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平淡生活才是生命最后的本核,而生命本核中的童真,只有在爱的保护下,才会保持它最真实最透彻的样子。泽龙现在眼里的番茄,跟他们刚认识时一样,没有变化,仍然像个没长大的孩子。“我想去爬山。”2016年4月番茄第一次打电话给泽龙时,就这么直截了当地说了自己的想法,飒得很。泽龙当时正在第一次去登珠穆朗玛峰的路上,他在电话里甩给番茄的回复是:你去登海拔8163米的马纳斯鲁峰,十万块钱。  相似文献   

程敏政统宗谱法与徽州谱法发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林济 《安徽史学》2008,3(4):88-94
明成化年间程敏政纂修《新安程氏统宗世谱》为徽州谱法以及谱系文化发展的标志性事件,其谱法既强调谱系文献考证的意义,又强调世家统宗的宗法收族主张,对徽州谱法以及谱系文化的发展影响甚大。正是在对程敏政统宗谱法的讨论与批评中,徽州宗族形成了以统宗收族为根本、以存疑存阙为史法的徽州谱法。  相似文献   

1996年夏秋之际,新闻媒体陆续报道了祁县河湾村发现了一些与罗贯中有关的遗迹和遗物,引起了国内外学术界和广大群众的普遍关注。笔者通过多次赴河湾考察,认识不断加深,心中充满着一种强烈的震憾。这无疑是一项重要的发现。做为一个文物工作者,我应该对历史负责,有责任有义务从审视文物的角度出发,忠实地反映文物,忠实地反映历史,详尽调查和科学整理这些遗迹和遗物,编写调查报告,将有关资料公布于社会。 鉴于此,同年10月下旬,笔者再赴河湾,进行了为期7天的专题调查。测绘了罗氏宗祠,清理了相传罗本之墓,观察了《罗氏…  相似文献   

Material which survives from the Rochester consistory court during the middle years of the fourteenth century makes it possible to examine the manner in which canon legal theory on offences against sexual morality was implemented in practice. The officials at Rochester were adhering to general canon legal principles by assigning penance according to a ‘hierarchy of sin‘, and they were using the discretion allowed to them to make individual judgments in each case. The use of penances other than penitential beatings was related both to contemporary views on the suitability of different forms of penance for those in authority, and to the actual gravity of an offence. Priests' delicts were regarded more seriously than those of the laity. The court did not display any bias against women when assigning penance, and often treated men more harshly.  相似文献   

风生 《旅游纵览》2010,(8):26-31
<正>在这个世界上,有那么一些地方,似乎天生就是为爱情而存在的。在那里,爱情像潮湿角落里的青苔,天然,赤裸,充满激情,滋生、成长、盛开并蔓延……让人欲罢不能,无法阻止;让人刻骨铭心。似乎走在路上情才更浓。如果你正处于爱情进行时,不妨带上你的TA一起,去这些充满爱情气息的地方走走,爱情中有了旅行的元素、旅行中有了爱情的味道;一同流汗,一同浪漫,几年后再一同慢慢回忆起这段迷人的经历……  相似文献   

宋代谱学创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王鹤鸣 《安徽史学》2008,26(2):17-25
在中国谱学发展史上,宋代处于重要变革、转型时期.与魏晋南北朝隋唐时期的谱学比较,宋代呈现了官修公谱废绝和私修家谱兴盛的趋势,在编修宗旨、编修形式、谱图之法、家谱内容、续修时间等诸方面均发生明显变化,从而奠定了后世修谱基本格局,开创了中国谱学发展新阶段.  相似文献   

徐彬 《安徽史学》2010,(3):68-72
史学与家谱关系密切,历史意识和历史编撰理论对明清徽州家谱深远影响。"以稽先世,以贻将来"的历史传承思想是明清徽州家谱发展的动力。"大有关于家教者"的历史借鉴思想是明清徽州家谱努力的方向。史学编撰理论对明清徽州家谱编写有明显的影响,其中正史的史表影响了家谱体例,信史原则对明清徽州家谱编修者的态度有直接影响。  相似文献   


During the Chinese War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the Civil War, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) imposed restrictions on the marriage of its cadres, so as to maintain the Party’s effective control and combat cohesion. The Central Committee of the CCP did not issue uniform regulations on this topic; most decisions were made by the base areas, with the indirect support of the Central Committee. Marriage and love are personal matters, and the restrictions certainly caused emotional suffering for ordinary cadres affected. However, there were important reasons for the CCP’s implementation of these measures. Through punishment and guidance, these restrictions were carried out smoothly and did not cause great upheaval. As love and marriage became areas subject to the political power of the CCP, they unexpectedly became a focal point of the collision between individuality and Party spirit and between the individual and the group.  相似文献   

It is essential to combine genealogical and collective biographical approaches with network analysis if one wants to take full advantage of the evidence provided by (hereditary) personal names in historical and linguistic onomastic research. The naming practices of rural families and clans from the 18th to the 20th century can bring us much fresh information about their enduring attitudes and values, as well as about other mentalities of everyday life. Personal names were cultural symbols that contained socially shared meanings. With the help of genealogical method it is possible to obtain a more nuanced understanding of these past naming practices, for example by comparing the conventions of different communities. A long-term and systematic empirical research also enables us to dispute certain earlier assumptions that have been taken for granted in historical onomastics. Therefore, the genealogical method is crucial in studying the criteria for the choices of personal names in the past.  相似文献   

This article explores an argument on love as it was articulated within the framework of the ‘New Ethics’ sexual reform in Germany at the beginning of the twentieth century. While many commentaries on the alienating impact of modernity projected authenticity onto the ‘non‐modern’ woman and her love, the feminist authors at issue in this article promote ‘modern love’ as a medium of women's participation in modernity. Furthermore, they address the problem of love's temporality and non‐exclusivity. Yet, the engagement with these topics is a tricky one because non‐exclusivity and impermanence are at the same time dismissed as ‘decadent’ ways of loving and attributed to ‘archaic’ Europe and non‐European cultures.  相似文献   

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