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周期理论与长时段——也谈《白银资本》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由安德烈·贡德·弗兰克 (AndreG Frank)所著的《白银资本》引起了国内学者的高度关注 ,不少学者曾围绕该书展开过集中探讨和争鸣。眼下围绕《白银资本》的争论似乎已经告一段落 ,本文打算就《白银资本》一书所论及的几个具体问题 ,再谈一点自己的看法和感想。周期理论和长时段在《白银资本》一书中 ,弗兰克反复强调他使用的是进行横向整合的整体主义研究方法 ,即从全球视野的角度出发 ,把个别地区的历史发展放置到全球历史的大背景中进行考察 ,从全球层面把发生在世界各地的事件和进程联系起来。实际上 ,除了这种空间上的横向综合之外 ,…  相似文献   

Debates on the sovereignty of the State and the role of (sub-national) regions have moved on quickly in recent years spurred on by interest in the implications of globalization and (more recently) devolution. Reductionist perspectives on the 'death of State sovereignty' have given way to more balanced understandings that emphasize bottom-up and top-down influences upon State restructuring. Yet the impacts of a changing sovereignty upon policy areas are still largely unknown. This paper seeks to add to these debates and cast some light on potential influences upon and autonomy of the Scottish Parliament vis-à-vis land use planning. The paper argues that despite expectations of policy divergence from academics and practitioners the Scottish Parliament has taken a modest approach to land use planning which mirrors that in the rest of the UK. Yet, the reasons for this are only partly explained by the 'death of the State' theses. Significantly, there is evidence of an expectation of reduced sovereignty which has had an impact upon the anticipation of change. In addition, party political loyalty, ideology, the mechanics of the devolution settlement and the fragmented nature of sovereignty have driven the agenda for planning under the Scottish Parliament all of which point towards a further convergence.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of a series of wool measurements from Bronze Age and Iron Age skins and textiles from Hallstatt, and Bronze Age textiles from Scandinavia and the Balkans. A new method of classification that was set up and applied on mostly mineralised Iron Age material has now been applied to a large body of non-mineralised material from the Bronze and Iron Ages. Three types of microscopes were used and their advantages and disadvantages assessed. The results of the investigation cast new light on sheep breeding and fibre processing in prehistoric Europe, and suggest that different sheep breeds existed in Bronze Age Europe.  相似文献   

《漫步江南:走过水乡的十四帧风景》继《漫步厦门》之后,旅行作家黄橙再度出发,这一次,他来到水乡江南。从鲁迅路到平江路,从安昌到南浔,从西湖到秦淮河,走过小街走过古镇,走过江南的十四帧风景画。西湖边、鉴湖上、太湖深处、秦淮河两岸……水乡泽国成为上演诸多才子佳人传奇故事的绮丽背景。  相似文献   


Itaakpa rockshelter was excavated in three short field seasons, from 1985 to 1988, during which a human maxilla and mandible were found in a context characteristic of the ceramic phase of the West African Late Stone Age (LSA). An AMS date of 2210±80 b.p. was obtained from burned palm kernels from the same level. There was no apparent stratigraphic or archaeological break between this level and the layers above, and the pottery indicates continuity of occupation; the upper part of the sequence compares well with other, more recent, sites known in the area. The dimensions of the human teeth show an affinity with those found at Shum Laka, a rockshelter in southwestern Cameroun, in an archaeological context similar to that at Itaakpa. The site is only the third to be found in Nigeria (along with Iwo Eleru and Rop Rockshelter) where human remains suitable for comparative analysis have been identified in a good stratigraphic context along with LSA artifacts.  相似文献   

东瀛读书记   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蒋寅 《文献》1999,(1):29-44
一九九七年,笔者应日本京都大学大学院之邀,为文学研究科作"中唐文学研究"特别讲义.一年居东瀛,获读多处图书馆藏书,累积笔记不一,其中颇有稀见清代文籍.今略择十数种加以介绍,俾治文史者考镜参证.顾惟学殖浅陋,闻见狭隘,疵缪之处尚望方家有以教之.  相似文献   

Smith SR 《History today》1979,29(3):172-178

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