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Results are presented on measurements of lower ionosphere parameters (electron concentration, coefficient of ambipolar diffusion, etc.) by the method of resonance scattering of radio waves by periodic artificial irregularities. The method of resonance scattering is based on the generation of periodic irregularities in the ionospheric plasma by powerful radio emission and investigation of the characteristics of the back scattering of diagnostic radio waves by these irregularities.  相似文献   

Observations of the lower ionospheric disturbance caused by a low altitude nuclear explosion are presented. A forward scatter radar, frequency 41 MHz, power 2.5 kW, was used to study these disturbances. The first radar scattering signal consisting of three peaks appeared 40 s after the explosion. It was due to early ionization by delayed y-rays. The second kind of disturbance generated after 190 s was clearly different from the first. The scattering signal had a constant component which indicated a strong specular reflection. The field strength increased by more than 20 db. This disturbance was produced by the direct shock wave. The third kind of disturbance began after 8 min, lasted 5.0 min, and was probably dominated by the fireball/smoke cloud oscillation when it reached its stabilization altitude and approached hydrodynamical equilibrium with the ambient atmosphere. Using numerical computation techniques, we have explained the above results well.  相似文献   

Earlier work which provided evidence for coupling between pressure variations in the stratosphere and lower ionosphere in winter has been extended. Day-to-day changes in the height of fixed electron density isopleths in the E-region at a middle latitude often exhibit quasi-oscillations with amplitudes between 2 and 10km and periods between 5 and 30 days. It is found that the correlation between these oscillations and corresponding variations in the height of winter isobaric surfaces in the stratosphere, resulting from the presence of planetary-scale waves, is sometimes good and sometimes poor. Examination of the type of wave disturbance in the stratosphere and of the stratospheric zonal wind profiles suggests that the conditions for stratosphere-ionosphere coupling are met only when well-defined planetary waves of increasing amplitude with height are seen in the lower stratosphere and when the stratospheric zonal wind pattern is favourable to the vertical propagation of such waves.  相似文献   

A theory of tomographic reconstruction of the statistical properties of the random turbulent ionospheric plasma is presented. Derived integral equations for the coherence functions of the measured fields allow the determination of inhomogeneous layer coordinates and the reconstruction of cross-sections of the electron density correlation functions. For statistically homogeneous layers and a transmitter on board a moving satellite with a linear receiving array on the ground, we have the possibility of determining the three-dimensional correlation function structure or its spectrum using a set of two-dimensional cross-sections. One receiver allows the reconstruction of the spectrum of the two-dimensional cross-section of the correlation function. We also consider the solution of the inverse problem for non-homogeneous fluctuations. In this case the distribution of the electron density fluctuations, its variance and the correlation coefficient, characterizing the spatial structure of fluctuations may be reconstructed by a tomographic technique. Experimental results on the identification of the layer height of the irregularities and on the spectrum of the two-dimensional cross-sections of the correlation function measurements are presented.  相似文献   

A variety of dynamical processes are important in coupling motions within the middle atmosphere and lower ionosphere. These processes can generally be classified as either advective, wave-like or diffusive. Within the middle atmosphere, wave-like processes, and especially gravity waves, are of crucial importance. Turbulent diffusion and advection probably play lesser, but not insignificant, roles. However, whether these same concepts apply to coupling for regions outside the middle atmosphere—and especially between the upper middle atmosphere and the lower ionosphere—is not clear. In this paper the current knowledge about coupling processes between these important regions is reviewed. We discuss coupling processes in the middle atmosphere with the objective of examining how well these concepts may be extended to the topic of middle atmosphere to ionosphere coupling. Different approaches to understanding, and the different experimental procedures used by workers studying the middle atmosphere and ionosphere, also make comparisons difficult. The importance of the measurement of common parameters is highlighted, and the need for coordinated campaigns to examine the interactions between the regions is emphasized.  相似文献   

This paper presents further experimental results on ionospheric current modulation, using powerful amplitude modulated HF waves produced by the new heating facility at Ramfjordmoen near Tromsø, Norway. As a result of the current modulation, waves in the ULF, ELF and VLF range can be efficiently generated. The experiments discussed here cover the range from low ELF up to 7 kHz. The observed signal strengths are of the order 1 pT. Decomposition of the received ELF/VLF waves into R- and L-mode shows that both modes are usually of comparable strength. The signal strength as a function of modulation frequency shows pronounced maxima at multiples of approximately 2 kHz. The paper also presents a brief theoretical discussion of the processes involved in the generation of ELF/VLF waves by HF induced current modulation.  相似文献   

Measurements of radio waves partially reflected from the D-region made using two antennae of very different beamwidth are reported. The arrays are composed of 40 and 4 dipoles respectively. It is shown that the gain of the larger array over the smaller is often variable—both in height and time. These results can be used to estimate the off-vertical angles from which significant energy is returned. For altitudes less than 80 km angles less than 10° seem to be usual but at higher altitudes the angles increase to values of the order of 15°–20°. Other important properties of the echoes, such as the probability distribution of the amplitude were also measured. The results are discussed with particular reference to the differential absorption method of measuring electron densities and also to the nature of the irregularities responsible for the partial reflections.  相似文献   

Empirical relationships derived from an extensive series of equatorial ground-based radiowave absorption measurements are analysed in terms of our current understanding of the basic processes that control the formation and behaviour of the lower ionosphere. Multi-frequency absorption and virtual height measurements are combined with the results of a rocket borne experiment to construct an equatorial noontime reference electron density profile corresponding to the conditions of a non-flaring sun at solar cycle maximum. The enhancement in this electron density profile, and hence in the absorption of radio waves, as the solar 1–8 Å flux increases by moderate amounts is then calculated from our knowledge of the ion production and loss processes. In order to bring the calculated increase of absorption into agreement with the empirically established relationship (Gnanalingam, 1974), we find it necessary to reduce by a factor of about 5 the Meira (1971) nitric oxide densities below 90 km.Attention is drawn to the wide disparity between the effective recombination coefficient and the average dissociative recombination coefficient for the known ion composition in both the molecular and cluster ion regions of the lower ionosphere. The factor of 5 reduction in the nitric oxide profile required to explain the solar control of absorption, however, largely eliminates this disparity in the cluster ion region.Our analysis of the diurnal variation of radiowave absorption and virtual height also reveals a gross discrepancy between the calculated and measured variations. In order to resolve this discrepancy, a mechanism is needed which would cause the electron density in the 95–105 km region to decrease with increasing solar zenith angle faster than is predicted by the present theory of ion production and loss processes in this region.Also presented in this work is an ad hoc model of the diurnal variation of the electron density profile which is consistent with the measured diurnal variation of radiowave absorption and virtual height.  相似文献   

The slow decay of the total content of the quiet night ionosphere at a mid-latitude station is shown to be satisfactorily explained by the measured increase in the height of the layer after sunset together with a small flux (⪝1012m−2) of thermal plasma from the protonosphere deduced from experimentally measured quantities. The ionospheric recombination rate found here is in good agreement with the published laboratory rates of the two principal recombination reactions. For the four nights under study, use is made of the total content from Faraday rotation, sub-peak electron density versus height profiles from a ground based ionosonde, and protonospheric plasma densities and electric fields from whistler measurements. The simultaneous electric fields are used to show that they are not a very significant factor in maintaining the F2-layer during the quiet times reported here.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic storm effects at heights of about 0–100 km are briefly (not comprehensively) reviewed, with emphasis being paid to middle latitudes, particularly to Europe. Effects of galactic cosmic rays, solar particle events, relativistic and highly relativistic electrons, and IMF sector boundary crossings are briefly mentioned as well. Geomagnetic storms disturb the lower ionosphere heavily at high latitudes and very significantly also at middle latitudes. The effect is almost simultaneous at high latitudes, while an after-effect dominates at middle latitudes. The lower thermosphere is disturbed significantly. In the mesosphere and stratosphere, the effects become weaker and eventually non-detectable. There is an effect in total ozone but only under special conditions. Surprisingly enough, correlations with geomagnetic storms seem to reappear in the troposphere, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. Atmospheric electricity is affected by geomagnetic storms, as well. We essentially understand the effects of geomagnetic storms in the lower ionosphere, but there is a lack of mechanisms to explain correlations found deeper in the atmosphere, particularly in the troposphere. There seem to be two different groups of effects with possibly different mechanisms—those observed in the lower ionosphere, lower thermosphere and mesosphere, and those observed in the troposphere.  相似文献   

The large scale character of the observed quasi-two-day fluctuations in the whole ionosphere (from D- uptoF-region maximum) over Europe is shown. The study is based on the lower and upper ionospheric data obtained in Sofia (42.9°, 23.4°E), Ebre Observatory (40.9°N, 0.5°E) and El Arenosillo (37.1°N, 6.7°W) during two summer intervals: June–August 1980 and 1983. The obtained prevailing periods for the F-region fluctuations are 52–55 h and the mean amplitude is higher than 1 MHz. It was found that the fluctuations propagate westward with a mean phase velocity between 4.6 and 6° /h. The quasi-two-day variations in the F-region maximum are probably generated by flucutations in the mesospheric, neutral wind. During the time when well developed quasi-two-day fluctuations exist in the mesospheric neutral wind, similar variations are observed in the lower ionosphere also. Possible mechanisms for generating the D- andF-region electron density fluctuations from these oscillations in the neutral wind are proposed.  相似文献   

For studies or the high latitude ionosphere it is important to calculate the effect of convection electric fields on the velocity distribution functions. At an altitude where the plasma is weakly ionized, the appropriate Boltzmann equation is solved in the spatial homogeneous case. We discuss the characteristics of the ion non-equilibrium steady state reached for large electric fields, from the macroscopic point of view. From the microscopic point of view, we show that the Grad expansion fails to converge rapidly for large electric fields. Generalized polynomial expansions are developed for different models of ion-neutral interactions. The consequences of these non-Maxwellian ion distribution functions on radar waves are presented and erroneous interpretations of measurements are discussed.  相似文献   

Nonlinearity of the phase time delay vs frequency of the ionospheric channel results in frequency dispersion. This distorts wideband signals and leads to amplitude reduction and ‘elongation’ of narrow pulses. Its effect on frequency modulated continuous wave signals (FMCW or chirp) is to broaden the width of the compressed pulse and to produce a chirp signal at the output of the detector instead of the ideal sine function. Several workers have studied this distortion and derived expressions which related the width of the compressed pulse to the first order derivative of the group time delay vs frequency. These expressions are limited to the case when the bandwidth of the channel is greater than the bandwidth of the transmitted chirp signal. In this paper a generalized expression for the time-bandwidth product of the chirp signal at the output of the detector is derived. Numerical calculations for the width of the compressed pulse vs its time-bandwidth product for various window functions are presented. The results are then applied to experimental data obtained over a short skywave radio link.  相似文献   

Positive ion composition, total ion and electron density and ion production by energetic electrons were measured by rocket-borne experiments above Andøya (69.3°N, 16.0°E) in northern Norway. Observed altitudes of transition from molecular ions to proton hydrates and from electrons to negative ions are compared to results from an ion-chemical model. Nitric oxide and water vapour densities are inferred from the ion composition.  相似文献   

We have developed a technique lor oblique backscatter sounding (OBS) ionogram inversion as a diagnostic tool for the horizontally inhomogeneous structure of the ionosphere. Input data for the method include the leading edge of a backscalter ionogram that is measured through soundings in a given direction, and the vertical electron density profile measured over the sounding station or over some other site lying in the sounding direction. The method may be useful for reconstructing the two-dimensional electron density distribution in a vertical plane aligned with the direction of sounding. The inverse problem has been solved using the Newton Konlorovich method and the Tikhonov regularization method. The algorithm we have developed was tested against model data, that is, OBS ionograms synthesized using geometrical optics calculations for different models of the inhomogeneous ionosphere. Test results demonstrate that our method converges reliably, is stable to measurement errors and provides a good accuracy of reconstruction of inhomogeneous structures with scales of 100 2000 km. This indicates that this method shows promise as an operative remote diagnostic tool for ionospheric irregularities of natural and artificial origin.  相似文献   

A comparison between rocket-measured electron density profiles of the lower ionosphere and the results of ground-based indirect phase height measurements in the LF range, carried out near the Soviet rocket sounding station Volgograd over several years, confirms—to a first-order approximation—the height of the level of electron density which according to magnetoionic ray theory is necessary for reflection of the waves. In a second-order approximation, however, an additional phase path change has to be taken into account, which is caused by the ionization below the reflection level. This makes the observed phase height always slightly smaller than the real geometric height, on average by −1 km, but in extreme cases by up to −4 km, depending on the actual height gradient of electron density below the reflection level. Due to systematic diurnal and seasonal variations of this gradient, the amplitude of the diurnal variation of the observed phase height is found to be slightly larger than that of the real geometric height, whereas the reverse is true for the seasonal variation at constant solar zenith angle.  相似文献   

Formulation and boundary conditions are developed to solve for the electromagnetic waves in a stratified ionosphere and atmosphere as a two-point boundary value problem. In the general case there are up-going and down-going Alfvén modes, up-going and down-going fast modes. It is shown that while large horizontal structure of the perturbation can be attributed to both the fast wave and the Alfvén mode, small horizontal structure can only be attributed to the Alfvén mode. The ratios of the electric field to magnetic field are given for various altitudes, frequencies and horizontal scale sizes. The results show that the magnetic field leads the electric field for the Alfvén mode and the electric field leads the magnetic field for the fast mode. The results also show that the ratio of the electric field to the magnetic field is varied and is not the Alfvén speed of the local medium. Analytical solutions are presented as tests against the numerical ones.  相似文献   

Measurements of ion temperature, ion-neutral collision frequency and ion drift in the E-region from the period December 1984 to November 1985 are used to derive neutral temperatures, densities and meridional winds in the altitude intervals 92–120 km, 92–105 km and 92–120 km, respectively. Altitude profiles of temperature and density and their seasonal variations are compared with the CIRA 1972 and MSIS 1983 models and the effects of geomagnetic activity are demonstrated. Semi-diurnal tidal variations in all three parameters are derived and the comparison with lower latitude measurements is discussed.  相似文献   

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