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The MULTIFOT airglow photometer payload was launched from Alcântara (2.5°S, 44.4°W) on a SONDA III rocket at 23:52 hrs local time on 31 May 1992. A total of ten photometers, six forward-looking and four side-looking, measured the height profiles of the airglow emissions O2 Herzberg band system, 01557.7 run, NaD 589.3 nm, 01630.0 nm, OH(8,3) band R branch at 724.0 nm, O2 Atmospheric (0,0) band at 762.0 nm and the sky background at 578 nm and 710 nm. At the time of launch, a ground-based airglow photometer observed the intensity variations of these emissions, together with the rotational temperature of the OH(9,4) band, and a sodium lidar measured atomic sodium concentration from 80 to 110 km.  相似文献   

An equatorial wave campaign was conducted at Trivandrum (8.5°N, 77°E), Minicoy (8.3°N, 73°E) and Port Blair (11.7°N, 92.7°E) during June-July 1988. The campaign provided balloon-measured daily wind profiles at all the three stations for 48 days in the 0–30 km altitude range and rocket-measured daily wind profiles at Trivandrum for 42 days in the 31–60 km altitude range. Using these daily wind data a study was made on different equatorial wave modes present in this region. The study revealed evidence of Kelvin waves with period 12–16 days and vertical wavelength ∼ 10 km in the lower stratosphere, with period 6–9.6 days and vertical wavelength of ∼ 10–15 km in the stratospheric-lower mesospheric region and MRG waves with periods 4–4.4 days and vertical wavelength of 10 km in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.  相似文献   

Variations of OH rotational temperature and 557.7 nm atomic oxygen intensity have been measured from Calgary, Alberta, Canada (51°10′N, 114°13′W) from 1985 to 1987. For three nights studied in detail the OH rotational temperature wave structure at 85 km was negatively correlated with the green line emission at 95 km, indicating that wave activity linked the two regions. The lower altitude region displayed high and low frequency wave structure, but by 95 km the high frequency component had disappeared. Temperature data from 16 nights during which there was obvious wave activity yielded horizontal wavelengths from about 5–100 km and inferred vertical wavelengths from 0.7 to 8 km. The horizontal and vertical angles of propagation imply a statistical source to the observed waves as being located south of Calgary along the Rocky Mountain range. There appeared to be very few, if any, wave structures propagating towards the southeast indicating a probable filtering mechanism by the background winds between the Earth's surface and 85 km.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of the 015 57.7 nm, O2 atmospheric (0,1) band, NaD and OH (9,4) band emissions obtained during the period October November 1989 at Cachoeira Paulista (23°S, 45°W), Brazil, have been analysed to study gravity waves in the mesospheric region at a low-latitude station in the southern hemisphere. It was found that, when these emissions showed large temporal intensity variations, there were also short period quasi-coherent temporal variations superposed on them, suggesting a possible passage of internal gravity waves in the emission layers. Cross-correlation analysis indicates that the time lag between the different emissions is smaller for short period variations compared with the long period variations. The wave parameters, namely a vertical wavelength of 12 km, a horizontal derived wavelength of 200 km with a period of 80 min, estimated from one of the observed short-period coherent oscillations, are typical of the internal gravity waves at the airglow emission height.  相似文献   

To study the behaviour of the electron concentration at the reflection level of very low frequency (VLF) waves, two years of phase and amplitude records of the 12.9 kHz signals emitted from Omega-Argentina (43.20°S; 294.60°E) and received at Tucumán (26.90°S; 294.70°E) have been used. The experimental results are compared with values derived from the International Reference Ionosphere model (IRI-79). The experimental data show a seasonal variation not predicted by the model. Differences are explained in terms of changes of night-time atomic oxygen concentration, which control the electron density profile at the base of the night-time D-region, not taken into account in the IRI model. Values of atomic oxygen necessary to explain VLF data are comparable with published data.  相似文献   

Using an equivalent gravity wave f-plane model it is shown that longitude variations in diurnal insolation absorption by tropospheric H2O can account for longitudinal variations of at least ± 12–15% about zonal mean values in the diurnal wind amplitude at low latitudes (0–20°) between 80 and 100 km, by virtue of the non-migrating propagating tidal modes which are excited. Phase variations of about ± 0.75 h also occur. These percentage variations are conservative estimates, since the background migrating (1,1,1) mode appears to be slightly (20–25%) overestimated in amplitude. In addition, the assumed eddy dissipation values, which appear necessary to model the breaking (1,1,1) mode, are larger than generally considered ‘reasonable’ by photochemical modellers. For a photochemically more reasonable eddy diffusion profile, estimates of longitude differences in diurnal wind amplitude are quite similar to the above values below 87 km, but increase to ± 17–25% near 100 km, with accompanying phase variations of ± 1–2 h about zonal mean values. In addition, it is shown that radiative damping by CO2 parameterized by a scale-dependent Newtonian cooling coefficient accounts for no more than a 20% reduction in the amplitudes of diurnal propagating tides above 80 km.  相似文献   

The OH (6-2) band night airglow emissions have been observed from two sites at 60 and 70°N, respectively, in Norway during the December–April periods 1985–1986 and 1986–1987. Variations in rotational temperatures at ~90 km on time scales from tens of minutes to days show similar patterns as at 80°N. The semi-diurnal tide is dominant with average peak to peak amplitudes of ~5 K over the observing periods. There is a negligible difference in average tidal amplitude at 60 and 70°N. The phase of the tide is changing slowly through the December–February period. The mid-winter to early spring average temperatures are ~10 K higher than predicted by the CIRA 1972 90 km model atmosphere for the respective sites.  相似文献   

A quantitative assessment has been made of the longitude-dependent differences and the interannual variations of the zonal wind components in the equatorial stratosphere and troposphere, from the analysis of rocket and balloon data for 1979 and 1980 for three stations near ±8.5° latitude (Ascension Island at 14.4°W, Thumba at 76.9°E and Kwajalein at 67.7°E) and two stations near 21.5° latitude (Barking Sands at 159.6°W and Balasore at 86.9°E). The longitude-dependent differences are found to be about 10–20 m s−1 (amounting to 50–200% in some cases) for the semi-annual oscillation (SAO) and the annual oscillation (AO) amplitudes, depending upon the altitude and latitude. Inter-annual variations of about 10 m s−1 also exist in both oscillations. The phase of the SAO exhibits an almost 180° shift at Kwajalein compared to that at the other two stations near 8.5°, while the phase of the AO is independent of longitude, in the stratosphere.The amplitude and phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) are found to be almost independent of longitude in the 18–38 km range, but above 40 km height the QBO amplitude and phase have different values in different longitude sectors for the three stations near ±8.5° latitude. The mean zonal wind shows no change from 1979 to 1980, but in the troposphere at 8.5° latitude strong easterlies prevail in the Indian zone, in contrast to the westerlies at the Atlantic and Pacific stations.  相似文献   

A time-dependent model of upper atmospheric composition has been used to explain the splitting of the atomic oxygen concentration height profile into two maxima. The major feature of this model is multicomponent molecular diffusion. This model of the major constituents makes it possible to obtain the wave height profiles of the atomic oxygen as a result of the smooth eddy diffusion, multicomponent molecular diffusion and photochemistry. The position of maxima of the split profiles depends very strongly on the gradient of the eddy diffusion coefficient above its maximum. The depth of the splitting increases with the gradient increase, but the splitting does not depend on the maximum value of the eddy diffusion coefficient itself. It is important to note that, in this case, the atomic oxygen concentration may be varied by a factor of 2 in the thermosphere due only to the variation of the eddy diffusion coefficient gradient above the maximum. The splitting of the atomic oxygen height profiles is reflected in the height profiles of the Herzberg band and also of the green line emissions which are a result of atomic oxygen three-body recombination.  相似文献   

Five vertical profiles of scalar horizontal winds have been measured at high resolution (25m) in the range from 80–95 km during the last salvo of the MAC/SINE campaign in the summer 1987 at Andenes, Northern Norway (69.3°N). Our purpose in this study is to examine the consistency of the motion spectrum with the saturated spectrum of gravity waves proposed by Smith S. A., Fritts D. C. and Van Zandt T.E., (1987, J. atmos. Sci. 44, 1404). An analysis of vertical wavenumber spectra of the five horizontal wind profiles is presented and it is found that (a) the average slope of the five vertical wavenumber spectra is −3.0 ± 0.2 for wavelengths in the range from 6.4 km to 100 m. The slope is considerably steeper than the vertical wavenumber spectra of the horizontal velocity discussed in the literature, (b) the average vertical wavenumber spectrum shows that there is excellent agreement between the observed spectrum and the saturated spectrum in both slope and amplitude, suggesting that saturation processes do indeed act to control spectral amplitudes at large wavenumbers, and (c) a dominant vertical wavelength of 6.4 km is found in the mesosphere. Taken together, our observations provide further support for the saturated spectrum theory.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results derived by measuring angular spectra of HF-radio pulses reflected from the subpolar ionospheric F2-region (62°N) using vertical-incidence soundings and a phase direction finder with Doppler filtering. The results correspond to three main types. One is the classical mirror reflection from the undisturbed ionospheric F2-region, typical of mid-latitudes (deviations from zenith do not exceed 3°; the angular spectrum width is less than 1°). The second type includes oblique diffuse reflections with a deviation from zenith of from 10 to 45°. The azimuth of arrival of these reflections is distributed in the range from 0 to 360°, the angular spectrum width is from 5 to 10°, and the range varies from 400 to 600 km. The third type includes anomalous mirror reflections with small deviations from zenith (not greater than 3°) but with substantially larger detection ranges (for example, 500km) as compared with the main reflections (250–300 km).  相似文献   

A parachute-borne gridded spherical probe has been used to measure the total positive ion density. Two launches were made, using Soviet M-100 rockets, on 22 and 29 April 1987, at 1200 UT, from an equatorial station, Thumba (8°N, 76°E) India. Data were obtained for the altitude region 10 to 80 km. A broad maximum around 15 km and a broad minimum around 60 km have been noticed in the ion current profiles obtained in both flights. The theory of the operation of the probe has been given. A detailed discussion of the results obtained has also been included.  相似文献   

High resolution vertical wind measurements of the upper and lower thermosphere were made at Poker Flat, Alaska, using a scanning Fabry-Perot spectrometer (FPS). Observations of the λ558 and λ630 nm emissions of atomic oxygen were made on 21 nights and allowed for the simultaneous determination of wind and temperature at altitudes of about 130 and 240 km, respectively. On two occasions, significant upwelling events were measured which lasted between 15 and 25 min. Peak velocities were up to 42 m/s at 130 km and 138 m/s at 240 km. Auroral activity was monitored using a meridian scanning photometer (MSP). On both occasions, the region of upwelling was located on the poleward side of the auroral oval during geomagnetically active conditions. A schematic model is used to describe an event from which the horizontal scale of the upwelling region is estimated to be less than 320 km in the lower thermosphere and less than 800 km in the upper thermosphere.  相似文献   

Equatorial ionospheric irregularities in the F-layer have been the subject of intensive experimental and theoretical investigations during recent years. The class or irregularities which continues to receive much attention is characterized by large scale plasma depletions, generally referred to as ionospheric plumes and bubbles. The OI 630.0 nm F-region night-glow emissions arising from recombination processes can be used to observe the dynamics of transequatorial ionospheric plasma bubbles and smaller scale plasma irregularities. In a collaborative project between the Center for Space Physics of Boston University and Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE), an all-sky imaging system was operated at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7° S, 45.0° W, dip latitude 15.8° S), between March 1987 and October 1991. In addition to the imager, photometer and VHP polarimeter observations were conducted at Cachoeira Paulista, with ionospheric soundings carried out at both C. Paulista and Fortaleza, the latter at 3.9° S, 38.4° W, 3.7° S dip latitude. For this longitude, the observed seasonal variation of the airglow depletions shows a maximum from October through March and a very low occurrence of airglow depletions from April through September. This long series of OI 630.0 nm imaging observations has permitted us to determine that when there are extended plumes, the altitudes affected over the magnetic equator often exceed 1500 km and probably exceed 2500 km at times, the maximum projection that can be seen from Cachoeira Paulista. This holds true even during years of low solar flux.  相似文献   

The magnetic field expressions from the current ribbon and thick current versions of the continuous distribution of current density model and their merits have been presented. For the first time both the latitudinal and vertical parameters of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) have been derived from the same set of data. The local noon and daytime means of certain key parameters of the EEJ are shown to be in good agreement with those from other sources. Selected local noon means include: peak current density jo, 10.58 ± 0.34 A/km2; peak current intensity jo, 224 ± 9 A/km; total eastward current I+, 74 ± 5 kA ; EEJ current focal distance w, 300 ± 5 km ; half thickness at half of peak current density p, 7.0 ± 0.1 km; peak westward current location xm, 5.13 ± 0.08° dip latitude; and EEJ latitudinal extent L1, 12 ± 1° dip latitude. The problem of model calculated landmark distances of EEJ being consistently shorter than observations, encountered by Onwumechiliet al. [J. geomagn. Geoelecl. 41, 443 (1989)] has been solved.  相似文献   

A realistic model for the temperature variation along geomagnetic field lines is described. For high altitudes (>1500 km) the temperature is taken to increase as the nth power of radial distance (n−2), giving temperatures consistent with those measured in situ by high altitude satellites. For realistic temperatures at low altitude an extra term is included. The temperature gradient along the field line is then 0.9–1.6° km−1 during the day and 0.5–0.7° km−1 during the night at 1000 km, reducing to about half these values at 2000 km, for the latitude range 35–50°. This is consistent with calculations made from nearly simultaneous satellite measurements at 1000 and 2500 km. It is shown that assuming diffusive equilibrium, including the new temperature model, more realistic equatorial electron density profiles result than for isothermal field lines.The temperature gradient model is also purposely formulated to be of a form that enables the temperature modified geopotential height to be obtained without numerical integration. This renders the model particularly suitable for ray-tracing calculations. A ray-tracing model is developed and it is shown that unducted ray paths are significantly altered from the corresponding paths in an equivalent isothermal model; there is greater refraction and magnetospheric reflection takes place at lower altitudes. For summer day conditions, an inter-hemispheric unducted ray path becomes possible from 26° latitude that can reach the ground at the conjugate.  相似文献   

Spectra of the hydroxyl emissions in the wavelength range 1.0–1.6 μm, which originate at mesopause altitudes, have been obtained, using a Fourier transform spectrometer at Maynooth (53.2°N, 6.4°W), on all suitable nights during the period January–December 1993. Rotational temperatures and integrated band brightnesses have been calculated from the spectra of the OH(3, 1) and (4, 2) vibration-rotation bands. The mean annual temperatures calculated over all measurements were T(3, 1)=200±19 K and T(4, 2)=206±19 K, where the uncertainty represents the standard deviation on the measurements. Harmonic analysis of the nightly averaged temperature values revealed an amplitude of 27 ± 1 K and a phase of 95 ± 2 days in the annual variation of the (3, l) band at our latitude. The semiannual component was found to have an amplitude of 7 ± 1 K and a phase of −51 ± 9 days for this band. Results for the (4, 2) band were identical in both amplitude and phase for the annual component, while the semiannual component gave an amplitude of 8 ± 1 K and a phase of − 43 ± 7 days. These results are compared with data recorded by the SME satellite, and with the predictions of the MSISE-90 model for a station at 53° latitude. Temperatures predicted by the MSISE-90 model for Maynooth are consistently below the values obtained in this study by 15–20 K. Excellent agreement is observed between the absolute value of temperature, in the case of the SME satellite, and in the amplitude and phase of the annual variation predicted by MSISE-90. The phase of the semiannual component observed in our data deviates somewhat from the −99 ± 1 days predicted by MSISE-90.The annual mean brightness of the OH (3, 1) band was found to be 75 ± 18 kR, while that of the (4, 2) band was 106±26 kR. Diurnal variations generally showed a steady decrease from dusk to dawn, apart from a brief period in June and July. Monthly average values of band brightness have been calculated for each band and are compared with the predictions of a recent photochemical model (Le Texier et al., 1987). The model shows some elements of agreement with our observations, particularly a pair of maxima near the equinoxes, but it does not predict the broad winter maximum observed in both bands at this latitude.  相似文献   

Winds and tides were measured by a number of MLT (Mesosphere, Lower Thermosphere) radars with locations varying from 43–70°N, 35–68°S, during the first LTCS (Lower Thermosphere Coupling Study) Campaign, 21–25 September 1987. The mean winds were globally westerly, consistent with early winter-like (NH) and late winter (SH) circulations.The semi-diurnal tide had vertical wavelengths near or less than 100 km at most locations, with some latitudinal variation (longer/shorter at lower latitudes in the NH/SH)—amplitudes decreased at high latitudes. The global tide was closer to anti-symmetric, with northward components being in phase at 90 km. Numerical model calculations [Forbes and Vial (1989), J. atmos. lerr. Phys. 51, 649] for September have rather similar wavelengths and amplitudes; however, the global tide was closer to symmetric, and detailed latitudinal trends differed from observed.The diurnal tide had similar wavelengths in each hemisphere, with short values (~30 km) at 35°, long (evanescence) at 68–70°, and irregular phase structures at mid-latitudes. The tide was neither symmetric nor anti-symmetric. Model calculations for the equinox [Forbes. S and Hagan (1988), Planet. Space Sci. 36, 579] were by nature symmetric, and showed the short wavelengths extending to mid-latitudes (43–52°). Southern hemisphere phases were significantly (6–8 h) different from observations. Amplitudes decreased at high latitudes in model and observation profiles.  相似文献   

A scanning Fabry-Perot spectrometer (FPS), located at Mawson station, Antarctica (672S, 63°E, invariant latitude 70°S) was used to obtain vertical wind, temperature, and emission intensity measurements from the λ558 nm emission of atomic oxygen. The measured temperature is used to assign an approximate emission height to the observations. A spaced-antenna partial-reflection radar was run concurrently with the FPS from which the presence of enhanced ionization in the D-region could be inferred from the return heights and strengths of the echoes. Large upwards winds of approximately 30 m s−1, at altitudes less than 110 km, appear to be a direct response of the neutral atmosphere to intense auroral events. It is suggested that the observed upwelling is a result of particle heating at heights below the principal emission height. At higher altitudes, vertical winds of a similar magnitude are also measured during geomagnetically disturbed conditions, although here they do not appear to be associated with particular auroral events. In this case it is suggested that upwelling is produced by a combination of Joule and particle heating.  相似文献   

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