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王启才 《文献》2000,(3):20-30
《吕氏春秋》是战国末期吕不韦利用门客有组织、有计划集体编纂的一部政治书.据其《序意》"维秦八年,岁在涒滩……良人请问十二纪"可知,该书写成于公元前241年,就目前所知,这是先秦唯一可确考成书年代的子书.  相似文献   

达斡尔族主要分布于内蒙古自治区、黑龙江省和新疆维吾尔自治区.据2000年第五次人口普查统计,其人口有13.2万多人.在长期的社会历史发展进程中,受生产生活、人文环境、社会经济因素等方面的影响,达斡尔族的民间节日与其它传统文化一样,不可避免地发生了某种程度的变异.在此,我们对达斡尔族民间节日的内涵及特色,作一介绍.  相似文献   

本文以辽宁省蒙古语言文字的发展和保护状况的资料为依据,阐述了文化多样性与少数民族语言文字保护的辩证关系。笔者认为,在文化全球化面前,少数民族语言文字面临的空前困窘,是在文化多样性视角下,所观察到的少数民族语言文字的必然现象。面对20世纪70年代全世界通用的语言日益减少的现实,作者呼吁,经济越是走向全球化,就越需要重视不同文化间的互相尊重和平等对话,越是应当尊重文化的多样性与差异性。  相似文献   

对郑州商文化陶字符量化分析结果显示,早商文化陶字符使用以具有首都地位的郑州早商文化遗址最为集中,具有较强的地域性。郑州早商文化陶字符分期演进中出现一些分界现象,缘于商文化的兴盛和文化中心的转移。郑州商文化陶字符多出现于祭祀场所和手工业作坊遗址具有特殊意义的遗迹,表明其主要为生活、手工业生产、祭祀活动中有关数量、日期、位序、族属、地点等信息的记录遗存。  相似文献   

曾良 《文献》2007,(2):153-160
古籍中有大量的俗写,俗字问题没有弄清楚,会影响我们古籍整理的质量,也不能很好地进行词义研究工作.以下谈几则与俗字密切相关的古籍校勘问题,为了说明的方便,下面有的引例保持原卷的文字面貌.  相似文献   

史杰鹏 《江汉考古》2007,(1):92-94,72
本文讨论了上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书《容成氏》里的“酋清”的“酋”和“夹州”的“夹”两个字,认为它们古音分别和“淑”和“冀”字相近,“酋清”应当读为“淑清”,“夹州”就是文献中的“冀州”。  相似文献   

By the end of the nineteenth century, evolution through natural selection had been widely accepted, but the means by which innate or acquired characteristics were transmitted from parent to offspring remained hotly contested. As the literary career of Vernon Lee makes evident, discussion of the validity of newly espoused theories was not limited to science. This essay explores Lee's lifelong engagement with emerging and often unproven ideas in heredity and evolutionary science by arguing, first, that rather than a unidirectional flow of ideas from experimental science to literature and the social sciences, there was instead a productive and creative trafficking between these fields; and, second, that despite Lee's early rejection of Lamarckism, she continued to utilize superseded paradigms to inform her writing in a number of fields outside evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

概述远古图腾文字起源期,书画同源现象,图腾文字符号与原始书法雏型的关系,从自然美到朴素的形式关、形象美产生的背景及动因。史前艺术宝库的基础。  相似文献   

The pulp magazines that dominated early twentieth-century American popular culture helped shape popular understandings of Irish-American identity. Several notable types of pulp hero (cowboy, detective, G-Man, masked hero) were defined in part by Irish stereotypes and counter-stereotypes. They played upon notions of the Irish as figures straddling the border between civilisation and savagery to evoke an image of a new kind of American who was well equipped for the rapidly changing and chaotic American century. Irish-American pulp stories often lack explicitly Irish cultural or historical references and instead focus on describing Irishness as a more generic Americanness. Similarly, the Irish-American character moved further from ethnic stereotype to become a generic masculine ideal. In several ways, the pulp magazines chronicle the formation of an assimilated Irish identity in the USA.  相似文献   

契丹小字<耶律副部署墓志铭>(以下简称<署志>)1996年9月出土于内蒙古自治区阿鲁科尔沁旗罕苏木朝克图山的耶律祺家族墓地二号墓.墓志现藏于内蒙古文物考古研究所.志盖,正面的斜面刻十二生肖像,中央台面没有刻字(图一).背面刻契丹小字27行(图二).志石刻契丹小字21行(图三).二石共刻契丹小字51行.出土情况已有报导1.现对墓志作一考释.如有不妥之处,尚希诸家博雅不吝赐教.  相似文献   

Environmentally-related wear conditions and pathologies affecting the dentition of fossil lungfish from freshwater deposits in Australia have been analysed and compared with similar changes in the dentition of the living Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsten. Fossil populations from the Namba, Etadunna, Wipajiri and Katipiri formations in central Australia, and the Carl Creek Limestone and the Camfield beds in northern Australia were assessed.

Tooth plates from populations of living lungfish from the Brisbane River and Enoggera Reservoir in southeast Queensland were analysed for comparison. Tooth plates were measured to determine the numbers of different age groups in each population. They were assessed for abrasion, attrition, spur and step wear, erosion and caries, and for trauma and pathological conditions such as malocclusion, hyperplasia, abscesses, osteopenia and parasitic damage. AH of these conditions are related to the environment where the fish lived, are found in living members of the group, and can be compared directly with those of fossil relatives.

The results suggest that some of the fossil populations were at risk before climatic changes late in the Cainozoic destroyed their habitats. Some fossil lungfish populations, such as those of the Wipajiri Formation, exhibit active spawning and recruitment, good growth rates and a low incidence of disease and environmentally related damage to the tooth plates. Others, like those of the Katipiri and Namba Formations, include no young, and the adult fish were ageing and show environmentally-related damage to the dentition. Etadunna lungfish had active recruitment, but the tooth plates show a high incidence of attrition and caries. Riversleigh lungfish were actively spawning but did not grow large. Tooth plates from this latter deposit have a high incidence of pathological conditions. Fish from the Camfield Beds, where food was severely limiting, had little serious pathology but high levels of caries. Pathologies among living lungfish are common, but fossil fish were comparatively healthy, with few serious dental problems. Information from studies of fossil lungfish confirms that conservation of the few living species of lungfish depends on the maintenance of clean environments that provide adequate supplies of food and suitable sites for spawning and for the growth of young fish.  相似文献   

余敏辉  孙建美 《安徽史学》2011,(6):82-85,108
俞正燮是清代一位称得上考据大师级的著名学者。他在女性人物考据方面,不仅擅长归纳演绎,重视文献佐证,精于情理推断,考据方法科学理性,而且以考据经世,立意高远,胆识过人,形式多样,考据特点十分突出。  相似文献   

中国共产党革命根据地妇女教育特征考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪30-40年代中国共产党在苏区、抗日根据地和解放区,将妇女教育与当时的革命斗争结合起来,把妇女教育的发展提高到一个新高度,使中国共产党区域的妇女教育形成了鲜明的革命性、平民性、实用性和多样性特征,从而在全国开创了一条全新而成功的发展妇女教育的道路,对中国革命战争的胜利起了极大的推动作用.  相似文献   

防霉防蛀装裱粘合剂SDK的性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
取代度为0.6-0.8的变性淀粉粘合剂SDK具有与小麦面粉浆糊相似的书画装裱特性,其对各种书画材料的影响小于面粉浆糊。SDK粘合剂的防霉防蛀性能改变了在面粉浆糊中添加防霉防蛀剂的传统方法,有可能成为替代面粉浆糊的新一代书画装裱粘合剂。  相似文献   

The efficiency of nonmetric (discrete) characters of the deciduous dentition in assessing affinities of human populations was investigated in seven population samples from western Japan. The Neolithic Jomon (the Late and Latest stages, 4000–2300 BP ), the Aeneolithic Yayoi (2300–1700 BP , divided into materials from the Tanegashima Island and other western Japan materials), the protohistoric Kofun (1700–1300 BP ), the medieval Kamakura & Muromachi (800–400 BP ), the early modern Edo (400–130 BP ) and modern Japanese were compared for 17 traits. From the analyses of univariate and multivariate comparisons, close affinities between the Jomon and the Tanegashima Yayoi populations and between the other Yayoi, Kofun, Medieval, Edo and modern Japanese populations were indicated. This result coincided with the results obtained from the investigations of permanent dentition. The Jomon and Tanegashima Yayoi populations showed high frequencies of middle trigonid crest and cusp 6, while the other Yayoi and post‐Yayoi Japanese populations expressed high frequencies of shovelling, cusp 7 and distal trigonid crest. As simple tooth crowns are characteristic of their permanent teeth, the traits abounding in the Jomon and the Tanegashima Yayoi deciduous dentition were unique to their deciduous dentition. Different gene frequencies in juveniles and adults, or a heavy functional demand on their deciduous teeth, may be responsible for this difference. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

李菲 《文博》2009,(5):70-71
金代铜镜的铸造工艺独树一帜,既吸取了中原地区汉族铸镜的优良传统,又体现了游牧民族特有的豪放粗犷的气质。金代铜镜所用题材大多采用中原地区广为流传的传说与典故,吴牛喘月镜便是此类典型镜种之一。本文主要考证了此件吴牛喘月镜的来源、制作工艺,并对其时代特点及社会背景进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文就《张家山汉墓竹简》十个字的字义进行了考释。认为“荃”为“絟”之借,其义为“细葛”布;“道”当读为“由”,用作介词;“qian”读为“鬝”或“顅”,义为“秃”;“胗胗”,亦作“chēn”,其义为“气体或液体满盛貌”;“洒洒”,亦作“洗洗”,读为“shēn”,其义为“寒”;当为“渴”字异构,其义为“泄”;“央”作名词用,义为“尽头”。“为”有两种用法,一为连词,一为动词,其义为“有”;“喜”为“禧”之借,其义为“吉”;“敦”借为“顿”,其义为“跺”。  相似文献   

敦煌佛经俗字误读释正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
敦煌遗书中绝大部分佛经卷子系写本,其文字和后世的书写习惯出入很大,特别是晚唐五代时的写经,讹俗文字触处可见.笔者在校读敦煌佛经的过程中,尝试对一些前贤时彦未甚措意的俗字进行考释.  相似文献   

洛阳大学文物馆所藏一件西汉铜鼎见有"宣春"刻铭,有学者认为"宣春"与《汉书·地理志》汝南郡宜春县有关,《汉书·地理志》汝南郡"宜春"当据铜鼎改正为"宣春"。本文结合传世文献及出土文字资料,指出《汉书·地理志》汝南郡"宜春"并非讹误,铜鼎刻铭"宣春"之涵义当另作探讨。  相似文献   

This paper is the third in a series on the craniology of four species of Bos and it is the last of the three papers in which the skulls of British domestic cattle are used in an attempt to establish a basic craniology for the genus. Part 1 (Grigson, 1974) dealt with nomenclature, material, history, age assessment and absolute size. Part 2 (Grigson, 1975) dealt with cranial proportions and angles. This paper deals first with sagittal profiles and then with other non-measurable characters.Sagittal profiles may be rounded or pointed with some intermediate forms. The rounded shape (an infantile character) persists throughout life in some breeds and is unaffected by age, sex or size. The pointed form develops with age in some breeds and is probably more marked in older and larger animals. Seventeen other minor characters are examined for the effects of age, sex, breed and size.  相似文献   

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