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浅论知识经济社会与社区发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡伟 《人文地理》2001,16(1):59-62
知识经济的迅猛发展使人类社会进入全新的知识经济时代,表现出不同以往的社会特征,同时也面临新的发展困境。社区作为解决各种社会问题、体现人文关怀的基层社会单元,其发展日益为各界所瞩目。本文立足知识社会的时代背景,在概述其相关特征及社区发展内涵的基础上,分析了知识社会社区发展的新动态,并进一步提出我国社区发展的新举措。  相似文献   


The last decade has seen an increasing awareness of the global impacts on our environment of modern technological civilization. To understand and deal with these impacts, we need to develop a science of the biosphere – a science that views life on the Earth from a planetary perspective. Recent scientific and technical advances make this science possible now. These advances include the development and testing of satellite remote sensing of Earth resources; advances in computer-based data acquisition, storage, analysis and dissemination; development of interdisciplinary efforts among scientists who recognize the need for this science; and the development of mathematical theory and computer simulation methods appropriate for the study of the biosphere. This review describes the basic needs for this new science and the advances which make the science possible.  相似文献   

张书娟 《神州》2011,(3X):144-144
高中地理新课程改革工作刚刚开始,作为一线教师在业务上要加强自身修养,强化教育理论与地理知识的学习,及时更新自己的存量知识,使自己的地理教学能力提高,跟上新课程的时代步伐,进而推进新课程改革的落实。  相似文献   

Linek  Bernard 《German history》2004,22(3):372-405
This article presents an analysis of the Polish-German scholarlyand public debate of the last decades dedicated to the fateof the German population in Upper Silesia after the ending ofthe Second World War. In the introduction, three determiningfactors of the current discussion are mentioned: first, thepublic debate on this topic, which evolved especially afterthe turning point of the democratization in Poland in 1989,and which created a certain social climate for these scholarlydebates; secondly, the history of the Polish-German conflictin Upper Silesia, which conditioned the post-war situation inthe region; and thirdly, the main historiographical paradigmsto the subject before 1989 in both countries, whose fixationand whose deficits weighed heavily upon the research directionchosen in this period. From among these three aspects—the camps built for theGerman population, their resettlement, and the politics of nationalitytowards former German citizens, who were then recognized asowners of Polish nationality and who could remain in their homes—thearticle concentrates on the first one. The last few years sawthe most fundamental revision concerning the camps for the Germanpopulation, and our knowledge is here relatively complete. Itis worth underlining that most advances here have been achievedby Polish historians from various disciplinary directions.  相似文献   

In this paper, I question a widespread reading of a passage in the last part of the Phaedrus dealing with the science of dialectic. According to this reading, the passage announces a new method peculiar to the later Plato aiming at defining natural kinds. I show that the Phaedrus itself does not support such a reading. As an alternative reading, I suggest that the science of dialectic, as discussed in the passage, must be seen as dealing primarily with philosophical rhetoric and knowledge of human souls.  相似文献   

The discovery of the royal tombs at Sipán in 1987 propelled Moche archaeology to the forefront of Andean studies. In the last decade, the study of Moche political organization and ideology through public architecture, cultural remains, funerary patterns, and iconography has forced the revision of previous conceptions about Moche state formation, urbanism, and the functioning of this complex society. Major advances in iconography, internal organization of urban centers, temples and domestic architecture, craft production, and mortuary patterns are embedded in a new chronology that supports a longer development and a more gradual collapse. The recognition of Moche as the first state in South America is still valid, but its monolithic character is rejected in favor of several autonomous polities. The number and size of potential Moche states are currently debated, as is the role of warfare and ideology in Moche state formation.  相似文献   

This is a critical review of regional settlement pattern archaeology published in the last decade. The regional approach proves to be highly productive of new ideas and lasting results. Cultural resource/heritage databases are increasingly important. Notable advances have been made in regional studies of Paleolithic and Holocene foragers, the reciprocal relations between Neolithic communities and their regional societies, and in understanding states and empires. There are new research potentials in comparisons, macroregional analysis, long-term change, and alternative pathways. Research designs should specify systematic coverage at the regional scale and carry out spatial analysis in which social groups are the primary focus.  相似文献   

李宁 《人文地理》2003,18(4):48-52
知识经济是21世纪的主导经济。新经济的出现必然会给人类的产业活动带来深远的影响。作为经济活动载体的经济地域必将伴随着这种影响发生深刻的"变革"。最终引起经济地域景观形态的全新变化。一方面表现为经济地域空间结构(即其核心、外围、网络及三者组合关系)将发生根本性的变化;另一方面,经济地域空间结构的变化将使得经济地域的外观形态以全新的面貌展现给世人。本文在明确经济地域景观形态基本内涵的基础上,对知识经济带来的经济地域景观要素及其组合关系的新变化作了较系统地阐述。进而对知识经济时代经济地域的景观形态作了定性、定量的展望。  相似文献   

In the last two and a half decades there have been many advances in the technology available to archaeologists. As new technologies have been used to challenge previously held hypotheses and expand the capabilities of current research, they also have assisted the expansion of archaeology to include conflict archaeology. Although there has been a long history of interest in the material remains of conflict, it is only recently that the necessary tools, methodology, and theoretical approaches have been combined to allow serious scientific contributions to the holistic study of past human conflict. This article provides an overview of the origins of conflict archaeology and research that has helped consolidate the subfield into its present form. We examine the current state of conflict studies and consider what lies ahead for conflict archaeology.  相似文献   


During several expeditions to the Antarctic Peninsula and the neighbouring islands, samples were collected from different sediments which contained datable materials or which were datable with new techniques. Thus it became possible to develop, together with our geomorphic field data, some new ideas on relief development at the rim of the Antarctic continent as well as on the glacial history of the area studied.

Planation surfaces in this area seem to be fairly old. For example, the prominent marine erosion surface on Fildes Peninsula, 35–45 m above mean sea level, is probably older than 85 000 years – older than the last interglacial period and the penultimate glaciation. All Holocene beaches, which are situated between 20 m and the present coastline, were formed during the last 6000 years.

Before 6000 BP the islands were still completely glaciated. The breakdown of the ice cover to nearly the present extent must have been extremely abrupt, taking no more than 1000 years (6000 to 5000 BP). Between 3000 and 1000 BP there were at least two re-advances. These advances were restricted to the prominent outlet glaciers, which followed pre-existing valleys.  相似文献   

晚清国内新式外交和法律人才严重缺乏,张之洞积极倡导与推行近代法律教育,在新式学堂中开设西方法律课程与专业,派遣人员出国学习西方法律,创办与发行报刊介绍西方法律知识。虽然其深厚的儒家文化制约着他不能学习西方法律的民主精神,但其倡导近代法律教育的积极主张与各种实践却促进了晚清法律教育的发展与观念的转变,培养了一批新式外交和法律人才,推动着中国传统法律教育走向近代化。  相似文献   

In a world in growing turbulence, complexity and uncertainty, where crisis is becoming the norm rather than the exception, resilience is increasingly seen as a critical feature that reflects the capacity of a system to absorb disturbance and reorganize without collapsing. Resilient systems are more adaptable to change, are more able to learn and are less vulnerable to disturbance and external shocks (e.g. natural phenomena, economic crises or political shifts). The resilience theories are re-emerging as a field of research and practice with application to socio-ecological systems, fostering new insights in the discussions about sustainable development. The main purpose of this paper is to explore resilience as a concept and as a framework for promoting more sustainable trajectories, highlighting its potentialities and advantages for policy and planning processes. SPARK, or the strategic planning approach for resilience keeping is introduced in the paper as a new sustainability framework, following key underlying concepts and seven key principles that capture the essence of resilience theories. The paper advances a methodological concept proposal for resilience assessment and planning that aims to contribute to linking theory and practice, performing knowledge brokerage and enhancing policy learning.  相似文献   

This article aims at assessing the role of related variety, that is, the relatedness of knowledge bases used by different sectors within a region, as a major driver of clusters’ development. Some recent theoretical papers underline the role of clusters as ‘knowledge platforms’ organizing the recombination of technologies in overlapping industries, following the seminal definition of clusters by Porter as ‘geographic concentrations of linked industries’. In order to investigate the role of related variety in cluster dynamics, we analyse the patterns of development of clusters specializing in photonics in Europe. Photonics constitutes a new and rapidly evolving set of technologies with a high expected degree of technological recombination. However, due to inadequate traditional sectoral classifications, we propose an original method to delineate the perimeter of photonics in patent databases. A two-step algorithm is then used to identify systematically photonic clusters in Western Europe at the local level. In the last part of the paper, a typology of technological trajectories of clusters over the last decades is developed and then correlated with a set of quantitative measures of technological relatedness. The results highly confirm the role of related variety as a major driver of success, particularly for the biggest European clusters.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in transatlantic intelligence and security cooperation, significant problems remain. The bombings in Madrid in March 2004 have demonstrated how terrorists and criminals can continue to exploit the limits of hesitant or partial exchange to dangerous effect. Intelligence and security cooperation remain problematic because of the fundamental tension between an increasingly networked world, which is ideal terrain for the new religious terrorism, and highly compartmentalized national intelligence gathering. If cooperation is to improve, we require a better mutual understanding about the relationship between privacy and security to help us decide what sort of intelligence should be shared. This is a higher priority than building elaborate new structures. While most practical problems of intelligence exchange are ultimately resolvable, the challenge of agreeing what the intelligence means in broad terms is even more problematic. The last section of this article argues that shared NATO intelligence estimates would be difficult to achieve and of doubtful value.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of the history of a building represents a difficult task, as written information is not usually available or incomplete. Some building materials (e.g., bricks, wood) have been classically used for absolute dating while on others has been considered unreliable (e.g., stone). However, developments and tests performed in the last 20 years have shown important advances on the use of such methods, increasing the possibilities of successful reconstruction of building chronologies, although most of these advances are still scarcely known by the community involved in the site management (e.g., archaeologists, architects). Both, radiocarbon and luminescence dating have been the most successful techniques but others, such as archaeomagnetism, can also be used. Even, some important events such as fires could be dated. The purpose of this work is to provide an overview of the last achievements of absolute dating techniques available in building materials.  相似文献   

Rich settlement and burial evidence from the Baikal/Angara region in Central Siberia provides one of the most promising opportunities in the global boreal forest for studying Holocene foragers. The Neolithic and Early Bronze Age prehistory of the region is known to western scholars only through a few English translations of the works of A. P. Okladnikov. Since the publication of Okladnikov's model, the region has witnessed large-scale archaeological fieldwork that has produced abundant quantities of new evidence. Moreover, the model has been partly invalidated by extensive radiocarbon dating. Research advances over the last couple of decades have augmented the area's previous reputation but have also revealed the need for new theoretical perspectives and modern analytical techniques.  相似文献   

For a long time, the origins and development of Late Iron Age oppida were viewed from predominantly economic perspectives and as dependent on contacts with the Mediterranean world. However, advances in research in recent decades make it necessary to qualify and reassess many of the traditional interpretations of the genesis and functions of these centres, one of the most striking phenomena of the last two centuries BC. This article emphasizes the political and religious role of continental European oppida, understanding them as a new ‘technology of power’, which enabled a more hierarchical and centralizing ideology to be articulated. Moreover, new evidence suggests that many oppida may have had their origin in spaces for ritual gatherings. The result is a new interpretation of the genesis and characteristics of Late Iron Age centralization processes.  相似文献   

This introduction places the forum contributions in the wider context of the “spatial turn” within the humanities and social sciences. Following a survey of the historical trajectories of the field, a review of impulses from different disciplines, and a sketch of general developments over the last few decades, the editors exemplify key approaches, methods, and conceptual advances with reference to gender studies. The focus then turns to the structure, main themes, and specific contents of this collection, which features both case studies and theoretical reflections. In conclusion, the essay underlines the significance and further potential of the “spatial turn.”  相似文献   

本文从西方学者们对收藏在各大博物馆和私人手里的成化和正德时期的数组风格相似、并有明确汉藏文题记的唐卡的研究成果入手,厘清了迄今为止各种学术观点的对与错,并在此基础上,综合性地提出了自己的观点,指出汉藏艺术风格(或藏汉艺术风格)从明初以来到明正德时期衰变的过程,不仅是此前相关研究的盘点和总结,而且推进了此研究向深度和广度的进一步发展。  相似文献   

Technical advances in digital communications facilitate new applications, which are required also by global changes and are based on an intensive use of knowledge. This paper presents such an application and refers to the improving knowledge-based services of German economic agencies that use intensively the Internet and the Web. The presented work is carried out within a German project supported by the Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology BMWT. A key role within the project is a digital experiment involving the development of required economic, social and technical competences for the agencies' staff by using web-based qualification processes and virtual learning communities.  相似文献   

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