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近代,由于西学的传入,许多中国学者受到西学的影响。近代著名学者梁启超的方志观中也体现了西方社会学家斯宾塞的社会学思想的内容。本文拟就此问题略做分析,从而引发大家对社会学在新方志研究中所起作用的思考。  相似文献   

明末清初,随着传教士东来,中国首次正式接触"西学"。从16世纪末开始直到18世纪末告一段落,前后约延续了近两个世纪。前期,在西方传教士和中国学者共同努力下,"西学"得到一定程度的认同,许多西方书籍被介绍到中国。以礼仪之争为转折点,由于中西方文化的冲突,以及中国传统文化结构等多方面因素,"西学东渐"终归于失败。  相似文献   

左玉河 《史学月刊》2004,1(9):62-71
章太炎、刘师培等人在清末“保存国粹”、“复兴古学”的过程中,开始对中国古代学术进行初步整理,肇始了对中国学术遗产进行发掘、梳理、研究和整合之工作。以西方新知、新理、新法整理中国传统旧籍,发明中国旧学之新义,是晚清学术演进之必然趋势。以新知阐释旧学,以中学比附西学,以近代学科体系界定中国旧学,是晚清学者整理中国旧学之基本思路。正是在对中国传统学术不断进行整理和整合的过程中,中国传统学术开始转变其固有形态,逐步融入近代西学新知体系之中。  相似文献   

<正>对中国史学近代转型的认识,“冲击—反应”理论带来的西方主动、中国被动的既定认知,曾对学界产生广泛影响,但实际上,史学近代转型是近代中国人面对西方史学东渐,在传统史学中做出的主动选择。在转型过程中,无论是史学的研究主体(学者),还是研究客体(内容),中国都处在中心地位。作为中国近代史学的研究主体,即使是留学欧美的学者,也深受中国传统史学的浸润,持有中国本位的立场,与生俱来地拥有中学眼光;作为研究客体,则主要是在西学参照下,从中国传统史学中选择出来的先进因素,构成学术的新知和方法。中西古今之间的对接和整合,形成了以本土为中心的中国近代史学体系。  相似文献   

康熙皇帝在中国历代君主中出类拔萃。他学识渊博、才华横溢、稳健卓识。这与他自幼勤学不辍密不可分。康熙除了具有雄厚中国传统化知识外,对“西学”也很有掌握和了解,诸如天、数学、地理、几何等都有一定成就,这是因为在他身边始终有一个称之为“外籍教师团”的西方传教士当他的教师。这些传教士想得到康熙对传教的支持,因而殷勤地向康熙传授“西学”,康熙从他们那里学习接受了西方科技化,对他勤政治国,了解西方起到了一定作用。  相似文献   

西方化对中国社会的影响,很大程度上取决于对中国农村的影响。近代中国农民对西学的接收与否是根据自身需求而定,既有满足其解脱苦难的心理一面,又有维护传统化对西学强烈抵制的一面。在西学深入农村的过程中,农业生产力和农村社会生活也逐渐向近代化转变。  相似文献   

梅文鼎的中西文化观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明末,欧洲传教士来华传教,带来了欧洲的科学技艺、中国社会对新奇的西学反应不一.株守旧学者态度据傲,指责西学为荒诞不经之异学,不合中国圣贤之经传,大有灭此朝食之慨.开通之士认为西学多有高明之处,主张学习.其中,一类鄙薄中国科技以为不足道,唯西学是从;一类则认为中国科技有其所长,提出“会通”中西之学.梅文鼎使是一位著名的会通论者.梅文鼎(1633—1721)字定九,号勿庵,安徽宣城人,是清初最负盛名的科学家之一.少年时有神童之誉,熟读经史,兼习中国传统的天文数学.30岁以前,在历算方面已有相当造诣.37岁时第一次从朋友处获知一些西方数学知识,引发了他对西方科学技术的兴趣,从此他多方搜求西方科技书籍,认真阅读.1875年在参加考举人的乡试时,“得泰西历算书盈尺,穷日夜不舍”,功名二字被置于脑后.他在长期钻研中西文化的过程中形成了自己的中西文化观.  相似文献   

明末清初西学在中国传播的情形因朝代更替发生了相当明显的变化。传教士在清宫中除接触皇帝外,与公卿士大夫已很少交往。其传教的目的和中西文化差异造成的隔阂又因满汉对立而加重了非我族类的排外色彩。入清后,传教士才能的蜕化和西学中国化速度的加快,使西学对中国知识阶层的吸引力大大降低,西学传入的规模和内容均较明末有所不及。康熙帝既未对西方社会与自然科学进行深究,也并未倡率天下以身示范,其利用西学只在于显示“柔远能迩”和“圣学渊深”。西方殖民侵略引起国人对西人的警觉与教廷对中国内政的干预,导致西学终被取替。  相似文献   

卢毅 《安徽史学》2005,(1):96-100
无论是从胡适等人自述,还是从他们的理论主张与研究方法来看,曾在民国时期风行一时的"整理国故运动"都明显承受了西学的深刻影响.其中,在考据学方面,相较于中国传统学术,西学的影响虽不那么直接明显,但正是通过对西方学理的引进,胡适等人终于具有了一种"平等的眼光",从而将国学研究领域拓展延伸至一个前所未有的广阔天地,并且由此极大地推动了中国学术的现代转型.  相似文献   

“西学中源”说和“中体西用”论在晚清的盛衰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“西学中源”说和“中体西用”论萌生于明清之际。由于康熙帝的提倡,“西学中源”说曾经一度流行。晚清,由于西方近代学术的大规模涌入,两说盛行一时。当时提倡西学者,几乎无不论“中体西用”,道“西学中源”,可见两说是有助于西学输入中国的。随着西学输入的发展和时代的进步,两说的弊端也日益暴露。1890年前后,首先出现了对“西学中源”说的批评,但也引起了卫道者的强烈反弹,王仁俊、刘岳云等捍卫此说,撰成《格致古微》和《格物中法》。张之洞的《劝学篇》对“西学中源”说进行了改造,并对“中体西用”论加以系统阐述,是一个折衷新旧的救时方案。然而随着社会的剧烈变革,两说都在20世纪初叶为时代所迅速抛弃。“西学中源”说和“中体西用”论的进步性和局限性交相为用,其演变和消长反映了我们这一文明古国吸收外来文化的独特途径。  相似文献   

This essay traces the main lines of debate among economists during the course of China's reform. It first reviews how the market has become legitimated in the country. Then it examines three schools of thought that have emerged from an ongoing debate over the economic role of the state in China's “socialist market economy.” Debates have transformed radically the conceptual frameworks of economists, as well as policymakers, and thereby have exerted enormous influence on the policy process.  相似文献   

The Norwegian Government Pension Fund, or more commonly the Norwegian Petroleum Fund, established in 1990, is the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund. The fund is commonly regarded as a successful product of economic foresight in a country with strong traditions of long-term planning. As the fund was established in a period during which leading social scientists strongly doubted the ability of Norwegian political and administrative institutions to handle the large oil riches, the article examines the background of the fund in detail. Government archives reveal that senior advisors in the central administration opposed and delayed the establishment of a petroleum fund. The argument in the article is that the advisors’ previous experience with fund structures, combined with the institutional logic in which the most important advisors were situated, explains both the long-lasting opposition against the fund and how and why the fund acquired its main characteristics.  相似文献   

A concern with the role of the ‘Other’ in geography in higher education has led to work on the incorporation of marginalized social groups into learning contexts. Recently some authors have discussed the role of language in teaching, and in particular the dominant role of the English language in marginalizing non‐Anglophonic students and subject matter. In this paper an empirical case study of the experiences of bilingual students at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth is developed. This research provides an account of the role of language in bilingual students' engagements with geography, and addresses the practicalities and the politics of enabling students with a diversity of linguistic skills to become full citizens of their geographical education.  相似文献   

Museum learning的相关研究范式和成果主要集中在博物馆学观众研究和教育学教育技术研究领域中。国内这两门学科对museum learning的翻译存在分歧:博物馆学界将其译为"博物馆学习",而教育学领域则将其译为"场馆学习"。原因在于二者对museum learning的研究方法存在分歧,以及二者对"博物馆"一词本身范畴和概念存在认知差异。"博物馆学习"不仅保持了museum在跨语境研究中的一致性,更重要的是在概念上确保了自然科技类博物馆和历史艺术类博物馆在museum learning研究中的相同地位,这是"场馆学习"一词无法体现的。  相似文献   

This paper is a case study examination of the orientation of adolescents in West Sumatra towards the New Order Pancasila, Indonesia's state ideology, before and during the transition from the New Order regime. Pancasila in the New Order affirmed an integralist identity of interest between the state and the citizen, and between citizens at all levels of society. Integralism runs counter to the differentiated interests, institutions and identities of political community in liberalism. The concern of the paper is what effect a schooling in integralism had on students' receptivity to the prospect of an alternative, liberal model of politics; and whether that receptivity could be ascribed to political learning from the transition. The study found that students at elite schools shifted away from Pancasila and integralism in the year of Suharto's fall, while those at poorer schools did not; and that high levels of expressed support for Pancasila were good predictors of integralistic views on a series of attitudinal variables.  相似文献   

There has been increased attention to the importance of knowledge in economic success. The ability of a region to develop learning capabilities has been linked to knowledge-based success. However, conflicting perspectives exist about whether and how it is possible for policies and institutions in a lagging location to foster a learning region. This article examines this debate in the context of an effort to develop a second region of innovation (outside of Atlanta) in the US state of Georgia through a learning network called the Midsize Cities Technology Development Initiative. This initiative partnered four midsized cities in Georgia with four European midsized cities to stimulate benchmarking and learning. While traditional perspectives on economic development persist, some learning and reorientation of strategy was evident in the participating US cities. In stimulating these changes, significant roles were played by outsiders in brokering interaction and imparting fresh ideas, in strengthening ties to research and innovation capabilities in the core Atlanta metropolis, and in building new local institutions. A major new state-sponsored programme (the Centers of Innovation) with local presence in each of the four cities resulted from the effort. Still, it remains to be seen how learning will continue and whether a fully fledged second region of innovation will emerge in Georgia.  相似文献   

This article investigates the policy feedback and political learning effects of school vouchers. Of particular interest is how market‐based policies affect the likelihood that program participants will connect their experiences with the policy to the government. I examine parent survey data from an evaluation of the Milwaukee school voucher program. I find that voucher parents are more likely than public school parents to perceive that the government has influenced their child's schooling and to believe that their experiences with their child's school have taught them about how government works. Further, voucher parents report that their experiences with the policy have made them more politically active. While majorities of voucher and public school parents support increased public school expenditures, there is some evidence that school vouchers may decrease support for public schools.  相似文献   


In providing an example of how the teaching of oral skills can be integrated into a seminar programme through the format of a mock job interview, a distinction is made between presentational and interrogative oral skills. The former has typically dominated initiatives to improve oral skills training. However, viva voce and job interviews make heavy demands on interrogative skills, suggesting the need to give some experience of such pressurised circumstances within teaching programmes. Running mock job interviews for posts related to the content of particular courses can provide a novel and effective means of integrating skills training with course objectives.  相似文献   

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