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王青 《中原文物》2005,(3):14-21
本文是笔者在访问英国伦敦期间收集、阅读西方学者有关文明起源方面论著的心得体会,包括介绍Robert J.Wenke、John H.Bodley、Gina L.Barnes、Stephan Seidlmayer和Sarah Allan等学者的论著,并结合我国学者的研究认为,西方关于中国和埃及文明起源研究以及我国青铜器研究的一些观点对于国内相关问题的研究有重要的借鉴和推动作用,也在很大程度上开阔了相关研究领域的视野.  相似文献   

This article discusses the spatial evolution of Mid-western pork packing in the middle nineteenth century as an example of the way in which agricultural processing industries contributed to regional economic development. The changing transportation network provides an essential tool of analysis in understanding manufacturing trends in an area which was simultaneously experiencing extensive and intensive growth. A widespread dispersion of small centres catering to local demand persisted throughout the period, but declined in relative importance. Early concentration of packing was located in the Ohio River towns which were transhipment points for western farm produce on its way to external markets. The advent of railroads in the late 1840s and the 1850s initially widened the agricultural hinterland of the river ports by acting as feeder links. But as rails shipped an increasing proportion of hogs and pork products both within and beyond the region in the 1850s, rail termini became more important as processing centres. The interruption of the Civil War confirmed the ascendancy of the railroad. Then in the post-bellum decade, as settlement continued to move west, pork packing became more dependent on the rail network. A few large cities, drawing on their commercial and financial infrastructure, were able to control much of the industry through extending rails, building central stockyards and improving packing house organization. By the mid 1870s the industry stood on the verge of big business—a testimony to the economic growth of the region where it flourished.  相似文献   

黄兴涛  胡文生 《清史研究》2005,115(4):36-50
本文对"中国学术的现代范式和传统转型"之内涵,提出了较为系统的一家之说,以此为基准,首次全面地揭示了这一转型在戊戌时期得以整体性萌发的各方面之表现和特点,以此论证"戊戌上限说".文章认为,"学战"是戊戌思潮中长期被学界轻忽了的思想主流之一,它构成了这一转型最为强大的动力,同时也给其带来了不可避免的弱点.  相似文献   

With later amendments, Cross's Acta of 1875 was to form the legislative basis for official slum clearance in England until the inter-war period. It was particularly aimed at the problems of the capital and this study examines its early workings during the period of the Metropolitan Board of Works. The first part describes the administrative context and the procedures by which schemes were adopted, indicating some of the difficulties that were encountered. The second part traces the progress of clearance. Progress was determined mainly by changing fortunes in the political debate between different interested parties: the Board, the local authorities and the Home Office. Slum clearance proceeded by fits and starts rather than in a planned and gradual manner. Inevitably, such methods affected the choice of individual sites. Although on a smaller scale than originally envisaged, an important programme of clearance was carried through. Proposed and adopted schemes are listed.  相似文献   

郭春梅 《文献》2005,(4):66-82
石刻,被人们称之为"会说话的石头".在素有"山西碑刻之乡"的河东,光绪三年(1877),即农历丁丑年,发生了山西二百余年未曾有的重大旱灾,故时人称之为"丁丑奇荒",因这场重旱灾又延续到光绪四年,即农历戊寅年,因而亦称为"丁戊大荒"."丁戊大荒",在正史中的记载已是不争的事实,然而一些正史记载太过简略,对灾情及救灾措施及其留给人们的恐怖心理,略而不详.事实上,大灾结束后不久,河东地区许多村落纷纷刻碑,记述了这次可怕的灾害,从许多方面弥补了史载之空白.  相似文献   

关于青花起源的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于青花的起源,长期来一直有中国起源说和外来技术影响说两种意见。本文着重从低温釉陶生产技术源流和对青料的使用出发,论证了最早出现在巩县窑的唐青花瓷器,只是北魏以来低温釉陶生产技术在新条件下的新产物。认定唐青花的出现是外来绘画理论和绘画技术影响中国艺坛的结果。  相似文献   

Weber  Johannes 《German history》2006,24(3):387-412
English-language examinations of the history of the press oftenbegin with the 1620s or the 1640s, when this new medium beganto be more widespread in England. On the continent, however,around the year 1600 all the necessary technical, infrastructuraland communication elements were already in place for the developmentof the modern newspaper. Book-printing techniques enabled themass production of news reports; a regular relay post system,available to the general public, served the needs of a networkof professional correspondents from around the world. The timewas right for the first periodical news sheet, which appearedin Strassburg in 1605. The change from hand-copied to printednewspapers was of far-reaching significance, as the mass circulationof news gave regular publicity to the events and personalitiesof political life. By the 1620s a variety of newspapers werecirculating in central Europe, and in the second half of theseventeenth century newspapers were the most widely read secularmaterial. They provided a seedbed for the broadening politicaleducation which fostered the development of the Enlightenment.  相似文献   

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