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1928至1929年的反日会   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周斌 《近代史研究》2004,(2):145-185
反日会表面为各地国民党党部奉中央命令而成立,实际乃是一个因“济南惨案”而发生的自发性的民众团体。早期受南京国民党及国民政府控制,主要从事和平的对日绝交运动;后期除上海等少数地方组织外,领导权大多落入国民党改组派之手,基本不受南京国民党及国民政府支配。反日会自始要求南京国民党及国民政府“恢复民众运动”,实行“革命外交”政策,力主公正解决“济案”和废除中日不平等条约,并在一定程度上延缓了屈辱的《济案协定》的签订时间。尽管反日会在对日经济绝交运动和南京国民政府对日交涉过程中偶有过急之举,但其维护国家主权、民族利益的立场和表现仍应给以积极评价和肯定。  相似文献   

This article expounds the history of the formation and development of neurology in St. Petersburg and emphasizes the original character of St. Petersburg school of neurology. The authors state that many prominent neurologists of St. Petersburg dedicated their work to the development of neurological concepts and have made an important contribution to different areas of neurology, including vascular and demyelinating diseases, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, neuroinfections, epilepsy, etc.  相似文献   

During the so-called "Gründerjhare" or "founding years" in Berlin it became necessary to build new hospitals because of the rapid growth of population. As a result, several infirmaries, asylums for the insane and institutions for epileptics were build between 1877 and 1912. The new building of the University of Neuropsychiatric Clinic ("Nervenklinik") of the Charité was opened in 1905 according to plans made by Friedrich Jolly (1844-1904), the physician who named myasthenia gravis pseudoparalytica. A "Neurological Central Station", under the direction of Oskar and Cecil Vogt, in existence since 1898, was a research center dedicated more to morphology. There the study of the structure of the cerebral cortex by Korbinian Brodmann (1868-1925) and research into basal ganglia diseases by the Vogts began. The Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute for Cerebral Research, which moved into a new building in 1931, also had its origin here. Hermann Oppenheim (1858-1919) promoted independent clinical neurology, as did his younger contemporary, Max Lewandowsky (1876-1918), who was already advising physician for neurology at the Berlin-Friedrichshain Hospital. Hug Liepmann (1863-1925), the creator of apraxia theory, worked at the asylums for the insane in Dalldorf (Berlin-Wittenau) and Berlin-Herzberge. In 1911, the first neurological unit was established in the large hospital in Berlin-Buch under the direction of Otto Maas. Not until after World War I were further neurological hospital units founded, under the direction of Paul Schuster (1867-1940), Kurt Goldstein (1878-1965), Kurt L?wenstein (died in 1953) and Friedrich Heinrich Lewy (1885-1950). These Jewish physicians, as well as C.E. Benda and Otto Maas, had to leave their posts in 1933 and emigrate. The clinical institutions and scientific achievements of these pioneers of independent clinical neurology will be presented up to the point of its violent dissolution.  相似文献   

简论1929年的《工厂法》   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1929年南京国民政府颁布的<工厂法>,是20世纪20年代未30年代初工人生存状况十分恶劣、劳资矛盾尖锐、工人运动勃兴及国际国内社会舆论所造成的压力与推力的结果,在一定程度上反映了南京政府初期秉承孙中山新三民主义、维护劳工权利的初衷.该法具有移植性、继承和超越性、超前性等特点.它的制订使民国法制更趋完备,也将现代国家的建构向前推进了一步.  相似文献   

Trousseau made a remarkably large number of original clinical contributions to medicine and neurology. Best known are Trousseau's syndrome, the combination of venous thrombosis with visceral carcinoma; tache cérébrale, the red streak seen on scratching the skin in acute meningitis; and Trousseau's sign, the cardinal physical sign in tetany. His pioneering work in tracheostomy in diphtheria, haemochromatosis, Parkinson's disease, aphasia and chorea are but a few of his outstanding clinical studies. Based on his famously comprehensive text, Clinique Médicale de l'H?tel Dieu, this paper highlights a few of his discoveries. The name of Armand Trousseau must stand alongside those of Charcot, Oppenheim, Jackson and Gowers in the annals of neurology.  相似文献   

Christian Baumann (Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany): Wilbrand's ideas of the visual cortex. Hermann Wilbrand (1851-1935) is considered one of the founders of neuro-opthalmology. He is best known for the monumental handbook, Die Neurologie des Auges (Wilbrand &Saenger, 1898-1922). Prior to this encyclopedic work, Wilbrand published three clinical monographs on the diagnosis of brain diseases with the help of ophthalmological examinations(Wilbrand 1881, 1884, 1890). But Wilbrand not only treated clinical aspects but also supplied evidence for the localization of the optical center in the calcarine fissure of the occipital cortex. Moreover, he worked out theories of the organization of the visual cortex that, as he postulated, must contain subdivisions corresponding to the qualities of visual sensation such as light, form, and color. Wilbrand also considered the binocular input of the visual cortex and put forward a detailed scheme of the projection of the two retinae to the occipital cortex that anticipated modern concepts of ocular dominance columns. His ideas are critically reviewed in the light of current opinions about his topics.  相似文献   

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