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The energy and mineral resource base of Southeast Asia is relatively modest by international standards. Nevertheless, Chinese energy and mining companies have been investing heavily in the region over recent years, in comparison with multinational companies and state-backed companies from other Asian countries. This paper applies a framework derived from the field of business studies to analyze why the scale of China’s engagement in Southeast Asia has become so great and how the motivations vary between the different energy and resource industries. The motivations for these activities reflect a mix of corporate and state objectives. Corporate objectives include securing energy or resource supply chains, increasing or diversifying their asset base, and enhancing their profits or market share. The motivations of the government range from straightforward support of the companies for the purpose of industrial strategy and security of resource supply, to development assistance and regional strategic positioning. The different motivations of the oil and gas, hydropower, and mining industries arise from the particular character of each market, both within China and globally. Southeast Asia has the twin advantages of geographic and apparent cultural proximity to China. Nevertheless, inexperience and a desire to catch up with their international peers have resulted in companies applying low social and environmental standards in some high profile projects. The subsequent disputes, together with the current low level of resource prices, may constrain the further growth of Chinese investment in the near future.  相似文献   

邓小平评价历史的方法论原则是邓小平方法论中的一个重要组成部分,主要包括以下内容:实事求是;着眼于全局和未来;恰如其分;宜粗不宜细;具体问题具体分析。它是一个融科学标准、政治标准、价值标准和策略方法为~体的完整体系,各部分之间互相依存,有着内在的逻辑联系。其中,实事求是是最基本的科学评价方法,是这个体系的基础和核心;着眼于全局和未来是邓小平评价历史的根本目的和重要方法;其他的方法论原则都是以实事求是为基础、为评价历史的根本目的服务的。  相似文献   

本文对云南省首轮修志实践进行回顾并对云南省第二轮修志进行思考。指出首轮云南地方志编修工作成果丰硕;年鉴、地情书籍丰富多彩;整理出版一批旧志文献;方志理论研究方兴未艾。同时也指出了修志工作存在的困难和问题。作者对第二轮云南省地方志编修从时间断限、内容容量、体例体式、力戒失误、记述改革开放、反映经济多元化、记述小康7个方面进行了探讨。主张第二轮修志注重选择资料,创新体例,突出时代特色与地方特色,力戒失误。采用集中与分散相结合的方式记述改革开放,全面反映经济多元化和全面建设小康问题。  相似文献   

<正>"入坑"观鸟以来,翻看和学习鸟类画册、图鉴成为生活中不可缺少的一部分,每次都被拥有超大号眼睛的鸮形目鸟类萌到,拍到大眼萌鸮成为我的一大心愿。邂逅无心插柳柳成荫。2016年冬季,原本是协助朋友在陕西汉中市汉江边开展水鸟普查,却  相似文献   

The Asian Relations Conference has long served as a historical footnote to the more famous Bandung Conference of 1955. In this paper, however, I argue that this Conference needs to be read and analysed independently. As the opening act of decolonial solidarity, this Conference juxtaposes the moment and the movement of decolonisation, alerting us to the promises and pitfalls of both. In particular one needs to be conscious of its Eurocentric readings which almost always place the ‘Third World’ within the context of the Cold War project and thus are incapable of understanding its historical relevance.  相似文献   

天灾和人祸,如影子一样一直伴随着人类短暂的明史。劫后余存不多的化遗产,作为人类之所以为人的历史印迹,我们应该珍之、宝之、爱之,永远爱惜它、保护它。然而,现实中不时发生的损毁、糟蹋物古迹的事件,总让我们这些明的后代羞愧难当,无颜再见列祖列宗。  相似文献   


The consideration of psychoanalytic issues presents geography and geographers with a number of difficulties; this paper examines those difficulties from within a humanistic perspective. The most common geographical engagements with the psychological therapies have been with their psychodynamic and, to a lesser extent, humanist methodological forms. A humanist perspective on this engagement suggests that it has led to two associated problems. At a disciplinary level it has resulted in an approach that has tended to privilege intellectual knowledge at the expense of emotion, and at a personal level it has not encouraged an approach that is sensitive to difference. This essay proposes that a commitment to an engaged, 'congruent' listening might help temper these difficulties.  相似文献   

Descartes: An Intellectual Biography. By Stephen Gaukroger (Oxford University Press, 1995), xviii + 499 pp. £25.00 cloth.

Descartes and his Contemporaries: Meditations, Objections, and Replies. Edited by Roger Ariew and Marjorie Grene (University Of Chicago Press, 1995), vii + 261 pp. $17.95 paper.  相似文献   

《唐会要》是现存最早的会要体史书,是研究唐史,特别是研究玄宗天宝以后历史的重要典籍。但目前对该书全面、深入的研究仍未展开,其成书过程、流传情况至今尚不明晰。本对《唐会要》编纂流传过程中的一些模糊问题作了一些新的探索,通过对以王应麟的《玉海》为主的几部引用《唐会要》较多的类书进行的细致考察,从中梳理出一些《唐会要》与《会要》、《续会要》之间的关系,从一个侧面论述了王溥对前后《会要》的整理工作。  相似文献   

Partnership is currently the focus of much work within higher education and advocated as an important process to address a range of higher education goals. In this paper, we propose the term inclusive partnership to conceptualise a non-selective staff–student relationship. While recognising the challenges of inclusive partnership working for institutions, staff and students, this paper outlines the opportunities it offers and provides detailed case studies of inclusive partnerships within the geography curriculum. We conclude with some guiding principles to inform the development of inclusive partnerships in a range of settings.  相似文献   

How does local experience of climate change alter voters' policy preferences and voting decisions? After exposure to a climate disaster, voters may elect politicians prioritising robust disaster prevention policies, or conversely, immediate economic relief. In turn, elected representatives will either mitigate or exacerbate the severity of future climate events. In this study, I leverage a climate event with a high degree of local geographic variation – a pre-election drought in Australia – to see how it shaped political beliefs and behaviours in 2019. Using a longitudinal panel survey, I show that voters in drought-exposed areas increasingly prioritised individual economic security, rather than broader climate-mitigation policies. Moreover, I find that regional micro-parties in drought-affected regions gained vote share. In other words, voters at the front-lines of climate change sought out immediate and local economic relief. Unless local politicians can propose climate policies with short-term economic benefits, disasters may limit governments' capacities to pursue long-term climate resilience.  相似文献   

Material from the Jindingshan Formation (Tsanglangpu stage) at Jindingshan, Guizhou province, China, confirms that Agastrocyathus grandis Yuan & Zhang is a massive compound archaeocyath with chaetetide architecture. A new genus Zunyicyathus includes this species and Z. pianovskajae from Central Asia.  相似文献   

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