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Soumises à des préventions humanistes et romantiques, la géographie ne voit dans le texte littéraire qu'un réservoir d'images géographiques. Pareille approche impose de sérieuses limites à l'analyse littéraire en géographie: elle interdit pour le moins tout rapport avec le texte poétique moderne. A partir des Illuminations de Rimbaud, première manifestation du non-sens dans la linérature occidentale, il est montre que ce qui est essentiel dans cette poésie, ce n'est pas l'expérience origrnale de la ville qu'elle présente, mais bien le bouleversernentde la fonction textuellequ'elle opère. Du coup, le géographe est amené a s'interroger sur son propre rapport aux textes .
Influenced by romantic and humanistic prejudices, geography has used imaginative literature solely as a source of geographical images. Such an approach puts serious limits on literary analysis in geography. It has prevented geographers from making meaningful contact with modern poetry. From Rimbaud's epoch-making Illuminations, which made a place for nonsense in Western literature, it is shown that significant images (urban motifs) stand on very thin ice in modern poetry, especially when contrasted with the new role that Rimbaud gives the text. Furthermore, it is argued that geographers can take advantage of Rimbaud's joyful play on words by re-examining their own position in relation to texts .  相似文献   

Summary. The development of academic géography in Canada was somewhat similar to that in the United States. At the turn of the century géography was probably stronger in the schools in most provinces than it was in most states, but in both countries it seemed to be mainly an uninspired collection of facts about particular places in the world. There was no leadership from Canadian universities to improve the quality of géography nor to change its content or philosophy. As in the United States, but on a smaller scale, géography was known in a few Canadian universities prior to World War I. Its real beginnings, however, were in the latter part of the 1930s.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The I.G.U. Commission on Periglacial Morphology was set up in 1949 and Us first report was presented to the 11th Congress in Washington in 1952. Between 1952 and 1956, the Commission published a select bibliography on periglacial phenomena and a few national maps were produced. A short study on Canadian periglacial morphology appears in the general report to the 16th Congress in Rio de Janeiro in 1956. From that date Canada has been represented on the Commission, which has met in Spain and Poland. During 1959, a national map of Canadian periglacial phenomena will be prepared for presentation at the 19th Congress in Stockholm in 1960.  相似文献   

L'article présente une esquisse de I'impact des migrations sur la géographie linguistique. On constatera que le modèle classique d'une mosaïque linguistique stati- que n'est plus de mise: la situation linguistique du monde est dans un état de flux permanent. La nature pendulaire de bien des migrations modernes laissent supposer qu'il ex/ste des régularités , et notamment des périodicités dans ce flux. Cette hypothèse est testée par une étude de cas réalisée sur la place centrale de la ville de Grenoble en France, L 'existence des régularités postulées est confirmée par, entre autres, une analyse de Fourier. La conclusion soulève la pertinence de ces phénomènes en matière de planification linguistique .  相似文献   

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