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王占奎 《考古与文物》2002,(6):61-65,69
Based on the comparative analysis between some features of the “Luojingshi“site of the Han Yangling Mausoleum of emperor Jingdi And relative Historical records, this paper gets some points as below:1),the square ditch around the site is Fangze(方泽),the central mound is Qiu(丘)or altar,3),the 8 wells respectively represents the well of God green at east, that of the God Red at south, that of the God White at west, that of months; 5), the pebbles around the site not only has the function to dispense rain water but also can surround the inner parts of the site;6), the round stone at center is the araloyue of the store which should be put on the altar at Taishan mountain for the sacrifice by emperor Wudi. According to the records, those features all are components of sacrificial or ritual building of the two Han dynasties.  相似文献   

The West Yellow Temple is the earliest Tibetan Buddhist temple in Beijing. Built duringthe Qing Dynasty, it has been the residence of Dalai Lamas and Panchen Lamas throughout this history. Most importantly, it is a bridge connecting the cultures of Han, ethnic Manchurian and ethnic Tibetan. It is the tie to link the central government and local Tibetan government. In addition, the West Yellow Temple is a state protected site and a cultural relic.  相似文献   

Following in the wake of the repair of some halls at Tar Monastery in the 1992-1995 period, with the help of a State Council allocation to the tune of 37 million Yuan, the monastery will see the repair of its Gold Tile Hall with another 14 million Yuan from the State Council. The repair project has started, and it is expected to be completed before the end of the year. In the 12th year of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) Emperor Hong Wu, a Lotus Gathering Pagoda was built in the place where…  相似文献   

常熟彩衣堂彩绘保护研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The color painting of Caiyi Tang is an excellent representative for that of south Jiangsu area in the middle and late of Ming Dynasty. That drawing directly on the wood surface is more difficult for protection. This passage provides a successful example on this point: how to improve the ingredients and overcome the problem of fading. Meanwhile, more advanced technique made out better color than that of past.  相似文献   

How did a Neo-Confucian scholar who built no academies,who actually discouraged interested students from studying with him,and whose followers did not have a strong sense of group identity become the first scholar enshrined in the Ming dynasty's imperial Confucius Temple? This is the question that Khee Heong Koh seeks to answer in writing this masterful study of the Ming Neo-Confucian master Xue Xuan.After all,admission into that temple's rolls was a rare honor,one carefully controlled by every imperial court.Only four men were enshrined over the entire Ming dynasty,and Xue is interesting not only because he was the first to be enshrined,but also because he was the only one of the four from northern China.Koh provides us with a detailed picture of this heretofore largely forgotten scholar-official and how he came to be thus enshrined.But this is not simply a biographical study;Koh also problematizes the monolithic understanding of Ming China as having been completely captivated by the Wang Yangming School of Neo-Confucianism.  相似文献   

正The cold season isjust about to arrive in Lhasa.A tallllbetan man is standing upon the golden roof of the Jokhang Temple to look out into distance.His name is Tsegya,a man with a deep affection for this very roof.This is the place where his karma connects him to his produced mandalas.Tsegya told me that  相似文献   

Langmar Hall is a "Tibetan KTV". As in other cities like Lhasa, it is a very crowded place and also a big draw card for tourists. Different from KTVs in the mainland, Langmar Hall does not charge admission. It makes money from beer consumption, so the waitresses are happy to open beers for customers. They often stand beside you, raise your glass and propose a toast to you. Friends from the mainland are not aware of this trick, and believe it is required etiquette, so they are happy to drink as much as they can. People in Lhasa make fun of this and say that the  相似文献   

关于莫高窟窟前殿堂与窟檐建筑的时代问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are more than twenty halls in front of cave in Mogao Grottoes, such as caves No.130,108,100,98,96,95,85,76,74,72,61,55,467,53,46,45,44,39,38,35,30-27,33-21,Most of caves have its own eaves building. The two kinds of architecture are both timber construction.After carefully research, we find that these special architecture were build during early Tang dynasty at the first time, developed in Middle Tang,and very popular during the period of Gui-Yi-Jun, and still continued in the West Xia and Yuan Dynasty. In this paper, the author specially discusses the two halls in front of caves No.130 and No.96.  相似文献   

The plum vases, one with a white dragon design over the blue ground of Yuan dynasty, one with a design of Xiao He chasing Han Xin in the moonlight in underglaze blue of the late Yuan and early Ming, and the other with pine, bamboo, and plum designs in underglaze red in the Ming dynasty under Hongwu‘s reign, are three important pieces in Yuan and Ming dynasties in Jiangsu Province. They might be rated as the three treasures in the Chinese porcelain world for their unique characteristics.  相似文献   

伴随唐宋文化转型而兴起的“正统”论,扬弃了天人感应、五德终始之说.以法则性、道德性“天理”取代主宰性、意志性“天命”,经宋儒精心阐发的文化价值理想、社会政治理想“天理一王道”再次构成统合历史兴盛衰亡之变的“贞一之理”。而北宋时代的正统之辨呈现出儒家历史哲学、政治哲学在因应时代变化之际曾具有的复杂、深刻的思想面貌。  相似文献   

“辽人”是明代东北地区的汉族区域群体,因长期的边塞生活而具有边疆特点的社会性格。后金进入辽东后,“辽人”有抗、殉、降、逃等不同的表现,反映出他们的复杂心态。清太祖晚年民族矛盾激化,“辽人”奋起抵抗,组成“岛兵”与“关宁辽军”两大军事集团,“辽军”遂成为抗金(清)主力。清太宗即位后,明、清双方展开了对“辽人”与“辽军”的争夺。清太宗调整民族政策,改善汉族待遇,并以军事胜利为后盾,重用、“思养”汉宫为政治号召,积极争取“辽军”,效果显,终于化顽敌为羽翼,大批“辽人”加入清军,为清朝开国做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

曹丕《典论·论文》是中国文艺理论史上第一篇文学理论专论。其中对文学风格,曹丕开创性地提出了“文气说”,并将气分“清浊”。对“气”与“清浊”的解读是理解曹丕“文气说”的关键。通过对“气”和“清浊”用法的考察,我们不难发现,“清”“浊”的正确解释并非“阳刚”与“阴柔”,曹丕是尊“清”而贬“浊”的。  相似文献   

在美国革命时期,"共和"这一古老政治词汇的含义发生了重大变化。美国建国者参照各种政治理论和历史经验,结合他们所处社会的特点,不仅成功建立了一种新型政体,而且为它做了全面的辩护和诠释,从而完成了对"共和政体"的重新界定。这种新型的共和政体,不再是"人民"与贵族分享权力的混合政体,而是完全建立在"人民主权"基础上的代表制政体,它的社会基础、价值取向和适应范围都发生了深刻变化,与古典共和理念之间形成了明显的差异。与此同时,"民主"的概念也得以扩充,"人民"通过代表制行使政治权力的政府,与"人民"亲自掌握权力的政府一样,都可以叫做"民主"。这两个交错并行的观念转化过程,不仅塑造了现代意义上的"共和"与"民主"的概念,而且使得两个原本含义不同的政体名称,最终变成了同义词。  相似文献   

“国民”之发现——1903年上海国民公会再认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国民公会是革命派和保皇派人士共同参与发起和组织的,它的出现反映了中国社会各阶层民众国家观念和国民意识的增强及当时社会结构的错动,也反映了士与农、工、商诸阶层相结合,全国人民加强团结,一致对外的历史趋势。围绕国民公会的成立与解体,人们对爱国与革命的关系有了更深刻的认识。此外,国民公会还具有“国民外交”与自治运动的意义。  相似文献   

从《新历史教科书》到《最新日本史》   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
今年4月9日,日本有关当局通过了“日本会议”编写的高中教科书——《最新日本史》。本就“日本会议”与去年编写《新历史教科书》的“新历史教科书编纂会”的关系,80年代“国民会议”(“日本会议”的前身)教科书事件的原委,《最新日本史》出台同日本政治右倾化的关联,以及《最新日本史》与《新历史教科书》的共同之处进行了剖析,并就《最新日本史》中歪曲和篡改历史的部分内容进行了批判。指出日本教科书问题远远没有完结,国内外学术界应该密切注视日本教科书问题的动向。  相似文献   

易平 《安徽史学》2007,(6):33-36,42
"江南本"《史记》曾藏于北宋御府,至南宋时已残缺近半,后来亡佚.该书的情况,仅见南宋高似孙论及.本文主要依据高氏所提供的江南本《史记》例文,并参北宋景祐本等相关材料校证,得出以下结论:江南本《史记》为五代官写本.该本与北宋官方刊定的《史记》文本有密切关系,可能就是北宋时校刊《史记》用的底本,它是唐宋之间《史记》传承的一个重要环节.  相似文献   

Museum learning的相关研究范式和成果主要集中在博物馆学观众研究和教育学教育技术研究领域中。国内这两门学科对museum learning的翻译存在分歧:博物馆学界将其译为"博物馆学习",而教育学领域则将其译为"场馆学习"。原因在于二者对museum learning的研究方法存在分歧,以及二者对"博物馆"一词本身范畴和概念存在认知差异。"博物馆学习"不仅保持了museum在跨语境研究中的一致性,更重要的是在概念上确保了自然科技类博物馆和历史艺术类博物馆在museum learning研究中的相同地位,这是"场馆学习"一词无法体现的。  相似文献   

Peter North  Ulli Huber† 《对极》2004,36(5):963-984
The ongoing instability in Argentina that emerged from the December 2001 uprising in Buenos Aires (the "Argentinazo") has been one of the highest profile examples in recent years of reaction to the economic "disciplining" of a country. For enthusiasts, this reaction has been resistance, an upsurge against neoliberalisation by people conscious of what was happening and with alternative conceptions of how things should be ( Aufheben 2003 ; Carrera and Cotarelo 2003 ; Dinerstein 2002 ; Galeano 2002 ; Harman 2002 ; "IM" 2002 ; Klein 2003a , 2003b ; MAS 2002 ; Ollier 2003 ). Subaltern resistances such as those developed by Argentines have been the subject of much geographical writing on resistance in recent years ( Castells 1997 ; Leyshon, Lee and Williams 2003 ; Pile and Keith 1997 ; Sharp et al 2000 ). This paper addresses the range of actions, or "action repertoire"( Tarrow 1998 :20–21), of the Argentinazo to examine the extent to which alternative material and discursive "convergence spaces"( Routledge 2003 ) of political engagement emerged both as resistance to, and articulating a coherent alternative to, neoliberalism.  相似文献   

欧洲匈人的匈奴起源说在国内学术界早已几成定论。但该学说的史料、考古等诸多层面存在着难以解决的问题。马塞里努斯对匈人的记载是最早,也是最重要和最有价值的关于匈人的历史文献。对该文献进行核对和翻译,并加以必要的分析,有助于古代史研究者对匈人与匈奴这两个民族的巨大差异有所认识。同时,在古典史料中还存在其他可能与匈奴人有关的线索,藉此可以勾画出匈奴人西迁后的历史活动。  相似文献   

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