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The thermosphere is primarily energised by the combination of three sources of energy and momentum. Solar UV and EUV energy is absorbed globally on the dayside within the middle and upper thermosphere. There is a persistent, but highly variable, inflow of energy and momentum from the magnetosphere. These magnetospheric inputs are usually confined to high latitudes, except at times of very large geomagnetic disturbances. Tides and gravity waves upwell from their sources in the troposphere and stratosphere to deposit energy and momentum at levels from the middle mesosphere to the upper thermosphere. Solar EUV radiation between 120 ran and 250 nm photo-dissociates the molecules which dominate the composition of the lower thermosphere, in particular producing atomic oxygen which dominates the composition of the upper thermosphere. The combination of solar EUV radiation at wavelengths shorter than 120 nm, plus energetic (mainly) charged particles from the magnetosphere, also ionise the neutral constituents of the thermosphere, creating the ionosphere. Particularly at high latitudes, within the geomagnetic polar caps and auroral ovals, the energetic, dynamical and chemical coupling and interactions between the thermosphere and ionosphere dominate the structural and dynamical response of both the thermosphere and ionosphere to solar and geomagnetic inputs of energy and momentum.Comparisons between predictions using global thermosphere-ionosphere coupled models and comparable observational sets have shown encouraging agreement during periods of relatively quiet geomagnetic activity. This indicates that the major energetic, ionisation, chemical and dynamical processes and interactions can be described in models with reasonable accuracy. During periods of high geomagnetic activity, and particularly during major geomagnetic storms, large rapid disturbances of the thermosphere occur with extremely rapid variations. These disturbances are observed as large increases of temperature, density, major changes of neutral composition, and with the development of high speed wind flows and large amplitude waves which may propagate to affect the entire globe. Since the ionosphere is formed from thermospheric constituents and affected by thermospherc dynamics, the gross disturbances of the ionosphere during highly disturbed periods are related to contemporary changes of density, composition and flows of the thermosphere, as well as changes of ionisation sources and electric fields. Observations which describe the nature and scale of disturbances of the thermosphere during geomagnetic storms will be used, in combination with appropriate global numerical simulations, to aid interpretation of storm-time ionospheric phenomena. The role of energetic, dynamical and chemical coupling between the thermosphere and ionosphere is emphasised.  相似文献   

Mean hourly values of magnetic declination D, horizontal intensity H and vertical intensity Z observed at Italian stations have been analyzed to determine solar and luni-solar diurnal components, together with the corresponding terms O1 and N2 of the lunar tidal potential.The results, showing the variations of the first four harmonic components with season, degree of magnetic activity and annual sunspot number, are tabulated and discussed. Differences between the dependence of S and L on season and sunspot number are considered and tentative explanations offered. The oceanic tidal effect has been determined and it is apparent that this is more likely to show the influence of the Atlantic Ocean rather than the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic storm effects at heights of about 0–100 km are briefly (not comprehensively) reviewed, with emphasis being paid to middle latitudes, particularly to Europe. Effects of galactic cosmic rays, solar particle events, relativistic and highly relativistic electrons, and IMF sector boundary crossings are briefly mentioned as well. Geomagnetic storms disturb the lower ionosphere heavily at high latitudes and very significantly also at middle latitudes. The effect is almost simultaneous at high latitudes, while an after-effect dominates at middle latitudes. The lower thermosphere is disturbed significantly. In the mesosphere and stratosphere, the effects become weaker and eventually non-detectable. There is an effect in total ozone but only under special conditions. Surprisingly enough, correlations with geomagnetic storms seem to reappear in the troposphere, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. Atmospheric electricity is affected by geomagnetic storms, as well. We essentially understand the effects of geomagnetic storms in the lower ionosphere, but there is a lack of mechanisms to explain correlations found deeper in the atmosphere, particularly in the troposphere. There seem to be two different groups of effects with possibly different mechanisms—those observed in the lower ionosphere, lower thermosphere and mesosphere, and those observed in the troposphere.  相似文献   

A study has been designed specifically to investigate the dependence of the ionospheric response on the time of occurrence of sudden commencement (SC) and the intensity of the magnetic storms for a low- and a mid-latitude station by considering total electron content and peak electron density data for more than 60 SC-type geomagnetic storms. The nature of the response, whether positive or negative, is found to be determined largely by the local time of SC, although there is a local time shift of about six hours between low- and mid-latitudes. The time delays associated with the positive responses are low for daytime SCs and high for night-time SCs, whereas the opposite applies for negative responses. The time delays are significantly shorter for mid-latitudes than for low-latitudes and, at both latitudes, are inversely related to the intensity of the storm. There is a positive correlation between the intensity of the ionospheric response and that of the magnetic storm, the correlation being greater at mid-latitudes. The results are discussed in the light of the possible processes which might contribute to the storm-associated ionospheric variations.  相似文献   

The effects of the IMF radial (Bx) and azimuthal (By) components on the distribution of polar cap arcs are examined using all-sky camera data from Vostok station for the winter months of 1977–1985. We conclude that three factors control the character of the aurora distribution: the type of the sector structure, the IMF radial component, and the IMF azimuthal component. Based on the experimental results, the following scheme for the auroral distribution in the northern and southern polar caps for different signs of Bx and By is put forward. The ‘garden hose’ structure (Bx > 0, By < 0 or Bx < 0, By > 0) produces symmetric auroral distributions in the morning and evening sectors of both the northern and southern polar caps; the ‘orthogonal garden hose’ structure (Bx > 0, By > 0 or Bx < 0, By < 0) is evidently inefficient in the production of aurorae. The Bx component determines the intensity of aurorae in that polar cap where geomagnetic field lines are in the opposite direction to the IMF (Bx < 0 in the case of the northern cap, and Bx > 0 for the southern cap) and produces the daytime auroral belt poleward of the auroral oval and parallel to it. The By component affects the auroral appearance in the morning or evening sectors of the polar cap, depending on its sign, and acts asymmetrically in the opposite polar cap. The appropriate patterns of plasma filament distributions in the high-latitude tail lobes are proposed. The characteristics of auroral movements affected by the By component (such as the direction and speed of the arc motion and the magnitude of displacements) are examined.  相似文献   

Variations of ionospheric Sq electric currents and fields caused by changes in electric conductivity due to changes in solar activity are studied using the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model. Calculations are made for R (sunspot number) = 35 and 200 on the assumption of constant (1, −2)mode tidal winds. It is shown that electric fields grow when solar activity is high, because the ratio of the conductivity in the F-region to that in the E-region increases. Currents in the F-region become stronger than those in the E-region, and nocturnal currents are not negligible when solar activity becomes high. F-region currents also play an important role in the westward currents on the high latitude side of the current vortex. The calculated geomagneticH component at the equator has a depression around 1600 LT for R = 35, while it decreases smoothly from 1100 LT to 1900 LT for R = 200. This difference is consistent with the observed geomagnetic field variation. The ratio of total Sq currents obtained by our simulation is about 3.5, which is a little larger than is found in the observed results.  相似文献   

The atmospheric circulation response to solar flares and geomagnetic disturbances is studied. It is shown that solar flares cause an increase of the zonal circulation intensity in the latitudinal belt ϑ = 45–65°, while geomagnetic disturbances are associated with a decrease of the circulation intensity.The energy necessary to produce the observed atmospheric circulation changes is estimated. The variation of the atmospheric transparency is suggested to be a possible source of that energy.  相似文献   

For a year of quiet solar-activity level, geomagnetic records from American hemisphere observatories located between about 0° and 30° north geomagnetic latitude were used to compare the annual and semiannual variations of the geomagnetic field associated with three separate contributions: (a) the quiet-day midnight level, MDT; (b) the solar-quiet daily variation, Sq; (c) the quiet-time lunar semidiurnal tidal variation, L(12). Four Fourier spectral constituents (24, 12, 8, 6 h periods) of Sq were individually treated. All three orthogonal elements (H, D and Z) were included in the study.The MDT changes show a dominant semiannual variation having a range of about 7 gammas in H and a dominant annual variation in Z having a range of over 8 gammas. These changes seem to be a seasonal response to the nightside distortions by magnetospheric currents. There is a slow decrease in MDT amplitudes with increasing latitude.The Sq changes follow the patterns expected from an equatorial ionospheric dynamo electrojet current system. The dominant seasonal variations occur in H having a range of over 21 gammas for the 24 h period and over 12 gammas for the 12 h period spectral components. The higher-order components are relatively smaller in size. The Sq(H) amplitudes decrease rapidly with increasing latitude. Magnetospheric contributions to the equatorial Sq must be less than a few per cent of the observed magnitude.The L(12) variation shows the ionospheric electrojet features by the dominance of H and the rapid decrease in amplitude with latitude away from the equator. However, the seasonal variation range of over 7 gammas has a maximum in early February and minimum in late June that is not presently explainable by the known ionospheric conductivity and tidal behavior.  相似文献   

论近代中国对外贸易地理方向的变动及其原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李英铨  严鹏 《安徽史学》2007,(4):45-52,60
学术界对近代中国对外贸易地理方向变动的探讨多采国别分析模式,本文采用新的分析方法.认为近代中国外贸方向变动的趋势是中国与亚太地区的经贸联系逐渐加强,尽管列强在华势力消长是近代中国外贸方向变动的重要原因,但世界体系下的霸权转移和列强对华贸易的比较利益则决定了近代中国贸易取向的转变,同时近代中国外贸方向的变动仍遵循经济学规律,受地缘和传统因素的制约.以亚太为外贸重心的变动体现出中国参与国际经济的一种长期趋势.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of the efficiency of solar flares in producing sudden field anomalies (SFAs) on 164 kHz, reported by Letfus and Nestorov (1977), has been investigated for the complete 20th solar cycle. This variation persists with one exception of the solar cycle minimum, when the efficiency considerably decreases. The results of Mitraet al. (1964) giving threshold solar radio flux for an SID occurrence have been found to be incorrect.  相似文献   

The dynamics and structure of the polar thermosphere and ionosphere within the polar regions are strongly influenced by the magnetospheric electric field. The convection of ionospheric plasma imposed by this electric field generates a large-scale thermospheric circulation which tends to follow the pattern of the ionospheric circulation itself. The magnetospheric electric field pattern is strongly influenced by the magnitude and direction of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), and by the dynamic pressure of the solar wind. Previous numerical simulations of the thermospheric response to magnetospheric activity have used available models of auroral precipitation and magnetospheric electric fields appropriate for a southward-directed IMF. In this study, the UCL/Sheffield coupled thermosphere/ionosphere model has been used, including convection electric field models for a northward IMF configuration. During periods of persistent strong northward IMF Bz, regions of sunward thermospheric winds (up to 200 m s−1) may occur deep within the polar cap, reversing the generally anti-sunward polar cap winds driven by low-latitude solar EUV heating and enhanced by geomagnetic forcing under all conditions of southward IMF Bz. The development of sunward polar cap winds requires persistent northward IMF and enhanced solar wind dynamic pressure for at least 2–4 h, and the magnitude of the northward IMF component should exceed approximately 5 nT. Sunward winds will occur preferentially on the dawn (dusk) side of the polar cap for IMF By negative (positive) in the northern hemisphere (reverse in the southern hemisphere). The magnitude of sunward polar cap winds will be significantly modulated by UT and season, reflecting E-and F-region plasma densities. For example, in northern mid-winter, sunward polar cap winds will tend to be a factor of two stronger around 1800 UT, when the geomagnetic polar cusp is sunlit, then at 0600 UT, when the entire polar cap is in darkness.  相似文献   

Barium-strontium release experiments were conducted at Sriharikota Rocket Range (SHAR. 5.5 N dip latitude) at the onset of equatorial spread-F. We report here an unusual phenomenon of the development of two barium ion clouds from a single release around 200 km altitude, moving with different speeds indifferent directions. This is the first experimental evidence for the presence of large scale electric field gradients with a scale size of 15km. By incorporating neutral wind measured during spread-F into a numerical model for equatorial electrojet we interpret these gradients to be the manifestation of effects due to the meridional winds and wind shears. It is possible that the electric field gradients observed may lead to the generation of plasma holes during the onset of equatorial spread-F.  相似文献   

A fixed frequency amplitude modulated transmission was reflected from the ionosphere and changes in the group path, phase path, signal amplitude and directions of arrival of this transmission caused by travelling ionospheric disturbances were measured. These measurements enabled approximate determinations of the horizontal wavelength, period and horizontal phase velocity of the disturbances, which were compared with the theory of disturbances for atmospheric waves. A simple model is proposed to explain the phase relationships between the TIDs observed in the group and phase paths, and the faster decrease in power of the phase path than the other measured parameters indicated by spectral analysis.  相似文献   

The variations of the diurnal range of the geomagnetic field with sunspot number and with magnetic activity was studied at mid and high latitude stations in the northern hemisphere at different seasons. The effect of increasing sunspot number is small at lower latitudes and increases with geomagnetic latitude, while the effect of increasing magnetic activity is to increase the range at all latitudes, very greatly at the higher geomagnetic latitudes.  相似文献   

吴汉全 《安徽史学》2007,1(6):114-125
高一涵研究近年来已取得重要成果,发表的论文对高一涵的启蒙思想、五四时期的政治思想、自由主义理念、人权思想、与五四运动的关系、与李大钊的关系等作了有价值的探讨.今后一个时期,高一涵研究应着重在高一涵政治思想研究、生平和活动研究、在五四时期的历史地位的研究、政治学思想研究、与五四时期历史人物关系的研究、与五四时期期刊关系的研究等六个具体领域下工夫.深化高一涵研究,使高一涵研究成为一个比较成熟的研究领域,必须注重学术研究资料的积累和搜集、研究观念的提升、研究视野的扩大、研究方法的更新、研究队伍的建设等,这是高一涵研究今后的努力方向.  相似文献   

A comparison is made of results obtained at two widely separated observatories, Nagycenk in Hungary and Uzur in Soviet Siberia (both at geomagnetic latitude 48°) and the connection is studied between pulsation parameters and parameters of the interplanetary medium. It is concluded that, in spite of differences in recording and processing, the results are similar and confirm earlier suppositions about these connections. Hypotheses about the location of the excitation clearly favour the pre-shock interplanetary medium with reflected protons counterstreaming to the solar wind. Propagation through the shock wave and the magnetopause, as well as infra-magnetospheric propagation, may later alter certain parameters of the pulsations.  相似文献   

Observations with the Poker Flat, Alaska, MST radar during and after solar proton events in 1982 and 1984 suggest that winds in the altitude range of ~ 80–90 km were altered as a consequence of the influx of energetic charged particles and large electric fields at high latitudes. The atmospheric changes accompanying these events appear to result in a reduction of the semidiurnal tide and an enhancement in the diurnal tide. It is suggested that these changes could result from the alteration of the local tidal heating distribution produced by the particle precipitation, either through changes in the local ozone distribution or as a result of mesospheric Joule heating.  相似文献   

This paper investigates changes in subsistence strategies at the upland cave site of Nugljanska (Croatia) at the end of the last ice age, during a time of rapid sea level rise and changing environment. We analysed the faunal assemblage from archaeological levels spanning the Pleistocene–Holocene transition (15,000–8000 years BP) and evaluated changes in relative abundance of species, measured species diversity, and compared the representation of terrestrial mammal and marine resources. We found a significant shift in the most abundant prey species exploited (from red deer, Cervus, to wild boar, Sus). There was some correlation between dietary diversification and periods of increased moisture availability and the spread of deciduous forest in the area. Our results suggest that there was a continuing reliance on terrestrial resources throughout time and that changes in dietary patterns were likely due to local environmental change and potentially, changing seasonal mobility strategies, at the Pleistocene–Holocene transition.  相似文献   

This paper examines the utopian scheme for Paris put forward by Fourierist engineer Perreymond in the Revue Générale de l'Architecture et des Travaux Publics (1840–1890). The plan is placed in the context of both nineteenth-century utopian conceptions of society, as well as the wider discussions of the urban fabric of Paris. Particular attention is paid to Perreymond's ideals and their influence as a specific moment in planning. This is followed by an examination of why this plan was destined to remain on paper whilst a similar scheme – that of Baron Haussmann – became concrete ten years later.  相似文献   

The thermoluminescence phenomenon has been used for pottery dating and radiation dosimetry for sixty years and for forty years has been applied to the study of meteorites, being successful in quantifying metamorphic histories and providing new insights into terrestrial age and orbits. Here we review some of the fundamental properties of thermoluminescence with particular focus on the study of small extraterrestrial particles. We suggest that natural TL data can be used to identify the burial and release history of cometary particles and that induced TL measurements can provide in-sights into the mineralogy of particles (even when largely amorphous) and the metamorphic history of those particles. We illustrate the use of TL to study small particles by describing recent studies on micrometeorites and 10–100 μm fragments taken from the matrix of a meteorite Semarkona which is type 3.0 ordinary chondrite.  相似文献   

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