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在2008年的雷曼危机导致世界经济陷入困境之后,中国通过财政刺激和货币宽松政策加快了投资。当时中央政府、地方政府和企业纷纷启动了基础设施建设、房地产开发以及设备投资。包括公共投资与企业设备投资在肉的固定资产投资额在2009年以后的5年里超过了150万亿元。  相似文献   

豪峰集团坐落在河北省秦皇岛市抚宁县。1988年时,豪峰前身还是一个只有固定资产76万元、企业亏损58万元,负债186万元的小毛纺厂。而今,它已发展成占地12万余平方米,拥有总资产2.6亿元、员工1000余人、年产值1.8亿元、利税千万元的企业集团。这个集团的领头人就是陈晓峰。  相似文献   

<正>阿城区位于哈市主城区东南23公里处,于2006年8月撤市设区,全区幅员面积2452平方公里,总人口58万。2009年,地区生产总值实现165亿元,全口径财政收入实现12亿元,全社会固定资产投资实现125亿元,城镇居民人均可支配收入实现14018元,农民人均纯收入实现7340元。  相似文献   

正西藏今年拟投150亿元建农村公路"十三五"时期,西藏交通扶贫和农村公路建设计划投资558亿元,每年计划完成100亿元左右的项目储备和实物量。到2020年,实现所有县通油路,所有乡镇、建制村通公路,确保小康路上绝不让一个贫困地区因公路交通而掉队。2017年,计划完成农村公路固定资产投资150亿元,着力解决年度脱贫摘帽县和易地搬迁人口安置地公路设施问题。同  相似文献   

黄亚生美  钱勇 《世界》2005,(12):14-17
我在讲的“外资依赖症”的“症”,不是指外资对内资的简单比例,而是指外资对有效率的内资的比例,国外经济学研究表明,在任何地区、任何行业,民营企业都比国营企业有效率,更有竞争能力。有效率的内资指的是民营企业的投资,在中国,民营企业的投资只占投资的很小一部分,根据《2004年中国统计摘要》,2003年私营和个体经济固定资产投资是7563亿人民币,占当年全社会固定资产的13.7%,同年,外国直接投资是4441.3亿人民币,也就是说外资对有效率的内资的比例是0.587(4441.3亿元除以7563亿元)。  相似文献   

2002年5月27日,胡锦涛总书记视察青藏铁路施工现场,面对中铁十五局集团数千名建设者,高度赞扬他们"是一支具有光荣传统的铁军,为青藏铁路建设又立新功"。面对胡总书记的赞扬和鼓励,中铁十五局集团员工们群情振奋,思绪万千。在2003年承揽工程任务234项,签订合同投资额90.3亿元,占年度计划的186.16%。全年完成企业总产值43.2亿元,占年度  相似文献   

三江平原米业集团有限公司是黑龙江省省级农业产业化龙头企业,在市政府的支持下,2007年7月由年加工能力超10万吨的8户民营米业加工企业入股1亿元组建,注册资金1亿元,固定资产净值2.6亿元,资产总计4.2亿元,负债率38%。集团所属子公司占地总面积65万平方米,其中建筑面积3.7万平方米,有大米生产加工线16条,拥有生产加工设备680多台套,还有部分粮食烘干、锅炉、运输等辅助设施。  相似文献   

2012年适逢无锡高新区开发建设20周年,无锡新区基本现代化建设达到"789"省定评判标准,全年实现地区生产总值1195亿元,同比增长10%;全社会固定资产投资593亿元,同比增长17%;到位注册外资14.2亿美元,同比  相似文献   

<正>一、2014年西藏经济发展回顾2014年,西藏自治区各级党委、政府按照中央经济工作会议精神及"十二·五"规划目标,稳中求进,加快转型,国民经济保持高位运行,突出表现为:经济发展速度快,整体效益比较好,重点工作有突破,农牧民收入增幅大,为全面完成年度目标任务、实现经济社会又好又快发展打下了坚实基础。最新数据显示,前三季度,全区生产总值完成661.56亿元,固定资产投资总额超过预期目标达814.15亿元,公共财政预算收入高于预期达到79.39亿元,规模以上工业增加值完成31.55亿元,社会消费品零售总额实现235.11亿元,经济运行情况总体  相似文献   

2012年适逢无锡高新区开发建设20周年,无锡新区基本现代化建设达到“789”省定评判评准,同比增长10%,全社会固定资产投资593亿元,同比增长17%;到位注册外资14.2亿美元。  相似文献   

INTENSIVE museum research and examination of documentary records of the discovery in the 18th and 19th centuries of Anglo-Saxon urns and other finds at Sandy (Beds.) reveals a series of 5th- to early 6th-century cremation urns and other pottery from the site. These are published together for the first time and their significance is discussed. A metal find of importance, a silver bracelet, is given extended treatment.  相似文献   

This article explores the connection between Cartography and Otherness, and intersects map and visual studies with the question of racial/ethnic identity. With the aim of making arguments through images, a visual/verbal text is staged to reflect on the ‘Map-Other’ connection in past and present times. Inspired by the epistemological turn from representation towards practice currently experienced within map theory, the article interrogates the various creative ways in which art, advertising, public communication and related fields enable post-representational ways of portraying maps. Public visual images of cartography can be read not only as an exposure of the firm, ideological meaning of maps, but also as illustrations of how maps work as shared, embodied and empowering objects. The treatment of maps as socialised, performed and relational thereby results in an involvement of Others as protagonists rather than subjects.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between the other and the writing self in three of Barthes's works and shows how the anxious and changeable state of the ‘je’ unsettles conceptions of ‘theory’ and its analytical object. Barthes attempts to conceptualise cultural otherness in Mythologies, L'Empire des signes and Incidents, and, on one level, his fantasies of encounter serve to displace or unground the writing ‘self’. On another level, however, the theorist's persona in these works turns out to be disorientated and unnerved by these displacements, and he couples his jubilant self-dissolution with a longing for a sense of origin or ground. Barthes as a result remains undecided about his positioning within his own discourse, and his works demonstrate the necessary interpenetration of theories of alterity with the contradictory subjective and affective desires of the writing self. The aim of the piece is ultimately to argue that, for its very flaws and inconsistencies, Barthes's writing about otherness may help us to understand the challenges and deficiencies of postcolonial conceptions of cultural difference.  相似文献   


Tiles were made in Hereford in Roman and in Medieval times, and the manufacture of plain quarry tiles from plastic clay maintained the tradition and technique of tile-making. During the nineteenth century the Gothic Revival stimulated the production of decorated tiles and Godwins began to make them. The firm is not as well known as some of its competitors such as Maw and Minton, but its tiles were much admired and widely used, and can still be seen in good condition in a surprisingly large number of churches. Standard reference books, give 1861 as the starting date for Godwin tiles, but the writer noticed that they had been used in 1857 in Giles Gilbert Scott's restoration of Hereford cathedral, and is attempting in this paper to give an outline of the rather complicated history of the Godwins and the other Hereford tile makers. The tile industry which began in 1850 has been an important source of employment in the Hereford area until the present day.  相似文献   

本文认为,新疆古称西域,其实西域常指包括新疆及其以西的中亚广大地区。“中亚”亦有广义和狭义之分,是见仁见智的近代地理概念。此外,古今中外还有一些与新疆和中亚有关的地理概念,都有一定的历史文化背景,系统考察之,那就是一部亚洲腹地地缘政治文化史。近年美国人提出Greater Central Asia(大中亚)的概念,另有一番政治含义。  相似文献   

J. L. André 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):400-422
In 1825 Lewis Nockalls Cottingham removed Romanesque carvings from the spandrels of the great west window at Rochester Cathedral as part of a comprehensive programme of restoration and repair. The architect's preliminary drawings for this project (held by Avery Architectural Library at Columbia University in New York) permit the accurate reconstruction of these spandrels, and this reconstruction, in turn, reveals some of the principles which guided this important early nineteenth-century restorer. It can be shown that in attempting to clarify the several styles of medieval building at Rochester, Cottingham repressed some features which he saw as hybrids and emphasized others which he judged insufficiently prominent. This desire to make the fabric history more clearly legible as a sequence of stylistic cues reflected recent advances in the writing of architectural history, in particular the taxonometric approach pioneered by Thomas Rickman.  相似文献   

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