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2009年8~11月,甘肃省文物考古研究所和西北大学丝绸之路文化遗产保护与考古学研究中心对临潭磨沟墓地进行了第三次发掘。本次共发掘齐家文化墓葬266座,形制有竖穴土坑墓和竖穴偏室墓两大类,以竖穴偏室墓为主。此次发掘出土了陶、铜、石、骨器等随葬器物,其中陶器数量最多。此次发掘所获得的一些新发现与收获,为进一步研究齐家文化的墓葬结构及葬俗提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

王永强  田小红 《考古》2012,(9):17-29,113,102,105
2010年,新疆文物考古研究所发掘了塔城白杨河墓地的51座墓葬。墓葬的形制分为竖穴土坑墓、竖穴偏室墓、竖穴石棺墓等。多不见随葬品或仅有铁刀和羊骨,个别出土陶器、铜镜、木器等。年代大约相当于战国到汉代。其文化内涵与阿尔泰山南麓的同类墓葬有关,同天山东部和天山北麓乃至伊犁河谷的文化也有联系。  相似文献   

<正>2014年8月~2015年1月,甘肃省文物考古研究所对漳县墩坪遗址东周墓地开展主动性考古发掘。墓地位于漳县三岔镇三岔村北200米的墩坪上,面积约20万平方米。此次发掘清理墓葬27座,出土车马器、工具和兵器、陶器及饰件等百余件(组)。该墓地墓葬结构及形制相对较复杂,有平面长方形土坑竖穴墓与土坑竖穴偏室墓两类。根据二层台的有无,前者可以分为无二层台的土坑竖穴墓和有二层台的土坑竖穴墓;后者可以分为无二层台的土坑竖穴偏室墓和有二层台的土坑竖  相似文献   

齐家坪遗址是齐家文化的命名地,1975年进行了科学的考古发掘。墓地由南至北成排分布,墓葬多为长方形竖穴土坑墓,头向大致可分为北偏西、北偏东和正北方向,无葬具。葬式可分为单人葬和合葬,一次葬和二次扰乱葬。葬俗有白碎石随葬、身首不在同一水平线上埋葬、涂抹红色颜料及二次扰乱葬。随葬品有铜器、石器、牙骨角器、陶器及绿松石、蚌器等。在年代上应接近秦魏家类型,约公元前2000年至公元前1700年。  相似文献   

老牛坡遗址发掘的3座墓葬,均为长方形竖穴土坑墓,形制较小,单人葬,无二层台及腰坑,不见葬具.墓葬保存较好,随葬品以三耳、双耳、单耳、无耳折肩罐,以及单耳、无耳花边罐为主;以石璧随葬的习俗也颇具特色.这批墓葬的时代为夏代早期,陶器中既有齐家文化、二里头文化因素,又有客省庄二期文化的特征,为研究陕西夏时期的文化分布以及与周边同时期文化的交流提供了实物资料.  相似文献   

宁家河水库墓地位于新疆塔城地区沙湾县克孜勒乔克村。2011年6~8月,新疆文物考古研究所对墓地进行了抢救性发掘,共清理墓葬115座,出土有陶、金、银、铜、铁、石、骨器等。墓葬类型丰富,可分为竖穴石室墓、竖穴偏室墓、竖穴土坑墓、无墓室墓,各自具有鲜明的文化特征。这些墓葬的年代属于青铜时代中晚期、早期铁器时代、汉代、唐至元四个时期。本次发掘为研究天山北麓考古学文化序列及文化交流提供了新资料。  相似文献   

张煜珧  冯丹 《文博》2023,(4):3-10+112
1981年,中国社会科学院考古研究所在陕西宝鸡西高泉村发掘春秋早期墓葬18座,均为长方形土坑竖穴小墓。墓向以东西向居多,墓主以屈肢葬为主,多有葬具一椁一棺,并多见头箱,未见腰坑、殉人。出土铜器、陶器和玉器等文物,随葬品以陶器为主,有仿陶礼器、日常陶器两类。通过墓葬形制和随葬品特征,可看出这批墓葬为典型的秦人墓葬,为了解秦人进入关中之初的文化特征,研究秦文化的发展情况提供了重要资料。  相似文献   

阮秋荣  王永强  阿里甫·尼亚孜 《考古》2012,(9):3-16,113,97,101
新疆文物考古研究所2010年对阔克苏西2号墓群进行了抢救性发掘,此次发掘了墓群中部的93座墓葬。这批墓葬形制有竖穴土坑墓、竖穴偏室墓和竖穴石室墓。出土了铜器、骨器、陶器、铁器和石器等遗物。从出土遗物和墓葬形制判断,墓葬的时代差距较大,分别属于青铜时代和早期铁器时代。  相似文献   

重庆开县余家坝墓地系战国晚期巴人墓地,2000年发掘墓葬50余座,墓葬形制皆为竖穴土坑,葬具多一棺 一椁,葬式皆呈单人仰身直肢。男性墓中多随葬成组兵器,其上多饰虎纹;女性墓中则多见玉玦串饰。此基地的完整揭 露和研究,对认识三峡地区巴族历史有重要意义。  相似文献   

加勒克斯卡茵特墓地位于伊犁河上游支流喀什河南岸一、二级台地上。该墓地绝大多数墓葬在封土堆下铺有一圈或两圈卵石,少数墓葬地上仅封有土堆,不铺卵石;墓室一般呈东西向,形制为竖穴土坑和竖穴偏室墓;葬式多为一次葬,少数为二次葬;随葬品均为生活用品和随身佩带的装饰品;墓葬年代集中在公元前5世纪至汉代。  相似文献   

  金太顺 《北方文物》2020,(1):21-27
1988年6月,胜利村村民在自宅地盖房子时发现墓葬,破坏性地采集了30多件文物。黑龙江省文物考古工作者得知后前往,共清理发掘3座金代墓葬。墓葬皆为小型土坑竖穴墓,葬俗为单人一次葬。墓葬中有多寡不同的随葬品,包括铜器、瓷片等,出土文物40多件。墓葬发掘材料表明,这里可能是一处金代早期平民墓地。  相似文献   

This paper presents results of contextual, technological, use-wear and residue analyses of body ornaments from two Late Mesolithic burials recently excavated at the site of Vlasac in the Danube Gorges of the central Balkans. Common to both burials are ornaments made from modified and unmodified carp (Cyprinidae sp.) pharyngeal ‘teeth’ along with Cyclope neritea marine gastropods. Experimental and low and high magnification use-wear approaches have been employed in reconstructing the way these ornaments were made and used. The precise contextual distribution of these ornaments has been recorded for the first time. The two examined burials exhibit a number of similarities, particularly in the way ornaments were placed in relation to the body. Both burials are also contemporaneous, dated to the mid-7th millennium BC. Implications of these findings for Mesolithic foragers' corporeal symbolism, group identity and regional and long-distance acquisition networks are briefly examined.  相似文献   

Samuel Birch 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):46-47
A cropmark complex of ring-ditches and square-plan ditches in the Vale of Clwyd, North Wales has been partially excavated. Mesolithic activity is represented predominantly by lithic waste in local cherts. A small bronze age cemetery, dated to between about 1660–1400 b.c., comprises a large and small ring-ditch and a ‘flat cemetery’ associated with Beaker inhumation burials, and by cremation burials, of which some were found with Food Vessel Urns. The larger ring-ditch was superseded by an undated rectangular enclosure with causeways at the centre of each side. An early medieval inhumation cemêtery, with associated dates of about a.d. 510 and a.d. 860, was established to one side of the larger ring-ditch. A small proportion of the graves are enclosed by square-plan ditches, two of which had a causeway at the centre of the eastern side. Generalized parallels are drawn with other sites in eastern and northern Britain and within Wales itself.  相似文献   

ANGLO-SAXON SILVER PENNIES (sceattas) are rare as gravegoods, but their provision was a regular element of burial practice in a small minority of later 7th-century-furnished inhumations and later burials. Although the number both of coins and burials is very small, they show patterns of deposition and treatment that have both a cultural and a broader chronological significance. This sample provides a window on social and symbolic attitudes to the coinages as elements of the broader material culture of contemporary society, and constitutes important corroborating evidence that the Primary Phase issues embodied a new degree of monetisation in 7th-century England.  相似文献   

In Argentine Patagonia, the type of archaeological burial “in pit” has been only identified on the coast of Lángara Bay. This modality is characterized by the presence of single and multiple primary burials. Studies on five human burials in pits are presented in this article. The aim is to compare the contexts of burials in pit at the site level and the spatial characteristics of their distribution in the Lángara Bay locality from a diachronic perspective. The approach focuses on mortuary practices and social relations of hunter-gatherer groups during the Late Holocene. A characterization of the burials, their chronologies, bioarchaeological determinations, stable isotope studies, and their spatial distribution are included. The results allow us to chronologically place the contexts between ca. 3000 and 2000 cal BP. A spatial pattern in the distribution of burials in the coastal landscape was identified. Finally, it is proposed that this part of the Patagonian coast was a persistent place of burials in pit.  相似文献   

2001年7月至2002年5月,河南省文物考古研究所和三门峡市文物考古研究所联合对位于市区南部李家窑村西的李家窑遗址进行了考古发掘,清理了一批不同时期的文化遗存。这里介绍的两座墓M24和M26,均为长方形竖穴土坑墓,属于西周晚期小型贵族墓葬,共出土各类器物61件,包括铜、陶、石、骨、蚌等种类,为研究豫西地区西周时期中小型墓葬的形制和葬俗提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   

山西翼城县大河口西周墓地   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年以来,对山西翼城县大河口墓地进行了发掘,已清理00多座墓葬,均为长方形竖穴土坑墓,有棺椁,墓主多为仰身直肢。大中型墓以随葬青铜器为主,小墓以随葬陶器为主。这处墓地墓主的国族名为霸,霸伯是最高权力拥有者。大河口墓地的发掘对于研究西周分封制度、器用制度和族群融合等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Albert Way 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):52-83
The excavation of four hundred complete and partial in situ burials from the Hospital of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge, represented one of the largest medieval hospital osteoarchaeological assemblages from the British Isles. The significance of the group is enhanced by the detailed investigation of a carefully maintained network of pathways associated with the cemetery, the archaeological sequence that pre- and post-dated its use and a number of contemporary properties that were situated immediately outside its bounds. This evidence allows the cemetery to be placed within its urban context in a way that is rarely possible. The overwhelming majority of the burials were extended west-east aligned supine inhumations without grave-goods. Atypical burials included examples aligned east-west and south-north, a double burial, a prone burial and individuals buried with a jet crucifix and a brooch. Other significant finds included a nearby pit with four bodies in it, an anthropomorphic bone handle and a reused cruciform horse harness pendant. The proportion of males and females in the burial population is similar, whilst individuals who died under the age of sixteen are relatively uncommon and individuals aged under five are completely absent.  相似文献   

By integrating osteological, taphonomic, archaeological and stable isotopic data, we test for cannibalism in the Lau Group, Fiji and discuss the potential underlying cause(s) and context(s) of this behaviour. First, we compare taphonomic and element representations of human skeletal material from two contexts in Fiji, examining human bone fragments from archaeological sites, including middens and burials in the Lau Island Group. Fourteen sites produced human remains. Only two of those sites included distinct human burial contexts, but in the remaining 12 sites, the human bone was recovered from middens or contexts where midden was mixed with possible secondary burials. A total of 262 number of identified specimens per species, representing an estimated 15 minimum number of individuals make up the Lau human assemblage. Second, we analysed bones contained in 20 individual human burials from four different sites that are housed at the Fiji Museum for comparative purposes. Third, we examine previously published stable isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) analysis of bone collagen to gauge protein consumption of likely cannibalised humans in midden contexts and potential cannibals from primary burials. We model a cannibalistic diet category within the context of isotopically measured Pacific Islands food groups and apply an isotopic mixing model to gauge plausible dietary contributions from six sources including human flesh. Isotopic mixing models of the Lauan samples illustrate a high diversity in reconstructed diets. The percent contribution of human flesh is low for all individual Lauans. We conclude that mortuary rituals evidenced by sharp‐force trauma may suggest non‐nutritive and non‐violent practices that may have included the consumption of small amounts of human flesh. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

秦博 《四川文物》2020,(2):23-35
黄河中下游地区40余处遗址的400多座二层台墓资料显示,生土二层台墓的数量在仰韶中晚期以前较熟土台墓多,龙山时代式微。该变化的背后是棺椁的逐渐成熟,生土台墓中小部分带有盖板或原始棺椁,同时熟土台并非判断墓葬带有棺椁的充要条件。通过生土台高度和墓葬深度的二元变量分析,墓葬开挖时预留生土台并未考虑稳固墓室,而应该与构建殓尸空间(或椁室)、进行一系列丧葬活动有关,在台面上放置随葬品的情况存在一定的时空差异。二层台墓的分布具有集中埋葬的倾向,采用二层台墓的群体并无明显的性别和死亡年龄指向,从仰韶中期以来,其所代表的社会群体占据着更为优越的社会财富。  相似文献   

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