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A determining factor in the relations between Jews and Christians in the middle ages was the attitude adopted by these two groups towards each other's religious beliefs and customs. One of the most important types of sources we have to gain insight into these attitudes is the reports of dispulations held between Christians and Jews. The significance of one such disputation will be examined here: the correspondence between Wecelin, a convert to Judaism, and Henry, a court cleric of Henry II of Germany, contained in the well-known De diversitate temporum of Alpert of Metz. In the course of this examination new ideas will be offered on the method of study necessary for a correct interpretation of Jewish-Christian polemics. An annotated translation of the exchange of letters between Wecelin and Henry follows.  相似文献   

刘荣华 《收藏家》2008,(2):23-28
我国已有数千年的藏书历史,而私人藏书一直是藏书文化中的主流。自南宋移都临安,江浙地区成为全国的政治重心和经济枢纽,经济的繁荣和生活的富庶也为藏书业的发展提供了坚实的物质基础,特别到了明清时期,江浙一带形成了庞大的藏书家群体,陆心源就是这些私人藏书家中的杰出代表,他为保存我国的珍贵典籍作出了不朽的贡献。  相似文献   

王艳雯 《史学月刊》2002,(8):120-122
根据马克思主义的民族理论,“民族是人们在历史上形成的一个有共同语言、共同地域、共同经济生活以及表现于共同化之上的共同心理素质的稳定的共同体”。共同语言、共同地域、共同经济生活和以共同化为基础的共同心理素质构成了民族的四个典型特征。但是,对于流散于世界各地的犹太人来讲,前三个特征在长期流散的生活中几乎丧失殆尽,犹太民族的特征集中体现在第四个方面,即建立在共同化基础上的共同心理素质。  相似文献   

汪超宏 《文献》2005,(3):158-167
北京大学图书馆藏明万历四十八年(1620)曹宪来刻陈懿典<陈学士先生初集>载有作者与汤显祖书六通①.毛效同先生编<汤显祖研究资料汇编>、徐朔方先生<汤显祖年谱>均未提及②.陈懿典何许人也?他与汤显祖的关系如何?这些书信写成于何时?对研究汤显祖有什么价值?本文略作考释.  相似文献   

澳门主权问题的提出主要是在中国鸦片战争失利以后。1862年条约是葡人居澳以来中葡两国签订的第一个条约。由于葡萄牙代表在议约中采取了欺诈手段,清政府未予批准。自1864年换约失败至1887年条约谈判之前的20余年时间里,葡萄牙为了以订立条约的形式达到“合法”占据澳门的目的,曾经串通列强及其驻京公使,多次与清政府进行交涉。  相似文献   

高伟  翟晓兰 《文博》2009,(5):61-64
魏晋南北朝时期,中原动荡,中西商路受阻,而北方草原的特殊地利却为中西交流搭建了平台,不断增多的考古发现说明了草原丝绸之路上的双向交流情况。北燕冯素弗墓出土了“鸭形玻璃注”等一批精美的玻璃器皿,应是十六国时期由草原丝路从罗马传入的舶来品,见证了北燕时期的中西交流。  相似文献   

THE PURPOSE of this paper is to describe a particular stage of modification of existing hall-houses effected during the period of about 1480–1660, as found in a number of houses mostly situated in SE. England. The main area is thus delineated because most of the research for this study was undertaken there. It is extremely probable that the structural changes here discussed were accepted practice in a much wider area, and that evidence supporting this will be forthcoming.  相似文献   

The Encomium Emmae Reginae was written in the early 1040s to support the interests of Queen Emma amidst the factionalism which marked the end of the period of Danish rule in England. This article argues that the Encomium was shaped by its production and reception in the distinctively multilingual environment of King Harthacnut's court. Attention to Emma's key role in negotiating the interaction of the English, Norse, French, Flemish and Latin literary and linguistic cultures which were present in the Anglo-Danish court reveals growing lay claims to Latin literary culture in eleventh-century England .  相似文献   

Religion and art are symbiotic. The ecumenical propagation of Christianity inherently entails a mission of indigenization. Since it spread to China, Christianity has produced many renovated art forms which combined indigenization and local artistic expression on the one hand, with original religious notions and Western art on the other. This article reviews Chinese scholarship on the indigenization of Christianity in modern China and emphasizes that the renovated Chinese architecture, music, and fine art, after integrating with religious ideas and techniques, largely promoted the modern transformation and rejuvenation of traditional Chinese art.  相似文献   

16世纪40年代,欧洲人(葡萄牙人)首次登陆日本.其后,他们在日本进行长达100年的传教和经商,日本和欧洲史学界称这一时期为"切支丹时代"或"切支丹世纪"①.在双方的贸易中,欧洲人从日本运走大量白银,白银成为日本最主要的输出品,这足以引起学者们的重视.本文从分析日本白银的开采冶炼着手,继而论述日本白银被大量运出的原因,然后统计了日欧白银交易的具体数据,并以此作为研究分析的基础.经研究发现,日本白银不但是日欧贸易中重要而特殊的商品,还是16-17世纪东西方交流交往的集中体现.欧洲人从日本运出白银不但促进了欧亚的经济交流,还推动了世界交通和贸易的发展.  相似文献   

徐雁平 《文献》2000,(2):244-250
在中国现代学术史上,金陵大学中国文化研究所(以下简称"文研所")是教会大学系统内一个比较有名的学术机构,与燕京大学的哈佛燕京学社、齐鲁大学的国学研究所和华西大学的中国文化研究所有密切的关系.  相似文献   

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