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本文对安阳鄣邓遗址出土先商时期动物骨骼及骨制品进行鉴定与分类,解析该遗址动物资源的获取与利用.结果表明当时人们主要以猪、牛、羊等家畜为肉食消费对象,捕获的野生动物所占比例甚少.利用牛、羊、猪的四肢骨和肋骨制作镞、针、匕、凿、锥、簪、铲等骨器,取牛、猪的肩胛骨加工成卜骨.  相似文献   

牛是人类生产生活中重要的伙伴之一,肉、奶可食,皮可保暖,角、骨可制器,北京周口店山顶洞旧石器时代晚期遗址中曾发现18000年前的牛骨化石,最晚到7000年前黄河、长江流域已经畜养驯化后的黄牛、长江流域已经畜养驯化后的黄牛、水牛。牛是中国上古时期祭祀的主要牺牲,农业社会犁耕、运载的重要工具,也是人类财富的标志之一。  相似文献   

豫北地区龙山时期各遗址出土动植物遗存和生产工具的分析结果表明,当时已存在以旱作(粟、黍)农业和家畜饲养(猪、狗、牛、羊)为主,兼营采集、狩猎和捕捞业的生业模式。少量大豆、小麦、稻米等农作物的发现表明这一区域自龙山时期就已"五谷俱全",农业种植结构趋向复杂化。自然环境的优渥以及生产力的发展和文化交流的频繁推动了豫北地区的社会复杂化进程和农业经济的持续繁荣,约至公元前2000年前后,该区域与中原其他区域基本同步步入文明社会。  相似文献   

将东北地区的生业特征分为两个大的区域进行长时段的归纳,可以看到北部地区在新石器时代主要是采集和渔猎,到青铜时代开始,种植农作物和家畜饲养的比重逐渐增加;而南部地区至少从距今8000年前开始出现少量的农作物,当时可能也开始饲养家畜,在整个新石器时代,种植农作物和饲养家畜的行为在燕山南北地区发展缓慢,而在辽东半岛南端地区则逐渐成为主要的生业模式。到青铜时代,主要分布在辽河下游地区的高台山文化以种植粟等农作物和饲养家畜为主,也包括渔猎活动。主要分布在西辽河地区的夏家店下层文化以种植粟和黍及饲养家猪为主,家养动物中牛和羊的数量较多,畜牧业开始出现。从夏家店上层文化至燕文化时期,农业和畜牧业均呈稳定发展的趋势。这些特征的形成与当地各个考古学文化的发展及更替状况密切相关,也与自然环境的制约和黄河流域地区以农业为特征的文化的影响有关。  相似文献   

本文选取了清代陕西较重要的产业——农村畜养业作为研究对象,探讨了它的地域发展特征,牲畜市场的结构与分布,牲畜输出,初步匡算出清代陕西的年牲畜交易量。指出清代陕西农村畜养业具有普遍性的特点,遍在的农家耕畜需求以及作为交通工具役使,促进了农村畜养业的发展。另外,本地地近塞北,处于农牧分界地区,陕北部分州县半农半牧,故畜牧业发达。牲畜的交易与地方良种培育具有地缘优势,陕北"佳米驴",关中"秦川牛"、"关中驴"、"关中骡"在清代均形成地方品牌,是清代陕西对外输出的牲畜良种,在全国颇具知名度。这里每年牲畜交易十分频繁,牲畜市场发育最完善。清末陕西年牲畜交易量大体在20-40万头之间,牲畜税是地方商品中征收最多的税种,也构成陕西地方财政最重要的来源与补充。从这一点来说,它也是清代陕西地方经济发展有别于其它经济发达省区的一个重要特征。  相似文献   

考古资料表明,春秋中晚期的鲜虞白狄已经开始自行种植农作物,能够与华夏民族一样用陶质或铜质的、鬲和鼎蒸、煮谷物;战国中期以降,白狄食用的谷物包括粟米和稻米,食用的肉食包括野生的飞禽走兽,也包括牛、羊、猪、狗、鸡等多种畜养的动物,且已掌握较为复杂的加工谷物和肉食的方法。中山王墓中到处可见麻或丝的遗迹,灵寿故城出土遗物中则有数十件陶制纺轮,表明当时的白狄已经学会用麻或丝制作衣服。深衣作为华夏诸国流行的服式,已为战国中晚期的白狄所接受和采用。中山王一号墓中出土的铜俑所穿服装并非"胡服",而是中原服式的改良。  相似文献   

胡洪琼 《华夏考古》2012,(3):47-54,149
殷墟牛的主体是黄牛,水牛尚未家养。从甲骨文献和考古发掘可知,殷墟时期,对牛的需求主要表现为农耕、拉车、肉食、祭祀、骨骼(包括牛肩胛骨占卜及下肢骨制作骨器等)甚至牛皮、牛筋、牛角等。如此众多的环节,使得牛在殷墟时期从饲养、使用、乃至宰杀后分配,在当时应该有相应的社会群体或组织机构专门从事这些事务。探讨殷墟时期牛的饲养、使用乃至牛在殷墟时期被赋于的神圣职能,对于了解殷墟时期的农牧业、手工业、上层阶级的精神生活等都会起到至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

从考古资料看滇西地区的古代畜牧业田怀清云南滇西的畜牧业有着悠久的历史。早在新石器时代晚期,居住在滇西地区的古代居民就已经懂得饲养狗、猪、牛、羊、马、鸡等六畜。研究古代的畜牧业发展历史,对于指导今天的畜牧业发展有着重要的历史意义和现实意义。本文将根据已...  相似文献   

家猪是中国古代最重要的一种家畜:它是我国古代人民主要的肉食来源,同时还被广泛用于祭祀、随葬等各种仪式性活动中,在当时的社会生活中扮演了重要角色。本课题研究重点勾勒了史前至商周时期我国各地区家猪饲养的大体发展过程,并对各地区不同发展道路进行了模式归纳和解释,还对我国古代家猪的品种差异、饲养技术与成就,以及家猪饲养的社会意义等方面进行了探索。  相似文献   

2015年,河北省文物研究所对河北省平山县中山灵寿故城东侧的灵寿东城遗址进行了考古发掘,初步判定该遗址为战国时期中山国都城的军事驻防城。遗址出土了一批动物骨骼,共计80件,其中可鉴定标本23件,分战国和汉代两个时期:战国时期动物种属主要为马、牛、猪,汉代动物种属为猪、牛、狗,均为古代家畜饲养的常见种属,此外鹿类动物也是汉代灵寿先民的利用对象。根据动物骨骼的部位、出土位置及伴出品,可以判断这些动物可能存在除食用外的功能,如奠基或祭祀等。不同时期对不同动物的利用情况,进一步验证了随着中山国的灭亡,灵寿东城的军事功能逐渐衰落,到了汉代已成为普通平民生活区。  相似文献   

明清时期西北农牧业生产的发展与演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明清是西北地区农牧业生产结构又一次发生重大改变的时期,随着区域农业开发力度的不断加大,农业生产最终得以取代畜牧业生产,成为区域经济发展的主导产业。  相似文献   

This study presents the analysis of 7966 individual cattle, sheep, pig and domestic hen bone measurements from 105 sites excavated in London dating to the period AD 1220–1900. Multiple episodes of size change are identified, although the speed and timing varies by species. The earliest evidence for size change in cattle and sheep occurs in the early 14th century and may be connected to the need to restock livestock populations following the outbreaks of murrain in the first half of that century. Subsequent size increases in livestock size may have occurred as a combined consequence of agricultural innovations in the wake of the Black Death, the increasing commercialisation of animal farming, as the meat requirements of an expanding London grew, and the rise of the ethic of improvement.  相似文献   

The beginning of animal husbandry in Finland is one of the most debated topics in Finnish archaeology. For this study a total of 69 bone materials from archaeological sites in Southern, Western and Eastern Finland, dating from the Middle Neolithic to the Early Metal Period, were analysed: 52 represented identifiable animal bones. These data were complemented with those from previously analysed bone materials. A total of 19 domestic animal bones were radiocarbon-dated to determine their connection with a particular cultural period. However, 13 of them proved to belong to the historical and not the prehistoric period, emphasizing the importance of radiocarbon-dating and context awareness when interpreting prehistoric bone materials. Among the radiocarbon-dated material were the oldest dated sheep, cattle and horse bones in Finland. The oldest radiocarbon-dated domestic animal bone in Finland, from sheep or goat, derives from the Late Stone Age Kiukainen Culture site, while cattle and horse bones date to the Bronze Age. This is later than expected. However, the available material does not exclude the possibility that some animal husbandry was practised in Finland earlier. Nevertheless, domestic animal bones are rare in samples dated to the cultural periods studied, while hunting and fishing represented important subsistence activities.  相似文献   

During the Iron Age a subsistence economy based on mixed farming existed in the Dutch wetlands. A model based on subsistence is put forward and tested against the archaeozoological data of 27 sites in order to gain insight into the role of animal husbandry. The model confirms that cattle husbandry was the dominant form of animal husbandry but pigs and sheep were also important at some sites. Although a high number of pig bones were expected, their role is mostly insignificant. An explanation is sought in their lack of secondary products and their competition with humans for the scarce cereals in the wetlands. The mortality profiles for cattle are largely in accordance with the subsistence model. Older cattle are used for traction, milk and herd security and sheep were mainly kept for their meat but also for their milk and wool. Differences in animal husbandry between sites also exist. At two sites more cattle were killed for their meat and at three sites the proportion of older cattle was larger than expected. Although this first test renders the subsistence model viable, it needs to be tested against more sites with larger bone samples.  相似文献   

明清州县衙门陋规的存留与裁革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明清州县的陋规收入很多,衙门的陋规固随地皆有,但不能随意多取,按规定额度收取者为合法,其额外苛求者则为非法。明清州县陋规的90%来自于理财,而理财中的大宗来自于赋税、平余、盐当、杂课,州县官在理财额内收取的陋规,一般都能够达到"不贪不滥,一年三万"的收入水平。如果额外苛求,是私派陋规、勒索陋规、需索陋规、私受陋规等,一旦发觉则要受到惩处。关于陋规是否存留,还是全部或部分裁革,无论是统治者,还是官员、学者都各有看法,可以说议论纷纭,莫衷一是。  相似文献   

Although a patchwork of projects shows a process of agriculture intensification in North China during the Neolithic, the impact of cereal farming on animal husbandry and their mutual interaction remain cloudy. This study reports bone collagen δ13C and δ15N of humans and animals from Wayaogou (ca 6.5–6.0 kyrs bp ) and Dongying (ca 5.9–5.6 kyrs bp , 4.6–4.0 kyrs bp ) to explore temporal trend of livestock raising and particularly the importance of millet fodder to stock raising practices in the Wei River valley, North China. The isotopic evidence overall shows that millet products increased in human and domestic animal diets during the mentioned chronological span. δ13C values of pigs and dogs at Dongying are higher than those at Wayaogou, implying that the importance of millet nutrients increased to animal husbandry diachronically. Interestingly, δ13C results of domestic cattle of Dongying late phase (−14.1 ± 1.1‰, N = 5) are more enriched than Wayaogou wild Bos (−17.8 ± 0.3‰, N = 3), indicating that millet fodder had taken a significant place in early cattle husbandry. Besides, differences between Bos species of the two periods also imply that δ13C values of bone collagen constitute a potential indicator for tracing the origin of cattle husbandry in North China. In addition, domestic sheep at Dongying produced similar isotope data to wild ovicaprid at Wayaogou, suggesting that they possibly had grazed for the most in grassland and therefore experienced a different lifestyle from cattle. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过对地方志等历史文献的系统梳理,发现明清时期山西水稻分布范围有一定的扩展,除中部汾河谷地外,北部大同府、东南潞安府及辽、沁直隶州也有种稻的记载。明清山西水稻生产的两个高峰期出现在明成化至万历前期和清康乾时期。受水利等条件的制约,明清时期山西水稻种植面积普遍较小,难以形成大规模的水稻产区;水稻种植的推广多得益于地方官员的倡导。  相似文献   

《刘桢年谱》是新发现的历史献。刘桢,明末清初河南新郑人,亲历了明清之际的历史变革。刘桢80岁时自订的这份《年谱》,真实地记录了明清之际的社会状况,对研究明清时期的科举制度、明末农民战争和明清社会史,具有很高的史料价值。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes and interprets zooarchaeological evidence for cattle and pig domestication in Neolithic Central Anatolia. Biometric and demographic data indicate that domestic cattle first appear in the region in the late seventh millennium cal BC while domestic pigs are not evident until the mid fifth millennium. This places the origins of cattle and pig husbandry in Central Anatolia considerably later than in neighboring regions. Reasons for this delay in the spread of productive animal husbandry practices are explored.  相似文献   

洪武时期,明太祖朱元璋将全国佛寺按性质划分为禅、讲、教三类,并对教僧颇为重视。而明中叶以后,教内外各种因素的滋长蔓延,使得禅、讲、教三宗分立的局面日渐趋于模糊,以教僧为代表的经忏佛教,日渐成为明清佛教的主流与特色。禅、讲、教的宗际模糊与教僧身份地位的嬗变浮沉,也是佛教世俗化倾向加剧的一大表征。  相似文献   

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