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二十世纪初,在英国自由党的支持和推动下,英国政府进行了一系列以社会福利为基本内容的社会改革。通过这次改革所确立的养老金法案、国民保险法法案和一系列的其它立法,调节了当时历史条件下的英国各社会阶层之间的关系,使从工业革命以来便已出现的并且日益严重的社会贫困现象得到了较大程度的缓解,奠定了英国现代福利国家的基础,从而对二十世纪英国社会的发展产生了深远影响。同时,这次改革也暴露出很多问题,产生了一定的负面效应。  相似文献   

张淑清 《史学集刊》2008,92(2):48-53,60
犹太教允许离婚.在<圣经>时代,犹太男子可以随心所欲地休妻,犹太妇女没有任何话语权.到了<塔木德>时代,犹太社会尽管对男子的单方面休妻权利有所限制,但是并没有从根本上改变婚姻的男权制结构,犹太妇女在离婚问题上依然处于完全被动的地位.这种局面在中世纪的欧洲有了质的改变,而且,这种改变通过犹太社团最具权威的"市集大会"颁布的法规条例而不断地强化,从而使得犹太妇女的婚姻地位在附属中有了改善.  相似文献   

Since the arrival of Dutch colonists in the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, Khoesan populations were subjected to severe political and economic marginalisation and often fell prey to racial conflict. These circumstances persisted until the early 20th century, during which an astonishing number of Khoesan skeletons were transported from South Africa to various locations in Europe, as at the time, different institutions competed to obtain these remains. The purpose of this study was to assess the health status of the late 19th and early 20th century Khoesan. Skeletal remains housed in two different European institutions were studied. The sample comprised 140 specimens from the Rudolf Pöch Skeletal Collection in Vienna, Austria, and 15 specimens from the Musée de l'Homme in Paris, France. These individuals represent both sexes and were aged between newborn and 75 years, with 54 being younger than 20 years of age. Results indicated high levels of typical disease conditions associated with groups under stress, such as periostitis, cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis. Treponemal disease, rickets, osteoarthritis and trauma were also encountered amongst other more specific indicators of health and disease. This study provided additional knowledge on the health status and lives of the Khoesan people during this turbulent period and created new awareness regarding a group of severely mistreated individuals. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

20世纪英国世袭贵族的衰落   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1998年至今,英国政府有步骤地实行改革,最终剥夺了数百名世袭贵族在上院的席位和表决权。这次改革虽然没有历史上那种轰轰烈烈的场面,但作用不容低估。它废除了议会中以爵位世袭为传承纽带的特权制,代之以非世袭的议员选任制。可以想到,若无1997年工党的上台,就不会有这次议会改革。即便如此,该党还是在水到渠成的情况下实行改革的。  相似文献   

20世纪前半期的中国社会变迁(1900~1949)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以帕森斯的社会平衡理论来解释中国的社会变迁,工业化就成为近代中国社会变迁的原动力。工业化的社会需要新知识分子和科技人才,这两类人跃升为工业社会精英份子的一部分,这是社会的第一种变迁。随着工业化而来的是工商阶层的兴起,工商业者及银行家成为工业社会的精英份子,这是社会的第二种变迁。当工商阶层兴起以后,人口集中城市是社会的第三种变迁。当工业化与都市化进行时,家庭制度也发生改变,由大家庭变成小家庭,且孝道也呈式微之势,这是社会的第四种变迁。  相似文献   

The Capetian apanages have traditionally been studied from the perspective of the developing national monarchy. This approach is anachronistic; its premises are drawn from a later century, and even within the Capetian period it groups together with little differentiation the attitudes and intentions of five generations of kings.The context for the early Capetian apanages is the successional customs of the nobility, which the kings knew well from having seen them practised by their baronial neighbors. The determining concepts behind these measures were not those of the crown and the royal domain, but rather the societal ones by which, through the succession, the individual members of the family were ordered in relation to the family's lands.Only in the last quarter of the thirteenth and the first quarter of the fourteenth centuries did the kings and the Parlement impose the series of rulings which molded Capetian practice into a distinctively royal pattern. For most of the period under consideration, the territorial kingdom was treated as an aggregate of separable holdings, most of which were the private inheritance of the ruling family.  相似文献   

在这世纪交接的时刻,回眸一百年走过的历程,惊涛骇浪的历史给我们史学工作者展示一个道理:一个时期的史学重大思潮总是与时代的变动联系在一起的,一个有重大影响的历史观点对历史变动产生的影响不可低估。认真总结这一百年来历史,对我们认识史学工作有关问题,对思考新世纪的历史与史学都是有意义的事。全球范围内的社会发生大变动:俄国十月革命后苏联建立与80年代末苏联解体;中国新民主义革命胜利后新中国建立,并且在80年代走上建设有中国特色社会主义的道路;美国霸权主义的扩张以及由此带来的世界动荡。冷战结束后,世界格局发生了变化,但世…  相似文献   

王赳 《世界历史》2007,10(6):14-21
1905—1914年为了扩大妇女选举权运动的社会影响,给政府制造压力以争取议会选举权,英国妇女社会政治同盟掀起了一场颇具特色的抗议斗争。她们通过过激行动、戏剧性行动、报刊宣传等扩大影响的宣传策略,广泛地吸引了公众的注意力,形成浩大的政治声势,使妇女参政问题首次成为公共领域的中心议题。  相似文献   

作为近代社会的基础资产阶段,其主体构成是工业资产阶段,是推进中国现代化的主要力量。但是在中国,资产阶级不是以工业企业家的身份展现于中国现代化的舞台上的,在这个舞台上最先展示其身份的是商人阶层。就贵州而言,近代商人阶层的发育程度、他在社会上所处的地位,其身份的变化和走向,往往能决定贵州现代化的发展进程,商人阶层在这一过程中的所作所为也与贵州现代化的建设休戚相关。  相似文献   

20世纪上半期是1940年以降中国社会近代化转型过程中的一个重要阶段,而从法律的近代化转型看,这一时期则更具有典型性。考察这一时期法律近代化转型,可以观察到这一过程有两个重要的发展趋向或说特征,即对中国来说,一方面是使中国法律外倾西方化的“变”,另一方面又是使被引进和移植的法律内倾中国化的“不变”。这似乎是一个悖论,而却又是一个不争的事实。对于这一问题,似乎有进一步分析和探讨的必要。  相似文献   

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