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In speech and deed, Lincoln's statesmanship manifests the possibility of an honorable, reasonable, and just love of country—that is, a reflective patriotism imbued by a republican love of liberty under God's Providence. In his speeches and writings, Lincoln consistently underscored that love of country must be governed by “reason,” “wisdom,” and “intelligence.” Thus, in his First Inaugural, March 4, 1861, he characteristically appealed to the combined forces of “Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him, who has never yet forsaken this favored land.” Lincoln's reflective patriotism was nurtured by his gratitude to the Founders and measured by his fidelity to a national Union dedicated to the universal moral principles of the Declaration under the particular rule of law established by the Constitution. Historically, it was articulated as an alternative to rival forms of allegiance that Lincoln opposed as both unjust and unreasonable during the Civil War era—namely, sectionalism, nativism, and the imperialism of Manifest Destiny. Each of these disordered forms of love threatened the inseparable moral and fraternal bonds of liberty and Union that Lincoln sought to perpetuate through an ordinate love of country guided by wisdom and critical self-awareness. Lincoln's Eulogy to Henry Clay, June 6, 1852 provides the most cogent expression of his reflective patriotism.  相似文献   

刘文涛 《世界历史》2000,1(4):19-27
亚伯拉罕·林肯是与华盛顿、杰斐逊齐名的美国三大伟人之一。我国学术界对林肯人生轨迹的研究 ,虽然较为广泛和深入 ,但忽略了其中的一个非常重要的阶段——政治蛰伏期 ,即1849至 185 4年林肯从国会卸任返乡居住的五年。许多历史伟人都经历过或长或短的蛰伏期 ,这在他们的人生旅途中既关键又微妙。国外对此问题的研究比较重视 ,美国学术界通过对林肯政治蛰伏期的探讨就认为 ,蛰居乡间的五年是林肯认真反思自己人生经历 ,全面充实自我 ,以崭新的面貌投入伟大政治风暴的准备阶段。研究林肯的这一阶段 ,对于更深刻地理解他的思想和伟业是大有裨…  相似文献   

美国第16任总统亚伯拉罕·林肯是一位坚强的反奴隶制战士,其反奴隶制思想的主要思想源头如下(一)杰斐逊的民主主义思想.(二)自然神论.(三)人道主义.(四)国家主义观念.由于具有这种思想基础,林肯始终遵奉杰斐逊民主的基本原则,以捍卫宪法和维护国家统一为己任,痛恨种族奴役,并能够顺应进步潮流,同南方奴隶制度进行不懈的斗争.  相似文献   

The presence of forests and efforts to clear and utilize them have been constant motifs in the landscape, livelihood and life of the United States since first European settlement. Taking a long view of forest destruction and use, the years from about 1810 to 1860 were crucial and pivotal in the development of new trends, patterns and perceptions. During that half century the United States was transformed from a predominantly self-sufficient rural economy and society to a more commercial, industrialized, urban one. The major impacts on forests were agricultural clearing, clearing for domestic fuel, industry and mechanical energy, and cutting for constructional lumber. The ubiquity and abundance of wood retarded the adoption of new technology in industry and transport. But as felling increased towards the end of the 1860s the aesthetic, recreational and environmental qualities of forests came to be more deeply appreciated and concern was expressed about the depletion of the resource.  相似文献   

Neff C 《家族历史杂志》2011,36(3):286-315
It has been suggested that the role of Ontario children's homes, who had for half a century been helping disadvantaged children, changed significantly and immediately under the 'Children's Protection Act of 1893'. However, the records of the girls admitted to Toronto Girls' Home from 1863 to 1910 suggest that this was not the case, for this home at least. For most of their history, their core clientele was the children of poor respectable parents dealing with a crisis or who could not both work and care for their children. Thus, although prior to 1893 they did also care for a significant number of neglected children, and after 1893 fewer such children were admitted, the Home continued for more than 20 years to help families as they always had, providing a form of family support for which the child protection system was not designed.  相似文献   

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