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Along the eastern flank of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a range of lofty mountains.In a valley marked by the ceaseless flow of the Lancanjiang River is a prehistoric human settlement quietly observing the passage of time.Thousands of years have passed since the site was abandoned,and few know of its existence today.Indeed,it was only rediscovered in the 1970s,almost as if locals had to brush away the crusts on their eyes after a long night's sleep to even see it.Still,the event sent shockwaves throughout the archaeological field,and it is marked in history books as having been one of the most significant finds.  相似文献   

正Lhari County is situated in a special part of Nagqu in the Tibet Autonomous Region. People living in the valley of southern Tibet often refer to it as north Lhari, and it is recognized as part of the area where north Tibetan culture continues to prevail. Nevertheless, the people of Nagqu itself like to call it south Lhari and believe it to be the place with the best  相似文献   

This paper follows the life of an idea, a fundamental concept in modern Chinese intellectual life: socialism. It explores this idea as an alternative form of Chinese cosmopolitanism, drawing from Pheng Cheah's identification of two kinds of Chinese cosmopolitanism: mercantile and revolutionary. If part of what we mean by cosmopolitanism is the local use of an external, or international, or otherwise "independent" (relative to local power and practice) ideology or discourse to promote an agent's sense of social good at home and connection to the world, then the ways that socialist thought, ideology and praxis have been employed in China in the twentieth century constitute one such strain of cosmopolitanism. Shehuizhuyi (socialism) meant related but significantly different things to Chinese in the twentieth century. This essay argues that Chinese socialism can be viewed as a version of vernacular cosmopolitanism through two examples: Wang Shiwei in the 1940s and Deng Tuo in the 1960s, as well as the discourse of Pan-Asianism before and after the Mao era. Chinese socialism was as much a terrain of debate and contestation about what it means to be "Chinese and modern" as it was a shared vocabulary and set of aspirations. All along it has been able to play the role of cosmopolitan thought for some influential Chinese thinkers and doers--connecting China to the world in order to pursue universal values.  相似文献   

The meadow on the highland is as broad as an ocean, yet it is also as quiet as a painting, without the limitation of a frame. It seems more natural and lively than a painting. It is as simple as the clear eyes of a Tibetan sheep, reflecting the rippling green grass and the scent of the soil as carried by the breeze. This scent followed me all the way as I followed spring's progress across the highland and as we drove deeper into the wide prairie in the County of Hongyuan. A Tunnel Enclosure in Camouflaged Clothing On average, Hongyuan is more than 3600 meters above sea level and is mainly involved in animal husbandry. It is the only county largely inhabited by Tibetans in the Prefecture of Aba. There is a vast area (777,200 ha.) of lush native grassland, 91.8 percent of the whole county. "Tashi Delek, welcome my reporter" said Tsepudan, Chairman of the Karlama Village Committee in the Township Village of Achok in the County of Hongyuan. He greeted me with smiles. He looked tall and strong in his traditional Tibetan robe, with a large-screen cell phone at his waist. "What's the fence for" I asked in curiosity. Before me was a huge fenced paddock. "A tunnel enclosure, they helped us build it," said Tsepudan, pointing towards our companions (Professor Li Jian, and Professor Tang Cheng from the Southwest University for Nationalities, as well as Mr. Liu Gang from the Sichuan Prairie Institute). Made of steel, the tunnel enclosure is shaped in a hexagon, 10 meters long. At first sight, it seems to be without any technical content. Actually, it contains a certain delicacy in its awkwardness. It saves a lot of labor and time when it is used to give an injection or medicine, or shear sheep, weighs something, or transport yaks and sheep. The Southwest University for Nationalities, the Sichuan Prairie Institute and local herdsmen produced it together, including its design, site selection and construction. Eight national  相似文献   

On hearing several times that there is a thousand-year-old walnut tree in Nyamo Town in Shigatse, I was curious, as I had never heard of a thousand year old tree in my life, except for cypress and ginkgo in my hometown. I have not had a chance to have a look at it but heard lots of both legends and true stories about this tree. In awe and expectation, I paid a visit to see the thousand-year walnut tree. I remember in my hometown there is an old tree which people referred to as the "divine tree". Every time 1 visited this divine tree, my heart was always in awe. I even dared not to get too close and only watched it from a distance because I was afraid of giving any offense to the holy tree. People say every divine tree would change to another kind. But in my memory, since I was a child, I did not see any trees change species, which I actually found disappointing.  相似文献   

In the Amama Age, contacts between Egypt and its vassals, especially vassals in the northern Canaan, are attested in the Amama Letters. Amurru has once been a powerful state in the eyes of other vassals, as is reflected by the Amama Letters.Among the Amarna Letters, there were at least 78 letters relating to Amurru. Just as Murnane points out, “When Amurru first appears on the political map of Syria in the fourteenth century B. C., it is not as the unified country it was to become, but as a loose grouping of city states, each under its own rulers,” the kingdom of Amurru may consisted of many city-states.  相似文献   

Built in the Qing dynasty and has survived most intact among all others in zhuhai city Huitong village is quite a good representation of characteristic buildings of Lingnan culture and a remarkable potpourri of chinese and westem elements that hammonize with nature the present village was rebuilt as a result of collaboration by villagers who went overseas to make their living and made themselves rich ultimately it also seryes as a delightful mix of western and chinese cultural elements,and a miniature of the commprador period.  相似文献   

Home Visits     
Once the work team had settled in, we started visiting the villagers in their homes to get the lay of the land. There are four unincorporated villages in Yerpa: Gogo and Yulo are downstream on the east bank of Nujiang River; Sengo, the one in the middle, is the seat of the village committee, and Dangran Village, a hour's walk from Sengo (upstream and to the west) is the smallest and most remote. Accordingto old statistics, there was a population of 489 in the 78 households in Yerpa Village. That made it a relatively big administrative village. It is also typical of the eastern river valley region of Tibet, with features such as deep valleys, steep mountains, a widely dispersed population over a wide area, the shortage of arable land, a dry climate and lack of transport facilities. Currently a road runs past the village but there is still no electricity, telecommunications, schools, medical services.., or safe drinking water. In the past people had to use a cable slide to cross the Nujiang River and then walk another 10 kilometers to get to Junyong Village in Dombang Township of Dzogong County. In order to continue on to the county seat of Dzogong there was another steep mountain to climb. On looking up from Yerpa Village, the highway was like a thread hanging from the clouds. The villagers used to climb Khekela on the other side of Nujiang River to reach Temtok Town of Dzogong County. Our legs almost gave way just from looking at that narrow trail. But the villagers had to rely on it to go to the nearest town for selling produce and shopping. Sometimes they would return on the same day. Our visit started from the village of Dangran. Since it was farthest from where we were, we decided to tackle the hard stuff first. Dangran Village had sent several horses and mules to us so we could use them to carry our gifts, plus a bottle of cooking oil bought in the county seat, for each family. On the gravel road that doubled as a water channel, the horses were fine but the mules liked to head for the thorn bushes by the roadside.  相似文献   

The white-lipped deer lives on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.As a creature of strength and cunning,it is both mighty and meek.Also known as"Shawa Quxa"by Tibetan people, the white-lipped deer has a large body,similar to a red deer or sambar. As a unique species on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,it has white fur around its lips and on its jaw,hence the name. In October of 2011,I was assigned to work in a remote place,a village  相似文献   

In Tibetan primitive witchcraft,it was a very popular practice to use the skulls(or the tops of skulls)of men or animals as"divine tools"to suppress evil spirits.This custom is still popular in Tibetan-inhabited areas and among the Qiang,Yi and other ethnic minori-  相似文献   

Students of modem Chinese history,and modern Shanghai history in particular,tend to view Shanghai as having been a lone islet during the Pacific War,when it was cut off from other parts of the world.This article,however,argues that Shanghai was still well connected to areas under the control of the Japanese throughout the war.Using the Sikh community in Shanghai as a case,it demonstrates how the Indian National Army used both a Japanese-initiated military highway and the long-existing Indian diasporic network in Southeast and East Asia to facilitate a certain kind of mobilization.It further sheds light on how the Sikhs in Shanghai were influenced by and responded to the Indian National Army's endeavors.  相似文献   

The discovery at Gebel el Silsila in 2015 of a scene depicting the transport of obelisks by watercraft provided the opportunity to reconsider the means and hull type that could be employed for this task,other than the lighter depicted in Hatshepsuts’temple at Deir el Bahari.Although seriously damaged,it was clear that the Gebel el Silsila craft was a different hull type to the Hatshepsut lighter.In this article,I advance concepts regarding the Gebel el Silsila scene.These include the sizes of the obelisks aboard,their means of stowage,some proposals as to the size of the hull and an attempt to deduce the hull type itself.As this is the only known depiction of obelisk transportation,other than the Hatshepsut scene,it is hoped that this paper will provoke additional examination,research and rigorous debate into this depiction of obelisk transportation.  相似文献   

正In June 2018, China's Tibet organized a group of journalists to travel to several counties within Chamdo,including such places as the city of Chamdo itself and the counties of Jomda, Gonjo, and Markham, and it was in these places that they were to conduct interviews with the local people.Despite advanced technology and convenient transportation becoming introduced to the region, Tibet is still an unknown land of mystery to many around the world.The geography of Tibet certainly does a lot to  相似文献   

正Back in 2014,during the opening ceremony for the Tibet Yak Museum,a hoard of guests came in from Beijing as well as from areas throughout China.An adequate venue for accommodation for such a large event was an absolute must.Tibet Hotel was one suggestion.The location of its grounds was rather close to the museum's campus.The idea indeed made it convenient to hold various sorts of activities,regardless of the fact the hotel was somewhat old with little to no luxurious facilities,though the staff is known for excellent service.I thus made it a point to speak directly with the general manager of the hotel,a  相似文献   

Langmar Hall is a "Tibetan KTV". As in other cities like Lhasa, it is a very crowded place and also a big draw card for tourists. Different from KTVs in the mainland, Langmar Hall does not charge admission. It makes money from beer consumption, so the waitresses are happy to open beers for customers. They often stand beside you, raise your glass and propose a toast to you. Friends from the mainland are not aware of this trick, and believe it is required etiquette, so they are happy to drink as much as they can. People in Lhasa make fun of this and say that the  相似文献   

King Gesar, a great epic created by the Tibetan race in ancient time, has been orally transmitted down the generations and widely known throughout Tibetan-inhabited areas. It tells of the exploits of the magical hero-king Gesar, and his prowess in battle as he strives to defend his people. The epic embodies the highest level of the ancient Tibetan culture, hence commanding high academic and aesthetic value. Internationally, it is known as "Homer epic in the east."King Gesar was born into th…  相似文献   

<正>Namei Village is situated at the northern part of the famous attraction located in Tibet known as Lake Namtso,and it is4,800 meters above sea-level.Yumtan Sangpo,a 23-year-old young man came here to work in the village for over haIf a year.On the day of the interview,Yumtan put on his special blue down jacket and commented that this was a formal activity.He usually kept on his Tibetan robe every day and  相似文献   

When we got to the Naxi ethnic town in Yanjin, it was already dark. We were taken to theQoizeka Hot Spring, with an elevation of some 2,000 meters. The Hot Spring Swimming Pool, fed with water from 108 springs, is as large as half a football field. As it is close to the Lancangjiang River, our ears were filled with the roaring sound of the river.We met at an academic meeting in a pavilion by the river after dinner. It was agreed that the Henduan Mountains constitute one of the three major areas where the world's plants are concentrat-  相似文献   

Now let’s turn our attention to Dunhuang in the Hexi Corridor,the home of the Mogao Grottoes.What position does it hold in Tibetan history and culture?What does it reveal of the formation and development of the Chinese nation as a whole?The area around Dunhuang was called Sanwei in ancient times.  相似文献   

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