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To flexibly adjust behaviour to that of other people around us requires some representation of their overt actions, but also of the driving forces behind them, that is, their goals, intentions, and emotions. Socio-affective and -cognitive functions enable such representations via creating vicarious affective states in the observer (empathy) or by accumulating abstract, propositional knowledge of another person’s mental state (Theory of Mind). While the empathic sharing of another’s emotions is implemented by those neural networks that also process first-hand emotion, Theory of Mind activates a widespread network that seems to process information independent of its specific modality or content. Crucially, these two routes can function independently as individual differences in the respective capacities and network activations are unrelated and selective impairments in one or the other function occur in psychopathology. However, they may co-activate and co-operate in complex social situations, determining how prosocially interactive behaviour unfolds.  相似文献   

This article reviews previous attempts to extend world-system theory from the modern era to prehistoric and archaeological settings. It summarizes major debates among scholars from several disciplines who are comparing the modern world-system with earlier world-systems. Special attention centers on the problems of conceptualizing world-systems, the spatial bounding of world-systems, and understandings of systemic logics.  相似文献   

徐兆仁 《史学月刊》2006,(10):96-103
道教内丹学以精、、神为标识,以五派为支柱,其思想体系对于中国学术具有深刻影响。张伯端开创的道教内丹学南宗理论吸收儒、佛思想,主张三教融合,其内丹理论以性命双修为特色。张伯端的后继者坚守师法,传承有绪,注重印证,著述不断,丰富了道教内丹理论与实践。  相似文献   

作者根据乾清宫旧藏石鼓文和相关的御制诗文,梳理出弘历传拓石鼓、考证鼓文和新编,重刻石鼓几件史事。说明他本人对石鼓怀有浓厚兴趣,奉之为"千秋法物",同时他也从石鼓得到启发,一再阐明"述古兴贤"、"述古传今"、"重道崇文"的文治思想,并提出了保护、重刻和异地放置石鼓的具体办法。由此也推动了乾嘉考证学的发展。  相似文献   

Abstract: In the course of the neoliberal globalization offensive capital has become more international. This development has placed the question of the state on the agenda once again. The central issue here is the extent to which the existing plurality of states should be seen as a historically contingent state of affairs which might not in principle last indefinitely, or as a structural component of the capitalist mode of production. One important aspect of this issue is the question of how the relationship between the “political form” of capitalism and “institutions” is understood. More often than not, even approaches that use Marxist theory have tended to address this question in an unsatisfactory manner.  相似文献   

国民党训政制度对孙中山训政理论的继承与背离   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑大华 《史学月刊》2004,2(8):52-56
国民党的训政制度与孙中山训政理论之间的关系非常复杂,既有继承的一面,也有背离的一面,要具体问题具体分析。概而言之,在“革命程序论”上,继承了孙中山关于从“军政”到“宪政”之间要有一个“训政”过渡期的思想,而背离了他在革命程序论中提出的训政时期所应实行的政治经济主要任务的主张;在“以党治国论”上,继承了孙中山在中华革命党时期提出的以党权代替政权的思想,而背离了孙中山1924年前后对“以党治国论”的修正和完善;在“五权宪法论”上,形式上搞了一个五院制的国民政府,但在实质上则背离了孙中山提出的权能区分、人民有权、政府有能的原则。  相似文献   

祝曙光 《史学集刊》2021,(2):131-144
因日本殖民者在朝鲜实施强制动员计划,许多朝鲜青年被迫或自愿应募为战俘营看守,协助日军看管盟军战俘。日本战败后,盟国为了追究日本法西斯虐待战俘、侵犯人权的罪行,设置军事法庭进行审判,一些战俘营的朝鲜看守作为BC级战犯被起诉和审判,129人被判决有罪。朝鲜BC级战犯背负"对日协力者"的名声,遭遇来自亲朋故旧的蔑视,同时给在故乡的亲人带来了不堪承受的精神压力,一些战犯既不能回归祖国,也无法融入日本社会,面临精神和物质的双重困境,扮演了加害者与受害者的双重角色。他们为了洗刷罪名、恢复名誉、争取合法权益而进行了持久的抗争。  相似文献   

The second half of the 19th century, along with the first three decades of the 20th, saw the building of hundreds of flour mills in Spain, all based on new milling and sieving machinery developed after the industrial revolution. Unfortunately, very few of these early mills are now in use: most have disappeared, and many of those that are left have been abandoned. The present work examines the growth of the flour-milling industry in Spain from the mid-19th century, and discusses the typology, design and constructional features of its associated buildings. The information presented is the result of the study of a representative sample of these mills in central Spain, and could serve as a basis for the conservation, rehabilitation and reuse of this important agroindustrial heritage.  相似文献   

For the English interested in Persia in the nineteenth century, James Morier's Adventures of Hajji Baba of Isfahan was a crucial text, as it also was for Iranians who read its groundbreaking Persian translation almost half a century later. The text provided a persuasive understanding of Persia that has endured in the western imagination. This paper begins with the framing narrative and shows how the frame story sets the stage for a convincing literary portrait of Persia and Persians. Then it analyzes the image of Persia constructed in this book through the characterization of Hajji Baba as representative of Persians, and the geopolitical portrayal of the country that emerges from the account of his travels.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Gell's Art and Agency that aimed to articulate the first anthropological theory of art has achieved a near‐cult status among the academic community. Departing from previous semiological and aesthetic approaches, this theory takes it that art is a form of instrumental action, the canonical efficacy of which lies in its power to function as a cognitive trap and to captivate the spectator's mind. In this article it is argued that Gell's theory is not as novel as it is claimed; that it fails to define the specific field of art; and that by excluding the aesthetic properties of art objects, it discards ethnographical data nonetheless necessary for understanding the agency of art in Melanesian local cultures. At a meta‐level, Gell assigned to his theory the same captivating purpose as he did to art, and this probably explains the seductive fascination that his work continues to exert.  相似文献   

Soviet children of occupation were born between late 1945 and mid-1956 in Austria, some following voluntary sexual relations between local women and Red Army soldiers, others as a result of rape. They were considered by many to be ‘children of the enemy’ and encountered various forms of discrimination and stigmatisation. The children involved were largely a ‘fatherless’ group of war children. By the time of their births even fathers who wanted to stay in touch had generally either been sent home or transferred to another barracks in line with the Kremlin's view that intimate relations between Soviet soldiers and Austrians were politically and ideologically reprehensible. Even after the signing of the Austrian State Treaty and the end of the occupation in 1955, the political situation largely ruled out further contact. This situation was exacerbated by the onset of the Cold War. In many cases, the children of occupation were hemmed in by a wall of silence that in some cases persists to this day. This has led to widespread questions about personal identity and searches for their ‘roots’. Against this background, the article analyses the impact of the specific historical, political and social background of the lives of Soviet occupation children.  相似文献   

Matthew T. Huber 《对极》2009,41(3):465-486
Abstract:  While the critical literature has focused on the geography of oil production, the politics of "outrageous" gasoline prices in the United States provide a fertile path toward understanding the wider geography of petro-capitalism. Despite the deepening contradictions of US oil consumption, "pain at the pump" discourse projects a political sense of entitlement to low priced gasoline. I use a value-theoretical perspective to examine this politics as not only about the quantitative spectrum of price, but also the historical sedimentation of qualitative use-values inscribed in the commodity gasoline. Gasoline is analyzed both as a use-value among many within the postwar value of labor power and as a singular use-value fueling broader imaginaries of a national "American way of life." While use-value still represents an open site of cultural and political struggle infused within value itself, the case of gasoline illustrates how use-values are not automatically mobilized toward politically savory ends.  相似文献   

The development of industrial archaeology over the last 50 years can be traced through articles published in PMA. The early stages of recording the standing remains of industrial activity were augmented by detailed studies of groups of structures which revealed the organization of the manufacturing process. From the late 1980s, developer-funded excavations became important following extensive remediation work on brownfield sites. Greater attention was paid to the social context of past industrial activity including workers’ housing and institutional buildings, and this has continued with studies of oral history. New challenges considered include studies of modern technologies, de-industrialization and the digital revolution.  相似文献   

有明一代的北京营建,曾征办了巨量的砖、瓦、琉璃等烧造物料,其规模之大,历代罕匹。在明代北京营建中,其前后烧造地域的空间变化、烧办方式变迁等诸问题非常值得探讨。明代中期以来社会经济的发展及纳银代役制度的变化,导致了烧办方式的变迁,而烧办方式的变迁,则直接影响到烧办地域范围的调整。  相似文献   

现代性及其限度:民国文官考试制度平议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民国文官考试制度是一个传统与现代的混合体.其现代性主要体现为法制化程度的提高,平等性和开放性的增强,考试权的独立和考试内容的现代化.但是对经义考试的保留,对传统科举制考试程序的模仿,考试与任用的脱节,党治和军治色彩的存在,个人因素的干扰,派系势力的抗拒等,又使民国文官考试制度的现代性受到极大限制,难以发挥其应有的功效.  相似文献   

中国的战后中日关系研究基本上在历史学领域中展开,但实证研究仍需进一步的努力.而日本学者注意到国际政治学方法论的采用,强调了国际政治结构对中日关系的制约,但在史学研究方面还有不断把新史料纳入视野、在史学研究的基础上建构自己的国际政治学理论等方面的发展空间.相信整体性的过程研究和实证经验理论总结将使我们能够有基础和有信心尝试建立一些规范的分析概念,并通过这些概念对历史和思想演变的深层规律进行某种程度的哲学分析,即所谓理论的建构.  相似文献   

This article addresses the spatial differentiation of statehood in the process of European integration, looking at its consequences for the reorganization of political rule. First, we elaborate our theoretical foundations resting in materialist theories of the state. It is argued that hitherto analytical approaches have hardly been able to systematically integrate the societal generation of space. This shortcoming is addressed by drawing on theories of space discussed in radical geography. Second, we trace the spatial transformation of statehood in the EU. Our assertion is that the latter is characterized by the emergence of a multi‐scalar ensemble of state apparatuses. Finally, we discuss the implications of this transformation for the reproduction of domination. We assume that the multi‐scalar form of statehood offers a significant basis for the emergence of authoritarian forms of politics in the EU. At the same time, social conflicts over the political design of the EU are intensifying.  相似文献   

从本质上讲,中国现代平民教育运动是一场国民教育运动。20世纪20年代公民教育运动兴起后,晏阳初等人虽然也曾致力于此,但无论从其思想认识还是从社会实践上看,均不出国民教育的范围。平民教育运动在塑造现代国民方面的主要贡献,是向底层社会播散现代国家观念和国民意识,这从当时编写的平民千字课本中可以看出来。平教运动期间通过平民千字课向底层社会播散现代国家观念与国民意识的做法,对我们今天完成民族复兴大业,仍有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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