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华侨华人学科建设的反思:东南亚历史研究的视角与经验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文的讨论围绕三个层面展开 :华侨华人研究 ,东南亚 (华侨华人 )研究以及笔者个人对槟城—吉打州华人商业与权力关系的研究。争论的实质是这样一个理论与方法论的问题 ,即华侨华人研究应该分别被视为某一孤立的主题研究领域、区域研究和学科研究方法 ,还是一个相互关联的结合整体的问题。本文并非企图为华侨华人研究确立一个标准 ,而仅仅是呈献一个实例 ,即把个人的研究视角和经历 ,结合大的结构、进程、理论和方法论的关怀等问题 ,进行情景化的考察。  相似文献   

Southeast Asian ceramic smoking pipes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文以中国在东南亚的移民及其后裔的文化认同变化为例,说明在多民族社会中,不同民族文化之间的相互接触和交流是不可避免的,这种交流将促进不同文化间的逐渐融合。不论华人祖籍国政府或华人居住国政府采取何种政策,都无法阻断这一交流和融合的趋势。因此,企图强制消灭华人的文化传统或要求海外华人永远保持对中华文化认同的单一性或纯粹性,都是不现实的。  相似文献   

This article draws on data from a qualitative research study undertaken with the main aim of investigating the issue of the gender dimension of the academic mobility of Southeast Asian women. Our research describes Southeast Asian women’s experiences of mobility, narrating why they choose to be mobile, how the experience of going abroad was responded to and/or rejected by their family, how they experienced life in a different country, and what evaluations they make about these experiences in personal, familial, and professional terms. The article stresses the need to improve the understanding of the factors that are still determining the chances of women to be mobile and obtain fruitful gains from these experiences. For this to be attained, the article follows through an intersectional approach to mobility, considering it is of much use as it allows to comprehend that the disadvantages associated with gender are cumulative, multi-layered, resulting from effects of several variables, including of the emotional, social, economic, and political contexts.  相似文献   

Intellectual cross-pollination between oral history and anthropologyis a long tradition. Editor and contributor Waterson arguesthat the influence of oral history on life narrative researchin anthropology intensified during the 1980s but needs freshemphasis. A primary goal in Southeast Asian Lives is to promotethe thoughtful use of oral history life narratives, especiallyto explore the influence of twentieth-century dramatic historicalchanges on individual lives and cultures. Her "Introduction:Analyzing Personal Narratives" is a useful and thought-provokingsurvey of theoretical issues on oral narratives, especiallyfor anyone doing cross-cultural  相似文献   

Studies of the African members of the family Bovidae have demonstrated the feasibility of using linear discriminant analysis to predict paleoenvironment based on measurements from postcranial skeletal elements. The use of discriminant analysis depends upon adherence to certain assumptions about the data set. In certain cases, these assumptions are violated, thus reducing the confidence of the results. The research presented here introduces the use of the non-parametric recursive partitioning method as a test of the linear discriminant method for predicting habitat from a collection of modern Bovid astragali from Southeast Asia. This study also provides a critique of the previous African studies. The results indicate that a combination of the parametric and non-parametric methods provides the highest prediction accuracy for Southeast Asian Bovids, though the independent methods do test favorably; thus providing an additional tool for archaeologists and paleoanthropologists in this region.  相似文献   

Derek Hall 《对极》2012,44(4):1188-1208
Abstract: This paper poses theoretical and empirical questions to the resurgent litera‐ture on primitive accumulation in critical political economy. The first section outlines the different understandings of capitalism, and of its relationship to primitive accumulation, in the literature, and argues that they complicate efforts to identify instances of primitive accumulation. The second section examines the history of frontier agricultural expansion in Southeast Asia to critique the literature's assumptions about who carries out, and who resists, primitive accumulation. The third section draws on work on Southeast Asian political economy to show that the literature pays insufficient attention to the institutions that govern capitalist social relations. The paper argues that these questions of agency, governance, and the nature of capitalism need to be answered in order to make effective use of the concept of primitive accumulation and to distinguish it from cognate concepts like enclosure and commodification.  相似文献   

东南亚华人的人类学研究:以区域及主题为分析焦点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文的重点在于概述启始于上个世纪中期的人类学东南亚华人研究以及学者在不同时期偏重的各个方向。笔者并不企图在本文中完整、详细地讨论人类学者的东南亚华人研究成果 ,而是希望从不同地区及研究主题两个方面 ,概述半个世纪以来人类学者的东南亚华人研究重心、重要的转折以及新近的研究方向。  相似文献   

The ‘Southeast Asian Lead Isotope Project’ (SEALIP) is intended to provide reliable geochemical proxies for late prehistoric through early historic (2nd/1st millennium BCE and 1st millennium CE) local, regional, and inter-regional social interactions, in an archaeological arena lacking established ceramic typologies with which to cross modern national boundaries. We present lead isotope characterisations of the three currently known Southeast Asian prehistoric primary (mining/smelting) copper production centres: Phu Lon and the Khao Wong Prachan Valley in Thailand, and the recently discovered Xepon complex in Laos. Kernel Density Estimation shows that these production centres can be clearly distinguished isotopically, as such fulfilling the core tenet of the ‘Provenance Hypothesis’ (Wilson and Pollard, 2001: 508) and permitting SEALIP to proceed as a research programme tracing regional copper/bronze/lead exchange and provenance patterning. In addition we provide a provisional technological reconstruction of copper smelting processes at Phu Lon to complement our more established understanding of the Khao Wong Prachan Valley. Combined lead isotope and technological datasets allow us to tentatively identify trends in the evolution of Southeast Asian metal technologies and of regional social perceptions of metal exchange.  相似文献   

分析阐述了东南亚中小华商企业的经济地位、对当地民族经济发展的贡献以及在1997年东亚金融危机之后对经济复兴所起的作用;探索了经济全球化所引发的东南亚工业化发展战略的转变、经济自由化政策以及跨国公司国际生产与销售网络对东南亚中小华商经济地位、资源配置及其福利分配的变化;指出了东南亚华人中小企业发展所存在的问题以及本身的天然弱点,并提出了促进东南亚包括华商在内的中小企业成长的可行性建议。  相似文献   

张德明 《史学集刊》2012,(5):97-109
将科伦坡计划、亚行和东盟三个经济组织串在一起,通过对围绕它们的建立美国所持政策的探讨,弄清了事实真相;揭示了在它们的早期阶段,美国对其政策的内容、功能和推行的原因。从对美国对三个组织政策的比较研究中得出了带有规律性的认识,即美国对各个组织的具体政策虽有不同,但其实质相同,包括三点:在亚洲建立均势格局为其在亚洲的战略服务;将亚洲经济组织变成它在亚洲的经济和政治利益服务的工具;主导或以双边关系影响亚洲经济组织。此认识为解读美国对建立"东亚共同体"构想的态度提供了历史视角。  相似文献   


The energy and mineral resource base of Southeast Asia is relatively modest by international standards. Nevertheless, Chinese energy and mining companies have been investing heavily in the region over recent years, in comparison with multinational companies and state-backed companies from other Asian countries. This paper applies a framework derived from the field of business studies to analyze why the scale of China’s engagement in Southeast Asia has become so great and how the motivations vary between the different energy and resource industries. The motivations for these activities reflect a mix of corporate and state objectives. Corporate objectives include securing energy or resource supply chains, increasing or diversifying their asset base, and enhancing their profits or market share. The motivations of the government range from straightforward support of the companies for the purpose of industrial strategy and security of resource supply, to development assistance and regional strategic positioning. The different motivations of the oil and gas, hydropower, and mining industries arise from the particular character of each market, both within China and globally. Southeast Asia has the twin advantages of geographic and apparent cultural proximity to China. Nevertheless, inexperience and a desire to catch up with their international peers have resulted in companies applying low social and environmental standards in some high profile projects. The subsequent disputes, together with the current low level of resource prices, may constrain the further growth of Chinese investment in the near future.  相似文献   

本文从个人经历、个案透视与学术建构三个方面,探讨福建学与东南亚福建学的内涵与意义。作者认为,福建学不仅是把“福建”作为一个区域地理与行政单位来研究和分析的学术范畴;更重要的是,“福建”更多地是作为地缘政治经济与社会文化单位来研究的范畴。而东南亚福建学,无疑与福建、福建学密切相关。个体层面上,它是以东南亚福建人为研究主题和主要分析单元的学问。但在更大的理论架构和学术关怀层面上,它同时有对福建学、汉学甚至东南亚研究等整体性关联和参照的终极考量,无论该关联和参照是比较性的、地方性的抑或是分析性的。  相似文献   

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