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江泽民同志在十六大报告中论述加强和改进党的建设问题时,提出了“党内民主是党的生命”这一深刻命题。这是对党的历史经验的一个很好的总结,为党的建设、特别是处在执政地位的党的建设指明了方向。 把党内民主视为党的生命,是基于对党的性质及其历史使命的深刻把握。我们党从诞生的那一天起,就是工人阶级的先锋队,以求得中国人民的彻底解放作为自己的职志,这是一个目标崇高、没有私利的党,一个追求真理、光明磊落的党,因而能够把民族中的优秀分子集合在  相似文献   

《International affairs》2001,77(1):129-140
As America inaugurates its 43rd president it enters a period of reflection. The danger is that an emphasis on voting procedure will silence a long-standing and ultimately more significant criticism of American democracy and its policy of democracy promotion. The separation of economics from politics and the promotion of so-called 'market democracy' does a disservice to the wider democratic project and is potentially self-defeating. This article reviews three books to argue that America's declining international reputation can be traced to its own democratic shortcomings. It explores the possibility of a popular working-class movement to address these failings and examines the implication this may have on the liberal international order.
Books reviewed:
John B. Judis, Paradox Of American Democracy: Elites, Special Interests And The Betrayal Of Public Trust
Michael Zweig, The working class majority: America's best kept secret
Ruy Teixeira and Joel Rogers, America's forgotten majority: why the white working class still matters  相似文献   


Within the last 50 years, present day Zimbabwe, (Figure 1), formerly Rhodesia, a Southern African country, has gone through various pogroms resulting in the death of over 50,000 people in total both within and outside the country. The massacres consist of the Liberation War (1966–1979); political violence characterized by every election since 1980; the Matabeleland Democide (1982–1987); and the diamond conflict in Marange, Eastern Zimbabwe (2006–2018). These various episodes of violence have produced a myriad of human body depositional sites which include mine shafts, mass graves at schools and hospitals, burials at detention centres, pit latrines, and caves. This paper will analyse the disagreements and antagonism between professional archaeologists and vernacular exhumers that emerged during various limited exhumation of mass graves within the country. The paper will conclude by offering avenues of approaches to mass graves exhumation as the material evidence might in future, subject to judicial inquiries, contribute towards truth telling and peace and reconciliation.  相似文献   

正津巴布韦位于非洲东南部,四季气候温和,流经这里的林波波河与赞比西河,为这里带来了充足的水源和繁密的草木,也为众多珍稀野生动物提供了栖息和繁衍的理想环境。尤其到了干旱季节,在这片低洼地带,我们会看到许多濒临灭绝的黑犀牛、尼罗河鳄鱼等珍稀物种聚集在此。津巴布韦鸟类资源十分丰富,埃及雁、安哥拉蓝饰雀、白腹鹳、斑鱼狗、花蜜鸟、箭尾维达鸟、阔嘴三宝鸟、塞内加尔鹦  相似文献   

空气中划过白雾一次伟大的考古莅临彩霞在燃烧探险家的猜测狂野非洲的惊艳世界遗存的魅力耳目一新的创意,清晨出动夜色悄悄地爬了上来,在天边弥漫而去,彩霞放射出燃烧一般的火焰,金红闪耀的太阳要落到遥远的地平线上去了,而我乘坐的车子也正在加足马力,在黑暗彻底压下来之前,向目的地——大津巴布韦靠近。  相似文献   

<正>津巴布韦位于非洲东南部,四季气候温和,流经这里的林波波河与赞比西河,为这里带来了充足的水源和繁密的草木,也为众多珍稀野生动物提供了栖息和繁衍的理想环境。尤其到了干旱季节,在这片低洼地带,我们会看到许多濒临灭绝的黑犀牛、尼罗河鳄鱼等珍稀物种聚集在此。津巴布韦鸟类资源十分丰富,埃及雁、安哥拉蓝饰雀、白腹鹳、斑鱼狗、花蜜鸟、箭尾维达鸟、阔嘴三宝鸟、塞内加尔鹦  相似文献   

本文通过考察和分析古典时代雅典民主政治的种种现象,说明雅典民主政治领袖的作用及其与民众的关系,揭示古希腊宗教和哲学中根深蒂固的防范英雄观念。这种观念在古典时代的雅典得到充分的发挥和贯彻,具体表现在雅典的法律和政治制度中。笔者认为,这种对英雄的防范意识和做法充分体现了古典时代雅典人的政治智慧。雅典的政治领袖们正是这种民主制度和规则的产物。他们遵守这种制度和规则并为之受难。  相似文献   

Neo-liberal ideas have resulted in a planning practice characterized by an informal phase in which early agreements are reached in closed negotiations between municipal planners and private developers. This challenges norms of legitimacy and accountability found in traditional democratic theories, as well as deliberative planning and network governance theories. Input-based legitimacy may be weakened by the lack of participation as well as by asymmetry in resources available for participation (voice). The representative democracy's (vote) responsiveness to the electorate may be weakened due to the lack of knowledge of the views of those affected, early lock-in to agreements and weak meta-governance due to the lack of adherence to overall plans. Throughput legitimacy is reduced by the lack of transparency, and thus accountability, in the informal phase. Output legitimacy might justify the privileged position of developers if tangible results are achieved. However, lack of participation weakens the quality and long-term lastingness of decisions, and lack of deliberation weakens the acceptability of justifications for those burdened by the decisions. We argue that two different types of reforms are necessary to increase the input legitimacy of planning practices: representative democracy reforms that strengthen the role of politicians and reforms that strengthen the direct participation of stakeholders in planning.  相似文献   

The Convention on Biological Diversity incorporates an exchange that has been described as a 'grand bargain' which balances the needs of both technologically and biologically endowed countries. The role of genetic resources in R&D and sales varies by industry sector, however, so it is difficult to generalize on company demand for genetic resources and fair and equitable benefit-sharing. It is important, therefore, to examine the particular features of industry R&D programmes, providers of genetic resources, and trends in benefit-sharing partnerships in specific industry sectors. This article examines markets for genetic resources, costs and duration of R&D, types of genetic resources accessed, providers of genetic resources and benefit-sharing partnerships in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, crop protection, seed, botanical medicine, horticulture, and personal care and cosmetic industries. The article concludes that experience and 'best practice' in benefit-sharing have progressed quite significantly on a number of fronts in the past decade, including the development of corporate policies in response to the CBD. The most effective form of benefit-sharing, and realization of the ' grand bargain' envisaged by the CBD, is found through partnerships between private-sector and source-country institutions that link commercial use with sustainable development and biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

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