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一次偶然的机会,我到互助土族自治县五十镇的一个土族朋友家祝贺婚礼,发现了一种让人吃惊的待客习俗:十多人在羊圈里围成一圈,坐在地上的麦草上,在用墙板支起的简陋桌上吃饭,餐具都是木制品,如木碗、木勺、木盘、木碟、木筷(采自当地的一种灌木)等,显得十分朴素,这种习俗我平生第一次见,顿时好奇地问:“待客怎么没有桌子和凳子,坐在地上,是不是太困难啊?”  相似文献   

张永 《安徽史学》2008,28(4):47-56
二次革命期间,进步党处于北洋派和国民党竞相争取的有利地位,获得了上台组阁的机会,经过许多曲折,终于成立以熊希龄、梁启超为核心的新政府,立完派第一次掌握了部分中央政权。新内阁提出了雄心勃勃的大政方针,但也副署了取消国民党议员资格的命令导致国会解散。一种流传很广的说法是袁世凯利用承德盗卖文物案胁迫熊希龄副署,本文经过考证认定这种说法是错误的。熊、梁等进步党内阁派早已存在开明专制思想,而且对民初议会政治实践不满,他们希望在袁世凯的支持下走开明专制的道路。但是在国会解散后不久,失去支持的熊梁内阁也在北洋派的压力下黯然倒台,标志着这种依附性的开明专制道路完全破产。  相似文献   

张广翔 《世界历史》2012,(1):43-53,159
俄国一直面临着既要保证税收又要减少酗酒的艰巨任务。俄国预算中酒税收入举足轻重;而俄国人酗酒成风,成为严重的社会问题。俄国为了保证稳定的酒税收入,交替运用国家垄断、包税制和消费税形式,其中酒垄断因简单易行和效果明显而历时最长。政府热衷于酒税收入的同时,也助长了酗酒。1894年财政大臣维特实施的酒销售垄断,名为解决酗酒问题和恢复良好民风,实为增加国家岁入。税收目标和社会目标实难两全,这是认识和评价此次酒销售垄断的关键所在;而数百年来俄罗斯人沿袭下来的饮酒习俗则是滋生酗酒的土壤,解决酗酒问题绝非一朝一夕之事。  相似文献   

Neurologists have retold a story about the discovery of multiple sclerosis (MS) in essentially the same form from the 1870s to the present. Upon close analysis this narrative was found to be problematic. Once the nosological category of MS came into existence in 1868, physicians reread the scientific past through this new category and created a linear story. Following generations received this story uncritically, rereading the past through the conceptual lens of their own times. Writers selected the earlier cases, illustrations, and medical writings in the literature for inclusion in the discovery narrative and did not analyze them in their original historical contexts. The author offers an alternative account of the discovery of MS. The creation of the disease category of MS by Charcot in France was the result of several converging factors including a new histopathological technology, a unique relationship between patient and physicians in the clinic, a unique relationship between the clinic and the autopsy room, and a neurological culture emphasizing disease specificity.  相似文献   

对出生与死亡仪式的解析一直是人类学研究的经典话题。在汉族丧葬仪式的一整套程序中,“下葬”是最为受重视的一个环节,其中找准中心位置尤为关键。本文通过对川中地区的丧葬仪式的透视,分析了在这一仪式环节中民间是如何通过“找中线”这一手段来平衡处理祖先与其子孙,及各继嗣群分支之间的关系的,并对形成这一习俗背后的深层原因—汉族民间宗教的宇宙观的影响作了简要分析。  相似文献   

Parish registers offer the student of history a wealth of information about the everyday lives of ordinary people in the past. Historical demographers in particular have made extensive use of these materials, and our understanding of the dynamics of local populations in pre-industrial Europe has increased greatly during the last twenty-five years. In addition to the basic demographic data on marriages, baptisms and burials, however, parish registers commonly contain other information which can shed light on social behaviour. Using the exceptionally rich Swedish records, this paper explores some ways in which material of this kind may be used to assess the extent and rate of social change in particular localities at particular times.  相似文献   

追溯中国思想史的源头,儒家传统讲究"内圣外王"。社会史的演变历程更是证明,小人多才、君子无才亦是一种普遍的现象,而德与才很难合一。德才之辨,是传统中国士大夫的古老命题。尽管明代的士大夫仍然承袭宋儒之论,倡导重德轻才,且就明代士大夫的行为而言,亦不乏德才两分的现象,但至少有如下两大转向值得引起研究者的关注,即从重德轻才向重才轻德的转变,以及从重才轻德向德才合一的转变。随之而来者,则是儒家"内圣外王"之说的复兴,以及理学向原始儒学的回归。  相似文献   

英国现代社会保障制度的建立(1870-1914)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1870-1914年是英国现代社会保障制度建立的时代。社会问题的严重化和济贫法制度的失效是英国现代社会保障制度建立的基本原因。工人运动的发展极大地促进了这一制度的建立,费边社会主义、集体主义和新自由主义为英国现代社会保障制度的建立提供了理论基础。1908年的《养老金法》、1911年的《国民保险法》所建立起来的社会保险制度,标志着英国现代社会保障制度的基本确立。英国现代社会保障制度的建立是英国社会福利制度的一次根本性转变,但它还存在一些明显的局限性。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to convey a sense of the increasing importance of the population question for the future of Canada and its social geographies. This future will be shaped as much by changes in population processes and living conditions as by economic and political factors. Specifically, four transformations are rippling through the country's social fabric and urban landscapes: slow growth and the demographic transition modifications to family forms and living arrangements; increasing ethnocultural diversity; and the shifting relationships among households, labour markets and the welfare state. There is increasing unevenness of population growth, juxtaposing localized growth and widespread decline, massive social changes, the concentration of immigration and new sources of diversity in metropolitan areas, and fundamental shifts in social attitudes concerning family, work and gender relations. Deepening contrasts in living environments and economic wellbeing flow from these trends, and the varied challenges they pose for private actors, governments and service-providers. Questions relating to the country's future population geographies and social structures are complex, analytically difficult, and politically charged, but are too important to ignore.  相似文献   

Maciuika  John V. 《German history》2007,25(4):490-516
In the opening years of the twentieth century, the German homeassumed new cultural meanings and symbolic significance as asite of economic, political, artistic, and social intervention.This article investigates a range of Wilhelmine institutions—fromthe Wertheim department store and the Prussian Commerce Ministry,to the Applied Arts Movement and the Movement for Art Education—toillustrate the variety of German approaches to promoting newconceptions of the home. Examining the ways in which Wilhelmineprivate and state reformers turned the topic of how one livedand dwelled into a topic of pressing significance, the articleargues that private, commercial efforts and state-driven policyinitiatives interpenetrated to a degree previously underappreciatedin Wilhelmine historical studies. These private and state initiativeswere, in turn, closely tied to the cultivation of German consumeridentities, and to larger efforts on the part of Wilhelmineinstitutions to adapt to the dizzying conditions of twentieth-centurycapitalist modernity. As a result of these developments, specialexhibitions of artistic home interiors originated in premierGerman department stores as well as in the halls of the statebureaucracy; historical ornaments termed ‘modern’in one decade were denigrated as barbaric in another; and generationsof craftsmen battled one another for a legitimacy conferred,to a significant degree, by private commissions, generous statesubsidies, and admission into prestigious exhibitions.  相似文献   

为帮助学习理解和宣传新颁布的《物保护法》,对《物保护法》的数字式解读,不失为一种生动、有趣的学习方法。  相似文献   

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