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In this attempt at an overall interpretation of Hadrian's poem (Büchner fr. 3) the author discusses the meaning of vagula and blandida in 1. 1 and puts a comma after vagula. He assesses in particular the two most disputed lines of the poem, 3 and 4, taking quae as an exclamation and adding some reasons for combining loca with pallidula rigida nudula. As to the marked use of diminutives ‐ 5 in as many lines ‐ the author sees no reason for giving them a uniform emotional meaning, but argues for grouping them into three categories according to the semantic value of the primitive involved. He discusses also how to read 1. 5 syntactically. In the last part of the study the aim is to show in what particular sense the poem can be reasonably taken as a product of the emperor's pen on his very deathbed.  相似文献   

北宋文人宋白在宋初文坛颇具文学盛名,<宋史·文苑传>列为第一.他撰有文集100卷,还参与多种类书的编修,保存了前代大量文献,为宋代文化的繁荣做出了积极贡献.宋白文集早佚,致使其影响湮没无闻.(<全宋诗>辑得其官词百首,诗30首,残句13则,<全宋文>辑录其文23篇,已收罗殆尽,但其诗文仍有遗漏.今从<岁时杂咏>、<老学...  相似文献   

司马迁著成伟大的史学名著《史记》,不仅得益于西汉武帝时期政治、经济强盛的社会条件,承袭了先秦以来史学发展积累的成就,而且还从西汉大赋的精神气度、文章结构、创作手法获得启示与借鉴。大赋在西汉十分兴盛,备受统治者青睐,司马迁也极其推重大赋。《史记》的创作学习了大赋“控引天地,错综古今”和“包括宇宙,总览人物”的恢宏气势,借鉴了大赋有系统地归类式描述结构,也受到大赋夸饰、渲染写作文风的影响。这些都是史学界尚未探讨而应当引为注意的。  相似文献   

~~略论匈奴玉器的来源及相关问题@乌恩岳斯图$中国社会科学院考古研究所~~  相似文献   

立法学视野下的民族变通规定问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族自治地方的变通规定是我国在立法层面对民族自治做出的制度性安排。民族自治地方制定变通规定的权力不仅体现了民族区域自治制度,而且也是社会主义法制原则性和灵活性相结合的表现。但是该制度在运行过程中亦呈现出些许问题,如制定主体混乱,权限不明、名称随意化和效力范围模糊等问题。  相似文献   

2003年,洛阳市邙山乡村民在修建房屋时,发现西汉墓一座。墓中随葬的陶器、铁器等文物多已散失,我们仅收集到其中的4枚花钱(插八下右)。这种面文纪第次的花钱,在以往的著录中多称为“权钱”。我们谨就这批花钱及其相关问题,略作探讨。一、洛阳新发现的纪第次花钱秦汉时期的钱币,多为面文纪重量的“半两”、“五铢”等铜钱,也流行各种花钱。但像这种面文纪第次的花钱,却较为罕见。这批花钱共4枚,皆钱体重大,圆形方孔,面有外郭,周缘锐薄,钱文凸起,面文篆书,背部平素,通身布满浅绿色锈。依其钱文不同,简述如下:1.“第十”钱铸作较粗糙,钱身上部…  相似文献   

Between the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905) and the Mukden Incident (1931), Japan’s mounting colonial presence manifested itself in the activities of the South Manchuria Railway Company as well as in the Japanese forces’ skirmishes for control of the region. The poet Kitagawa Fuyuhiko (1900–1990) would draw on his memories of Manchuria, where he lived until attending college in Kyoto, to situate hyperobjects and colonial minutiae in counter-hegemonic anticolonial and antiwar prose poems. His subtractive poetic configurations – not Surrealist but certainly building on Dada precedents – isolate incongruous elements (evental traces) in Alain Badiou’s sense of being faithful to a critique of the ethics of a colonial apparatus. Having grown up within the colonial enterprise himself, and subject to high-minded Japanese media representations and instilled imperial affects, Kitagawa positions himself against the machinic drive for colonial profits and the abuse of labour and prostitutes. This article thus situates aesthetic strategies for displacing imperial affect as projected onto spaces of Japanese expansion so as to document radically anticolonial subject possibilities among Japanese nationals themselves. As postcolonial artefacts, these prose poems suggest the contradictions of European modernity writ in the Japanese rhetoric of cosmopolitan East Asian development and liberation as cultural production that aestheticises colonial extraction of labour and raw materials.  相似文献   

The prose and poetry of S. Weir Mitchell (1829-1914)--related to the American Civil War--encompass a very significant portion of his non-medical writings. The Civil War, more than any other single event, shaped his future career as one of the founders of American neurology. Indeed, it should not be surprising how the war was also such a driving force in his non-medical writings. His novels, once widely read, now are scarcely noted. His accounts of the social, political and economic events of the Civil War are of historical interest to students of the period. Neuroscientists as a group, like others, are apt to be unfamiliar with these writings, with the possible exception of "The Case of George Dedlow." A major purpose of this essay is to introduce readers, especially neuroscientists, to Weir Mitchell's fictional works in which neurological cases so often appear. One appreciates more the medical aspects of his novels, written as they were by a first-hand observer. His non-medical writings, poetry and prose, are to a large extent timeless and can be appreciated by today's readers.  相似文献   

文章认为,方志评论意义重大,而目前方志评论存在溢美、以点代面、离题、妄下定论、就志论志、空评空论、画蛇添足和重篇目轻正文等方面的问题。  相似文献   

钧窑三问——论钧窑研究中的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合古代文献对钧窑研究中的三个问题进行了考证。第一,今人多将钧窑视为宋代的“五大名窑”之一,实际上钧窑在宋至明初大体默默无闻,明后期的文献中始对其记载,但直到民国时期仍未能列入“五大名窑”,20世纪后半叶钧窑才名列“五大名窑”,前提是“钧官窑”概念的确立,是建立在某些推论基础上的产物。第二,古代文献中所指的钧窑,除了指今之钧窑的一些特殊产品外,还可能指古钧州境内其他窑场的产品,现所称的钧釉瓷可能是某些文献所记之汝窑器。第三,《清波杂志》中关于窑变朱砂红瓷的记载,应指北宋末钧窑生产的红釉瓷。  相似文献   

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