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We recorded shadow bands just before and just after the total phase of the solar eclipse of 11 July 1991. The recordings were made using two broad band silicon photodiodes separated horizontally by 100 mm. They faced the zenith, near to where the eclipsed Sun lay as seen from our observing site close to San José del Cabo in Baja California. The irradiance fluctuations associated with the shadow bands were around 0.04 W m−2 peak to peak on a background of 1–3 W m−2. The cross-correlation function indicates that the shadow bands were moving at about 1.8 m s−1 perpendicular to their extent. The power spectral density functions are in accord with the shadow band theory of Codona [(1986), Astron. Astrophys. 164, 415–427].  相似文献   

The altitude distribution of the oxygen infrared atmospheric bands at 1.27 μm was measured during the total solar eclipse of 26 February 1979. The ozone concentration profile has been derived from these airglow measurements and indicates that at 85 km the concentration at totality was 7 × 1.7 cm−3, with no well defined upper layer. This reduced concentration, which is typical of summertime conditions, was probably due to perturbations in the mesospheric chemistry and transport induced by a winter warming event that was in progress at the time of the eclipse. At 60 km the ozone concentration, 2.7 × 1010 cm−3, was enhanced above that normally measured. This increase may also have been caused by the stratospheric warming event but the effects of a particle precipitation event, which was also in progress during the eclipse, may be important.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) concentrations have been determined from the analysis of positive ion composition data obtained by AFGL for eclipse and post-eclipse conditions near Red Lake, Canada. Values of about 3 × 108 cm−3 for 105–110 km and about 3 × 107 cm−3 for 90 km have been established. A residual ion-pair production rate of about 50 cm−3 s−1 is estimated for eclipse totality at 110 km. A factor of two uncertainty is thought to be appropriate for all deduced values. The calculated NO concentrations appear to be within the range of typical variations for this season (late winter) and latitude (51°N).  相似文献   

On the evening of 13 January 1983 we made simultaneous observations of optical and radar aurora using low light television cameras together with the EISCAT radar system. At 19 h 16 m 06 s UT an extremely bright auroral arc moved rapidly (about 2 km s−1) through the EISCAT radar beam. The associated rapid rise and fall in the E-region electron density indicates that there was an intense narrow electron beam associated with the optical arc. We estimate that the ionisation rate in the E-region increased at least 20-fold (from 1 × 1010 m−3 s−1 to >2 x 1011 m−3 s−1) for 1 or 2 s as the arc passed by. In addition, there was a brief (<4 s) increase of 130% in the signal returned from 250 km altitude which coincided with the arc crossing the radar beam at that height. In view of this coincidence, we find that a possible explanation is that the increase arose from short-lived molecular ions, for example vibrationally excited N+2 ions, produced in the F-region by soft precipitation associated with the arc.  相似文献   

The solar eclipse of 26 February 1979 was observed from Red Lake, Canada, (52 °N, 91 °W) where totality occurred at about 1053 local time. Several research groups and government agencies participated in an extensive ground- and rocket-based observational program directed at the middle atmosphere. At the time of the eclipse, an extensive geomagnetic storm was in progress and the middle atmosphere was undergoing temperature and circulation changes associated with a stratospheric warming. Concurrent observations of atmospheric constituents, solar radiation, electron flux and other middle atmosphere parameters were obtained as inputs for a D-region predictive chemical computer code, DAIRCHEM, tailored to eclipse conditions. Ion pair production rates were computed by an E-region infrared radiance model and were used as necessary source function input values for DAIRCHEM computations. The computations yielded predictions of electron and total positive ion densities about totality. The positive ion measurements of a supersonic Gerdien condenser and a subsonic blunt probe during the eclipse were in agreement with the model computations and provided normalizing summations of total positive ions for the interpretation of mass spectrometer measurements. The chemical computer code identified principal routes for increase and removal of key species such as O2+, NO+, hydrated clusters and negative ions. The dominant precursor ion for pair production hydrates was O2+ and the chemistry was characteristic of the disturbed D-region.  相似文献   

Forty-one days of measurements of the upward flux of zonal momentum associated with internal atmospheric gravity waves propagating in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere, made in thirteen 2–5 day periods, in each season, for the years 1981 and 1982 are presented, and the zonal mean flow acceleration is calculated for each period. For five periods of observation the upward fluxes of both zonal and meridional momentum are presented and for these, the total mean flow acceleration is calculated. When averaged over periods of 2–5 days, the magnitude of the upward flux of zonal momentum is typically less than about 3 m2 s−1, with the largest values tending to occur in the summer and winter months, suggesting a semi-annual variation with minima at the equinoxes, although large fluctuations in magnitude and sign are possible. About 70% of the upward flux of horizontal momentum appears to be due to motions with periods less than 1 h and their contribution to the mean flow acceleration is comparable. The zonal mean flow acceleration is often in the correct sense, and of sufficient magnitude, to decelerate the zonal wind component and to balance the Coriolis torque due to the mean meridional wind, when experimental uncertainties are taken into account. When averaged over periods of around 3 days, zonal mean flow accelerations with magnitudes of up to 190 m s−1 day−1 were calculated, but more typical values are between 50 and 80 m s−1 day−1. Magnitudes of the meridional and zonal mean flow accelerations were found to be similar, so that the total mean flow acceleration is not aligned with the zonal direction in general.  相似文献   

We have observed Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) in the night-time D- and E-regions using a 2.66 MHz imaging Doppler interferometer radar. TIDs were observed in two distinct ways. In the first, the TID was manifested as discrete traveling surges, with average spacings of 54 min. The D-region surges were so well defined that they could be tracked as they passed close to overhead by using the phase differences across the antenna arrays. A velocity of 135 m s−1 to the south was measured, giving a horizontal wavelength of 440 km typical of medium scale TIDs. The direction of phase travel relative to the horizontal was −6° (i.e. downwards). These observations were made during a night of extraordinary OH infrared mesopause structure activity made visible by the presence of a total lunar eclipse. In the second type of TID observation, we show the Doppler interferometer analysis of ripples on the under surface of sporadic-E layers taken on two nights of significant OH infrared and OI 5577 Å wave activity. The TIDs were observed to propagate at speeds of 120–300 m s−1, with directions predominately toward the southwest, again typical of medium scale TIDs. These results show definite wave effects on MF radar returns and thus suggest that the measurement of mesospheric bulk winds with MF radars should be approached with some caution. Comparison of the TID characteristics with the OH structure characteristics show that the TIDs travel faster than the OH structures, have longer apparent horizontal wavelengths and generally travel in the opposite direction.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements were made using a 2.66 MHz interferometer radar, infrared photometers, and imaging systems during the total lunar eclipse of 6 July 1982. The radar data showed that a series of six discrete scatterers passed overhead at 103 km with an average spacing of 54 min, and two passed overhead at 88 km, also 54 min apart. The 88 km events were approximately 27 min out of phase with those at 103 km. One of the 88 km events was examined in detail; the radar returns appeared to come from a single scatterer or a few clustered scatterers, with a velocity of 135 m s−1 almost due south, at 6° below the horizontal. The speed and period give a horizontal wavelength of 440 km, and the phase shift between 88 and 103 km activity suggests a 30 km vertical wavelength, in agreement with values for typical medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs). Infrared images were made in the near infrared, and photometric measurements were made on and off the 8−3 band of OH. These observations, made from one site near the radar and a second site 575 km south, showed wavelike structures appearing first over the radar, then further south until they filled most of the sky. The speed of development of the infrared structure pattern in the sky is consistent with the 135 m s−1 southward wave speed observed by the radar, but the structures themselves appeared in place, then drifted slowly northward at 10 m s−1. The photographically determined wavelengths were 30–60 km, considerably shorter than the 440 km determined with the radar.  相似文献   

Vertical fluxes of momentum and energy through the middle atmosphere are calculated by using a simple semi-empirical model of quasi-monochromatic internal gravity waves with dominant vertical wavenumbers. In this model those dominant gravity waves are assumed to saturate and break at each observational altitude by an effective critical-layer mechanism. The dominant value of the vertical wave-number is expressed by an exponential function of altitude, decreasing upward with a scale height of 34 km. This expression gives the momentum and energy flux densities decreasing upward with scale heights of 12 and 18 km, respectively, and typical values at 100 km altitude are estimated as 4 × 10−5 Pa and 4 × 10−3 W/m2. A heat flux induced by wavebreaking turbulence also has an order of magnitude similar to that of the wave energy flux. Variabilities around these values and comparisons with other momentum and heat inputs to the upper atmosphere are only briefly discussed.  相似文献   

As part of the MAP/WINE campaign (winter 1983–1984) and the MAC/SINE campaign (summer 1987) high resolution wind profiles were obtained in the upper mesosphere using the foil cloud technique. Vertical winds were derived from the fall rate of the foil clouds and are used for estimating the momentum fluxes associated with vertical wavelengths shorter than about 10 km. From the ensemble average of 15 observations over an altitude range of 74–89 km we calculate a zonal net momentum flux of +12.6 ± 4.5 m2s−2 in summer. The average of 14 measurements in winter between 73 and 85 km indicates a zonal net momentum flux of −3.7 ± 2.4 m22 s−2.  相似文献   

A brief outline is given of the experimental technique used during the Cold Arctic Mesopause Project to record the first D-region ion line spectra with the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar. The data analysis shows that echoes from mesospheric heights between about 70 km and 90 km can be detected during disturbed periods of enhanced electron density during particle precipitation events. Electron density profiles were determined which show a fairly high density, up to 5 × 1010 m−3 in the upper D-region. The measured meridional winds were lower than 10 m s−1. A fit of the measured height profile of spectral width to temperature and neutral density models yielded a measured temperature profile in good agreement with simultaneous rocket data. The mesopause temperature was determined to be as low as 130 K. This detailed analysis of the spectral width profile indicates that below about 77–80 km the ratio of negative ions to electrons exceeded unity. Finally, some discussions are added on the limitations and significance of these first mesosphere observations.  相似文献   

X-ray measurements at balloon altitudes were made at São José dos Campos, Brasil (23°12′S, 45°51′W geographic coordinates, ~11°S geomagnetic latitude) on 18 December 1981, using an omnidirectional NaI(T1) scintillation detector. Atmospheric X-rays, namely secondary X-radiation from cosmic rays, were measured for the energy interval 30–155 keV and up to an atmospheric depth of 5.5 g cm−2. A comparison of the flux measured at the Pfotzer maximum during these measurements with those obtained previously by several research groups at other latitudes and with a similar technique has also been made. Finally, a comparison of the atmospheric component with that attributed to the diffuse component is also presented and it is concluded that both components are of about the same magnitude at ~ 5 g cm−2 and at ~ 11°S geomagnetic latitude.  相似文献   

Two Centaure rockets were launched from Thumba (0 47′S dip). India, with a new arrangement of double probe sensors for the simultaneous measurements of the irregularities in the electron density and the electric field along and perpendicular to the spin axis of the rocket. These experiments were carried out during the period when type I irregularities were observed with the VHF backscatter radar at Thumba. Irregularities with scale sizes ranging from a few meters to a few kilometers in the electron density and in the electric field components both in the east-west and the vertical direction could be studied with these experiments. Irregularities in the electric field in the medium scale size range (30–300 m) were observed with peak to peak amplitudes up to 20 mV m−1 and in the small scale (⩽ 15 m) with peak to peak amplitudes up to 5 mV m−1. Horizontally propagating waves with horizontal scale sizes up to 2.5 km were observed in the region below 105.5 km. Using linear theory for the electrojet irregularities, it was found that for 5 % perturbations in the electron density, the amplitude of the electric field can be as large as 20–30 mV m−1. The spectrum of the irregularities in the vertical electric field in the rocket frame of reference was calculated and it was found that for the range of scale sizes between 10 and 70 m, the mean spectral index was −2.7 and −2.6. while in the scale size range 2–10 m it was −4.0 and −5.1 for the flights C-77 and C-73, respectively.  相似文献   

The spectra of high frequency waves backscattered at night by small scale (10–20 m) sub-auroral F-region irregularities often exhibit large Doppler shifts and widths in the local time sector 2000–2400. After local midnight the Doppler shifts and the widths of the spectra decrease rapidly. We present examples of experimental data, obtained with the two coherent backscatter radars of the EDIA1 experiment, showing the spectral characteristics just mentioned. From the Doppler shift measured at the two sites we deduced the perpendicular velocity of the irregularities, which can reach values as high as 2000 ms −1. These observations are interpreted using results of theoretical models which predict strong sub-auroral ion flow in the trough region.  相似文献   

Some results from 54 nights of simultaneous measurements, performed between 1984 and 1987, of rotational temperatures for the OH(6−2) and O2(1∑)(0–l) bands are presented. A summer enhancement by 15 K in O2 temperature has been found that has not formerly been observed in airglow measurements. At least five nights show prominent tide-like temperature oscillations with a phase shift between layers typical of upward wave propagation at about 10 km h−1, with up to 55 K variation. During other nights, similar oscillations are limited to the O2 layer. Data for different seasons seem to be characterized by different levels of variability. During the one equinox campaign, nocturnal temperature variations show an exceptionally stable pattern of tide-like oscillations.  相似文献   

The Lost City hydrothermal field (LCHF) is hosted in serpentinite at the crest of the Atlantis Massif, an oceanic core complex close to the mid‐Atlantic Ridge. It is remarkable for its longevity and for venting low‐temperature (40–91°C) alkaline fluids rich in hydrogen and methane. IODP Hole U1309D, 5 km north of the LCHF, penetrated 1415 m of gabbroic rocks and contains a near‐conductive thermal gradient close to 100°C km?1. This is remarkable so close to an active hydrothermal field. We present hydrothermal modelling using a topographic profile through the vent field and IODP site U1309. Long‐lived circulation with vent temperatures similar to the LCHF can be sustained at moderate permeabilities of 10?14 to 10?15 m2 with a basal heatflow of 0.22 W m?2. Seafloor topography is an important control, with vents tending to form and remain in higher topography. Models with a uniform permeability throughout the Massif cannot simultaneously maintain circulation at the LCHF and the near‐conductive gradient in the borehole, where permeabilities <10?16 m2 are required. A steeply dipping permeability discontinuity between the LCHF and the drill hole is required to stabilize venting at the summit of the massif by creating a lateral conductive boundary layer. The discontinuity needs to be close to the vent site, supporting previous inferences that high permeability is most likely produced by faulting related to the transform fault. Rapid increases in modelled fluid temperatures with depth beneath the vent agree with previous estimates of reaction temperature based on geochemical modelling.  相似文献   

Fault intersections are the locus of hot spring activity and Carlin‐type gold mineralization within the Basin and Range, USA. Analytical and numerical solutions to Stokes equation suggest that peak fluid velocities at fault intersections increase between 20% and 47% when fracture apertures have identical widths but increase by only about 1% and 8% when aperture widths vary by a factor of 2. This suggests that fault zone intersections must have enlarged apertures. Three‐dimensional finite element models that consider intersecting 10‐ to 20‐m wide fault planes resulted in hot spring activity being preferentially located at fault zone intersections when fault zones were assigned identical permeabilities. We found that the onset of convection at the intersections of the fault zones occurred in our hydrothermal model over a narrow permeability range between 5 × 10?13 and 7 × 10?13 m2. Relatively high vertical fluid velocities (0.3–3 m year?1) extended away from the fault intersections for about 0.5–1.5 km. For the boundary conditions and fault plane dimensions used, peak discharge temperatures of 112°C at the water table occurred with an intermediate fault zone permeability of 5 × 10?13 m2. When fault plane permeability differed by a factor of 2 or more, the locus of hot spring activity shifted away from the intersections. However, increasing the permeability at the core of the fault plane intersection by 40% shifted the discharge back to the intersections. When aquifer units were assigned a permeability value equal to those of the fault planes, convective rolls developed that extend about 3 km laterally along the fault plane and into the adjacent aquifer.  相似文献   

Previous experimental studies have estimated linear rates of dentine formation in modern humans to be close to 4μm day−1. In this study a method similar to that first adopted by Kawasaki, Tanaka and Ishikawa5 was used to estimate linear rates of dentine mineralization over a period of 1200 days in both the cusps and cervical regions of several permanent tooth types. All teeth were from the same individual. Rates in the cusps of teeth with the tallest crowns were estimated to be between 5 μm day−1 and 6 μm day−1. This is higher than previous estimates in permanent tooth crowns, although rates in the cusp of a first permanent molar, where cusps were less tall and cuspal dentine therefore less thick, were close to previous estimates of 4 μm day−1. Despite this variation in cuspal rates, mineralization rates were linear in all cusps studied over a long period of time. Rates in the cervical region, either close to the enamel dentine junction or to the cement dentine junction, were estimated to be between 1.3 μm day−1 and 1.5 μm day11, much slower than reported previously. Rates in the mid-portion of the dentine, in both the lateral part of the crown and in the cervical one-third of the root, rose steadily to match rates in the cuspal region, but then slowed towards the pulp chamber. These data extend the findings of previous studies on permanent human dentine. They demonstrate a wide range of mineralization rates in permanent dentine and provide a more secure basis for judging different rates in different locations of different human tooth types.  相似文献   

The effect of a prolonged period of strongly northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) on the high-latitude F-region is studied using data from the EISCAT Common Programme Zero mode of operation on 11–12 August 1982. The analysis of the raw autocorrelation functions is kept to the directly derived parameters Ne, Te, Ti and velocity, and limits are defined for the errors introduced by assumptions about ion composition and by changes in the transmitted power and system constant. Simple data-cleaning criteria are employed to eliminate problems due to coherent signals and large background noise levels. The observed variations in plasma densities, temperatures and velocities are interpreted in terms of supporting data from ISEE-3 and local riometers and magnetometers. Both field-aligned and field-perpendicular plasma flows at Tromsø showed effects of the northward IMF: convection was slow and irregular and field-aligned flow profiles were characteristic of steady-state polar wind outflow with flux of order 1012 m−2 s−1. This period followed a strongly southward IMF which had triggered a substorm. The substorm gave enhanced convection, with a swing to equatorward flow and large (5 × 1012 m−2 s−1), steady-state field-aligned fluxes, leading to the possibility of O+ escape into the magnetosphere. The apparent influence of the IMF over both field-perpendicular and field-aligned flows is explained in terms of the cross-cap potential difference and the location of the auroral oval.  相似文献   

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