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第一印象:直飞特拉维夫 1992年,以色列航空公司开通了自北京到特拉维夫的直飞航班;3年后,从中国香港飞往特拉维夫的直飞航班也正式开通。同时,以色列航空公司还和中国国内多家航空公司签署了运价协议,由此以航公司可向中国乘客提供每日由中国直飞或中转前往以色列的航班。  相似文献   

孤独星球 《风景名胜》2013,(2):33-35,14
地中海的涛声节奏轻缓,夜幕下的特拉维夫,看上去宁静而祥和。这里街头巷尾随处可听见播放各种音乐的夜总会舞厅,还有餐厅、酒馆、咖啡屋、迪斯科舞厅、电影院、礼堂和音乐厅。  相似文献   

AIR 《风景名胜》2016,(8):82-89
年轻特拉维夫 趁着夜色,飞机降落在以色列特拉维夫国际机场,带着对这个神秘国度的想象,我走过灯火通明的机场大厅,乘车驶过宽敞的高速和繁华的市区,眼前这个十分现代化的城市完全出乎我的意料,与那个经常在新闻联播中出现的以色列相去千里,却真真切切地就在眼前.特拉维夫在希伯来语中的含义是春天的小丘,春天是万物复苏的象征.这座只有一百年历史的年轻城市,却是以色列最富有活力和创造力的城市.  相似文献   

地中海的涛声节奏轻缓,夜幕下的特拉维夫,看上去宁静而祥和。这里街头巷尾随处可听见播放各种音乐的夜总会舞厅,还有餐厅、酒馆、咖啡屋、迪斯科舞厅、电影院、礼堂和音乐厅。  相似文献   

以色列特拉维夫毗邻地中海,全称是特拉维夫—雅法,由两个相邻的城市特拉维夫和雅法合并而成,是一个具有4000多年历史的港口城市,也是世界上最古老的城市之一。现代化的特拉维夫与拥有千年历史的雅法老城之间形成了鲜明对比。特拉维夫常被称作"永不停息的城市",这座以色列的现代犹太之城,热情拥抱每一个旅人。  相似文献   

In capricious climates,from multiple angles in the skyt and in difficult conditions beyond our imaginations,this man spent 18 years filming western China from the heavens.The result is over 100,000 aerial photos,which have become the backbone of a valuable photo library.The filming of inhospitable alpine zones in particular have filled a gap in the history of aerial photography in China and even the world at large.His name is Tian Jieyan,the renowned aerial photographer of western China.  相似文献   

于华芸 《旅游纵览》2016,(10):82-85
正沐浴着地中海阳光的城市都有一种明媚、轻松的气氛,特拉维夫也不例外。无论是从空中俯瞰,还是深入到它的街头巷尾,特拉维夫都是那样开放、热烈与包容,明艳的蓝色海水,飘着咖啡香的巷子,雅法老城里的艺术家工作室,带我领略一个全新而又真实的以色列。  相似文献   

正特拉维夫建于1909年,并逐渐发展成为驻巴勒斯坦英军控制下的一个大都市。在19世纪30年代到50年间,在帕特莱克爵士的城市规划基础上,白城建成,体现了现代城市发展规划的基本原则。城中的建筑物由在欧洲培训和实习的建筑设计师设计而成,他们以全新的文化理念创造了一个杰出的"近代运动"的建筑整体。  相似文献   

<正> 三年前,以色列国家旅游推广会举办,受邀前往。以色列就是以色列,从你准备踏上那片国土起,就先给你一个下马威。全世界最严格的安检先说说安检吧。以色列航空公司的值机柜台在首都国际机场一个比较偏僻的角落。一般出国旅行,我们都会被告知,至少要提前两个小时到候机楼,因为要办出境的一大堆手续。如果目的地是以色列,那就更不得了啦,至少得提前三个小时到达机场。以航地面工作人员是精干的男女,搭机的客人人不分男女地不分南北,人人都必须将行李箱打开,一件件地接受工作人员的揉  相似文献   

吴吉明 《风景名胜》2014,(8):108-124
在耶路撒冷,哭墙虽是人们低声祷告,哭诉流亡之苦之地,但他们也将此地视为信仰和团结的象征,并已深深地渗透到这块土地的历史和文化之中,还有那气势雄伟、神奇无比的拉蒙大峡谷,聚集了无数野生羚羊……真实的世界,需要我们每一个人来亲身感受!  相似文献   

Goldenberg, Gideon, ed. Ethiopian Studies: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, Tel‐Aviv, 14–17 April 1980. Boston: A. A. Balkema, 1986. xiii + 530 pp. including chapter references and notes, photographs, and reproductions of texts. $54.00 cloth.  相似文献   

Urban development and the formation of urban social landscapes are not simply the outcome of market forces and localised political decisions. Social ideologies constituted major factors in city development and the formation of urban society in both Vienna and Tel-Aviv. The model of municipal socialism practiced in Vienna, based on an egalitarian, progressive, allocation of municipal services, left a deep impression in Vienna's urban landscape. The duplication of this model in Tel-Aviv of the 1920s resulted from an attempt at viewing the city in Palestine as being part of the formation of the pioneering settlement map. The application of the model to Tel-Aviv was not overtly successful, partly because of the lack of support shown by the Mandate Administration and legal system for Palestine's workers, and partly because of the weakness of the worker's urban movement.  相似文献   

This article examines the struggle for gender-segregated sea bathing in Tel Aviv from the first calls for gender segregation in the 1920s until 1966, when the city of Tel Aviv established a beach for men and women to swim separately. The most effective demands for gender segregation were framed in a civic and not religious discourse. Rather than claiming that gender-segregated swimming was against Jewish values, the ultra-Orthodox party Agudat Yisrael effectively argued that a lack of separate swimming violated their rights as taxpayers who had the right to bathe in the sea just as any other Israeli citizen.  相似文献   

This paper, using the CBD of metropolitan Tel Aviv, Israel, as a case study, discloses the spatial range of linkages of office firms, situated in newly built office towers. The linkages explored, from the results of a sample of 120 office firms, are those held by office firms with clients, suppliers of goods and services, and with other service firms as partners or as subcontractors. The magnitude of the linkages is revealed in the context of Israel's recent entry into the post-industrial age and its rapid affiliation with the global economy, accompanied by functional restructuring of the service economy. It is also visible in the built environment of Tel Aviv, with large-scale construction of over thirty Class A office tower buildings. Complex spatial interrelationships are found, extending from their immediate metropolitan environment toward the world's leading economic centres. Future avenues of research are explored.  相似文献   

This paper examines the (non)fluid embodied geographies of a queer nightclub in Tel Aviv, Israel. The nightclub is considered to be a space of sexual liberation and hosted the Friendly Freedom Friday party. Yet, the space of the nightclub is also divided by gender and sexuality. We draw on individual in-depth interviews and participant observations to examine the tensions that arise from, and between, gay men, transwomen and club spaces. A number of paradoxes are present in the club. We argue that the fluidity of subjectivity—espoused by queer theorists—evaporates when confronted with the materiality of actual sweating bodies. We are interested in the visceral geographies of how and where sweat, and other body fluids, becomes matter out of place or ‘dirty.’ Three points structure our discussion. First, we outline the theoretical debates about body fluids and fluid subjectivities. Second, we examine gay men's and transwomen's bodily preparations that occur prior to attending the nightclub. The spatial, gendered and sexed dimensions of participants’ subjectivities are embedded in desires to attend the club. Finally, we argue that the spaces gay, partially clothed and sweating male bodies occupy are distinct from, and in opposition to, transwomen's clothed and non-sweating bodies.  相似文献   

虽然此前东航曾开通国内首条直飞南非约翰内斯堡的航线。不过遗憾的是,随着该线路的取消,我们依然需要转机飞往南非。目前国内的航空公司可从北京、上海等城市出发,需经香港转机。而国外的航空公司一般需要在各国首都机场转机。  相似文献   

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