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在乾隆二十四年的《西苑太液池地盘图》(后简称《太液池图》)之前 ,乾隆十五年《京城全图》[2](图一)中曾记录了当时北海的建置状况 ,在《太液池图》一文中未曾提及 ,实属未当。《京城全图》今存中国第一历史档案馆 ,是我国现存古代城市地图中绝无仅有的杰作。该图由51帧拼合而成 ,总长14 01、宽13 03米 ,系据实地测绘 ,按1比650的比例以墨绘渲染而成 ,绘艺精湛 ,主要建筑物均标注名称 ,翔实而精确地反映了北京城的整体格局。值得指出的是 ,该图全面真实地记录了乾隆朝北海营建第一阶段告讫的营建成果。作为补证 ,谨将其中关于北海的部分与…  相似文献   

清乾隆朝传世舆图颇多,大致可分舆地图、都城宫苑图、江海图、河道河工图、武功图、巡幸图、名胜图、寺庙图、山陵图以及风土职贡图等几类,一般以中国传统的绘图方法或以山水画、界画的技法绘出。而乾隆朝《皇舆全图》(即乾隆十三排地图)和《乾隆京城全  相似文献   

《乾隆京城全图》(以下简称((京城图》)是乾隆朝绘制的北京城区地图,原图保折装册页式本,上下十七排,每排由左、中、右三册组合,共计五十一册。其左、右两册展开长度为一丈三尺,中册展开长度为一丈六尺二寸;各册宽度皆二尺六寸,故其总体拼合尺度为四丈二尺二寸(东西向)乘四丈四尺二寸(南北向),折合公制即13.504米×14.144米(按一营造尺合0.32米计)。以此图面尺寸与《钦定大清会典事例》  相似文献   

康熙《皇舆全览图》的测绘考略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
清代在全国范围内进行大面积实地测绘编制的康熙《皇舆全览图》、雍正《皇舆十排全图》和乾隆《皇舆全图》(即乾隆《十三排地图》),是历史上前所未有的。这三部清代全国大地图中的乾隆《皇舆全图》,有御制诗序,一九三二年故宫博物院重印出版时,曾由朱希祖、翁文灏进行专题研究,康熙《皇舆全览图》和雍正《皇舆十排全  相似文献   

康熙《万寿盛典初集》是记录康熙五十二年(1713)康熙皇帝六旬万寿节庆典活动的一部专书,其中收录的《万寿图》是记录三月十八日庆典当天北京城内外官民迎接帝后御辇进宫时沿途街景的写实画作。书中刻《万寿图》,也是今存该图的最早版本。图的上卷绘制了自北京城西直门至紫禁城神武门御路沿途的庆典场面,包括道路两侧参与庆祝活动的多处寺院或道观类的建筑,是记录康熙末年北京城建筑情况的重要图像史料。本文试根据该刻本,比对略晚于《万寿盛典初集》的《乾隆京城全图》,简述图卷中祠寺、道观建筑的位置、布局和沿革,并加以初步分类,力求为认识清康熙至乾隆时期北京城的布局及清代万寿庆典的历史状况提供参考。  相似文献   

《孔庙、国子监全图》是乾隆四十九年 (1784年 )国子监辟雍刚建成时绘制的孔庙、国子监全图 ,是研究孔庙、国子监历史的珍贵资料。  相似文献   

合院是清代北京最主要的民居形式,合院向大杂院的转变被视为20世纪以来北京传统民居空间格局的最大变化.本文通过识读乾隆《京城全图》院落平面图像,统计房屋和院落数量,结合八旗丁口与住房分配政策,探讨清代北京内城普通旗人的合院居住状况.研究表明:各种规模住宅院落的占地比例与人口的阶层分布不均衡,宅地房屋兼并的严重,合院杂居现象随之产生;在大型院落比例过高的前提下,合院杂居是八旗住房制度的必然产物,底层杂居人口高达八旗总人口的90%.旗人日记《闲窗录梦》呈现的内城旗人居住实例进一步表明了杂居现象在清代中期旗人社会中下层中的普遍性.  相似文献   

《四川全图》《四川全图》为清乾隆(1736—1795年)董邦达等所绘的彩绘本,总计150幅,系具有军事意义的西南地区图。全部图工笔设色,采用山水形象画法绘制,具有史料参考和艺术欣赏价值。全图收藏于四川大学图书馆(名录:04131)。该图封面有黄陂黎澍于1933年的题署:“右图一百五十幅,高一尺二寸,阔一尺四寸,清乾隆初年绘制。山川、城邑、坛庙、衙署、营制、仓储、胥备,洵大观也。  相似文献   

北京市考古研究院藏清《毛诗图》册页,内题“乾隆岁次己酉之秋陈尹沐手敬绘”,通过对内容、题跋等各方面考证,该图册非陈尹所绘。考古院藏《毛诗图》册页虽非名家所绘,但是,全帙311图,无遗失残缺,是一套保存完整的《毛诗全图》。此图册也是目前所见清代民间画家所绘唯一流传至今的《毛诗全图》作品,为《毛诗图》的相关认识与研究提供了重要的实物资料,具有较高的研究价值。  相似文献   

1828年,道光帝命图绘40位功臣和4位军机大臣像于紫光阁,并绘制《御制平定“回疆”张格尔叛乱得胜全图》十幅。有清一代,乾隆、道光和光绪三朝都在紫光阁举办功臣画像活动。道光朝功臣像和战图基本沿袭了乾隆朝的形制,并无明显创新。道光一朝,中国社会处于内忧外患的急剧变化时期,紫光阁功臣像产生的社会反响也不如乾隆朝。  相似文献   

《Iranian studies》1992,25(1-2)

This paper investigates a conjecture of Lowell regarding the number of neighbors on maps divided into regions. Lowell speculated that border regions have on average three neighbors and that nonborder regions have on average six neighbors. This paper investigates the conjecture and, for a large category of maps, an exact relationship is obtained. Exceptions to this large category are considered, and a further exact relationship is obtained. The results of this paper may find applications not only for geographic maps, but also for models involving planar networks.  相似文献   

珏子 《旅游纵览》2008,(6):68-68
<正>题记:因为我们把首都北京遭帝国主义铁蹄践踏当成了今天与旅游有关的日子,所以,我们就应该把北京最早的全图绘制完成日也当成与旅游有关的日志。这不仅在于地图是我们出门旅游的工具,而且更在于我们的祖上,也重视掌握山河情况,这张图,在八国联军入侵北京前150年,就郑重出炉了。  相似文献   

The concept of settlement field potential, a term preferred over “demographic potential,” is applied to the territory of Tyumen' Oblast in Western Siberia. The generalizad resulting pattern of potential is then compared with a convential population density, and differences and similarities are noted. The maps, not reproduced in the article, are to be published in the Atlas of Tyumen' Oblast, which is in press.  相似文献   

Moran's I, a measure of spatial autocorrelation, is affected by map resolution and map scale. This study uses a geographic information system (GIS) to examine the resolution effects. Empirical distribution of wildland fires in Idyllwild, California, and hypothetical distributions of ordered patterns are analyzed. The results indicate that Moran's I increases systematically with the resolution level. The resolution effects can be summarized by a log-linear function relating the I coefficients to resolution levels. Empirical tests that compare the distribution of fire activity in a vegetation map and in a topographic map confirm the resolution effects observed.  相似文献   

Advanced doctoral students whose dissertations are substantially concerned with the history of cartography are invited to contact the editor of this section (Dr Elizabeth Baigent, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford OX2 6PW, UK; ) to discuss the submission of a short article. For a list of doctoral theses in progress see http://www.maphistory.info/futurephd.html.  相似文献   

This paper considers contiguity preserving map transformations (or cartograms) that have a preassigned arcal scale. Because for each such scale it is possible to construct infinitely many transformations, this paper investigates restrictions under which such cartograms are possible. It is shown that it is possible to construct transformations that preserve the location of boundaries and of any finite number of predefined points. However, these cartograms are often quite distorted. Different types of distortions and suitable measures are discussed.  相似文献   


The date commonly given for the Gough map of Britain, about 1360, is, in the author's opinion, wrong. Arguments that have been offered to support such a dating are invalid. The best indication of the date of the map is the writing on it, which is essentially in a hand of about 1400, a dating endorsed by expert palaeographical opinion. Indeed, a few exceptional features of the handwriting may suggest a slightly later date. A few specific non-palaeographical features of the map confirm a date of production close to, or a little after, 1400. Comparison with other late medieval maps of large inland areas from any part of Europe shows how precocious or advanced the Gough Map is, even for the beginning of the fifteenth century. Arguments suggesting that the map had an earlier ‘prototype’, reflecting the affairs of King Edward I, are also found to be without merit.  相似文献   

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