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There are many methods of modeling migrant flows within a set of areal units, but it is common in most to incorporate some measure of distance as an explanatory variable. These distances are effectively meant to represent the typical distance between pairs of areas that would be traveled by potential migrants. They are usually calculated between population-weighted centroids derived for each zone. It is argued here that this method of calculating distance is biased and that the zonal system used will influence the final model parameters that are intended to describe the underlying migration process. The distances between nearby zones will be particularly poorly specified using this approach, but other problems arise which relate to the shape of the zones and the position of the zones in relation to each other. This paper describes an alternative method of calculating these distances which reduces this bias. It is shown that the resulting models fit the data far more satisfactorily and that the residuals from models incorporating this approach are significantly different from those identified from models that use the standard method of specifying distance.  相似文献   

Lacunarity is related to the spatial distribution of gap or hole sizes. For low lacunarity, all gap sizes are the same and geometric objects are deemed homogeneous; conversely, for high lacunarity, gap sizes are variable and objects are therefore heterogeneous. Textures that are homogeneous at small scales can be quite heterogeneous at large scales and vice versa, and hence, lacunarity can be considered a scale-dependent measure of heterogeneity or texture. In this article, we use a lacunarity method based on a differential box counting approach to identify urban land-use and land-cover classes from satellite sensor data. Our methodology focuses on two different gliding box methods to compute lacunarity values and demonstrate a mirror extension approach for a local moving window. The extension approach overcomes, or at least minimizes, the boundary problem. The results from our study suggest that the overlapping box approach is more effective than the skipping box approach, but that there is no significant difference between window sizes. Our work represents a contribution to not only advances in textural and spatial metrics as used in remote-sensing pattern interpretation but also for broadening understanding of the computational geometry of nonlinear shape models of which lacunarity is the reciprocal of fractal theory.  相似文献   

In this study, arsenic, copper and lead content of a group of human and animal bones recovered from the Early Bronze Age ?kiztepe site have been analyzed using ICP-MS method. Average arsenic value of 90 femur bones of a human was found to be 15.0 ± 5.79 ppm which was varied among age and sex groups, and among species. Origin of arsenic accumulation in bones was diagenetic because overall the groups were highly variable. The distribution of metallic items among the burials had a big affect on the arsenic uptake of the bones. Copper and lead values supported the diagenetic arsenic accumulation in the bones as well. Their values on the bones were not as high as those for the individuals involved in metal working activities in the ancient world. Judging from these data, it is concluded that ?kiztepe people did not produce the manufactured metallic items using arsenical copper but might have been imported from the other sites.  相似文献   

古罗马"赋税名目"考略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王三义 《史学月刊》2002,71(6):87-91
关于罗马赋税,拉丁税目较为清楚,现代学的英解释多有歧义,译为中更不确切。罗马“赋税名目”是否繁多,这涉及到税种分类知识,现代学恰恰把问题搞复杂了。事实上,古罗马的固定税与临时税、常规征收与附加税、主要税项与次要税项之间比较容易区分。运用现代税收学的方法研究古罗马的税种分类,应使其更明晰,而不应使其更含糊.  相似文献   

Geographically Weighted Discriminant Analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this article, we propose a novel analysis technique for geographical data, Geographically Weighted Discriminant Analysis. This approach adapts the method of Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR), allowing the modeling and prediction of categorical response variables. As with GWR, the relationship between predictor and response variables may alter over space, and calibration is achieved using a moving kernel window approach. The methodology is outlined and is illustrated with an example analysis of voting patterns in the 2005 UK general election. The example shows that similar social conditions can lead to different voting outcomes in different parts of England and Wales. Also discussed are techniques for visualizing the results of the analysis and methods for choosing the extent of the moving kernel window.  相似文献   

This paper develops ideas of differential mobility at the scale of the ‘everyday’ by investigating some of the complex relationships between mobility and immobility; facilitation and encumbrance when moving through railway stations. Drawing on in-depth qualitative research with rail passengers in Britain, the first section explores the entangled relationship between differently-mobile bodies and the station by considering some of the tensions that emerge between experiences of encumbrance and facilitation. Focus here is on how navigating through the station with different mobile objects, or ‘prostheses’, impacts on passengers in a variety of ways. Drawing on insights from science, technology and society studies, it demonstrates how moving with different objects gives rise to fluid apprehensions of both mobile objects and the built form of the station itself. However, and importantly, this section suggests that this fluidity also has the capacity to disrupt the intended affective dimensions of the built form. The second section explores how differently-mobile passengers move through the station with these mobile objects. Drawing on de Certeau's notion of ‘tactics’ and Ingold's idea of the ‘taskscape’, this section pulls out some of the practical knowledges that, through repetition, develop into skills and techniques for moving. In doing so, this paper seeks to illuminate some of the complex relationships between mobility, prosthetics, encumbrance and affectivity that emerge when moving through the railway station.  相似文献   

Although it is widely accepted that exchangeable items often have a role in boundary maintenance, the forms of regression analysis used by archaeologists in the analysis of artifact distributions are generally unable to recognize the marked boundary effects that might be theoretically predicted, and alternative techniques are clearly required. In this study, it is suggested that single boundary profiles are well represented by a two-parameter family of functions related to the Verhulst model for population growth. A curve of this type was fitted by an iterative technique to empirical data values provided by the distribution of various regional series of late Iron Age coinage in southern Britain, and preliminary results suggest that in most cases the boundaries identified correspond to those which have been inferred on the basis of historical evidence. In addition, the analysis has drawn attention to a number of features which might repay further study—a close relationship between boundaries and major rivers, and a suggestion of the existence of distinct boundary zones between discrete territorial units. There are, however, a number of problems in the application of the method, and further work is needed.  相似文献   

河南巩义市新华小区汉墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2001年6月,巩义市文物保护管理所文物钻探队在河南省巩义市物资局所建新华小区2号楼基础内探得一座汉墓(图一),郑州市文物考古研究所派员联合巩义市文物保护管理所对该墓进行了发掘,现简报于后。 该墓(编号0106ZGXHM1)为双室砖券墓,方向33°,距地表深8.2米,由墓道、前雨道、前室、后甬道、后室组成。(图二) 墓道 位于前室北侧偏东,南接前甬道,宽1.2米,由于场地所限,墓道未清理。 前甬道 位于墓道与前室之间,砖砌,券顶为盗洞所破坏,长1.5米,宽1.1米,高1.4米。南部见一铁门环。 前室 …  相似文献   

本文采用分形理论、GIS空间分析技术及数理统计方法,对福建省旅游目的地子系统(旅游吸引物系统、旅游城镇系统、旅游交通系统)空间结构对的耦合关系进行判断分析,揭示福建省旅游目的地子系统空间分布的集聚程度以及相互作用的内在特征,最后提出构建福建省南北两大旅游目的地子系统;完善旅游城镇与旅游景区空间匹配;加快旅游景区与旅游交通系统协调建设以及重视区域旅游流集散枢纽建设等优化建议。  相似文献   

We document the geographic concentration patterns of Russian manufacturing using detailed microgeographic data. About 80% of three-digit industries are significantly agglomerated, and a similar share of three-digit industry pairs is significantly coagglomerated. Industry pairs with stronger buyer–supplier links—as measured using Russian input–output tables—tend to be slightly more coagglomerated. This result is robust to instrumental variable estimation using either Canadian or US instruments. Using Canadian ad valorem transport costs as a proxy for transport costs in Russia, we further find that industries with higher transport costs are more dispersed, and industry pairs with higher transport costs are less coagglomerated.  相似文献   

The budgeting literature has long focused on “institutional friction” as a cause of ubiquitous punctuated equilibrium (PE) findings. A recent wave of scholarship looks to identify specific institutional mechanisms that affect the number of punctuations in policy outputs. We contribute to this growing body of research by focusing on the complexity of the institutional environment surrounding a policy area as well as that of the government as a whole. These factors have opposite effects: the more complex a policy area, the greater the likelihood of extreme spending changes. But, higher institutional capacity in general leads to greater stability. To test these ideas, we develop a novel index of budgetary change that balances the conceptual importance of extreme changes while analyzing the entire distribution of budget changes, not only the tails. In addition, we also demonstrate that findings are robust to a number of important distinctions, such as between series associated with slowly moving demographic trends or quickly moving stochastic events. We, therefore, demonstrate the robustness of important findings from the established literature, add a new measure of the dependent variable, and push the literature forward with a new focus on issue complexity and institutional capacity.  相似文献   

北京故宫博物院收藏的明清官窑陶瓷大器,体积硕大,质地精良,无论品种和造型均居世界之首。长期以来由于胎厚体重,搬运困难,再加上出于文物安全的考虑等多方面原因,这类器物多深藏宫中,极少公开展出,研究工作相对滞后。故宫收藏的陶瓷大器基本囊括了明、清两代所有陶瓷大器的造型和品种(外销瓷除外)。本文通过对院藏大器的认真梳理,阐述了大器发展的历史原因及其在明清宫廷中的主要用途,并将大器的发展归纳为四个高峰时段,列举了各个时段的代表作品。作者指出,大器的生产虽然与中小件宫窑瓷器同步,但是由于耗费巨大,与封建国家的经济联系更为紧密,它的烧造不仅直接地反映出景德镇瓷业的兴衰,而且也与封建国家的经济发展同步。  相似文献   


In 1968, G. S. Krantz proposed a method for estimating the original number of animals deposited at an archaeological site when bone counts have been reduced, whether by attritional processes or by a failure to find all the bones. His formula involved using the number of unmatched left, unmatched right, and matched pairs of a class of paired bone. In this paper we investigate estimators derived using Krantz's assumptions from both theoretical and practical viewpoints and make a number of recommendations; for example, that Krantz's estimators are useful only in relatively large assemblages. The method is applied to fish bones obtained from three sites in New Zealand, and practical difficulties with the procedure are described.  相似文献   

The rank adjacency statistic D provides a simple method to assess regional clustering. It is defined as the weighted average absolute difference in ranks of the data, taken over all possible pairs of adjacent regions. In this paper the usual normal approximation to the D statistic is found to give inaccurate results if the data are sparse and some regions have tied ranks. Adjusted formulae for the moments of D that allow for the existence of ties are derived. An example of analyses of sparse mortality data (with many regions having no deaths, and hence tied ranks) showed satisfactory agreement between the adjusted formulae and the empirical distribution of the D statistic. We conclude that the D statistic, when used with adjusted moments, provides a valid approximate method to evaluate spatial clustering, even in sparse data situations.  相似文献   

A recurrent problem for scholars who investigate traditional and historical clothing is the measuring of items of clothing and subsequent pattern construction. The challenge is to produce exact data without damaging the item. The main focus of this paper is to present a new procedure for establishing a three‐dimensional model and the corresponding two‐dimensional pattern for items of skin clothing that are not flat. The new method is non‐destructive, and also accurate and fast. Furthermore, this paper presents an overview of the more traditional methods of pattern documentation and measurement. Their weaknesses and strengths are also assessed.  相似文献   

Discrete-choice theory and logit models are evaluated for their usefulness in analyzing migration patterns in a zonal system. The authors "argue that spatial effects and more specifically the relative location of zones are not taken into account in such analyses. We, therefore, introduce a measure of spatial structure and advocate its usage as a predictor of migration in such models. In an example of intrametropolitan migration in Toronto [Canada], we demonstrate that this variable is not only significant but also it improves the performance of all the other variables with the greatest impact on the distance between zones. In addition, inclusion of this variable improves the overall performance of the model in terms of residuals."  相似文献   

孙丹 《东南文化》2018,(3):62-69
长江下游西部北阴阳营文化、薛家岗文化随葬猪下颌骨的习俗比较广泛,汉水流域甚至发展为主要以猪下颌骨随葬的葬仪。随葬猪下颌骨所彰显的财富与地位特征逐渐变强后再渐弱。距今7000年左右,即在随葬猪下颌骨的最初阶段,只体现出一定的财富属性。距今6000—4500年,随葬猪下颌骨隐含的财富与地位特征最强。之后,这种习俗渐趋消失,与财富、地位的关联性也微乎其微。随葬猪下颌骨的习俗可能是与黄河流域社会上层交流的要素之一。  相似文献   

Environmental archaeology has historically been central to Mesolithic studies in Britain and Ireland. Whilst processual archaeology was concerned with the economic significance of the environment, post-processual archaeology later rejected economically driven narratives, resulting in a turn away from plant and animal remains. Post-processual narratives focused instead on enigmatic ‘ritual’ items that economic accounts struggled to suitably explain. Processual accounts of landscapes, grounded in economic determinism, were also rejected in favour of explorations of their sociocultural aspects. However, in moving away from plant and animal remains, such accounts lacked the ability to rigorously explore the specificities of particular landscapes and humans actions within them. This paper will bridge this gap by considering how palaeoecological and zooarchaeological analyses can be used to explore human interactions with plants and animals, which were key in developing understandings and relationships that ultimately structured landscapes, influenced past human actions and shaped archaeological assemblages.  相似文献   

The regulation of American cinema during the Progressive era was an exercise in governmentality with multiple spatial rationalities operating through networks at multiple scales. Although produced and distributed nationally, moving pictures were consumed locally. The National Board of Censorship governed movie content from New York, where most major film producers were headquartered at that time, yet it was dependent upon the activities of social reformers and officials in cities across the country in monitoring manufacturers’ compliance with its decisions. But as those correspondents often regarded the image on the screen as intimately associated with other aspects of the movie-going experience, local efforts to regulate film often went further, depending upon local concerns about spectators. This paper explores how cinema was problematized in Atlanta and Minneapolis, two regional centers with different sexual and racial politics. It does so by building on recent discussions of spatial rationalities of moral reform efforts, and in this case, how tensions between generative and vitalist spatial rationalities conspired to produce a variable geography of cinema regulation that was networked and multi-scalar, and how these experiments in regulating a new medium of visual communication began to articulate a distinctive perceptual rationality of government.  相似文献   

This paper compares the dates of manufacture obtained for the domestic ceramic and pipe smoking related artifact assemblages from Casselden Place, Melbourne. It has previously been argued that ceramic items, because of their potentially long use-lives, may be deposited many years after their date of manufacture and purchase. This is in contrast to pipe smoking related items, which tend to have very short use-lives. However, the results presented here demonstrate that there is no significant evidence for a time lag between the date of manufacture of the ceramic items and their incorporation into the archaeological record at Casselden Place.  相似文献   

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