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Sam Rohdie (1995) The Passion of Pier Paolo Pasolini (Bloomington and Indianapolis: British Film Institute and Indiana University Press), pp. i‐x, 1‐230, $15.95, ISBN 0‐85170‐518‐9 paperback; Patrick Rumble ( 1996) Allegories of Contamination: Pier Paolo Pasolini's ‘Trilogy of Life’ (Toronto, Buffalo and London: University of Toronto Press), pp. i‐ix, l‐207,$50,hardback, $ 17.95, paperback; Maurizio Viano (1993) A Certain Realism. Making Use of Pasolini's Film Theory and Practice (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press), pp. i‐xix, 1‐368, $40, hardback, $ 19.95, paperback.

Daniela Luigia Caglioti (1996) Associazionismo e sociabilità d'élite a Napoli nel XIX secolo (Naples: Liguori Editore), pp. 1‐169, 24,000 lire, ISBN 88‐207‐2637‐8 paperback.

Simone Neri Serneri (1995) Classe, partito, nazione. Alle origini della democrazia italiana, 1919‐1948 (Manduria: Piero Lacaita Editore), pp. 1‐298,25,000 lire, paperback.

Roberto Romani (1994) L'economia politica del Risorgimento italiano (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri), pp. 1‐248, ISBN 88‐339‐0856‐9 paperback.

Alberto M. Banti (1996) Storia della borghesia italiano: l'età liberait (Rome: Donzelli), pp. i‐xvii, 1‐395, 50,000 lire, ISBN 88‐7989‐170‐7 hardback.

Alexander J. De Grand ( 1995) Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The ‘Fascist’ Style of Rule (London and New York; Routledge), pp. 1‐102, $ 10.95, ISBN 0‐415‐10598‐6 paperback; Richard Bessel (ed.) (1996) Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. Comparisons and Contrasts (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press), pp. 1‐242, $54.95, ISBN 0‐521‐47129‐X hardback, $ 18.95, ISBN 0‐521‐47711‐5 paperback.

Enzo Collotti and Lutz Klinkhammer (1996) Il fascismo e l'Italia in guerra: Una conversazione fra storia e storiografia (Rome: Edizioni Ediesse), pp. 1‐202,20,000 lire, ISBN 88‐230‐0217‐6.

Michele Sarfatti ( 1994) Mussolini contro gli ebrei: Cronaca dell'elaborazione delle leggi del 1938 (Turin: Silvio Zamorani editore), pp. 1‐199,30,000 lire, ISBN 88‐7158‐033‐8 paperback.

Carl Ipsen (1996) Dictating Demography, the Problem of Population in Fascist Italy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. i‐xvii, 1‐281, $54.95 ISBN 0‐521‐554527 hardback.

Stephen Gundle ( 1995) I comunisti italiani tra Hollywood e Mosco. La sfida della cultura di massa (1943‐1991) (Florence: Giunti), pp. i‐xii, 1‐572, ISBN 88‐09‐20642‐8 paperback.

Carl Levy (ed.) (1996) Italian Regionalism: History, Identity and Politics (Oxford and Dulles, Va.: Berg), pp. i‐xvi, 1‐197, $39, ISBN 1‐85973‐131‐7 hardback, $ 16.50, ISBN 1‐85973‐156‐2 paperback.

David I. Kertzer (1996) Politics and Symbols. The Italian Communist Party and the Fall of Communism (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press), pp. 1‐224, $25, ISBN 0‐300‐06612‐0 hardback.

Pier Paolo Giglioli, Sandra Cavicchioli and Giolo Fele ( 1997) Rituali di degradazione: Anatomia del processo Cusani (Bologna: II Mulino), pp. 1‐243,28,000 lire, ISBN 88‐15‐05713‐7.

Mario Baldassarri and Franco Modigliani (eds) (1995) The Italian Economy. What Next? (New York: St Martin's Press), pp. 1‐200, $69.95, ISBN 0‐312‐12475‐9 hardback.

Piergiorgio Corbetta and Arturo M. L. Parisi (eds) (1997) Cavalieri e fanti: Proposte e proponenti nelle elezioni del 1994 e del 1996 (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1‐421; Piergiorgio Corbetta and Arturo M. L Parisi (eds) (1997) A domanda risponde: Il cambiamento nel voto degli italiani nelle elezioni del 1994 e del 1996 (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1‐410.  相似文献   

Zhuravlev, A. Yu., & Gravestock, D. I., 1994:03:28. Archaeayaths from Yorke Peninsula, South Australia and archaeocyathan Early Cambrian zonation. Alcheringa 18, 1–54. ISSN 0311-5518.

Two assemblages of archaeocyaths are documented from Lower Cambrian outcrops and drillholes on Yorke Peninsula. South Australia. The older assemblage (11 species) occurs in the uppermost Kulpara Formation and conformably overlying basal Parara Limestone, and is equivalent to Lower Faunal Assemblage II in the Flinders Ranges. The younger assemblage (28 species plus Acanthhcyathus and Rodiocyathus) occurs in the Koolywurtie Member near the top of the Parara Limestone. Equivalent taxa are widespread in the Flinders Ranges, western New South Wales and Antarctica. Archaeocyathan distribution is now sufficiently well known to propose three assemblage zones and two informal assemblages for regional correlation. No new taxa have been added, but Erugatocyathus scutatus (Hill) and Pycnoidocyathus latiloculatus (Hill), hitherto known only from Antarctica, are found in the upper assemblage on Yorke Peninsula. Irregular archaeocyathan systematics are discussed, the ontogeny of Archaeopharetra irregularis (Tylor) clarified, and Kruseicnema Debrenne. Gravestock & Zhuravlev, represented by K. gracilis (Gordon), is fully described.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Emilio Franzina (1995) Gli italiani al nuovo mondo; L'emigrazione italiana in America 1492‐1942 (Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore), pp. 1‐644. 65,000 lire, ISBN 88‐04‐35977‐3.

Marta Petrusewicz (1996) Latifundium. Moral Economy and Material Life in a European Periphery, translated by Judith C. Green (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press), pp. i‐xx, 1‐289, ISBN 047‐2103423 hardback.

H. James Burgwyn (1997) Italian Foreign Policy in the Interwar Period, 1918‐1940 (Westport, Conn.: Praeger), pp. i‐xx, 1‐246, ISBN 0‐275‐94877‐3 hardback.

Lutz Klinkhammer (1997) Stragi naziste in Italia. La guerra contro i civili (1943‐44), translated by Suzanne Meyer (Rome: Donzelli), pp. i‐xii, 1‐165, 18,000 lire; Paolo Pezzino (1997) Anatomia di un massacro. Controversia sopra una strage tedesca (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1‐243, 26,000 lire, paperback.

Mabel Berezin (1997) Making the Fascist Self: the Political Culture of Interwar Italy (Ithaca, NY, and London: Cornell University Press), pp. 1‐267, ISBN 0‐8014‐8420‐9 paperback; Simonetta Falasca‐Zamponi (1997) Fascist Spectacle: the Aesthetics of Power in Mussolini's Italy (Berkeley and London: University of California Press), pp. 1‐314, $40.00, ISBN 0‐520‐20623‐1 hardback.

David Ward (1996) Antifascisms: Cultural Politics in Italy, 1943‐46. Benedetto Croce and the Liberals, Carlo Levi and the ‘Actionists’ (Madison, NJ: Farteigh‐Dickinson University Press), pp. 1‐244, ISBN 0‐8363‐3676‐4.

David Forgacs and Robert Lumley (eds) (1996) Italian Cultural Studies: an Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 1‐368, $19.95, ISBN 0‐19‐871509‐9 paperback.

Maurizio Degl'lnnocenti (1995) La società unificata, Associazone, sindacato, partito sotto il fasdsmo (Manduria: Piero Lacaita Editore), pp. 1‐216, 25,000 lire, paperback.

Nello Ajello (1997) Illungo addio, intellettuali e PCI dal 1958 al 1991 (Rome‐Bari: Laterza), pp. 1‐425, 35,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐5323‐6.

Tom Behan (1997) The Camorra (London and New York: Routledge), pp. i‐vii, 1 ‐225, ISBN 0‐415‐09987‐0 hardback.

Sandro Setta (1995) La Destra ndl'Italia del dopoguerra (Bari: Laterza), pp. i‐xi, 1‐242, 35,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐4591‐8.

Manuela Gieri (1995) Contemporary Italian Filmmaking: Strategies of Subversion ‐Pirandello, Fellini, Scola and the Directors of the New Generation (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), pp. 1‐301, ISBN 0‐8020‐0556‐X hardback; ISBN 0‐8020‐6979‐7 paperback.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Filippo Mazzonis (ed.) (1995) L'ltalia contemporanea e la storiografia internazionale (Venice: Marsilio), pp. 1‐315, 54,000 lire, ISBN 88‐317‐6207‐9.

Giuseppe Ricuperati (1994) Le avventure di uno stato ‘ben amministrato’. Rappre‐sentazioni e realtà nello spazio sabaudo tra Ancien Régime e Rivoluzione (Turin: Tirrenia Stampatori), pp. 1‐249.

Angela Groppi (ed.) (1996) Il lavoro delle donne (Rome‐Bari: Laterza), pp. i‐xvi, 1‐530,50,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐4868‐2 hardback.

Anna Bravo and Anna Maria Bruzzone (1995) In guerra senza ami: Stone di donne, 1940‐1945 (Rome/Bari: Laterza), pp. 1‐214, 25,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐4590‐X paperback.

Stefano Cavazza (1977) Piccole patrie: Feste popohri tra regione e nazione durante il fascismo (Bologna: II Mulino), pp. 1‐263,32,000 lire, ISBN 88‐15‐05762‐5 paperback.

Barbara Spackman (1996) Fascist Virilities: Rhetoric, Ideology, and Social Fantasy in Italy (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press), pp. 1 ‐187, US$ 18, ISBN 0‐8166‐2787‐8 paperback.

Jane C. Schneider and Peter T. Schneider (1996) Festival of the Poor. Fertility Decline and the Ideology of Class in Sicily, 1860‐1980 (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press), pp. 1‐322, ISBN 0‐8165‐1544‐1 hardback, ISBN 0‐8165‐1519‐0 paperback.

Franco Ferraresi (1996) Threats to Democracy, the Radical Right in Italy after the War (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press), pp. 1‐311, $35, ISBN 0‐691‐04499‐6 hardback.

Gianfranco Pasquino (1996) 1945‐1996: Profilo delta politica in Italia (Bari: Laterza), pp. 1‐117, plus CD‐ROM 1945‐1996: Archivio della politica in Italia, Gianfranco Pasquino with the collaboration of Marzia Zannini, ISBN 88‐420‐5139‐X.

Michela De Giorgio and Christiane Klapisch‐Zuber (eds) (1996) Storia del matrimonio (Bari and Rome: Laterza), pp. 1‐481, 50,000 lire, ISBN 88‐420‐5016‐4.  相似文献   

Book reviews     

Luciano Guerci and Giuseppe Ricuperati (eds) 1998 Il coraggio della ragione. Franco Venturi intellettuale e storico cosmopolita (Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi promosso da Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Università degli Studi di Torino, Accademia delle Scienze, Deputazione Subalpina di Storia Patria, Torino, 12–14 dicembre 1996) (Turin: Fondazione Luigi Einaudi), pp. 1–497, ISBN 88–430–1129–4.

Stefano Levati ( 1997) La nobiltà del lavoro. Negozianti e banchieri a Milano tra Ancien Regime e Restaurazione (Milan: Franco Angeli), pp. 1–320, 40,000 lire.

Guido Formigoni (1998) L'Italia dei cattolici: Fede e nazione dal Risorgimento alla Repubblica (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1–176, 22,000 lire, ISBN 88–15–06314–5 paperback.

Albert Schram ( 1997) Railways and the Formation of the Italian State in the Nineteenth Century, ’Cambridge Studies in Italian History and Culture’ (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 1–164, Bibliography and Index, $59.95, ISBN 0–521–57159–6 hardback.

Catherine Brice (1989) Monumentanté publique et politique à Rome. Le Vittoriano (Rome: École Française de Rome), pp. 1–439.

Hans Woller ( 1997) I conti con il fascismo: L'epurazione in Italia 1943–1948 (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1–603, 50,000 lire, ISBN 88–15–06198–3 paperback.

Maria Stone ( 1998) The Patron State: Culture and Politics in Fascist Italy (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press), pp. 1–334, ISBN 0–691–05999–3 paperback.

Angelo Ventrone (1996) La cittadinanza repubblicana. Forma‐partito e identità nazionale alle origini della democrazia italiana (1943–1948) (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1–305, 38,000 lire, ISBN 88–15–05508–8 paperback.

R. J. B. Bosworth and Patrizia Dogliani (eds) (1999) kalian Fascism: History, Memory and Representation (Houndmills and New York: Macmillan/St Martin's Press), pp. 1–245, ISBN 0–312–21717.

Ernesto Galli della Loggia (1998) L'identità italiana (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1–171, 18,000 lire, ISBN 88–15–066 12–8 paperback.

Aldino Monti (1998) I braccianti (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1–161, 18,000 lire, ISBN 88–15–06582–2 paperback.

Giuliana Gemelli (ed.) (1998) Scuole di management Orìgini e primi sviluppi delle business schools in Italia (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1–543, ISBN 88–15–06297–1 paperback.

Valeria Fargion (1997) Geografia della cittadinanza sociale in Italia (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1–351, 42,000 lire, ISBN 88–15–06127–4 paperback.

Umberto Gentiloni Silveri (1998) L'Italia e la nuova frontiera: Stati Uniti e centrosinistra 1958–1965 (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1–343, 45,000 lire, ISBN 88–15–06282–3 paperback.  相似文献   


Emilio Sereni (1997) History of the Italian Agricultural Landscape, translated and Introduction by R. Burr Litchfield. Giovanni Agnelli Foundation in Italian History (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press), pp. i‐xliv, 1–369, ISBN 0–691012164 hardback; ISBN 0–691012156 paperback.

Peter Brand and Lino Pertile (eds) (1996) The Cambridge History of Italian Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 1–701.

Bruno Bongiovanni and Nicola Tranfaglia (eds) (1996) Dizionario storico dell'Italia unita (Rome‐Bari: Laterza), pp. 1–1031, 95,000 lire, ISBN 88–420–5081–4.

Giuseppe Maranini (1995) Storia del potere in Italia 1848–1967, prefazione di Angelo Panebianco, 2nd edn (Milan: Corbaccio), pp. 1–530; Mariuccia Salvati (1997) Riflessioni sul Leadership nella storia dell'Italia contemporoneo (Rome‐Bari: Laterza), pp. 1–156.

Domenico Del Rio (1996) I Gesuiti e l'Italia. Storia di passioni, di trionfi e di amarezze (Milan: Corbaccio), pp. 1–522, ISBN 88–7972–111–9 hardback.

Anna Foa (1998) Giordano Bruno (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1–107, 16,000 lire, ISBN 88–15–06604–7.

Roland Sarti (1997) Mazzini. A Life for the Religion of Politics (Westport, Conn.: Praeger), pp. 1–249, ISBN 0–275–95080–8 hardback.

Jonathan Dunnage (1997) The Italian Police and the Rise of Fascism: a Case Study of the Province of Bologna, 1897–1925 (Westport, Conn.: Praeger), pp. i‐xvi, 1–198, $57.95, ISBN 0–275–95286–1 hardback.

Jane Slaughter (1997) Women and the Italian Resistance, 1943–1945 (Denver, Colo: Arden Press) pp. i‐xx, 1–171, $32.00, ISBN 0–912869–13–5 hardback.

Gabriele Turi (ed.) (1997) Storia dell'editoria nell'ltalia contemporanea (Florence: Giunti Gruppo Editoriale), pp. 1–503, 48,000 lire, ISBN 88–09–21236–3.

Carlo Guarnieri and Patrizia Pederzoli (1997) La democrazia giudiziaria (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1–186, 18,000 lire, ISBN 88–15–05706–4 paperback.

Alessandro Brogi (1996) L'ltalia e l'egemonia americana nel Mediterraneo (Scandicci (Florence): La Nuova Italia. Editrice), pp. 1–425 pages (including appendix of documents, bibliography, and index of names), 40,000 lire, ISBN 88–221–1752–2.  相似文献   

Experimental studies reveal complex dissolution behavior of quartz in aqueous NaCl solutions at high temperature and pressure, involving variation from salting‐in to salting‐out that changes with temperature, pressure, and salt concentration. The behavior is not explainable by traditional electrostatic theory. An alternative hypothesis appeals to complexing of SiO2 with NaCl and can explain the observations. However, the hypothesis of complexing, as previously applied, is inadequate in several respects: it neglects polymerization of solute silica, regards the SiO2‐NaCl hybrid complex(es) as anhydrous, which seems unlikely, and invokes an incorrect stoichiometry of the hydrated silica monomer, now known to be Si(OH)4?2H2O. These neglected features can be incorporated into the complexing model in a revised formulation based on a simple thermodynamic analysis using existing quartz solubility data. The analysis leads to a quasi‐ideal solution model with silica monomers, dimers, and two distinct hydrous SiO2‐NaCl hybrid complexes with overall NaCl:H2O = 1:6, one Na‐bearing and one Cl‐bearing. Their (equal) molar concentrations (Xhc) are governed by a pressure‐ and temperature‐dependent equilibrium constant, , where aNacl and are the respective activities of the solvent components. The stability of the hybrid complexes (i.e., their concentration) is very sensitive to H2O activity. The entire set of experimental quartz‐solubility data at 700°C, 1–15 kbar, is reproduced with high fidelity by the expression (P is pressure in kbar), including the transition from low‐pressure salting‐in to high pressure salting‐out. The results indicate that hybrid SiO2‐NaCl complexes are the main hosts for dissolved silica at NaCl concentrations greater than 6 wt%, which are likely common in crustal fluids. At higher temperatures, approaching the critical end point in the system SiO2‐H2O, the model becomes progressively inaccurate, probably because polymers higher than the dimer become significant as SiO2 concentration increases.  相似文献   

We provide a simplified treatment of phase separation of seawater near an igneous dike to obtain rough estimates of the thickness and duration of the two‐phase zone, the volume fractions of vapor and brine formed, and their distribution in the subsurface. Under the assumption that heat transfer occurs mainly by thermal conduction we show that, for a 2‐m wide dike, the maximum width of the two phase zone is approximately 20 cm and that a zone of halite is initially deposited near the dike wall. The two‐phase zone is mainly filled with vapor. For a value of thermal diffusivity of a = 10?6 m2 sec?1, the two‐phase zone begins to disappear at the base of the system after 13 days, and disappears completely by 16 days. For a lower value of thermal diffusivity, the width of the two‐phase region does not change appreciably but its duration increases as a?1. The width of the two‐phase zone determined by this simplified model agrees reasonably well with transient numerical solutions for the analogous two‐phase flow in a pure water system; however the duration of two‐phase flow is matched better using a smaller value of a. We compare the seafloor values of vapor salinity and temperature given by the model with vapor salinity data from the ‘A’ vent at 9–10°N on the East Pacific Rise (EPR) and argue that either non‐equilibrium thermodynamic behavior or near‐surface mixing of brine with vapor in the two‐phase region may explain the discrepancies between model predictions and data.  相似文献   

Today's consensus on the text of Ecl. 6. 33-34 may arguably be contested as line 34 will fit the context better when omnis (gen. extracted from P) is read instead of omnia. As to G. 1. 36, the author believes that the consensus on sperant (indicative) is misplaced and that the neglected reading11. Among my own latest examples I would mention here: auris (instead of auras) at A. 6. 561), omnes (instead of omnis acc. pl.) at 2. 598, ne (instead of ni) at 3. 686, caelo (instead of caeli) at 5. 851, reliquit instead of relinquit at 746, exiliis (instead of exitiis) at 7. 129, relinquit (instead of reliquit) at 12. 470. See Kraggerud (2011 Kraggerud, E. Marginalia to a New Aeneis recensaSymbolae Osloenses201185210225 doi: 10.1080/00397679.2011.631360[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). sperent, taken as a potential subjunctive and parallel to veniat (37), ought to be preferred. At A. 1. 458 Seneca's Atriden should replace the plural Atridas transmitted by the codices.  相似文献   

The North‐Western Mediterranean witnessed a rapid expansion of farmers and their livestock during the Early Neolithic period. Depending on the region, cattle played a more or less important role in these communities; however how these animals were exploited for their milk is not clear. Here we investigate calf mortality to determine indirectly whether cattle dairying was practised by Early Neolithic stock herders. Age‐at‐death (AtD) frequencies for calves from two sites: Trasano (Italy, Impressa culture: 7–6th millennium BC) and La Draga (Spain, Cardial culture: 6th millennium BC) were estimated from dental eruption and development stages, and measurements of un‐fused post‐cranial material. Adult age classes are well represented in the dental AtD frequencies and were interpreted as the result of the slaughter of prime beef and retired lactating females. For calves aged less than 12 months, there was no statistical difference in the AtD frequencies based on dental and post‐cranial material indicating that the data is a good representation of the mortality patterns of calves, either natural or deliberate. At both sites there was a strong mortality peak at 3–6 months in all AtD profiles. At La Draga, this peak was clearly differentiated from a peak at 0–1 month, which can be interpreted neonatal mortality possible a consequence of the birthing season coinciding with the end of winter during more humid climatic conditions that at present. The deliberate slaughter peak around 3–6 months is discussed, and we propose that stock herders controlled the mortality of infant classes, possibly in response to variable external environment pressures while maintaining animal productivity. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Combesque, M.A., Ça suffit: Histoire du mouvement des chômeurs (Plon, 1998), 232 pp., 89F., ISBN 2 259 18901 6

Galland, O. et Lemel, Y., La nouvelle société française: Trente années de mutation (Armand Colin, 1998), 287 pp., 125F., ISBN 2 200 01929 7

Groux, G., Vers un renouveau du conflit social (Bayard, 1998), 248 pp., 123, 50F., ISBN 2 227 13725 8

Meyer, D. and Tarrow, S. (eds), The Social Movement Society: Contentious Politics for a New Century (Rowman & Littlefields 1998), 282 pp., £17, ISBN 0 8476 8541 1  相似文献   

We report overprinting stable isotope evidence of fluid–rock interaction below two detachment faults along which mantle rocks were exhumed to the seafloor, between the respective landward and seaward limits of oceanic and continental crust, at a Tethyan ocean–continent transition (OCT). This OCT, which is presently exposed in the Tasna nappe (south‐eastern Switzerland) is considered an on‐land analogue of the well‐studied Iberian OCT. We compare our results with the fault architecture (fault core–damage zone–protolith) described by Caine et al. [Geology (1996) Vol. 24, pp. 1025–1028]. We confirm the existence of a sharp boundary between the fault core and damage zone based on isotopic data, but the boundary between the damage zone and protolith is gradational. We identify evidence for: (1) pervasive isotopic modification to 8.4 ± 0.1‰ which accompanied or post‐dated serpentinization of these mantle rocks at an estimated temperature of 67–109°C, (2) either (i) partial isolation of some highly strained regions [fault core(s) and mylonite] from this pervasive isotopic modification, because of permeability reduction (Caine et al.) or (ii) subsequent isotopic modification caused by structurally channelled flow of warm fluids within these highly strained regions, because of permeability enhancement, and (3) isotopic modification, which is associated with extensive calcification at T = 54–100°C, primarily beneath the younger of the two detachment faults and post‐dating initial serpentinization. By comparing the volumetric extent of calcification with an experimentally verified model for calcite precipitation in veins, we conclude that calcification could have occurred in response to seawater infiltration, with a calculated flux rate of 0.1–0.2 m year?1 and a minimum duration of 0.2–4.0 × 104 years. The associated time‐averaged uptake flux of carbon during this period was 8–120 mol m?2 year?1. By comparison with the estimated area of exhumed mantle rocks at the Iberian OCT, we calculate a maximum annual uptake flux for carbon of 2–30 Tg year?1. This is an order of magnitude greater than that for carbon exchange at the mid‐ocean ridges and 0.1–1.4% of the global oceanic uptake flux for carbon.  相似文献   

Pitt Island, a part of the Chathams Islands group, lies 700 km east of New Zealand. Its geology includes the Tupuangi Formation, dated as Motuan to Teratan (late Albian to Santonian) on the basis of palynology. Samples of Tupuangi Formation mudstone yielded leaf cuticle assemblages dominated by araucarian and podocarp conifers and locally by angiosperms. The 12 distinguishable conifer taxa include a new species of Araucaria, A. rangiauriaensis, and the extinct genera Eromangia, Kakahuia (both Podocarpaceae), Otwayia (Cheirolepidiaceae), Paahake (Taxodiaceae or Taxaceae) and possibly Katikia (Podocarpaceae). Ginkgo and two types of dicotyledonous angiosperm cuticle are present. Based on the absence of bennettitaleans and rarity of Ginkgo, a Turonian or slightly younger age is inferred, making the Pitt Island assemblage the first Turonian plant macrofossils documented from New Zealand. The fossils provide a window into southern high-latitude (polar) vegetation of the mid-Cretaceous. Conifer charcoal (probably of Podocarpaceae) is locally abundant and suggests that fire was an important part of the ecosystem. A broad analogy with modern boreal conifer-deciduous angiosperm forests is suggested although clearly with warmer temperatures.  相似文献   


The Domesday Geography of Midland England. Edited by H. C. Darby and I. B. Terret. 9 1/2×6 1/2. Pp. xv+482. 159 maps. Frontispiece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1954. 55s.

Nottinghamshire (The County Books). By C. Marsden. 9×6. Pp. v+325. 49 plates. 1 map. London : Robert Hale Ltd, 1953. 18s.

The Royal Burgh of Ayr : Edited by Annie I. Dunlop. 9×5 3/4. Pp. v+342. 5 plates. Edinburgh and London : Published for Town Council of Ayr by Oliver and Boyd, 1953. 12s. 6d.

Europe and the Mediterranean. By N. J. G. Pounds. 10×7 1/2. Pp. vii+437. 246 figs. London : MacGraw‐Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, 1953. 42s.

The Evolution of Germany. By J. A. Hawgood. 6 3/4×4 1/2. Pp. ix+206. 21 maps. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd, 1955. 8s. 6d.

Czechoslovakia : A Geographical and Historical Study. By Harriet Wanklyn (Mrs. J. A. Steers). 8 3/4×5 1/2. Pp. vi+446. 77 figs. 4 end paper maps. London : George Philip and Son Ltd, 1954. 39s.

Cornwall: An Illustrated Essay on the History of the Landscape. By W. G. V. Balchin. 9 1/4×10 1/4. Pp. xi+128. 13 figures+1 general map. 61 plates. London : Hodder and Stoughton Ltd, 1954. 16s.


What the World Showed Me. By Per Høst. Translated by K. Johnson. 8 1/4×5 3/4. Pp. 223. 69 plates (13 colour). London : Methuen and Co. Ltd, 1953. 18s.

Forerunner to Everest. By R. Dittert, G. Chevally, R. Lambert. Preface by Sir J. Hunt. Translated by M. Barnes. Pp. 256. Maps and sketches. London : George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1954. 15s.

Our Everest Adventure. By Sir J. Hunt. 9 3/4×7 1/2. Pp. 128. 150 figs, and maps. Leicester : Brockhampton Press Ltd, 1954. 12s.

South Col. By W. Noyce. 9×6. Pp. xvi+303. 16 sketches. 52 plates (4 coloured). 5 maps. London : Heinemann, Ltd, 1954. 21s.

Alone to Everest. By E. Denham. 8 3/4×5 5/8. Pp. 255. 13 figs. 4 maps. London : Collins, Sons &; Co. Ltd, 1954. 16s.


Viking Times To Modern. The Story of Swedish Exploring and Settlement in America. By E. W. Fleisher and J. Werbull. 10 1/4×8. Pp.115. Photographs and figs. Stockholm: Almquist and Wiksell. Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press, 1953. $4.50.

Geography of North America. By G. J. Miller, A. E. Parkins and B. Hudgins. 8 1/4×6 1/4. Pp. vii+664. Maps, diagrams and photographs. New York : Wiley and Sons Inc. Third edition, 1954. 60s.

The Pacific Northwest. By O. W. Freeman, H. H. Martin, et al. 8 3/4×6 3/4. Pp.540. 24 plates. 59 maps and diagrams. New York : Wiley and Sons Inc. Fourth edition, 1954. 68s.

Regional Geography of Anglo‐America. By C. L. White and E. J. Foscue. 10×7 1/2. Pp. vii+518. 230 figs. 15 tables. London: Constable and Co. Ltd. Second edition, 1955. 57s. 6d.

Les Antilles. By E. Revert. 6 1/2×4 1/2. Pp.220. 10 figs. Paris : Armand Colin, 1954.

Symposium on the Geography of Puerto Rico. Edited by C. F. Jones and R. Pico, 9 1/4×6 1/2. Pp. xxviii+503. 186 figs. 13 plates. Rio Piedras (P.R.). University of Puerto Rico Press, 1955.


The English Climate. By C. E. P. Brooks. 8×5 1/2. Pp. vi+213. 27 figs. London : English University Press Ltd, 1954. 12s. 6d.

Further Outlook. By F. H. Ludlam and R. S. Scorer. 8 3/4×6 3/4. Pp. 174. 25 figs. 13 plates. London : Allan Wingate Ltd, 1954. 15s.

Glacier Variations and Climatic Fluctuations: Bowman Memorial Lectures. Series three. By H. W. S, Ahlmann. 9×6. Pp. v+51. 11 figs. 4 plates. New York: American Geographical Society : George Grady Press, 1953. $2.50.


The Soils of Europe. By W. L. Kubiëna. 10 3/4×7. Pp.318. 21 plates (coloured and black/white). London : Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1953. 75s.

Soil. By G. V. Jacks. 8 1/8×5 1/2. Pp. ix+221. 7 figs. 10 plates (3 coloured). London and Edinburgh : Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1954. 12s 6d.

Vegetation and Watershed Management. By E. A. Coleman. 9 1/2×6 1/2. Pp. xiii+412. 6 figs. 16 plates. New York: Ronald Press Co., 1953. $ 7.


Les Fondements de la Géographie Humaine : Tome III. L'Habitat. Conclusion Général. By Max Sorre. 10×6 1/2. Pp. 499. 32 figs. Paris: Armand Colin, 1952. 1,500 Fr.


Africa : Studies and Exercises in Human Geography. By D. C. Money. Illustrated by W. R. Dalzell. 11×8 1/2. Pp.48. 85 figs. 82 plates. London: University Tutorial Press Ltd, 1955. 3s. 9d.

Geographical Film Strips. Educational Productions Ltd, Wakefield.


Kultur‐Geografisk Atlas. By J. Humlum. 10 1/2×7 1/4. I. Atlas. Pp. xx+127. II. Tekstbind. Pp. 302. Copenhagen : Glydendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag. 3rd Ed., 1955. Danish kroner 20.50 (19.50) and 31.50 (26.50), cloth and paper bound respectively.

*Atlas of Economic Geography. By J. Humlum. Pp. xii+127. London : Meiklejohn and Son Ltd., 1955. 15s. ($2.50).

Edinburgh World Atlas. Prepared and Edited by John Bartholomew. 14 1/2×10. Pp. 1+108 (atlas)+160 (index). Edinburgh : The Geographical Institute, John Bartholomew &; Son Ltd, 1954. 36s.

Atlas of Australian Resources. Prepared by the Department of National Development, Canberra.  相似文献   


European Population Transfers, 1939–1945. By Joseph B. Schechtman. Preface by Adolph Lowe. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. xi+532. 3 sketch maps. New York: Oxford University Press, 1946. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege. $5.00, or 21s.

Land and Landscape. By Brenda Colvin, F.I.L.A. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. xii+266. 17 figs. 106 illustrations. London: John Murray, 1947. 21s.

Planning and the Countryside. By Jaqueline Tyrwhitt. 7 1/2 x 5. Pp. 60. 12 figs. Glasgow and London: Art and Educational Publishers Ltd., 1946. 2s 6d.

I Return to Scotland. By S. P. B. Mais. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. 274. 15 plates. 11 sketch maps. London: Christopher Johnson, Publishers, Ltd., 1947. 10s 6d.

The Cathedral and Royal Burgh of Kirkwall. By John Mooney, F.S.A.Scot. 9 1/2 x 6. Pp. xv+251. 19 illustrations. Kirkwall: W. R. Mackintosh. Second edition, 1947. 21s.

Natural History in the Highlands and Islands. By F. Fraser Darling, D.Sc., F.R.S.E. 8 1/2 x 6. Pp. xv+303. 46 photographs in colour, 55 in black‐and‐white. 24 maps and diagrams. London: William Collins, Sons and Co. Ltd., 1947. 16s.

Highways and Byways in the Central Highlands. By Seton Gordon, C.B.E. Foreword, and a glossary of place‐name elements with aids to pronunciation, by W. J. Watson, M.A., L.L.D., D.Litt. Velt., Hon. F.E.I.S. 7 1/2 x 5. Pp. xv+419. Illustrations by Sir D. Y. Cameron, r.a. Map. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1948. 10s 6d.

In the High Grampians. By Richard Perry. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. 173. 32 photographs, a maps. London: Lindsay Drummond Ltd., 1948 15s.

The Lake District and the National Trust. By B. L. Thompson. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp.viii+223. 24 illustrations. Map (1: 126,720). Kendal: Titus Wilson and Son Ltd., 1946. 10s 6d.

Cornwall. By Peggy Pollard. 9x7. Pp. 48. Drawings and water‐colours by Sven Berlin. 47 photographs. 2 maps. London: Paul Elek (Publishers) Ltd., 1947. 9s 6d.

The Mountains of Snowdonia in History, the Sciences, Literature and Sport. Edited by Herbert R. C. Carr, M.A., F.R.G.S., and George A. Lister, B.Sc. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. xiii+312. 15 figs. 27 plates. 6 sketch maps. London: Crosby Lock‐wood and Son Ltd. Second edition, 1948. 15s.

The Atlantic Islands: A Study of the Faroe Life and Scene. By Kenneth Williamson. Foreword by Eric Linklater. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. 360. 35 photographs. 4 sketch maps. Glossary. London: William Collins, Sons and Co. Ltd., 1948. 16s.

Fahrten in Island. By Rudolf Jonas. Appendices by F. Nusser. 9 x 6. Pp. 199. 3 figs. 80 photographs. Map of Iceland (1: 1,970,000) and of Vatnajokull (1: 800,000). Vienna: L. W. Seidel und Sohn, 1948. $3.50.

Bergens Byområde og dets geografiske Utvikling, 1900–1940. By Tore Sund. 10 1/2 x 7 1/2. Pp. 156. 88 figs. Skrifter fra Norges Handelsh0yskole i Rekken Geografiske Avhandlinger, No. 2. Bergen: J. D. Beyer A.S., 1947.

The Land of France. By Ralph Dutton and Lord Holden. Foreword by Raymond Mortimer. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. xvi+152. 133 illustrations. End‐paper sketch maps. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd. Second, revised, edition, 1946. 12s 6d.

How do you do, Tovarish? By Ralph Parker. gx6J. Pp. 64. 16 isotype charts. 32 photographs. London: George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1947. 7s. 6d.


Middle East Journey. By Richard Goold‐Adams. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. viii+195. 22 photographs. Sketch map. London: John Murray, 1947. 15s.

Syrian Pageant: The History of Syria and Palestine, woo B.C. to A.D. 1945. By Wilfred T. F. Castle, M.A. 9x6. Pp.184. 16 illustrations. Sketch map. London: Hutchinson and Co. (Publishers) Ltd., N.D. 21s.

Soil and Water Conservation in the Punjab. By R. Maclagan Gorrie, D.Sc., F.R.S.E. Foreword by Sir Evan M. Jenkins, K.C.I.E., C.S.I. 10x7. Pp. viii+290. 47 figs. 27 plates. Lahore: Punjab Government (Book Depot), 1946. Rs. 5, or 7s 6d.

Tibetan Venture: In the Country of the Ngolo‐Setas. Second Guibaut‐Liotard Expedition. By Andre Guibaut. Translated by Lord Sudley. 8 3/4 x 5. Pp. ix+206. 23 illustrations. 2 maps. London: John Murray, 1947. 16s.


Liberia. By Charles Morrow Wilson. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp.226. 27 illustrations. New York: William Sloane Associates Inc., 1947. $3.75.

In the Forests of the Night. By James Riddell. 9 1/2 x 6. Pp. xiv+229. 97 illustrations. London: Robert Hale Ltd., 1948. 15s.

Wild Life in South Africa. By J. Stevenson‐Hamilton. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp.364. 2 sketch maps. London: Cassell and Co. Ltd., 1947. 12s 6d.


Outlines of the Geography, Life and Customs of Newfoundland‐Labrador (The Eastern Part of the Labrador Peninsula). By V. Tanner. 10 x 6 1/2. Vol. I. Pp. 1–436. Figs. 1–209. Vol. II. Pp. 437–909. Figs. 210–342. Bibliography: Pp. 827–909. Cambridge: University Press, 1947. 50s for the two volumes.

Newfoundland: Economic, Diplomatic, and Strategic Studies. Edited by R. A. Mackay, Ph.D., F.R.S.C. Contributors: The Editor, S. A. Saunders, M.A., Ph.D., A. M. Fraser, M.A., G. S. Graham, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.Hist.S., A. R. M. Lower, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.C., G. S. Watts, M.A. Foreword by Sir Campbell Stuart, G.C.M.G., K.B.E. 9x6. Pp. xiv+577. Diagrams. 4 sketch maps. End‐paper maps. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1946. London: Geoffrey Cum‐berlege. 30s.

Mexico South: The Isthmus of Tehuantepec. By Miguel Covarrubias. 9 1/2 x 6 1/4. Pp. xxviii+435+viii. 92 line drawings. 8 colour plates. 91 plates (photographs). London: Cassell and Co. Ltd., 1947. 45s.

Mexican Kaleidoscope. By Norman Pklham Wright, F.R.G.S. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp.viii+175. 54 photographs. End‐paper sketch maps. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1947. 15s.

Land of the Condor; By Hakon Mielche. Translated from the Danish by M. A. Michael. 8 1/2 x 6. Pp. 1352. Marginal drawings. 13 photographs. Edinburgh, Glasgow, and London: William Hodge and Co. Ltd., 1947. 12s 6d.


Grtnlands Historie: En Oversigtfra'ca. 1500 til 1945. By Finn Gad. 10 x 6 1/2. Pp.272. Illustrated. Det Grønlandske Selskabs Skrifter, XIV. Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaards Forlag, 1946. Kr. 10.

South ivith Mawson: Reminiscences of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911–1914. By Charles Francis Laseron. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. 223. 17 illustrations. Endpaper sketch maps. Sydney: Australasian Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd. London: George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1947. 12s 6d.


Catalogue of Maps in the Essex Record Office, 1566–1855. Edited by F. G. Emmison, F.S.A., f.r.hist.s. Foreword by E. Lynam, d.utt., f.s.a. 11 x 8 3/4. Pp. xx+106. 4 figs. 6 plates in colour. 28 maps in half‐tone. Map of Essex Hundreds and Parishes (1: 126,720). Chelmsford: The Essex County Council, 1947. 21s.

Geschiedenis der Kartografie van Nederland, van den Romeinschen Tijd tot het Midden der 19de Eeuw. By S.J. Fockema Andreae and B. van't Hoff. 12 1/2 x 9 1/2. Pp. viii +127. English summary: pp. 104–121. 25 plates. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff N.V., 1947. 15f.


Douglas of the Fir: A Biography of David Douglas, Botanist. By Athelstan George Harvey. 9x6. Pp. x+290. Bibliography. 7 illustrations. 4 maps. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1947. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege. $4.00, or 22s.

Arabian Days: An Autobiography. By H. St. J. B. Philby. 9 1/2 x 6. Pp. xvi+336. 52 illustrations. London: Robert Hale Ltd., 1948. 21s.

In Memory of J. M. Shokalsky. Edited by I. J. Krachovsky. 10 x 6 1/2. Pp. 375. 30 illustrations. Bibliography. Moscow and Leningrad: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 1946. 38 roubles.

Mariner of the North: Captain Bob Bartlett. By George Palmer Putnam. Pp. x+246. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce Inc., 1947. $3.50.


This is Kenya. 5 x 7 1/4. Pp. 112. 104 photographs. Nairobi: The Kenya Information Office, 1947. 2s.


Glacial Geology and the Pleistocene Epoch. By Richard Foster Flint. 9x6. Pp. xviii+589. 88 figs. 6 plates. Bibliography. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc. London: Chapman and Hall Ltd., 1947. $6.00, or 36s.

Plough and Pasture. By E. Cecil Curwen. 7 1/2 x 5. Pp. iii+122. 21 figs. 14 plates. Past and Present, Vol. 4. London: The Cobbett Press, 1946. 7s 6d.

Revolution of Environment. By E. A. Gutkind. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. ix+454. 60 figs. 74 plates. 3 maps. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. Ltd., 1946. 30s.

World Words: Recommended Pronunciations. By W. Cabell Greet. 9 1/2 x 6. Pp. liii+608. New York: Columbia University Press, by arrangement with the Columbia Broadcasting System. Second edition, revised and enlarged, 1948. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege. $6.75, or 37s 6d.

Compass of the World: A Symposium on Political Geography. Edited by Hans W. Weigert and Vilhjalmur Stefansson. 8+5$. Pp. xvi+466. 39 figs., with maps by Richard E. Harrison. London: George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd.,1946. 15s.

British Sources of References and Information: A Guide to Societies, Works of Reference, and Libraries. Edited by Theodore Besterman. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. ix+56. London: Aslib (for the British Council), 1947. 6s, or 5s to Aslib members.

Britain and Her Export Trade. Edited by Mark Abrams. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp. 329. London: Pilot Press Ltd., 1946. 15s.

A Book of Voyages. Edited by Patrick O'Brian. 8 1/2 x 5 1/2. Pp.274. Decorations by Joan Burton. London: Home and Van Thai Ltd., 1947. 15s.

Portuguese Voyages, 1408–1663. Edited by Charles David Ley. 6 3/4 x 4 1/4. Pp. xxii+360. Everyman's Library, No. 986. London: J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1947. New York: E. P. Dutton and Co. Inc. 4s 6d.

A Book of Recent Exploration. By Charles E. Key, M.A., F.R.G.S. 7 1/4 x 5 1/4. Pp.233. 13 illustrations. 11 sketch maps. London: George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., 1946. 8s 6d.


The "Contour” Road Book of Scotland. By Harry R. G. Inglis, F.R.S.G.S. Revised and extended by R. M. G. Inglis. 6x3 1/2. Pp. xvi+288. 500 maps and plans. Edinburgh: Gall and Inglis. Twentieth Revision, n.d.

Norway in Maps. By Tore Sund and Axel Sømme. 10 x 7 1/2. A. Text‐Volume. Pp. 96. B. Sketch Maps and Photographs. Pp. 52. 82 figs. C. Maps (Norges Geografiske Opmaling). Index map (1: 2,800,000). 19 maps (1: 200,000). Skrifter fra Norges Handelsheyskole i Rekken Geografiske Avhandlinger, Nos. 1–2. Bergen: A. S.John Griegs Boktrykkeri, 1947.

Kleine geologische Overzichtskaart van Nederland op de Schaal 1:600,000. Geologische Stichting, Afdeling Geologische Kaart. Explanatory text, and summary in English. 11 1/4 x 8. Pp. 16. Map: 22 1/4 x 19 1/2. The Hague: Staatsdrukkerij, 1947.

Maly Atlas Polski [Little Atlas of Poland], Edited by Jerzy Kondracki. 8 x 12 1/4. 28 maps in colour. Warsaw: G16wny Urzad Pomiarow Krajy [Head Office . of Survey], 1947.  相似文献   


Italy's capitalism has traditionally differed from that of its major trading partners: state‐owned enterprises have played a larger role, securities markets have been relatively less developed, while corporate power in the private sector has been concentrated to an unusual extent in the hands of a few family‐controlled business groups. Since the 1970s, Italian big business has seemed unable to steer a new course in an increasingly global economy. When belatedly and under tight budget constraints Italy finally started privatizations in 1992, many hoped that this would bring about a long‐delayed modernization of financial markets, an increase in competitive market pressues, and some ‘democratization’ of corporate power. This article reviews a book edited by Fabrizio Barca which puts these recent experiences into a much‐needed longer historical perspective, and other books offering non‐scholarly views on the present state of Italian capitalism.

Fabrizio Barca (ed.) (1997) Storia del capitalismo italiano (Rome: Donzelli), pp. 1‐634, 60,000 lire, ISBN 88‐7989‐252‐5 hardback.

Filippo Cavazzuti (1996) Privatizzazioni, imprenditori e mercati (Bologna: Il Mulino), pp. 1‐83, 10,000 lire, ISBN 88‐15‐05562‐2 paperback.

Alfredo Macchiati (1996) Privatizzazioni tra economia e politica (Rome: Donzelli), pp. 1‐160, 18,000 lire, ISBN 88‐7989‐254‐1 paperback.

Giuseppe Turani (1996) Isogni del grande nord (Bologna: II Mulino), pp. 1‐138, 15,000 lire, ISBN 88‐15‐05721‐8 paperback.  相似文献   


The Making of the English Landscape. By W. G. Hoskins. 8 3/4×7. Pp. 240. 82 plates+frontispiece. 17 maps and plans. London : Hodder and Stoughton Ltd, 1955. 25s.

The Highlands in Colour. Photographed by W. S. Thomson : introduced by W. H. Murray. 10×7 1/2. Pp. 64 (7 text+54 pages of photos). Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd Ltd, 1954. 12s 6d.

Scotland. By G. S. Fraser and Edwin Smith. 12 1/4 ×9. Pp. 62+191 black and white and 3 colour plates. 1 map. London : Thames and Hudson Ltd, 1955. 42s.

Ulster Folklife. Issued by the Committee on Ulster Folklife and Traditions, 9 3/4×7 1/4. Pp. 56. 6 plates. Belfast, 1955.

Highlights of the Donegal Highlands. By H. P. Swan. 9×6. Pp. xv+186. 97 plates. 2 endpaper maps. Belfast: H. R. Carter Publications Ltd, 1955. 12s 6d.


Southern Africa. A Geographical Study. By John H. Wellington. Two volumes. 9 1/2 ×6 3/4. Vol. I. Pp.528. 97 photographs. 96 figures and maps. 4 maps in end pocket, 70s. : Vol. II. Pp. 283. 14 photographs. 25 figures and maps. 4 maps in end pocket. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1955.

A. MacP.


To the Third Pole. By G. O. Dyhrenfurth. Translated by Hugh Merrick. 10×7 1/2. Pp. xxvi+233. 47 plates. London : T. Werner Laurie, 1955. 30s.

Kanchenjunga. By John Tucker. 9×6. Pp. 224. 35 plates and figs. London : Elek Books Ltd, 1955. 21s.


Virginia at Mid‐Century. By Jean Gottmann. 9 1/2×6 1/4. Pp. vii+584. 64 maps and graphs. 197 photos. New York : Henry Holt and Co. Inc., 1955.


Die Kartographie 1943–54 (Eine bibliographische Uebersicht). By Hans‐Peter Kosack and Karl‐Heinz Meine. 8×11 5/8. Pp. 216. Lahr Schwarzwald: Astra Verlag, 1955. German marks 26.


New Zealand Geomorphology. By C. A. Cotton. 8 1/2×51/2. Pp. 281. 16 plates. Wellington : New Zealand University Press, 1955. 42s.


Origin and Distribution of the British Flora. By J. R. Matthews. 7JX5. Pp.176. 6 figs. London : Hutchinson's University Library (Biological Series), 1955. 8s. 6d.


Alicella : A Memoir of Alice King Stewart and Ella Christie. By Averil Stewart. 81/2×6. Pp. xxiv+311. 10 plates. London: John Murray Ltd, 1955. 21s.

The Seasons Return. By John R. Allan. 8 3/4×53/4. Pp. 219. 17 plates. London: Robert Hale Ltd, 1955. 15s.


Four Archaeological Studies

Rome Beyond the Imperial Frontiers. By Sir Mortimer Wheeler. 7 1/8×5 1/4. Pp.224. 20 figs. 30 plates. A Pelican Book. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books Ltd, 1955‐ 3s. 6d.

Roman Britain. By I. A. Richmond. The Pelican History of England, Volume I. 7 1/8×51/4. Pp‐240. 8 plates. 12 figs. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd, 1955. 2s 6d.

Roman Roads in Britain : 1. South of the Foss Way—Bristol Channel. By Ivan D. Margary. 10×1/2. Pp.253. 16 plates+frontispiece. 11 maps+1 folded end map. London : Phoenix House Ltd, 1955. 42s.

The Problem of the Picts. Edited by F. T. Wainwright. 9 1/4×63/4. Pp. xi+187. 12 plates. 16 figs. 7 maps. Edinburgh : Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1955. 21s.

Historical Geography. By J. B. Mitchell. 71/2×5. Pp. xvi+356. 52 figs. London: English Universities Press Ltd. [Teach Yourself Geography], 1954. 10s 6d.

The Ordnance Survey Annual Report, 1954–55. 13 1/2×81/2. Pp. 5–23. 10 plates. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1955. 5s.


A New Map of the World: The Trystan Edwards Homalographic Projection. 40×30. London : B. T. BatsfordLtd, 1953 reprinted 1955. 42s. Explanatory Brochure.  相似文献   

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