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“尝试”文学革命,揭起新文化运动的旗帜1936年,上海亚东图书馆在《新青年》出刊20年后,准备重印,作为当年这份刊物的主将的胡适应邀题词。他写道:“《新青年》是中国文学史和思想史上划分一个时代的刊物。最近20年中的文学运动和思想改革,差不多都是从这个刊物出发的。”胡适一生看事情,以公允为准则。这个评价,当然也不含个人色彩,因为即使今天看来,胡适的这个评价,也会得到知识界的认同的。《新青年》原名《青年杂志》,是陈独秀于1915年9月在上海创办的,第二卷改称《新青年》。创刊号卷首发表了陈氏《敬告青年》一文,向全…  相似文献   

“五·四”新文化运动时期,陈独秀、胡适是两位显赫的历史人物。他们共执牛耳,名震一时,是一代新青年追崇的偶像。陈独秀晚年对此曾郑重地表示:“五四运动,是中国现代的社会发展之必然的产物,无论是功是罪,都不应该专归到几个人,可是蔡先生、适之和我,乃是当时在思想言论上负主要责任的人。”的确,把胡适与陈独秀两人的名字联在一起是“五·四”新文化运动。由《新青年》一个刊物,北京大学一所大学和几个教授领导一场  相似文献   

《文博》杂志创刊迄今八载,得到国内外广大作者及读者的鼎力支持,鼓励与鞭策,这是我们的刊物赖以存在的条件和前提。我们衷心感谢作者对我们的支持,感谢读者对我们的关怀。新年伊始,我们谨向作者、读者表示祝福。《文博》自1984年创刊以来,已发行日本、苏联、朝鲜、匈亚利、罗马尼亚、澳大利亚、加拿大、德国、法国、英国、瑞典、美国等国家,以及我国的台湾省和香港地区。下面选登近年部分作者和读者的来信。这些热情洋溢的肺腑之言,是激励我们搞好《文博》的动力。我们将不负众望,把《文博》办得更好。(标题除《我说“文博”》和《玩物激壮志,“预流”得硕果—对“文博”评介》外,其余均为编者所加。)  相似文献   

1918年3月15日,《新青年》杂志六大主编中的钱玄同和刘半农,共同导演了一出双簧戏:钱玄同假“王敬轩”之名,在《新青年》第四卷第3号上“通信”专栏发表了给《新青年》编者的一封信,对主张新文化的人进行攻击;而刘半农则以《新青年》记者名义,在《新青年》同期的编辑回信部分刊发了长达万余言的《复王敬轩书》,对王敬轩所提出的观点逐一加以驳斥。钱刘二人导演的这出双簧戏,引发了新旧两派的激烈论战,震动了五四运动前中国的思想界和文学界。  相似文献   

正胡适是与陈独秀、鲁迅等并称新文化运动主将的著名思想家、学问家,其思想和学说在中国近现代思想界、文化界产生过广泛的影响。但长期以来,中国大陆公众对胡适思想观点的意义缺乏了解。为帮助一般读者了解胡适,我们编选了这个书系。包括:《不受人惑:胡适谈人生问题》、《我们能做什么:胡适说中国》、《儒教的使命——胡适谈国学》、《禅宗是什么:胡适谈禅说佛》、《习惯重于方法:胡适谈读书治学》、《孤独与大胆:胡适自述》、《西洋文明的本质:胡适讲西学》。  相似文献   

评胡适的提倡科学与整理国故   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、胡适所说的科学 最能代表五四精神的两句口号是民主与科学。当时对这两个口号提倡最力的是《新青年》。 1915年9月,陈独秀在《敬告青年》一文中,对当时青年提出了六项建议,其中第六项就是“科学的而非想像的”,并为“科学”下了一个简单的定义:科学者何?吾人对於事务之概、  相似文献   

胡适的英文文章“A Philosopher of Chinese Reactionism”(《中国保守主义的哲学家》)发表在《中国留美学生月报》上.这是一篇佚文,与《胡适日记》提到的文章“Goodnow and Chinese Reactionism”有亲缘关系.它的价值在于反映了袁世凯称帝前胡适对新知识分子的认识水平,是理解胡适的知识分子观以及他处理与国家、政府关系的钥匙,还可从中发现他参与新文化运动的动机.  相似文献   

1917年1月,创刊已一年之久的《新青年》杂志在第2卷第5期刊出胡适的《文学改良刍议》,一月后,第6期旋又推出陈独秀的《文学革命论》,中国现代史上影响深远的“文学革命”由此拉开序幕。  相似文献   

胡适初读《天演论》,从中看到“物竞天择,优胜劣败”“适者生存,不适者淘汰”的话,想到中国面临瓜分灭国的危机,觉得这个天演公式简直是当头棒喝。胡适的二哥建议他取“物竞天择适者生存”中的“适”字,胡适便将“适之”作为自己的表字,偶然用“胡适”作笔名。1910参加留美官费考试时,正式采用了“胡适”作为名字。  相似文献   

四、从“反党集团”到“反革命集团” 1954年10月,毛泽东提出对《红楼梦》研究中资产阶级倾向的批判。不久,全国上下掀起了“对俞平伯在《红楼梦研究》及其他著作中所表现的胡适派资产阶级唯心论的批判”。10月28日,经毛泽东亲自改定的《质问<文艺报>编者》一文在《人民日报》发  相似文献   

The Italian political philosopher Giorgio Agamben's conclusion that the camp has replaced the city as the biopolitical paradigm of the West is as difficult to digest as it is easy to see how it responds to contemporary political tendencies in the world today. In this introduction to this theme issue on Giorgio Agamben and the spatialities of the camp, a detailed exposition, emulating the structure of Agamben's seminal book Homo Sacer, is conducted, tracing the genealogies of Agamben's ideas and commenting on his swiftly enhanced importance in the social sciences and humanities. The introduction concludes by outlining some possible research fields in human geogrphy where much insight could be gained if Agamben's work is given more detailed consideration.  相似文献   


Urban animals and their political ecologies constitute an arena of geographical scholarship that has intensified in recent years. Yet, little headway has been made in terms of understanding how sentient creatures inhabit and negotiate dynamic, metabolic environments. Focusing on urban macaques in Indian cities, the paper develops a conversation between geography and ethology. Firstly, the conversation provides insights into what urbanisation might entail for animals. Secondly, it assays ways in which non-human knowledges enable rethinking what expertise counts in urban governance. Thirdly, the conversation foregrounds other spatial topologies of the urban that become evident when animals’ lifeworlds are taken into account. The paper advances efforts to animate urban political ecology in registers yet inattentive to non-human lifeworlds. It concludes by reflecting upon the purchase of such etho-geographical conversations generate for political ecologies of urbanisation.  相似文献   

GEORGE CAWKWELL. The Greek Wars: The Failure of Persia. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. 316. $195.00 (CDN). Reviewed by Arthur M. Eckstein  相似文献   

Museums, exhibitions, and public history have long engaged with the subject matter of disability. Shared social conventions and exhibition traditions about people with disabilities--the common stereotypes of people as persevering heroes or objects of pity--have often led to skewed and inaccurate historical presentations. The medical model of disability, equally strong in framing disability, has also reduced the range of possibilities for including content for the public. More recently, greater understanding of diversity and of the importance of interpreting the history of all people has begun to push inclusion beyond simple issues into content.  相似文献   


The story of the conversion to Byzantine Christianity of Prince Vladimir of Kiev and of many of his subjects has, in the accounts of most modern historians, conformed more or less to the following pattern. In the summer of 987 the rebellious general Bardas Phocas, master of most of Asia Minor, proclaimed himself emperor, and marched on Constantinople. The legitimate emperor, Basil II, was in a desperate position. Some time during that same summer he sent an embassy to Kiev with an urgent request for help. By the terms of a treaty they had concluded with the Empire in 971, the Russians were bound to give the Byzantines military assistance in case of need. Vladimir sent him a contingent of six thousand Varangian soldiers. This expeditionary force, which arrived on Byzantine territory in the spring of 988, saved Basil II, who defeated his rival in the battles of Chrysopolis and Abydos. The second of these battles was fought on 13 April, 989.  相似文献   

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