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The geography and internal structure of Ukrainian block settlements in western Canada illustrate the strength of social ties transferred from the homeland. Settlements were structured according to kinship, village, district, provincial, and national loyalties. In this respect the internal geography of Ukrainian block settlements in Canada replicated that of the western Ukraine in microcosm. Although Settlement within a familiar social- cultural milieu offered many advantages for the immigrant, the ultimate result was not always beneficial, since a determination to pursue social advantage in settlement led to the occupation of much agriculturally marginal land.
La géographie et la structure interne des implantations en masse des Ukrainiens dans l' ouest du Canada montrent la force des liens sociaux transmis du pays ď origine. Ces implantations furent structurées en fonction d'affinityés provenant de liens soit de parenté ou de loyauté qui existaient à des niveaux diffgrents, tel que dans le village, ou dans le quartier, au même en province ou dans des coins lointains du pays. A cet égard, la géographie interne de ce type d'implantation au Canada fut la réplique en microcosme de celle de l' ouest de l' Ukraine. Bien que l' implantation au sein d'un milieu socio-culturel connu ait offert beaucoup d'avantages à l' immigrant, le résultat final n'a pas toujours étéà son avantage, surtout lorsque la détermination de maintenir ces liens sociaux mena à l' occupation de nombreuses terres qui étaient faibles en rendements agricoles.  相似文献   

An act for registering births, deaths, and marriages was passed for England and Wales in 1836. Scotland, despite evident support for the principle of civil registration there, did not obtain equivalent legislation until 1854 - a paradox that has yet to be fully explained. Eight unsuccessful bills preceded the Scottish act, and this article explores the reasons for their failure. Although the Scottish churches and municipal authorities broadly favoured vital registration, their objections to particular clauses concerning the nomination and payment of registrars, the imposition of fees for registration and penalties for non-registration, and the provision of new administrative facilities, repeatedly impeded the bills' progress through parliament. More importantly, four of the bills were linked to measures for reforming the marriage law, which were so offensive to Scottish sensibilities that the registration bills were damned by association. Only by altering these contentious clauses and eschewing any interference with the law of marriage did Lord Elcho's bill of 1854 succeed. The lengthy gestational period preceding the Scottish legislation did, however, result in the compulsory registration of births and deaths, unlike in England, and secured a greater breadth of detail in the Scottish registers.  相似文献   

关华  曹康 《人文地理》2008,23(4):123-128
地区高技术园区和工业区原有产业分工功能,随着日益激烈的市场竞争逐渐转变成竞争关系。高技园区与工业区原有规划目标提供企业厂商良好的投资生产环境,但是生产与市场重迭所产生的竞争问题,将降低彼此竞争力。本文经由探讨两岸高技术园区发展经验,指出两类团区应采取整合方式支撑地区经济总体发展,并提出对两类园区整合策略的构思。  相似文献   

本文将主客观评价法相结合,对北京市紫竹院公园视觉景观质量影响因素进行分析。课题组实地评价并拍摄照片,室内请评判者给照片打分评出美景度分值,请专家对主观性因子评价,与实地评价结果做一致性检验;对两种方式获取的数据进行方差分析、相关分析,并建立线型回归模型。结果表明:主观性因子的实地评价和室内问卷评价结果具有一致性;专业背景不同不影响评判者对景观美景度的评判结果;美景度与区内因子呈正相关,与区外因子呈负相关;区内的3个因子更能影响对景观的评判,其中,自然景观所占比例影响最为显著。  相似文献   

The annalist Manetho, a native Egyptian scholar-priest who lived in the 3^rd century BC during the reign of Ptolemy II (285-246 BC), wrote a history of Egypt in Greek and divided the history of ancient Egypt into 30 (or 31) dynasties. He began with the unification of Egypt, making a Thinite king of Upper Egypt, whom he knows as Menes, the founder of the First Dynasty (ca.3100-2890 BC). Menes is said to have built his capital at the junction of Upper and Lower Egypt, in a strategical key position. The new capital was called the "White Wall", it became later known as Memphis. There a great temple was built, dedicated to the god Ptah, who remained the patron deity of the city throughout its long history. Up to now no monuments of the First Dynasty have been found that would bear the name of Menes. Therefore, modem archaeologists hold that Menes should be identified with Narmer, the king whose relics have been unearthed at Hierakonpolis. Some scholars even doubt that Menes was a true historical figure, after all.  相似文献   

主题公园发展的战略性趋势研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
董观志 《人文地理》2005,20(2):43-46,24
1955年迪斯尼乐园的诞生,第一次提出了"主题公园"的概念。主题公园(ThemePark)是指为了满足旅游者多样化休闲娱乐需求与选择而建造的一种具有创意性游园线索和策划性活动方式的现代旅游目的地形态。本文从主题公园缘起的分析中提出了主题公园的概念内涵和个性特征,通过对主题公园形态的演进动力机制进行研究,提出了主题公园演进路径的逻辑模型,阐述了主题公园产品形态在主题文化、技术含量、娱乐内容、游客参与、场景氛围、园林景观、消费方式、游乐时间、安全舒适等方面的9个战略性演进趋势。  相似文献   

肖星  苗红  张林  齐德利 《人文地理》2001,16(6):57-60
黄河文化园是规划开发中的黄河兰州市区段40km风情旅游线上一座融地理、历史、民俗于一体的文化主题公园。在提出3条规划思路的基础上,本文将该园划分为"文明之光"、"地理揽胜"、"文物瑰宝"、"民俗采风"、"古街余韵"等5大景区,相应设计了若干景点和诸多观赏性、参与性和娱乐性颇强的旅游活动项目,还对该园进行了旅游形象策划,并在绿化规划方面有独到的见解和创新。  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the conditions and decision rules pertaining to the efficient provision of a central park in a city (provision that must satisfy the Samuelson condition). An interesting finding is that an additional opportunity cost that results from competition with residential use must be included to determine the efficient size of a central park. An efficient central park is larger in a city with public landownership than in a city with absentee landownership. Profit maximization and population maximization can be used as decision rules to determine the efficient provision of a central park in both an open city with absentee landownership and one with public landownership. The net benefit of a central park in a closed city with absentee landownership is reflected not only in the land rent or profit, but also in the utility level, while that of a closed city with public landownership is fully reflected in the utility level. It is not feasible to determine the efficient size of a central park for a closed city with either absentee or public landownership solely based on observable market information.  相似文献   

体验经济时代国内主题公园开发模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王惠 《人文地理》2008,23(5):101
体验经济时代已经来临,游客特征呈现出与以前经济时代不同的特点,更加重视游客的参与性,满足游客的个性化需求以使游客获得更多的体验和感受。而国内许多主题公园在满足游客多样化需求方面还存在着一定问题,如没有主题特色、市场定位不准、忽视游客参与、门票经济过重、服务质量低下等。通过比较国内外成功开发的主题公园的开发模式,提出了体验经济时代国内主题公园开发的优化模式,即要注重选址性、体现主题性、加强创新性、强化参与性、重视服务性、提高产业性、注意可持续性等。  相似文献   

The establishment of a data base of trace element analysis results obtained by neutron activation analysis of 183 marble samples, each weighing about 200 mg, from eight different quarrying localities for use in provenance studies is described and a summary of the results presented. The problems of sampling museum artefacts are discussed, and details of tests of the reproducibility of the technique are given together with those obtained from multiple-samples from single museum objects. Replicate analyses of a marble standard are also discussed. Thus these data are a measure of the accuracy and precision of the technique, as well as allowing an assessment of the variation in trace element composition within quarry sources and single blocks of marble, as used for artefacts.  相似文献   

张全景 《人文地理》1996,11(Z2):25-27
从丰富的资源、完善的交通网络、特殊的区位条件、紧密联系的港城--腹地系统全方位论述了建立鲁南经济区的客观基础。  相似文献   

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