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试论历史叙事中的想象问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
历史叙事中的想象至少有五种形式:有为叙事生动而加入的想象,有为借用文学虚构来补正史实的想象,有为联接史实节点、保持叙事完整的想象,有为运用反事实而进行的想象,有为架构历史情节的想象。各种不同类别、不同功用的想象,在历史叙事中都占有一席之地,同时也带来了各自不同的问题。  相似文献   

By and large, there are three kinds of research on environment: the history of environment as a field of natural history studies, the history of environment as within the scope of history of society studies, and environmental history as the study of the relationship between human and nature. The methodological perspective of the relationship between humanity and environmental distinguishes the third from the previous two. From this perspective, when we probe the mutual effects between human and nature, we will stress on their interactions. The new era and the realities of contemporary society foster the rise of environmental history, which has not only theoretical values but also practical significance. Translated from Xueshu Yanjiu 学术研究 (Academic Research), 2006, (9):12–22  相似文献   

本文对红军长征史研究中的若干问题,如"长征"一词最早是什么时候提出来的?红军长征的原因是什么?红军长征是不是"战略转移"?红一方面军是什么时候开始长征的?遵义会议是不是确立了毛泽东在党内军内的领导地位?陈云的《(乙)遵义政治局扩大会议》手稿是不是传达提纲?"四渡赤水"是不是"真如神"?关于张国焘的"密电"问题,其他几支红军的长征,红军长征的路程究竟有多长?三大主力会师后究竟有多少人?应该怎么理解长征精神等,提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

储著武 《安徽史学》2006,39(2):120-128
20年代的中国近代史研究呈现出一种畸形的发展状况。近代史研究不被时人看重,但却有不少近代史著述出版。到1928年,通过对近代史史料的整理工作,由斯而发,罗家伦明确提出了要科学地研究中国近代史,开启了近代史研究的新局面;从史学史的角度对这些近代史著述的特点作出总结,知人论世,可以窥见20年代近代史研究的状况。  相似文献   

上古时期口耳相传的历史记忆是后世历史记载的源头.在相关的历史记载中还可以看到其某些影子.出现于早期历史记忆中的"人"多为"英雄"或"圣人",而非普通的人.逐渐剥落掉神的身影,而呈现出真正的"人"面貌,已经是野蛮与文明之际的事情.但是即使在这个时期,人--神之间仍然有着千丝万缕的联系.历史记忆是古代文明出现上升的阶梯.  相似文献   

The latest meeting in the series of International Conferences of Historical Geographers was held in Kyoto in 2009. The series originated in a meeting of Canadian and British historical geographers held in Kingston, Ontario, in 1975. Four subsequent meetings held in Britain, Canada and the USA saw an increasingly international participation and the sixth meeting, held in 1986, was accorded the title of the Sixth International Conference of Historical Geographers. Eight further such conferences have been held since then, some in locations well beyond Britain and North America. This paper records the basic historical and geographical characteristics of all of the meetings between 1975 and 2009.  相似文献   

文章对自先秦以来,特别是在中国漫长的封建社会中民本思想的形成,以及这种思想对调节、缓和社会矛盾,同时产生的消极影响和局限性,都作了较全面的论述;并对后来的民主思想的产生和发展也进行了一定分析。  相似文献   

The Stalin Years: A Reader. Edited by Christopher Read (Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003), xv?+?241 pp. €14.99 paper.

The Russian Revolution from Lenin to Stalin, 1917–1929. By E. H. Carr, with a new introduction by R. W. Davies (Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004), xxxix?+?200 pp. €14.99 paper.  相似文献   

This article is based on an inaugural lecture for the Stevenson Chair in International History, given at the London School of Economics (LSE) in October 2012. It re‐examines the origins in Britain in the 1920s of the academic discipline of international history, focusing on the partnership between the LSE and Chatham House. It highlights the differences among the discipline's founders between broader and more tightly defined conceptions of its subject matter and scope, identified respectively with Arnold J. Toynbee on the one hand and with Harold Temperley and Charles Webster on the other. It also underlines the founders' agreement about international history's practical applicability, particularly for analysing and even for helping to prevent the outbreak of major wars. It explores the theme of ‘learning from the past’ by investigating the interconnection between the diplomatic crises of July–August 1914 and October 1962, reappraising John F. Kennedy's use of history to inform statesmanship. The article points to a recurrent pattern in the international conjunctures of 1914, 1939 and 1962 that may be replicating itself again today. It concludes that a knowledge and understanding of international history can indeed yield insights of practical value, though must be drawn on flexibly and with imagination.  相似文献   

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