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This paper endorses recent pleas for an ‘institutional turn’ within economic geography. In particular, it reveals and connects the coherence and distinctiveness of dissenting institutional economics as a way of thinking for economic geography. Economic geographers have recognized this tradition but its continuity and compass is not fully appreciated. To provide such an appreciation, this paper argues that the paradigmatic distinctiveness of dissenting institutionalism rests especially on its recognition that real world economies are embedded, have histories or evolve, and are different. The discussion is based around these three cornerstone principles of embeddedness, evolution and difference. For the future, greater attention to the region as an institution, albeit a complex one, along with greater attention to the synthesis of multi‐dimensional processes that are normally analyzes as separate conceptual categories, is encouraged.  相似文献   

Although territorial disparities in land quality are commonly observed in Mediterranean‐type ecosystems, how different geographical gradients impact the changing distribution of land vulnerable to degradation over time and space is poorly investigated in southern Europe. The present study assesses the spatial distribution of vulnerable land according to a composite index that describes the degree of land vulnerability to degradation in Italy along eight gradients during two time periods (1960–1990 and 1990–2010), representing distinct socio‐economic and environmental conditions. While the degree of land vulnerability increased at similar paces from 1960 to 1990 and from 1990 to 2010, the spatial distribution of vulnerable land changed considerably. From 1960 to 1990, the area of vulnerable lands increased in coastal areas, lowlands, and areas with moderately high population density, mainly owing to the increased climate aridity. By contrast, peri‐urban areas experienced, especially in northern Italy, the highest vulnerability from 1990 to 2010 owing to increased human pressure on land generating, e.g. land‐use changes. Results indicate that the importance of the gradients shaping the distribution of vulnerable land in Italy is reflected in the (changing) role of climate, vegetation cover, and human pressure as factors predisposing land to degradation. Finally, policy implications of the changing geography of vulnerable land in the Mediterranean region are discussed.  相似文献   


Whaling has been a consistent theme in Australia’s relations with Japan since the 1930s, Australia having endeavoured to regulate, restrict, or bring to a complete halt Japan’s Antarctic whaling virtually since it began. Australia’s motivations have been mixed, involving at various points, some combination of protection of Australia’s coastal whaling industry, concern for Australia’s security, for safeguarding Australia’s Antarctic territorial claim, and more recently, concern for Australia’s whale-watching industry and/or for the whales. Since environmental consciousness became a primary factor in the 1970s, Australian policy has been aligned with that of anti-whaling non-governmental organizations (NGOs), albeit that certain actions of NGOs have caused difficulties for the Australian Government. Law – inclusive of legal argument in the course of diplomacy, domestic laws, and international litigation – has been a mechanism of influence used by the Australian Government and NGOs. This paper traces Australia’s legal opposition from its beginnings until Japan’s announcement in December 2018 that it would end Antarctic whaling.  相似文献   

美国著名文学批评家爱德华·W·萨义德在《东方学》一书中提出了在西方实际上一直存在着与“先进的西方”相对的“落后的东方”,也就是所谓的“东方学”式的“二元对立”思维方式。它在西方国家以东方国家为对象大力推进殖民政策的过程中,已成为一种霸权话语。日本是一个东方国家,但是它在比西方国家落后几十年的状态下学习西方,并发展到以中国大陆为主要对象推进殖民政策。从日本近代文学家当时关于中国的言论当中也可以看出有类似于萨义德提出的“东方学”的思维方式。因篇幅的关系,本文试图通过借鉴萨义德在《东方学》里所提出的观点,重点围绕芥川龙之介这位作家,深入探讨他对中国的一些言论。  相似文献   

日本政府为改变信息化相对落后的状态,在新世纪初制定《IT基本战略》,决定实施IT立国战略,2005年把日本建设成为世界上最先进的IT国家。为此,日本政府以制定《IT基本法》、实施IT立国战略为中心,通过e-Japan战略、IT新改革战略、IT新改革战略政策纲要和e-Japan重点计划等,积极采取了推进信息化发展的战略和政策措施。在此基础上,日本政府又提出《u-Japan构想》,争取在2010年建设无所不在的网络社会,以消除数字鸿沟,使地方也能够充分利用IT基础设施,有信息均等和机会均等的公平上网环境,以建设充满活力的地方,实现城市和地方的协调发展。  相似文献   

In fin-de-siècle Japan, the ideal of "eugenic modernity," or the application of scientific concepts and methods as a means to constitute both the nation and its constituent subjects (New Japanese), crystallized in the space of imperialism. Three of the main themes explored are the application of eugenic principles to make connections between biology, kinship, and the plasticity of the human body; to contemporize historical stigmas; and to promote "pure-bloodedness" and "ethnic-national endogamy" as cultural ideals.  相似文献   

日本是我国最大的外资来源国之一,日资的进入对我国国民经济的拉动作用显而易见。从日本对外直接投资区位的总体格局来看,发达国家占绝对优势,我国所占的比重虽不大,但增长势头良好。明确我国在日本对外直接投资中的地位,研究其对华直接投资的区位选择机制,对我国改善投资区位条件,提升在日本全球化生产格局中的分工地位有重要意义。本文从投资动机和区位要素两个方面来考察日本对华直接投资的区位选择机制。在此基础上,最后对地理上与日本临近的东北三省予以特别的关注,就如何吸引日资提出了几点对策。  相似文献   

中国当代文学在其发展流变中,为抗日战争这段历史的书写提供了另一种可能。本文以尤凤伟的中篇小说《生存》和它的改编剧本,以及姜文据此再度创作和拍摄的电影《鬼子来了》为考察对象,回避其从小说、剧本到电影的流变过程中在文艺样式与拍摄技巧上的特色,而着重从创作主体建立在国族想象上的启蒙立场与文本中阶级意识的隐现上,探讨当前抗战文艺中的历史记忆与现实诉求。  相似文献   

进入21世纪之后,随着经济长期高速发展,中国正在国际社会发挥着越来越大的影响力。日本社会各界虽然都非常关心中国,但仍有许多人担心"中国的崛起"并鼓吹"中国威胁论"。中日两国一衣带水有着悠久的历史渊源,今后中国出现的问题以及作为地区大国所采取的对外政策都将对日本的未来产生深远影响。然而日本目前的研究体制与组织并不完善,很难及时深入地分析当代中国所发生的巨大变化。为提高对于当  相似文献   

The Working Holiday is a relatively new but rapidly growing form of transnational mobility. In Australia, Working Holiday Makers (WHMs) form the largest group of Japanese temporary migrants, and their numbers have been increasing. In this paper, I will discuss the experience of returned WHMs in the light of Japanese labour practice. For my interlocutors, the motivations for taking a Working Holiday were frequently related to their dissatisfaction with their status and future prospects as workers. In order to understand this popular but under-researched form of transnational migration, it is therefore important to consider their self-perceptions about their worker status when they re-entered the Japanese workforce, and how they think their life course has changed due to the Working Holiday experience. The employment experience of WHMs upon their return to Japan illuminates their position in the home society in which their migratory decision-making was situated.  相似文献   

翟新 《史学集刊》2008,(2):68-74
岸信介内阁虽在对立的中美之间选择了后者,但也并未完全追随美国的对华政策,以体制与意识形态包装的"政经分离"政策则是其对华政策的核心.该政策通过拒绝承认中国大陆,以巩固日美台关系;另借以维系对华贸易渠道,在满足本国市场需求的同时,发挥其在解决国内政治及外交问题上的工具价值.然长崎国旗事件等致中日交流断绝,及日方在打开局面上的无作为,则无不根源于该政策的非合理性.  相似文献   

古代日本的五月五日礼仪,始自7世纪初,形成伊始受到中国夏至理念的影响。至8世纪律令制国家确立后,五月五日节仪成为体现天皇与全体官人政治关系的重要国家礼仪。中国民间五月五日习俗中的菖蒲、续命缕等道具成为律令制五月五日节仪的必要组成要素,避邪除灾的观念也随之被融入五月五日节仪之中。  相似文献   

中日邦交正常化三十多年来,中日关系经历了许多波动和曲折,其原因既有国际政治环境的因素,又有中日双方在实际交往过程中的政策和措施上的问题。而在各种因素当中,日本的社会思想意识,特别是对华认识的变化应该说是最根本的影响和制约因素。本文仅以冷战后日本社会思想意识的变化与对外政策,特别是对华政策的相互关系为考察对象,从国际政治环境、社会体制、舆论的变化进行考察,并进而分析今后日本对华政策的变化趋势。  相似文献   

The idea of the ‘integrated museum’, a more socially inclusive form of cultural institution, was a key outcome from the UNESCO/ICOM ‘Round Table of Santiago’ in 1972. Many of the concepts embodied in this idea became part of ecomuseum philosophy and practice during the 1970s and 1980s, in particular the need to involve local communities and make museums more democratic. The ecomuseum has the potential to be a socially inclusive mechanism and is now a worldwide phenomenon. Many of its tenets (the museum as territory, fragmented sites, in situ conservation and community leadership) are used—in a variety of ways and with varying success—as a mechanism to conserve cultural and heritage resources and to construct and promote local or regional cultural identities. Although the philosophy and practice of ecomuseums has been subject to criticism, they are still being created, mainly in rural areas, as a means of conserving traditional landscapes and ways of life. Japan has embraced the ecomuseum philosophy, and three contrasting ecomuseums (Hirano, Asahi and Miura) are described here, their roles analysed and their democratic nature questioned. It appears that the ecomuseum does have the ability to be a truly democratic method of heritage conservation, but that ultimately much depends on leadership and the identification of the local community as the key stakeholder.  相似文献   

日本是内蒙古传统的经贸合作伙伴,在20世纪80年代初,日本曾经是内蒙古最大的投资国,而自80年代末期开始,日本对内蒙古的投资骤减,进入90年代以后,内蒙古吸引日资数额起伏较大,总体说来,日本在内蒙古利用外资中的地位是呈下降趋势的。本文在分析内蒙古利用日资的发展历程基础上,着重从日本和内蒙古两方面探讨日本对内蒙古投资下降的原因,并提出解决的对策。  相似文献   

19世纪七、八十年代,参与中日文学交流的主要是中国驻日使馆官员以及旅日文人。他们多为饱学之士,且好交友喜翰墨,常与东瀛的一流文人宴饮赋诗、笔谈雅会,创作了许多脍炙人口的诗赋篇章。这种面对面的交流,极大地刺激了日本诗人的创作欲望,有力地促进了日本汉文学的复兴与发展。同时,他们还以游记、随笔等形式,把自己在日本的所见、所闻以及亲身体验等介绍给国人,为国内同胞了解日本的文学艺术、世俗人情、自然风物等提供了生动、翔实的资料。  相似文献   

两汉时期开始,古代日本通过朝贡,纳入到中原王朝的册封体制之内。曹魏西晋时期,封贡关系进一步密切,古代日本频繁向中原王朝朝贡,中原王朝也首次派使者出使古代日本,这是以往两国发展史上没有的先例,开创了两国关系新的篇章。  相似文献   

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