位置、自然条件、发展历史和地域文化构成了其独特的发展环境,环境的特殊性深刻地影响着西藏区域发展及城镇建设的历史、现在和未来。本文分析了西藏城镇发展的自然环境、历史文化背景和社会经济环境等方面较为突出的特征,据此提出了今后西藏城镇发展和建设应该重视和解决的七个方面问题及其解决思路。  相似文献   

当代方志文化所包含的内容十分丰富,涉及面极其广泛。长期以来,我们对当代方志文化的构建关注不够。构建当代方志文化有助于促进地方志事业又好又快地发展,有助于促进地域文化的传承与发展,有助于物质文明、精神文明、政治文明、生态文明的建设和社会主义法治国家、文化强国、和谐社会的建设。构建当代方志文化必须立足于当代地方志事业,善于从传统方志文化中汲取养分,善于吸收其他文化门类之所长,借鉴国内外学术研究的最新成果。  相似文献   

才桑 《攀登》2008,27(4):188-190
面对青年报刊整体滑坡的局面,本文从更好地体现党性原则、把握新形势下报刊发展规律的要求出发,提出青年报刊必须在保持鲜明的党性原则的同时,张扬自己的个性;必须以鲜明的思想性引领时代风尚;必须服务于青年,维护好青年的切身利益;必须把握市场导向,突出青年的不同需求和特点,准确定位。只有这样,青年报刊才能不断增强竞争力和活力,赢得健康、可持续的发展。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代,我国内地基本建设投资的前提是:生产力水平低下,人均产值低;资金紧缺,但资产相对集中;西方国家对我国实行经济封锁;我国确立了优先发展重工业的工业化方针.通过对我国经济建设投资的产业结构、区域布局、项目结构、主体结构的分析,我们可以得到几点启示:投资管理体制的变化要适应生产力发展的要求;建设规模不能超过国力许可的范围,急于求成必将适得其反;综合平衡应从短线出发.  相似文献   


Paros is one of the most important islands of the Aegean sea, known best because of its white translucent marble. The island developed a very important school of sculpture from the Archaic to Roman times. An investigation of the island started in 1969, with the support of the Greek Archaeological Service, is centered on the ancient capital of Paros, which survives in the ruins of its ancient walls and an Archaic Ionic temple, and in the northern part of the island, where recent surveys and excavations have brought to light a significant number of sites, some of which go back to the Bronze and the Dark Ages of Greece.  相似文献   

The Middle Uruk phase in Mesopotamia (3600–3500 bc) has been characterised by the massive production of “bevelled rim bowls” (BRBs). They are characterised by their similar shape and volume in Mesopotamia and surroundings. However, their production method has not been studied in detail, including the firing temperature. The determination of the firing temperature of ancient pottery has been attempted by studying mineral phase transformation sequences; although, very little knowledge exists about such transformations in mixtures or thermal analyses. These methods usually provide imprecise firing temperatures between 500 and 800 °C, as other factors such as the raw materials or firing time and conditions must be considered. As an alternative, luminescence techniques have been tested with promising results, as they have provided reliable maximum firing temperatures for ancient pottery at mild conditions (below 600 °C) with high precision. In this work, the firing temperatures of BRB samples from two archaeological sites located in the Middle Euphrates Valley (Syria) have been studied using mineralogical, chemical and thermal analysis. Both mineral characterization techniques and thermal analyses show agreement and firing probably below 600–700 °C. Luminescence yields ambiguous results but circumstantial evidence on the firing temperature between 400 and 550 °C.  相似文献   

Traditional economic theory views natural resources as production factors to be exploited for the benefit of society. However, for this exploitation to be sustainable it must take into account the conservation and/or renewal of the resource. Increasingly, development projects have come to regard natural resources as essential elements of the local environment that must be exploited in ways that ensure future generations can also benefit from them. This process has been termed “patrimonialization”. In this article it is shown that the constructive development of natural resources and the environmentally sustainable development of regions are closely linked and the role of innovative milieux in defining the nature of local development projects is examined.  相似文献   

赵哲  尹怀庭 《人文地理》2004,19(6):58-61
以神木县为例,探讨了在新开发旅游区的游客预测。由于缺乏长期历史数据,难以进行游客量预测。根据神木县实际情况,从定性和定量分析入手,采用引力模型、口粒子模型等方法进行预测,对公式中的变量及其参数采取类似项目比较法或专家打分等方法进行修正,最后得出神木县游客量,为同类地区旅游规划中游客量预测提供了参考。  相似文献   

创造阶层与城市可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着知识经济的发展和经济全球化,人才资源(人力资本)成为第一资源,以人为本,重视人力资本特别是创造型人才并发挥其创新作用,是城市可持续发展及竞争力的根源和保证。创造阶层理论为城市可持续发展发现了新道路。创造阶层的兴起将深刻地影响城市的可持续发展,中国城市应当采取措施兴起创造阶层。城市可以通过规划建设提高人居环境质量、增加城市便利性,通过制度创新扩展人的自由、提供创新的制度环境,而积累人力资本特别是兴起创造阶层,从根本上增强城市可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

日本国铁改革之前,“公社”形态的国铁在经营上受到国会及政府的严格控制,加之全国一体化的经营,不能够针对某一地区的具体情况和需求采取相应的措施,经营情况逐年恶化。因此,日本政府在1987年对国铁进行了一次体制上的变革。此次国铁改革的基本思路是:为了克服“公社”制度带来的问题,必须进行民营化;为了克服全国一元化经营所带来的问题,必须将国铁进行分割。日本国铁改革总体上是成功的,但一些重大的问题还是没有得到很好地解决。  相似文献   

旅游发展不可避免地会引发一些社区问题,这些社区问题与当地居民的社会经济生活密切相关,并直接或间接影响着当地居民对旅游发展所持的态度。该文以无锡市(马山)太湖国家旅游度假区为例,在详细的实地调查所得数据的基础上,运用SPSS(11.5)统计软件,衡量了马山居民对旅游发展的态度及对社区问题的重要性感知,并对两者之间的相关关系与可信度进行了分析。  相似文献   

泾、浜发展与吴淞江流域的圩田水利(9-15世纪)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自宋代的塘浦系统开始瓦解以来,吴淞江流域的泾浜体系开始发展。泾浜水系和以后溇的出现,基本上人为形成的。在不断的历史发展中,泾浜体系形成具有干枝结构的网状水系,这种结构非常稳定地存在了近500年。这种结构下的圩田水利模式一般是小圩模式。在冈身感潮地区,泾浜体系比较密集,且末端水系有弯曲化现象;在低地地区,为了排水的方便,河道的干枝体系较为顺直。在这种体系下,治水必须与治田相结合。到后期,随着圩田治理的深化,进一步出现了称为溇的末端水系。  相似文献   

大遗址作为我国文化遗产的重要组成部分,其保护工作已经纳入国家文物保护的重点工作。随着国民经济和城市化进程的飞速发展,大遗址受到了巨大冲击。要保护好大遗址,必须首先确立抢救第一的思想,在考古发掘过程中依靠多学科专家的有效合作;还要认真执行国家有关法令,坚持遗址与周边环境的协调发展,确立可持续的科学保护方式。  相似文献   

《UN chronicle》1988,25(1):38-39
The Report of the Brundtland Commission (World Commission on Environment and Development) has been released by the UN. The Report points out that environmental survival requires development and development is only possible if the resources of the global environment are conserved. Although the UN and the World Bank must make commitments to development, each nation must devise its own strategy because development is inextricably linked to political, economic, and social factors such as poverty, overpopulation and the status of women. The Report makes 3 specific recommendations: 1) An independent body should be set up to assess global risks; 2) A universal declaration on environment and development should be made and followed by a convention; and 3) The UN General Assembly should set up a UN Program on Sustainable Development. The highest priority should be given to finding alternatives to nuclear energy as well as making the use of nuclear energy safer. Other major environmental problems include desertification, acid rain, the "greenhouse effect" and its impact on global climate and sea levels, and the destruction of the ozone layer with concomitant increase in cancer.  相似文献   

The concept of sustainability emphasizes four basic principles when applied to rural communities: that basic needs must be met; that resources should be subject to local control; that local communities must have a decisive voice in planning; and that they should represent themselves through their own institutions. These principles have been notionally accepted by development planners and conservationists at all levels. Yet, throughout the tropical forest belt, they are being systematically overridden by international and national policies and development programmes, leading to increasing poverty, social conflict and rapid deforestation. Traditional knowledge and systems of land use have proved far more environmentally appropriate, resilient and complex than initially supposed by outsiders. Forest peoples have successfully opposed many socially and environmentally destructive development schemes proposed for their lands. However, these societies are not resisting all change: population increase and the internal dynamic for development have also created social and environmental problems. A review of community-based initiatives in South and South-East Asia shows that in some countries, positive initiatives have been taken by local and national governments to promote a community-based approach. Notable successes have been achieved but many other initiatives have failed. The examples show that, besides the four principles noted above, environmentally successful management also depends on innovative political organization at the community level.  相似文献   

李莱 《攀登》2005,24(4):73-74
河湟传统文化是在其自身繁衍和中华民族其他文化的融合下发展起来的。在现代化的发展过程中,河湟文化必须适应社会发展的需求,有继承又有创新,才能显示出旺蛊的生命力。  相似文献   

聂忠平  隆坤明  阳志高 《神州》2011,(3X):53-53,55
在新的历史、新的课程改革下,中学的德育工作也面临着全面、深刻的变革趋势。德育作为中学教育的重要组成部分之一,对于中学生的健康成长和中学教育的发展都具有重要意义。而在近几年随着教育改革进程的加快、力度的加大,德育工作却显得相对滞后,未能有效的做到与时俱进,与教学工作相辅相成、相得益彰。要加强中学德育建设,就必须对中学德育存在的问题有深入的了解和把握。因此,对目前中学德育存在的闯题进行分析十分必要,在分析问题的基础上提出解决问题的可行性措施。本文就新课程下德育工作的开展进行讨论,提出问题,分析问题,解决问题。  相似文献   

“一五”时期我国集中进行的大规模能源工业建设取得了突出成就,对国民经济的发展产生了积极影响:煤炭工业得到迅速恢复和发展,支援了其他工业的建设;一批电力企业建成投产,大大增加了发电量;经过大规模勘探开发,原油产量大幅提高。今天我们重新审视“一五”时期的能源建设,应认真总结和吸取经验教训,制定稳定的能源政策:能源工业建设要遵循经济发展规律,要与国力相适应,尽量避免非经济因素的负面影响;要把外国先进经验和技术同我国国情相结合,处理好自力更生与争取外援的关系;要坚持可持续发展的原则,对各种能源合理地开发利用,同时注意环境保护。  相似文献   

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