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纺织品文物回潮方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要介绍了纺织品文物回潮的方法及其各自的优缺点和适用范围。回潮方法可分为密闭式和敞开式两种模式,密闭式回潮法是最常用的回潮系统。在众多的回潮方法中,应用较多的包括饱和盐溶液法、超声波加湿器、水含体释放法、湿度自动控制回潮箱、低压吸力操作台和半透膜回潮法。在掌握纤维吸湿回潮的原理和回潮效果的影响因素,理解每件纺织品文物存在的问题、保护目的、工作条件、环境等因素,了解不恰当的回潮操作可能给纺织品文物带来的危害的前提下,根据工作条件选择恰当的回潮方法才是实际操作成功的关键。  相似文献   

甘肃武威作为古代丝绸之路的交通要冲,文物遗存极其丰富,新发掘出土纺织品文物种类齐全。为了把修复过程中纺织品文物的损坏程度降到最低,除采用传统的水洗、斜面清洗等方法外,可针对糟朽、污染程度严重的织物,选择水洗、干洗相结合的方法,使处理后的纺织品干净、平展、有光泽,达到了满意的清洗效果。另外,在展平与盛放保存方面也应进行改进,使之更科学合理。  相似文献   

管杰 《文物天地》2020,(5):36-41
明代纺织品文物与今天相去稍远,保存不易,传世较少。故宫博物院曾因明清皇宫之便而有所收藏,但其收藏的数量和品类也较有限。至于一些海外传世品如日本京都妙法院收藏的明代赐给丰臣秀吉的服饰,保存虽较完整,但也为数不多。中华人民共和国成立后,经考古发掘的明代纺织品文物虽有大量出土,但大多色彩褪却,纤维老化,不如传世品,尤其在色彩方面,出土品的信息多有缺失。孔子博物馆所藏明代服饰均为孔府旧藏,存世数量之众、跨越时间之长、涵盖款式之多,在传世纺织品文物中几乎可以说是独此一家。但由于年代久远,传承过程中受到人为因素影响较大,保存服饰的库房条件简陋,致使部分服饰出现较为严重的病害,并在继续劣化之中。  相似文献   

本文简要叙述了纺织品文物保护修复工作中的前期调查所包含的各个方面及其操作方法,包括文物基本信息(出土纺织品需注意提取现场信息),保存现状(主要有病害调查和纤维、污染物检测分析)调查,文物历史、艺术、科学价值的评估,修复预案的制定以及对修复所需材料特性的评估等,并据此总结分析了前期准备工作在整个纺织品文物保护修复过程中的重要性及其作用。  相似文献   

纺织品文物进入博物馆库房后,它的保护、保管极其重要。纺织品文物的保存,当前最为常用的方法是控制库房温、湿度,光照强度和加强防虫、防霉条件。另外,还要注意人为因素的破坏。  相似文献   

"丝绸之路"的起点位于中国/东亚,中国在"丝路"的发展中占有重要的地位。古代纺织品文物种类繁多,常用的纺织品科学研究方法有色谱、光谱、质谱等。本研究基于目前纺织品文物的分析现状,从纤维、染料两个重要角度,系统地阐述目前已有的扫描电子显微镜、傅里叶红外光谱、光纤光谱等纺织纤维分析技术,以及薄层色谱、高效液相色谱、拉曼光谱、光纤光谱等纺织品染料分析方法。对于纺织纤维鉴别,扫描电镜、傅里叶红外等方法可靠性较高;对于纺织品染料分析,高效液相色谱的分析精度更受认可;而拉曼光谱、光纤光谱技术具有原位、无损的优势,在纺织品文物研究中也日益被重视。对这些方法的原理、特点及其在古代纺织品分析中的研究进展与发展潜力的归纳与综述,将为纺织品文物保护相关研究提供参考与科学支持。  相似文献   

纺织品文物主要由植物纤维和动物纤维加工织造而成,其材质对环境敏感,极易受各种因素影响而糟朽,糟朽破坏后的紧急修复对人力、时间、技术等要求高,很多博物馆由于客观条件限制,难以将一些珍贵的纺织品文物保存下来。相较而言,预防性文物保护在防患于未然的同时可以降低技术、人力等成本。本文从馆藏纺织品文物的特殊性及其面临的问题出发,从微环境调控、日常监测及维护、宏观管理等方面探讨纺织品文物预防性保护的可行性方案。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了日本纺织品保护修复在纺织品清洗、染色、针线加固及保存四个方面的一些情况,以了解日本纺织品文物的保护修复现状、保护修复理念和保护修复技术,以期对我国纺织品文物的保护修复研究工作能有一定的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

试论纺织品文物保护中的水质问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水在纺织品文物保护中的用途广泛,水质条件直接或间接影响到纺织品文物的保护效果和安全。认识不同水质的组成和优缺点,理解水对纺织品文物及其附带材质的影响,综合考虑文物的材质组成、保存条件和保护目的等因素是合理用水的根本。  相似文献   

包装对考古出土纺织品文物的安全保存、展览、预防性保护以及展览效果提升等具有重要意义。目前,对出土纺织品文物包装的设计制作还缺少系统研究,本文借助不同类型的包装实例,对出土纺织品文物包装设计与制作原则进行了分析。大致包括,确定包装制作目的,评估文物保存状况,科学设计包装,选用稳定包装材料,制作包装,全面记录包装制作过程、所用材料、包装结构,形成详细的文物安放、包装拆装、使用维护以及材料更新说明等内容。  相似文献   

H. Lukesova  B. Holst 《Archaeometry》2021,63(1):216-226
Correct identification of textile fibres is an important issue in archaeology because the use of different materials can yield crucial information about the society that produced the textiles. Textiles made of plant and animal fibres can normally be easily distinguished, but to distinguish between different types of plant fibres, in particular different types of bast fibres, is difficult. Some years back it was shown that the features fibre diameter, lumen diameter, dislocation (nodes), and cross markings cannot be used on their own to distinguish between the typical bast fibres used for textiles in ancient Europe: flax, hemp, and nettle. Particularly not when only a few fibres are available for an examination so that statistical analysis is not possible, as is often the case in archaeology. The last two characterization features typically used to distinguish between bast fibres are cross‐section shape and lumen shape. In this paper, we present a study of retted and unretted fibres (in the stem) of flax, nettle, and hemp, and show that also cross‐section shape and lumen shape cannot be used as distinguishing features on their own.  相似文献   

Various extraordinary textiles were excavated from a graveyard at Yingpan, Xinjiang, on the middle route of the ancient Silk Road. Applications of western motifs and designs to traditional Chinese textiles led to the emergence of compound woven textiles with central Asian characters. For a better understanding of the cultural exchanges and textile trade between the West and the East in ancient times, identifications of archaeological fibres and dyes were carried out for various funerary textile objects by using multiple analytical techniques, such as high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode detection, optical microscopy, scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Fibre identifications were performed for 35 archaeological textile samples, and the results showed that the ancient textiles were mostly made from Bombyx mori silk and wool. The SEM and FT-IR experimental results revealed that these ancient textiles remained morphologically intact due to the special (very dry) climate in Xinjiang, but noticeably degraded at the molecular level due to long time thermo-ageing and/or biodegradation. The principal colouring matters, such as alizarin, purpurin, indigotin and luteolin, were respectively characterised for nine archaeological textile samples. The yellow dyestuffs derived from luteolin-based plants were assumed to have been imported to China from the Middle East and Western Asia through the Silk Road.  相似文献   

Dagmar Drinkle 《文博》2009,(6):347-347
在众多的遗物中,真正的纺织品在不同范围被保存并且作为考古出土文物被保护。在埃及,中亚和欧洲(北方)地区,由于这些地方有利于有机物的保存因此可以非常频繁发现纺织品。古代(石质)雕塑如希腊瓶饰画或亚洲陶质雕塑都详细的描绘着衣物,往往辅以详细削减和图案表现。与此相比,比较少见的是古代雕塑彩绘装饰上手绘图案或装饰仍然可以认出或保存完好。被保护的纺织技术作为另一种技术用于制作纺织品,将被介绍并与古代以往的绘画和彩绘装饰保护实例作比较。图案与技术的表现将会用于说明并与真正的纺织品发现物的图案与技术作比较,同时与纺织技术的重建相结合。发现物的样品来自于欧洲,地中海东部和中东。这将表明从古代遗物的绘画上区分独立的纺织技术,并且图案也可以用于证实真正的纺织生产工艺的结论。  相似文献   

Crepeline是一种较为薄透的平纹丝织物,在欧美等国的纺织品文物保护中应用较为广泛,尤其对于脆弱丝织品的保护具有非常好的效果。近年来,此种织物在中国纺织品修复中的应用也日渐趋多。由于中国市场上无处购买该材料,为了降低成本并满足中国古代纺织品的修复需求,中国丝绸博物馆与浙江理工大学合作研发了该种修复用织物——绉丝纱。本研究介绍所研发绉丝纱的工艺参数和性能特点,及针对不同类别的中国古代纺织品,采用绉丝纱作为修复材料时的使用方法。即通常将其包覆于纺织品文物表面,以针线缝合的方式固定,并注意缝合时尽量减少针线穿过文物的次数。其包覆的形式,按包覆范围可分为整体包覆与局部包覆;按包覆方式可分为单面包覆、双面包覆及叠加包覆等。研究表明,绉丝纱包覆是一种值得推广的纺织品保护方法,尤其是对已无法承受针线过多穿缝力度的纺织品。如能够解决绉丝纱裁剪后的边缘脱线等细部问题,将会更加扩大其使用的范围。  相似文献   

The following study presents the results of instrumental analyses performed on the excavated textile find HTR73 from the Kerameikos cemetery in Athens. In Greece, preservation of excavated textiles is rare, mainly due to the unfavourable environmental conditions prevailing. The Kerameikos textile find is from the 5th century BC, and has been preserved in association with copper, which is the most common type of preservation in Greece. Past analyses had indicated the presence of silk fibres, of the Bombyx mori silkworm, the use of which was not common in Classical Greece. In the present study, non-destructive instrumental analytical techniques were applied, namely ESEM and FTIR microspectroscopy, for the purpose of material identification. None of the techniques applied confirmed the presence of silk. However, cellulosic bast and possibly cotton fibres were identified. The presence of cotton is an equally rare phenomenon for the Classical period in Greece.  相似文献   

四川省文物考古研究院等单位运用超景深显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、显微红外光谱等分析技术,对三星堆遗址二号祭祀坑出土的部分青铜器表面进行了显微观察和检测分析。显微观察结果表明,青铜器表面附着有经纬组织明显的纺织残留物,根据保存状况可以分为纺织实物、炭化物和泥化物;扫描电镜分析结果显示纤维表面光整、截面呈三角形;结合显微红外分析结果,可以确定残留物的原料为蚕丝。实验结果证实了三星堆文化时期丝绸的存在,也探明了丝绸的发现位置,根据赋存状况,推测丝绸与青铜器、金器共同构建了三星堆祭祀文化体系。  相似文献   

Strontium isotopes are used in archaeology to reconstruct human and animal migration routes. We present results of a pilot study applying strontium isotope analyses to modern sheep hair as a basis for its potential use as a provenance tracer for ancient woollen textiles. Our hydrofluoric acid‐based, lipid soluble analytical protocol, also tested on a number of ancient textile fibres, allows for contamination‐free, low blank strontium isotope analysis of minimal amounts of archaeological material. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of decontaminated sheep hair agree well with the compositions of biologically available (soluble) strontium fractions from the respective feeding ground soils, a translatable requirement for any potentially successful provenance tracing applied to wool textiles.  相似文献   

赵丰  袁宣萍 《文博》2009,(6):348-353
彩绘是中国一种古老的织物装饰工艺,文献上有记载并有历代出土实物的佐证。迄今为止,我国考古发现的数量最多、技术最完善、图案最丰富的彩绘丝绸属于辽代。从辽代耶律羽之墓出土彩绘丝织品的鉴定和分析来看,辽代丝绸手绘色彩中最常见的为金、银、红、黑和白色等,均为矿物颜料,用毛笔在绢地或绫地上以勾勒着色和线描的手法进行彩绘,特别是在提花纹样的轮廓上作线描是辽代丝绸彩绘的特色。图案风格较丰富,体现了辽代艺术的时代气息。  相似文献   

E. Haugan  B. Holst 《Archaeometry》2014,56(6):951-960
Plant fibres have been used since ancient times in numerous applications ranging from nets and basketry to textiles for clothing. A proper identification of plant fibre remains in archaeological excavations provides important information about resource exploitation and agriculture. In order to identify plant fibres, a series of fibre features—cross‐section diameter, lumen diameter, dislocations (nodes), cross markings, cross‐section shape and lumen shape—have been defined and characteristic traits of these features for different fibre types established. How suitable these traits really are for fibre identification has been a matter of debate. To resolve this issue, we have performed a systematic investigation of typical textile bast fibres: flax, nettle and hemp. We have investigated cross‐section diameter, lumen diameter, dislocations (nodes) and cross markings using standard compound, white light transmission microscopy. Our investigations show that all the traits that are considered characteristic for one type of plant fibre can also, on occasion, be found in other types. This demonstrates that an investigation of the traits listed above is not sufficient to ensure a correct identification of the plant fibre material; in particular, when only a small amount of material is available. This is often the case in archaeological excavations.  相似文献   

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