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作为民族主义史学的重镇之一 ,柳诒徵一向主张史学要为培育民族精神服务 ,三十年代他明确批评古史辨派的疑古为破坏古史 ,大力发掘优秀的历史文化传统 ,特别注重探寻汉唐盛世中国所以强大的因由 ,从而培养国民的自尊心和自信心。柳诒徵在抗战时期的著述以及为光大民族精神的一系列文化活动 ,既是其经世致用学术思想发展的逻辑结果 ,更是在民族危机下中国知识分子作出的自然反应。他有关民族精神的论断 ,可为我们新世纪文化重建工作提供宝贵的借鉴。  相似文献   


This article challenges the often implicit assumption by historians working on humanitarian history that their work is being read and used by present-day humanitarian workers. Key characteristics of the modern-day humanitarian sector are highlighted, including the unpredictable and often inadequate levels of funding, stressful working conditions and high staff turnover. The article argues that, to a significant degree, the humanitarian sector is ahistorical and locked into a state of ‘perpetual present’. Two principal obstacles to the greater use of historical knowledge within the present-day humanitarian sector are identified as being the limited accessibility of the available literature on humanitarian history and the perceptions that the work of humanitarian historians is of limited relevance. The paper concludes by describing recent initiatives including the planned humanitarianhistory.org website which is intended to improve the accessibility of the available literature and facilitate engagement and co-production between historians and humanitarian workers.  相似文献   


International intellectual history—the intellectual history of the international and an internationalised intellectual history—has recently emerged as one of the most fertile areas of research in the history of ideas. This article responds to eight essays inspired by my own contribution to this field in Foundations of Modern International Thought (2013). It engages with their positive achievements regarding the recovery of other foundations for modern international thought: for example, in theology, historiography and gender history. It addresses some of the methodological problems arising from the search for foundations, notably anachronism, presentism and diffusionism. It expands on others' arguments about the international thought of Hobbes and Locke and the limits of cosmopolitanism. Finally, it points the way forward for international intellectual history as a collaborative, interdisciplinary, transnational and transtemporal enterprise.  相似文献   

陈颖 《史学集刊》2006,42(2):78-83
20世纪50年代,在参与史学是科学还是艺术的大讨论的过程中,英国著名哲学家罗素在史学的服务对象、学术方法和所存在的缺陷方面所提出的一应观点无疑是很有价值的。因为正是这些观点,揭蔡了史学应是审美的这样一个事实;而不能有效地使自己的读者进入审美的境界,即不能使他们通过对史学著述的阅读,来获得“直观自身的本质力量”的愉悦,是当代史学在形态建构和成果具获上的一个严重的缺失。  相似文献   

Rafeef Ziadah 《对极》2019,51(5):1684-1702
While critical authors have interrogated the roots of business logistics, this paper extends the analysis and contributes to a larger critique of the cohering field of Humanitarian Logistics (HL), noting the overlap in the logistical cartographies of militarism and humanitarianism. The focus is on the UAE's expanding logistics space into the Horn of Africa and the production of specialised HL zones like Dubai International Humanitarian City (DIHC). The article makes three core arguments. First, a logistics lens enables us to expand the study of aid beyond immediate conflict zones, into more distant spaces often constructed as “stable”. Second, the placement of logistics at the core of aid delivery has been a key mechanism for inserting market imperatives into humanitarian activities. Third, this gives countries outside the advanced core, such as the UAE, power to leverage and expand their logistics space for multiple purposes, in war making, aid, and commercial activities.  相似文献   

傅斯年、陈寅恪与兰克史学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
傅斯年与陈寅恪两位史学大师关系甚密,他们对现代中国史学都产生了深刻的影响.本文阐明近世西方兰克史学治史之旨趣,揭示了兰克给后世留下的两种印象,并侧重通过傅斯年、陈寅恪与兰克史学的比较,以说明他们两人所受西方吏学特别是兰克的影响.作者认为,傅斯年与陈寅恪史学思想的形成均有其共同的西学支撑,那就是兰克文学.  相似文献   

政治思想是庄子思想的有机组成部分.庄子在个体生存领域与政治、社会领域之间划开界限,从根本上否定政治领域的存在价值,而追寻生命的自在与生长,这在先秦思想中独具特色.对庄子政治思想加以引申,可以得到一些有益的思想启迪.  相似文献   

The international response to the crisis in Libya has been remarkably quick and decisive. Where many other cases of mass atrocity crimes have failed to generate sufficient and timely political will to protect civilians at risk, the early response to Libya in 2011 has shown that the United Nations Security Council is able to give effect to the ‘responsibility to protect’ norm. While not an implementing party in a legal sense, the Australian government has taken a forward-leaning diplomatic stance in helping to mobilise broad support for addressing this crisis. In light of the ongoing political controversy over armed humanitarian intervention, the Libya case shows that state-based advocacy for R2P matters, given the on-going need to bolster the legitimacy of the principle. A discussion of Canberra's diplomatic activity is a prelude to an examination of the proceedings of the UN Security Council and the two key resolutions, the second of which gave effect to the forcible action. The article then considers three dimensions of the Security Council's implementation of the responsibility to protect: the language of the resolutions and the intriguing absence of a textual reference to the international community's responsibility to act; the expansive mandate for civilian protection in Security Council resolution 1973; and the first unanimous referral to the International Criminal Court, with novel support from the United States of America.  相似文献   

陈勇勤 《史学月刊》2006,19(3):58-63
甲午战争后维新思想广泛传播,太监寇连材向朝廷递交建议书在当时属于一个特殊事件。要弄清寇连材这样做的动机,我们可以依据他遗留的那份建议书以及相关材料从多方面进行考察。寇连材建议书的一些主要观点和维新派的主张基本上是一致的,爱国意识与维新意识交织在一起。  相似文献   

罡拉卓玛 《攀登》2010,29(5):69-71
贺麟作为我国现代著名哲学家,在汇通中西文化方面成绩卓著。回顾与反思以贺麟为代表的现代新儒家的思想,有助于更清晰地把握五四新文化运动以来中国近代思想史的发展脉络,对于进一步思考中国当代文化走向与建构很有意义。  相似文献   

陈云经济思想在东北解放区后期、三大改造完成后和新时期三次大的整合中,形成的新中国经济计划化、企业化和管理民主化“三位一体”框架、“三个主体、三个补充”的体系架构和“三个两种”+“四跨”三大模式,既是探索中国经济发展道路和建立社会主义市场经济递进历史的真实记录,又实现了陈云经济思想的层次提升。把握这一特点,有利于全面理解陈云经济思想,廓清中国共产党经济思想史和新中国经济史上的诸多迷雾。  相似文献   

胡汉民的立法思想与立法实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑素一 《史学集刊》2004,5(4):43-48
1 92 8年南京国民政府建立后 ,胡汉民以孙中山先生“遗教”代言人身份 ,坚持旧三民主义 ,充分阐述了自己的建国、立法主张。他提出“以党治国”的训政纲领 ,奠定了南京国民政府的宪政基础 ;借鉴西方以个人利益为本位的经济立法原则 ,结合中国传统的“仁恕公平”的思想 ,提出“王道主义”的社会经济立法原则 ;还提出了男女平等、妇女解放等民法、继承法的立法主张。在 1 92 8——— 1 931年担任立法院院长期间 ,完成了立法院的组成框架 ;任用高水平的立法委员 ;主持制定了大量的新法典、厘定了旧的法律、法规。他为南京国民政府六法体系的形成及中国近代法律体系的完备作出了建设性的贡献。  相似文献   

卢文弨,清乾嘉时代著名校勘学家。本文就其校勘学思想与所用的方法略作论述。  相似文献   

王鉴为明末清初的四王之一,一生致力于宋元诸家的临仿创承。由于王鉴的家世及他在明末清初的特殊环境中所处的位置,以及其处于董其昌和王原祁、王翚之间的特殊地位,绘画的价值取向对四王风格的整体构成,占有十分重要的地位。  相似文献   

许多先秦学(史称先秦诸子)在研究管理问题时,认识到了存在于管理与民众之间的利益问题具有三个内在的规定性。他们认为,管理只有正确认识了利益问题的内在规定性,才能处理好管理与民众之间的利益关系,才能使自己所追求的管理事业获得成功。  相似文献   

旅游环境保护与政府干预   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈国生 《旅游科学》2004,18(3):70-73
提要旅游经济的快速发展带来的环境问题不容忽视,为实现旅游业自身的可持续发展,必须保护环境。制度经济学为解决旅游资源可持续开发利用问题提供了一种思想方法和分析工具。文章在分析我国旅游资源开发所面临的环境问题的基础上,寻找环境恶化的制度原因,最后从法律、法规、政策等政府行为方式的转变角度提出了减缓以致消除环境恶化的对策。  相似文献   

生态博物馆以其创新、包容性的理念获得了盛极一时的生命力,从而引发了一场世界性的博物馆革新运动。这场博物馆革新运动的内涵和影响表明生态博物馆实质上是一种时代精神的表征,其中生态主义、怀旧主义、寻根主义和民权主义是运动背后深刻的社会思想根源。  相似文献   

中国史学的遗产、传统和当前发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国是一个史学大国,我国史学的特点是:历史记载和历史撰述的连续性;传世的历史文献十分丰富;历史编纂形式的多样性;重视人事、重视经世致用的社会性。中国史学在长期的发展中,为我们留下了丰富的史学遗产,形成了一些优良传统。近年来我国史学有了很大的发展,但也存在一些问题。有造诣的史学工作者,应该关注史学发展趋势,关注有倾向性的史学现象,促进中国史学沿着正确的方向健康地发展,这是我们史学工作者的社会责任和历史使命。  相似文献   

福泽谕吉是近代日本亚洲霸权思想的先驱者之一,他曾公然声称:"万卷万国公法不如数门大炮,几册和亲条约不如一筐弹药",主张用大炮弹药"创造未有之理"。福泽谕吉亚洲霸权论的思想基础,是近世日本的华夷世界秩序观和近代西方弱肉强食游戏规则的结合。福泽谕吉亚洲霸权论的形成,与近代日本向亚洲邻国扩张侵略政策的形成相辅相成。福泽谕吉及近代日本的亚洲霸权思想,可谓源远流长。  相似文献   

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