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This paper explores the relationship between the presence and absence of Islamic communities in western Wales. Commencing with a discussion of the literatures on the geographies of Islam and rural exclusion, I argue that both sets have neglected research on rural religious communities. Discussion is centred upon the visual absence of Islam in the area, as local mosques are predominantly housed in contingent or non-purpose-built buildings. Using interview data, I examine the implications of these absences for local Muslims' experiences of rural landscapes, and discuss the juxtaposition between the visual absence of cultural indicators of Islam and the contingent strategies these communities employ to meet their religious needs. Adopting Nancy Fraser's concept of a subaltern counterpublic, I argue that the contingent presence in the landscape brings organisational possibilities. However, the lack of visibility of these counterpublics also brings challenges, fragmenting the community and creating difficulties for individuals to access particular services. This subterranean ontology has implications not only for liberal ideas of publicity and privacy, but also for inclusive citizenship in an era when debates about multiculturalism centre on accommodating religious needs.  相似文献   


Listed events are policies enacted by states to protect the free-to-air rights of specific television and radio broadcasts that are identified as being of particular national significance. Some states (including the UK, Belgium, and Argentina) have begun to adopt these listed events policies, typically regarding significant national sporting events. We re-conceptualize listed events as a practical means by which to protect the intangible cultural heritage of states – an issue addressed by international institutions such as ICOMOS and UNESCO. Furthermore, we engage in a critical analysis regarding both the merits and potential problems involved in the possibility of Canada adopting listed broadcasting events policies, specifically involving hockey broadcasts.  相似文献   

徐树春  李洁  熙伟 《旅游纵览》2008,(12):70-72
<正>"起床了!起床了!"美夏的一声吆喝,让大家想起已经不是在家里温暖的床上了。出来摄影就是想赶个好光景,哪有你睡懒觉的工夫,于是,大家一骨碌爬起来,胡乱擦把脸登车出发,向着下一个目标前行。  相似文献   

During the 18th century A.D., leadership roles within Cherokee towns in the southern Appalachians were closely tied to gender distinctions between women and men. This paper examines mortuary patterns from the Coweeta Creek site, located in the upper Little Tennessee Valley in southwestern North Carolina, with an interest in gender ideology and leadership roles within the local Cherokee community from the 15th through 18th centuries A.D. During the 1400s, there were several houses at the site, and some burials were placed within those structures. During the 1600s, there developed a more formal layout of public and domestic architecture at the site, with many burials still placed inside or beside structures. Mortuary data from the site indicate the presence of distinct and parallel paths to status and prestige for men and women in this community. They also demonstrate an emphasis on male roles and statuses in the years following European contact in the Southeast.  相似文献   

This article traces the restoration history of the Chief Vann House State Historic Site, a former Cherokee plantation owned and operated by the state of Georgia. The article explores the make-up of the restoration community in the 1950s and identifies aspects of convergence and divergence among this white, elite group in terms of both their visions for the site and their notions of how best to represent Indians. It argues that restorers used the restoration process as a route for personal and community identity enhancement, identifying with the storied Cherokee Indians and claiming "Indian" characteristics and the historical experience of Indian removal for themselves.  相似文献   

Consideration of aesthetic values in resource and environmental management in North America emerged in the 1960s. It soon became enshrined as 'visual resource management', which emphasized a singular visual notion of aesthetics and an expert‐based approach to assessment. This paper challenges this dominant view. An empirical research study is presented in which a broader conceptualization of the landscape aesthetic and a participatory methodology for assessment were developed and used to explore the landscape experiences of inhabitants of the Cariboo region of British Columbia. Themes, categories and ideas of landscape experience grounded in participant perspectives revealed a richness of landscape and can be seen as an opportunity to supplement and enrich current landscape assessment and 'visual' management. More importantly, this conceptual and methodological reorientation in understanding landscape aesthetic sensibilities both reflects and supports the shift in current thinking within resource and environmental management more generally, from technocratic, state‐centred, expert‐based approaches to locally responsive (place‐based), participatory and inclusive approaches for dealing with environmental concerns and resource‐development issues .  相似文献   

丁生金  王振光 《攀登》2001,20(6):79-81
西部大开发是对西部深层次的开发,它不仅涉及经济因素,也涉及非经济因素。在非经济因素中,思想认识、政治意识、法制意识对西部大开发有着特别重要的影响。所以,我们应当不断提高人们的思想认识、政治意识和法制意识,为西部大开发的顺利进行营造一个良好的发展环境。  相似文献   

朱军  李奇 《文物世界》2001,(5):8-11
粉彩描金开光山水高士图索耳八角花盆(以下简称花盆),是笔者因业务工作所需,在拣选库存文物时发现,经鉴定具有重要价值,现特撰文一考。  相似文献   

Very large late Holocene shell middens (‘megamiddens’, some over 10 000 m3 in extent) along a 20 km section of the west coast of South Africa provide a particular interpretative challenge in determining whether they result from residential visits or from logistical processing of shellfish for transport and consumption elsewhere. The latter interpretation is preferred here and is consistent with stable carbon isotopic readings on coastal human burials and site contents that illustrate that groups visited specific localities, collected and dried black mussels and then transported and consumed the dried product inland. The sizes and contents of these large middens contrasts sharply with those of unquestionably residential residues from earlier and later time periods. This approach is supported with reference to the ethnographically described processing and consumption of mongongo nuts by 20th century San of the Kalahari.  相似文献   

The countryside around towns is under increasing pressure for development as a result of the centrifugal forces which have characterised the capitalist urbanisation process in the post‐war era. Conflict between pro‐growth and anti‐growth interests is now endemic in many peri‐urban areas. This paper identifies the principal agents involved in the production of the built environment in the urban fringe and presents a detailed analysis of how divergent interests interact to determine the nature of the fringe environment. The research informs academic debate on rural land conversion and provides guidance for decision‐makers charged with management of the urban fringe.  相似文献   

叙述与孟光涛先生的交往,介绍孟先生山水画的特色及在贵州美术史上的地位。  相似文献   

The study analyses the chemical composition of 57 glass samples from 40 beads discovered at 20 archaeological sites in Poland. The beads are dated to Hallstatt C–Early La Tène periods (c.800/750–260/250 bce ). Analyses were carried out using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Two groups were distinguished among the glasses based on the MgO/K2O ratio: high-magnesium glass (HMG), five samples; and low-magnesium glass (LMG), 52 samples. The former were melted with halophyte plant ash, the second with mineral soda. These glasses were produced in the Eastern Mediterranean (more likely in Mesopotamia or Syro-Palestine than in Egypt) and transported in the form of semi-products to secondary glass workshops in Europe. Some of the white opaque glass was coloured and opacified in Europe.  相似文献   

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