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This essay explores the ways in which the positions and policies of the church have changed during the three principal phases of relations between the Catholic Church and the State since the founding of the Italian Republic. The first came after the Second World War when the church embarked on its democratic novitiate; the second was dominated by reformist project of Cardinal Montini; the leading role in the final phase during the papacy of John Paul II and the broader crisis of which the church was also part was played by Cardinal Ruini.  相似文献   


This article considers attempts in the late nineteenth century to bring about a confluence of Catholicism and Socialism in Britain by examining the writing and correspondence of one man, the art critic and Fabian socialist Robert Dell. Beginning with Dell’s involvement as a young man in London-based radical politics, the article examines his efforts to bring his socialist politics and Catholic faith together. Dell attempted this through stressing a narrative of Catholic collectivism, under the aegis of a benevolent Church, contrasted with a post-Reformation Protestant individualism leading to the inequities of capitalism. The appeal of Catholicism in a Victorian Britain undergoing a collective crisis of faith is addressed. The second part of the article documents the failure of these attempts and Dell’s disillusionment with the Catholic hierarchy that by 1908 had led to a complete break on Dell’s part with the Catholic establishment. The catalyst for this break was the brutal treatment of Catholic Modernists such as George Tyrrell, Maude Petre and St George Mivart by the Vatican and the English Catholic leadership. Dell’s final rejection of organised Catholicism is charted through pamphlets, newspaper articles and personal correspondence. Ultimately, the article considers how Dell’s early political and theological career reflects on the relative positions of Catholicism and socialism at the turn of the twentieth century, and more broadly the dynamics of personal belief and political allegiances.  相似文献   

晚清政府与罗马教廷的外交历程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1881-1892年,以李鸿章为主的清政府官员,一致主张联络罗马教廷,废除法国保教权,稳定中国基督教局势。总理衙门采纳这种主张,并努力将其付诸实践,却由于法国政府的干扰而未能成功。1892年后,清政府官员对联络罗马教廷的主张发生分化。陈其璋等人建议继续实践,而薛福成等人则认为不能将解决中国教案问题的希望寄托于罗马教廷,主张另辟蹊径。总理衙门的意见与薛福成等人相似,自1896年后放弃与罗马教廷建交通使的计划。19021906年,吕海寰等官员发起建议联络罗马教廷的新高潮,但清政府未予采纳。  相似文献   

在中世纪基督教世界一度兴旺的圣殿骑士团,最终的命运相当悲惨。它的衰亡同十字军东征的失败有直接关系,但真正的原因是王权对教权的挑战和进攻。本文将分析法国国王腓力四世颠覆圣殿骑士团的真实动机,力图展现近代欧洲集权国家兴起的过程即是政治与教会的冲突过程,借以说明政教之间的复杂关系。  相似文献   

黄宗智的“过密化”理论自其《长江三角洲小农家庭与乡村发展》于20世纪90年代初出版之后一直在国内外史学界影响广泛,它认为明清以来的人口增长导致了长江三角洲植棉等经济行业的单位工作日劳动报酬的递减。鉴于史学界至今未有人从该书内部详细分析这一理论的实际论证过程,本文以此为切入点,指出它存在:一,植棉经济发韧于明代等诸多事实判定疏误或不当之处;二,抽样数据的数量严重不足等统计数据问题;三,植棉等经济行业的单位工作日劳动报酬因其单位产出价格的巨幅变动而无法简单比较等逻辑分析方面的问题。据此,本文认为该书没能有效证明过密化理论符合明清时期长江三角洲的历史发展事实。  相似文献   

清代十八省的形成   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从清宫和内阁档案入手,探讨清代"十八省"的形成过程,并揭示了清初的"分省"实际是"地层累积"式建构的产物,其发端就是乾隆晚期官方编撰的一系列志书、政书;"省"与"十八省"并非清代的正式政区,而只是一种应用宽泛的通称,因此清代的官方文件中存着多个"十八省"体系外的省,并且省下有省。另外,本文还揭示了"统部"的真实含义。  相似文献   

本文介绍了清代宫廷建筑的管理机构与官员状况、宫廷建筑工程的各项管理制度,并列举了内阁、军机处、宫中、内务府、工部等处的部分档案,这些档案内容涉及紫禁城宫殿楼阁、苑囿行宫、陵寝、坛庙寺观、盛京皇宫及与宫殿建筑有关的河道、沟渠、园林、道路等的兴建和维修状况。这些清代档案是我们现今研究清代宫廷建筑的第一手资料,也是我们保护维修现存宫殿建筑的可靠依据,有着重要的史料价值。  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(1):76-101

America and its allies face a world that has become more and more dangerous with its weapons of mass destruction and a shadowy world of terrorists more than willing to use them. The wisdom of the past does not have the prescience or universal insight to deal with this new threat. America and its allies must change direction if they wish to respond to the challenge in an effective manner, even if it means employing policies that seemed dubious in the past. The state is called to protect its citizens in a Machiavellian world, filled with depravity and compromise. The church is called to submit to the superior wisdom of those who have the special intelligence, experience and expertise to handle the current crisis.  相似文献   

畅静萍 《攀登》2011,30(1):125-127
档案工作是党和国家事业的重要组成部分。随着改革开放的深入和经济社会的发展,新时期档案工作的地位和作用将更加凸显,同时也对档案工作提出了更新更高的要求。文章分析了当前藏区档案事业发展的现状,提出以西部大开发、贯彻一系列藏区工作会议精神为契机,加大档案工作创新力度,从而实现藏区档案事业又好又快发展的思路。  相似文献   

"吧国公堂"档案之《公案簿》述略   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
<公案簿>是现存吧国公堂(巴达维亚华人评议会)档案中的核心部分,所涵盖的时间范围大约为150年(1787-1940年)左右.<公案簿>的内容主要有两个方面一是对吧国公堂有关华人的各类案件的会审记录;二是对有关吧城华人社区重要事件和重大决议的记录.对涵盖这一时期最为原始的记事录的内容及案例加以考察和分析,一方面可以洞察一个处在多种变革时期具有代表性的华人社区的社会生活及其行政管理的内幕,另一方面也可以从中了解各个历史阶段荷印殖民政策的变化及其对当地华人社会的影响.  相似文献   

公元前4000年代,古埃及人在尼罗河流域创造了光辉灿烂的化,发明了象形字,产生了用字记载下来的各种献记录,形成了埃及奴隶制国家最早的档案。古代埃及档案献的种类齐全,内容丰富。并设有专门的档案保管库,充分为埃及法老政府所利用,促进了古代埃及的化、艺术和科学技术的发展。  相似文献   

档案的整理和利用是清史编纂工程的基础。目前,中国大陆约保存2000多万件清朝档案,台北故宫博物院、台北中央研究院史语所、近代史所收藏了清代档案70多万件,此外,美国国会图书馆、英国大英图书馆、日本国会图书馆、俄罗斯历史档案馆等也有约3万多件的清代档案。其中,康熙中期以前的许多档案是满、蒙文,康熙到乾隆前期有相当多的是满、汉合璧。清代的中央档案,特别是大宗的内阁题本和宫中朱批奏折是研究清代社会国计民生、庶政刑名各方面的重要原始资料。因此,清朝档案的整理和利用应贯穿于清史编纂的全过程,换言之,这一工作是清史编纂工程前期准备工作的重中之重。  相似文献   

古代两河流域文明的银贷业十分发达。本文根据4本汇集了全部出土于宗教中心尼普尔城的乌尔第三王朝时期经济档案文件的原文集,以出土借据中的落款日期和商人的名字为序列,对7个主要商人的文件进行了档案重建,进而为理解古代两河经济领域中货币形式、银贷利率、商人职能等金融和商业规律提供第一手史料。  相似文献   

The proper character of the relationship between missionaries and politics shaped one of the most contentious debates within the first century of the modern missionary movement. While the leadership of the missionary societies repeatedly insisted upon the separation between the work of the gospel and politics, missionaries in the field frequently found it difficult to remove themselves from political controversies. John Philip and James Read served with the London Missionary Society in the Cape Colony for most of the first half of the 19th century. Their persistent defence of the interests of the colonial Khoi made them controversial figures in the debates over the social, political and economic structures of the Cape Colony. Missionaries like Read and Philip, rarely described their activities as ‘political’, and certainly did not conceive of their work as in any way related to the patronage‐ridden political system of the early 19th century. Nonetheless, in their promotion of the ideas of religious and civil equality, and in their effective use of public opinion to shape government and public perception of colonial policy, their actions reflected many of the important changes taking place in contemporary British politics. Dissenting political activity focused on the issues of the defence of religious liberty, the struggle to secure their own civil equality, and the debate over the proper relationship between church and state. These issues also played a crucial role in colonial politics throughout the period. This essay will illustrate the important role of the foreign missionary movement in this process. Examining the work of Philip and Read enables us to identify the ways that issues of domestic politics helped to shape the political debates emerging in Britain's expanding empire.  相似文献   

故宫博物院图书馆藏1704号圆明园地盘图是迄今仅见的唯一一张完整记录乾隆朝圆明园盛况的绝世孤本,也是现存圆明园图档中绘制年代最早、使用时间最长、表现内容最丰富、记载变化最全面的国宝级珍贵档案。该图极有可能是清代著名样式雷家族的第三代传人——雷声澂执掌清宫样式房楠木作事务之时,于乾隆四十四年(1779)前后绘制的圆明园本部平面。此后该图一直作为档案图纸使用达半个多世纪之久,几乎囊括了一部全盛时期圆明园的变迁史,是研究圆明园在乾隆、嘉庆、道光三朝发展变化的最权威、最完整的档案记录。  相似文献   

清代对太妃太嫔等女性的尊封起于顺治九年,此后经历由择位尊封向普遍尊封,由加封号向晋位次的两个转变,逐步形成的尊封办法与仪制,遵循又丰富了清代后宫尊封制度。按惯例,太妃太嫔随居皇太后宫,然自咸丰朝新辟寿安宫作皇祖辈后宫居所,至同治朝,皇太后等前朝后宫移居同一区域的惯例不复存在。太妃太嫔得到后世皇帝的有序尊封,是清代维护皇权统治的重要手段,对后宫女性及其家族具有重要意义。  相似文献   

倪润安 《故宫博物院院刊》2012,(3):37-61,160,161
石景山八角村魏晋墓是北京地区发现的一座出有特殊壁画石龛的重要墓葬。石龛出现的原因必与墓葬的时代背景及墓主人身份密切相关。本文从"晋制"演变发展的角度考察该墓墓葬形制和随葬品的年代范围,首先进一步研究充实魏晋都城洛阳地区"晋制"墓葬的演变序列和阶段性特点,然后以之为参照,建立北京地区魏晋墓葬的演变系统,从而认为该墓的年代为西晋晚期,下限可到十六国初期。石龛壁画的中心图像是执麈尾正坐的男墓主人,这一形象是改进东汉旧样后、创新于幽州地区的新图式,体现了与幽州鲜卑的文化联系。本文由此进一步推测,八角村墓墓主人为遇害于蓟城的西晋并州刺史刘琨,该墓为二次改葬墓,石龛为段部鲜卑单于供奉的祭龛。  相似文献   

The Black Death     
The purpose of the present research is to examine various theories concerning the origin of the Black Death, to record its routes of dissemination in the Nordic countries and across the British Isles, and to compare the pattern of that dissemination with trade routes carrying grain throughout northern Europe in the period up to and including 1350.  相似文献   

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