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The flat topography of the Red River Valley reflects the morphology of underlying bedrock covered with late Quaternary glacial and glaciolacustrine sediments. The meandering Red River occupies a shallow stream‐cut valley that became incised into the Red River Valley plain following the final recession of glacial Lake Agassiz. Extreme flows carried by the river overtop the sides of the stream‐cut valley and spread laterally up to several tens of kilometres across the plain. An array of flood protection infrastructure has been constructed in the landscape to mitigate the flood hazard.  相似文献   

This article is based on an ethnographic case study conducted during a small project on the public-private development of lakes in Bangalore. Using conceptualizations of place and implacement as developed by scholars such as Casey and Anderson, this article unpacks the relationship between sociopolitical processes and modification of landscape during the implementation of a public–private partnership lake development project of Hebbal Lake. The disappearance of designated places along the lakeshore that are accessible to different users tends to favor a monoculture of consumer experiences, which can be seen as a hidden form of displacement of other users. I suggest that by physically modifying the “places” on the lakeshore that once supported multiple human-geographical interactions, certain people can experience displacement even if they are allowed to access the lake.  相似文献   

九·一八事变后,美国的和平团体试图通过一战后建立的国际和平机制来维护远东的和平。他们要求美国政府与国联合作援引国际公约,利用世界舆论的谴责以及联合制裁的方式遏制日本侵略者。但最终的事实证明,和平机制根本无力阻止日本的侵略和维护远东的和平,国联和国际和平条约的公信力也因而丧失殆尽。在满洲危机的沉重打击下,美国和平运动的主流理念逐渐从维护世界和平退缩到固守本土安全,从支持国际合作转向坚守严格中立。满洲危机导致美国和平运动的目标发生了重大转折,即从建立积极的和平转向追求消极的和平。  相似文献   

《说儒》既是胡适最重要的学术著述之一,又体现了1930年代中国思想史、文化史、学术史以及儒学研究史的新走向。自从1934年《说儒》发表以来,相关论争和研究几乎从未停歇,从而成为民国学术史、儒学研究史上的一大公案。有关《说儒》的零星议论从其发表之后便已出现,但真正意义上的研究则始于1949年后。现在看来,海内外的多篇相关论著,均各胜擅场,其本身亦成为当今中国学术史、儒学研究史的一个组成部分,但尚无法回答诸如胡适晚年仍坚持的《说儒》出现后中国上古文化史需"从头改写"的信心自何而来、《说儒》现实关怀何在及其本身的多重意涵等问题,此或亦是《说儒》及其相关研究需要进一步深化之处。  相似文献   

利用漫反射光谱、显微激光拉曼光谱和能量色散X射线荧光技术,对一张道教人物画像的颜料进行原位无损鉴别,结果显示,画像主要使用了朱砂、巴黎绿、群青、雌黄、碳黑和铅白。为了明确群青是人工合成还是天然颜料,采用X射线衍射对画像蓝色颜料进行物相分析,结果表明,该颜料确为合成群青。由于群青和巴黎绿均为人工合成颜料,其首次合成时间分别为1828年和1814年,清代晚期引入我国,由此推断该画像应在清代晚期以后绘制。这一研究表明,上述三项技术联用非常适合于易损和不允许取样的古字画颜料的无损分析鉴定,在纸张类文物分析中具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

孙浩 《中国钱币》2009,(3):67-69
前言 由于动乱之故,中国机制币创建早期的文献缺失甚多,即使能幸存者也常深锁档案室未开放查询,故这方面的考据往往要依赖当初设备供应源头处的外国资料补充。在这些国外所公开的记载中,又以英文系列较为完整,其原因缘于首座中国机器造币厂是由英国协办,英造机具也因此成为中国机器造币设备的主要来源。  相似文献   

本结合苏州河沿岸化景观带的功能潜力和上海城市功能定位提出了苏州河沿岸化景观带功能开发的总体目标和规划原则.并对分段开发进行具体策划与设计。  相似文献   


A battlefield—as a complex notion—encompasses many kinds of space, from the physical to the symbolic. The features of geographical elements together created the stage for a clash and conditioned in some way (partly or even entirely) the course and result of the battle. However, today’s battlefield landscape is often a literary silent witness to history, telling us nothing of the past. Given the fact that battlefields have become tourist attractions and are a destination not only to the so-called ‘dedicated cultural tourists’, there is a need to give the landscape a voice in the complex tourist narration. In order to enable including a historical landscape story in a general tourist narration about a battlefield, a theoretical framework of a historical battlefield is proposed and discussed to justify the need of using specific tourist facilities to make the past present in today’s landscape. The case of Rac?awice battlefield in Poland illustrates the ‘nameless landscape’ where only the symbolic space is readable and linked with the past. It also supports a conclusion that there is a need to make the battlefield legible in terms of the sequence of events, the roles of people (groups and individual), and the role of geographical features in the battle. In this simple condition, a visit to a battlefield might be more complex and provide a fuller understanding.  相似文献   

佘康乐  刘星 《民俗研究》2011,(1):187-202
陆居三十多年来,鲁南微山湖地区的渔民至今仍保留着独特的春节祭祖习俗。整个祭祖仪式以个体家庭为单位,从腊月二十二一直持续到大年初一,由送老祖、接老祖和辞年等仪式构成,是渔民一年中最重要的活动。春节祭祖仪式体现了渔民独特的老祖信仰,这一信仰不仅对渔民起着心理安慰的作用,同时还凸显了渔民的宗族特征,而春节祭祖仪式也成为宗族建设及聚合宗族关系的有效手段。  相似文献   

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