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Tibetans in Beijing are quite an interesting phenomenon. They not only demonstrate the transformation of Tibetan society, but also reflect the integration of the two groups of people, ethnic Han and ethnic Tibetan.  相似文献   

News in Brief     
正Two Tibetans Awarded for Reform and Opening-up Contributions China awarded 100 people for their contributions for the country's 40 years of reform and opening-up at a gathering in the Great Hall of the People on Dec. 18th. Among the 100 people,there are two ethnic Tibetans. One is Nyima Dondrup from Ngari Prefecture in Tibet and the other is Sonam Dargye from the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai province.  相似文献   

Xi Replies to Letter from Medical Students of Tibet University Chinese President Xi Jinping has encouraged medical students of Tibet University to develop strong skills and serve the people at the primary level ahead of the Tibetan New Year in 2020.Xi made the remarks when answering a letter from 17 students who are interning at Peking University Shougang Hospital in Beijing.He also extended festive greetings and best wishes to the students as well as the people of all ethnic groups living in Tibet and the Tibetaninhabited areas.  相似文献   

People of the Tibetan ethnic group in Garze are also good singers and dancers.VISIBLE CIRCLE DANCE. A circle of people singing and dancing can be seen on a stonewall fresco in Cave No.156 in Dunhuang, famous for its grottoes. This is what the Tibetans call Kham Shae Dance, which means dance performed by Kamba people in Garze, who also call it Batang Shae Dance. In the 1940s, when Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek were engaged in peace negotiations in Chongqing between the Communist…  相似文献   

The Tibet Autonomous Region in China's Far West, with an average elevation above 3,000 meters, suffers from oxygen deficiency and inferior natural conditions, which led to low life expectancy in the past. The population reported by the local former government of Tibet was 1 million according to the first census of New China in 1953. But in 2000, the figure is 2.615 million, including 2.41 million Tibetans accounting for 92.2 percent of the total population. Most of the remainder are Han people (150,530 or 5.9 percent of the total) and 59,000 people of other ethnic groups (1.9 percent).The population of Tibetans in Tibet  相似文献   

Over the past 50 years or more, Southwest University for Nationalities has trained some 70,000 people from 45 ethnic groups. They include the first PhD of Tibetan ethnic group and the first PhD of the Qiang ethnic group; most of the first generation of PLA generals of the Tibetan ethnic group were educated there. Here are some of them:  相似文献   

Tibet covers a land area of1 .2 million square km. In 1953,when the PRC conducted itsfirst national census, the thenTibetan government told theCentral Government Tibet had apopulation of 1 million. Today, after the passage ofseveral decades, there are 2.615million people in the TibetAutonomous Region. Theyinclude 2.41 million of theTibetan ethnic group (92.2 per-cent of the total), 155,300 whoare Han (5.9 percent), and 59,000of other ethnic minorities (1.9percent).  相似文献   

In the eyes of people o Tibetan ethnic group, rocks th found everywhere in the platea holy and should be worshipe a result, on the mountain top mountain passes where Tib often come and go. accumu stones on which multicolor streamers are hung are everywhere. The Tibetans say are the mansions of mountain Passing monks or lay peop make a clockwise rotation o stone heap, adding stones to i muttering the Six-Syllable P for eliminating personal misfo and getting rid of disease, subduing the monste…  相似文献   

Ethnic Tibetans are one of the 56 ethnic groups in China and have a long history of relations with other ethnic groups. In recent decades, in combination with scholars in the fields of history, ethnography, anthropology, archeology, philology, ethno-genetics, folk culture, and religious studies, Tibetan studies has become a major discipline that explains much about the ancient peoples of the Tibetan Plateau. In this  相似文献   

Zhonyin, covering 5,420 square km in the southeastern part of the Ganan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province, has a population of some 80,000 people from the Tibetan, Han and Tu ethnic groups. For reasons of geography, climate and living style, Tibetan women have adopted a different style in garments and garment decoration than others. Living in towns along the Zhaohe River, these women are called Button Headgear Women. According to local traditions, two married women will be …  相似文献   

山东商代考古与商史诸问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
商文化进入山东是从二里岗文化后期开始的,商族起源于山东、契都蕃在滕县、汤都亳在曹县诸说都不可取。益都苏埠屯商代大墓的族属是商族,不是东夷族,周代薛国是由商代史族所分化的。夷方位于滕县东邻费县境内。鲁分“殷民六族”是原居住在曲阜鲁国周围的商遗民。  相似文献   

论文以浙南侨乡文成县为田野调查点,基于畲汉民族互嵌的视角,分析了文成畲族海外移民的历史背景、动力机制、发展现状,阐释了侨乡畲族海外移民的时代意义。浙江文成县畲族海外移民既是中国改革开放的时代产物,也是文成县侨乡文化强烈辐射和畲族与汉族良性互动的结果。其深层动因则源于文成畲汉民族关系由形式上的互嵌向结构性的互嵌之顺利转型。文成畲族海外移民案例,标志着畲族历史变迁中的时代飞跃,有利于缩小畲汉发展结构性差异和增强畲汉民族关系的和谐,对当今畲族乡村振兴和畲汉民族关系发展亦具有重要启迪意义。  相似文献   

2002年前后,中国财税博物馆征集入藏一套4件春秋晚期的编镈,其中一件钲部有清晰的滕侯赇之歌钟6字铭文,揭示了一个史料无载的滕国国君名,填补了滕国历史研究中的一个空白。这组青铜镈器形规整,铸造精良,但没有调音结构,可能是为滕侯赇下葬专门铸造的。  相似文献   

本文主要结合新加坡经济发展策略 ,探讨新加坡华人经济近期几个发展趋向。本文认为在世界经济的冲击下 ,特别是在政府经济发展策略的引导下 ,本世纪初的新加坡华人经济将有五个主要发展趋向 ,即华人企业的实力有所加强 ;华人将大力拓展海外发展空间 ;华人企业和人才与外国企业和人才的合作与竞争将明显增加 ;华人企业将更多地涉足知识经济领域 ;独立创业的中青年华人可望增加等  相似文献   

"This paper has revealed a complex set of relationships between migration, place and ethnic identity [in Hong Kong]. On the one hand, ethnic identity is shaped by the places where people have lived, particularly the places where they have spent the early years of their life; on the other [hand], places--being the context for socialization--provide the milieux where people learn who and what they are and how to act...." The authors note that "while legislation clearly regulates levels of immigration, international migration is also self-regulated by potential migrants in relation to interpretations of their ethnic identities and their perceptions of 'other' places."  相似文献   

Although developed societies are becoming increasingly ethnically diverse, relatively little research has been conducted on geographies of mixed‐ethnic unions (married or cohabiting). There is some recent evidence from the US that mixed‐ethnic couples are more likely to be found in mixed‐ethnic neighbourhoods, but this research is based on cross‐sectional data. Therefore it is not possible to determine whether mixed‐ethnic couples are more likely to form in mixed‐ethnic neighbourhoods or whether they are more likely to move there. Our longitudinal analysis allows us to tease out the relative importance of these two processes, furthering our understanding of the formation of mixed‐ethnic unions. Using data from the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study we examine neighbourhood effects on the formation of mixed‐ethnic unions in England and Wales. We find that mixed‐ethnic unions are more likely to form in neighbourhoods with low concentrations of co‐ethnic population. The results from this study lend support to the contact theory that geographical proximity to other ethnic groups enhances mutual understanding between people from different ethnic groups and could lead to the development of intimate partnerships.  相似文献   

20世纪50年代初期,以民族为名称的各层级自治区非均衡地建立,致使政府在已建立民族区域自治的地区与尚未建立区域自治的民族地区执行经济政策时出现偏差,经济政策偏差产生的优惠差异引发了都安瑶族群众谋求民族区域自治的问题。为了解决瑶族谋求民族区域自治问题,在采取经济政策调整和相应政治措施调整无果之后,为配合民族区域自治政策的落实,政府继而采取政区调整的方式,通过一系列行政区划调整的探索,最大限度地将瑶族纳入瑶族自治县内。最终,通过政区调整满足了少数民族对民族区域自治的需求,实现了民族地区各民族的和解与社会稳定。  相似文献   

白马人是藏缅语族中文化形态独特的少数族群。分布在川甘两省交界地带的白马人聚居地,是一个相对独立的文化地理共同体。白马人聚居地是长江流域海拔较高的人类居住地带,也是我国西部生物-文化多样性两者兼得以保持完好的典型区域之一。本文试以四川省平武县若干白马人村落为研究样本,阐述了诸如村落与自然环境的融洽、乡土民居建筑与自然神崇拜等物质与意识形态文化景观的地域特色。  相似文献   

Policy-makers in industrialised countries have been implementing polices to create neighbourhoods with diverse populations in the hopes of increasing and ameliorating inter-ethnic relations. However, social networks seem to remain largely segregated. The composition of people’s social networks is traditionally explained by population compositions and subsequent meeting opportunities versus preferences for homophilious interaction. Little attention has been paid to the social construction behind these two factors. This study of Turkish and native Dutch individuals in two neighbourhoods in Rotterdam from a time-geographic perspective shows that path-dependency plays a large role in keeping social networks segregated. The social circles individuals engage in during their lives are linked together. Individuals are introduced to places, activities and people by their existing social networks, starting with their parents and siblings. As such, they are likely to roam in spaces dominated by people of their own ethnicity, which lessens the opportunity to meet people from other ethnic backgrounds. This role of people’s existing social networks in ethnic segregation has been overlooked in the integration debate so far.  相似文献   

A few researchers have mentioned the scale sensitivity of segregation index, D. In this paper, I discuss analytically and empirically why using large enumeration areal units usually results in low segregation measures, and using small areal units produces relatively high segregation measures. The discussion is also applicable to the multi-group variant of D. A major finding is that if people of the same ethnic groups are positively spatially auto-correlated, increasing the size of areal units of analysis may not lower D initially, because only people of the same group are added. But enlarging the areal units subsequently may include population of other ethnic groups, and therefore could lower D. However, if the boundaries of the larger enumeration units are drawn to include only population of the same group, then D will not change significantly. Both the spatial autocorrelation of ethnic group population and zonal pattern are critical factors in determining the scale sensitivity of D.  相似文献   

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