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2008年7月22—24日,由南开大学“中国思想与社会研究”哲学社会科学创新基地、中国社会史研究中心举办的“社会—生态史研究圆桌会议”在天津召开。会议旨在研讨中国环境史研究发展中的问题,分析海外环境史学的最新动向,探讨环境史学科建设大计,推动环境史与其他史学研究特别是社会文化史的联结和贯通。来自全国21所高等院校和科研机构的三十余位学者参加了会议,除历史学者之外,还有来自地球科学、人类学和中医学等领域的多位知名学者。会议分“生态人类学、环境考古学与环境史研究”、“东西方环境史的理论方法和研究动向”、“疾病、灾害与医疗卫生史”、“农业、食物与环境历史”等四个专场,与会学者就环境史学科建设、理论方法和研究路径等重要论题展开对话,介绍了各自的最新研究成果。为了让更多同道师友分享会议成果,现就主要问题和观点进行简要评述。一、中国环境史研究的前景和意义环境史作为一种新史学,首先兴起于美国。一般认为,纳什(Rodrick Nash)1972年在《太平洋历史评论》上发表《美国环境史:一个新的教学领域》首先提出“环境史”一词。环境史兴起的直接导因是20世纪六七十年代的环境保护运动,但其学术渊源相当复杂,可以上溯至大航海时代之...  相似文献   

环境史近年来成为历史研究的热点领域,马立博教授是西方环境史研究的领军人物。马立博的个人研究理路经历了从社会经济史到环境史的转变,他的众多作品中《虎》是一个关键节点。他的研究理路转变和对环境史的反思,对于我们理解环境史有很大助益。同时,他仍认同"加州学派"的基本观点,反对欧洲中心论,认为赋予中国关键角色的全球史对于现代世界如何形成的叙事至关重要。他指出中国环境史研究存在的问题并给出了宝贵建议,认为中国环境史研究应该增加更多关于生态科学的议题,注意人与环境互动的复杂性网络,包括我们如何看待环境和将非人类生命纳入我们的叙述体系中,进一步将中国环境史研究扩展到全球史的研究。马立博教授期待中国学者能在这一领域做出全球性的贡献。此外,他在访谈中提到的环境史研究学者及代表作尤其值得关注。  相似文献   

马克思主义环境史学论纲   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境史学在西方兴起于 2 0世纪晚期 ,在中国也许起步更早些 ,但其受到国内史学从业者兴趣日增的关注 ,则是近年来的事 :一方面是缘于西方环境史学发展的促动 ,一方面是因人与自然之间的关系日趋紧张等现实因素的推动。但环境史究竟是历史学的一门分支学科 ,还是一种新的考察人类社会发展历程的视角或方法 ,或者一种新的史学范式和新的通史观念 ,国内外环境史研究者均未形成共识。这组“笔谈”的发表 ,无疑将有助于人们深化对这一新的历史研究领域的认识。“笔谈”的作者包括老中青三代史学从业者 ,虽来自不同的史学领域 ,但都较早涉足环境史研究 :或早在 1973年就开始涉足沙漠研究 ,并多次深入我国北方沙漠地区进行实地考察 ,提出了著名的“沙漠化二重性”论断 ;或长期致力于美国环境史著作的译介 ;或率先在国内高校历史系开设《环境史研究导论》课程 ,培养环境史研究新人 ;或较早运用自然与社会互动关系理论 ,系统地对自然灾害与民国乡村社会变迁问题进行全方位的研究 ,从而拓宽了乡村社会史畛域。因此 ,这组“笔谈”在一定程度上反映了目前国内环境史研究者对于环境史的思想认识及其所达到的水平。“笔谈”的组织 ,得到了北京师范大学历史系梅雪芹副教授的热情支持和全力协助 ,本刊谨此致谢。  相似文献   

中国灾害史研究的非人文化倾向   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
环境史学在西方兴起于 2 0世纪晚期 ,在中国也许起步更早些 ,但其受到国内史学从业者兴趣日增的关注 ,则是近年来的事 :一方面是缘于西方环境史学发展的促动 ,一方面是因人与自然之间的关系日趋紧张等现实因素的推动。但环境史究竟是历史学的一门分支学科 ,还是一种新的考察人类社会发展历程的视角或方法 ,或者一种新的史学范式和新的通史观念 ,国内外环境史研究者均未形成共识。这组“笔谈”的发表 ,无疑将有助于人们深化对这一新的历史研究领域的认识。“笔谈”的作者包括老中青三代史学从业者 ,虽来自不同的史学领域 ,但都较早涉足环境史研究 :或早在 1973年就开始涉足沙漠研究 ,并多次深入我国北方沙漠地区进行实地考察 ,提出了著名的“沙漠化二重性”论断 ;或长期致力于美国环境史著作的译介 ;或率先在国内高校历史系开设《环境史研究导论》课程 ,培养环境史研究新人 ;或较早运用自然与社会互动关系理论 ,系统地对自然灾害与民国乡村社会变迁问题进行全方位的研究 ,从而拓宽了乡村社会史畛域。因此 ,这组“笔谈”在一定程度上反映了目前国内环境史研究者对于环境史的思想认识及其所达到的水平。“笔谈”的组织 ,得到了北京师范大学历史系梅雪芹副教授的热情支持和全力协助 ,本刊谨此致谢。  相似文献   

《尘暴》及其对环境史研究的贡献   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
环境史学在西方兴起于 2 0世纪晚期 ,在中国也许起步更早些 ,但其受到国内史学从业者兴趣日增的关注 ,则是近年来的事 :一方面是缘于西方环境史学发展的促动 ,一方面是因人与自然之间的关系日趋紧张等现实因素的推动。但环境史究竟是历史学的一门分支学科 ,还是一种新的考察人类社会发展历程的视角或方法 ,或者一种新的史学范式和新的通史观念 ,国内外环境史研究者均未形成共识。这组“笔谈”的发表 ,无疑将有助于人们深化对这一新的历史研究领域的认识。“笔谈”的作者包括老中青三代史学从业者 ,虽来自不同的史学领域 ,但都较早涉足环境史研究 :或早在 1973年就开始涉足沙漠研究 ,并多次深入我国北方沙漠地区进行实地考察 ,提出了著名的“沙漠化二重性”论断 ;或长期致力于美国环境史著作的译介 ;或率先在国内高校历史系开设《环境史研究导论》课程 ,培养环境史研究新人 ;或较早运用自然与社会互动关系理论 ,系统地对自然灾害与民国乡村社会变迁问题进行全方位的研究 ,从而拓宽了乡村社会史畛域。因此 ,这组“笔谈”在一定程度上反映了目前国内环境史研究者对于环境史的思想认识及其所达到的水平。“笔谈”的组织 ,得到了北京师范大学历史系梅雪芹副教授的热情支持和全力协助 ,本刊谨此致谢。  相似文献   

杨领  马瑞映 《历史研究》2023,(5):183-204+224
西方学界的“军事革命”研究,是“新军事史”范式下的分支领域,集中考察近代早期欧洲社会文化转型、现代国家形成及世界格局转型,致力于以军事因素阐释现代世界起源。在社会文化史路径下,“军事革命”研究关注欧洲贵族与士兵境况及“军事启蒙运动”,并与其他“新军事史”研究形成互补关系;在“国家形成”论题中,“军事革命”研究与历史社会学存在跨学科关联;而在全球史视野下,“军事革命”与欧洲崛起之间的因果关系遭到质疑和挑战,亚洲“军事革命”转而成为新的研究重点,“军事革命”因此超出欧洲范围成为全球史研究重要领域。“军事革命”研究的发展体现了西方学术革新进程,为国内学界相关研究提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

近年来,中国的环境史研究出现了一些新的动态:一是环境史专题实证研究成果大量涌现;二是更加深入地探讨环境史研究的主旨关切及学科体系构建等问题;三是包括社会史、城市史、全球史和经济史等历史研究领域,生态转向的趋势愈发明显和突出;四是区域环境史继续受到重视,整体环境史建构也被提上议程。本期的“环境史理论与方法研究”笔谈,包括南开大学历史学院暨生态文明研究院王利华教授、清华大学历史系梅雪芹教授、云南大学西南环境史研究所周琼教授、辽宁大学经济学院暨生态文明与可持续发展研究中心滕海键教授的四篇环境史专题文章。王利华教授的《“盲人摸象”的隐喻——浅议环境史的整体性》探讨了环境史研究实践中如何运用多学科手段和实现“整体史”的学术目标这一令人困扰的问题;梅雪芹教授的《生态生产力标准——环境史研究中历史评价尺度的创新及其意义》从环境史角度讨论了历史评价尺度的转换和创新问题;周琼教授的《区域与整体:环境史研究的碎片化与整体性刍议》探讨了环境史研究碎片化与整体性的辩证关系;滕海键教授的《论经济史研究的生态取向》论述了经济史研究生态取向的内涵和趋势、价值和意义。这四篇文章聚焦于环境史研究的前沿问题,各自提出了独到见解,希冀对促进环境史研究能有所启发。  相似文献   

非洲史研究的新视野——环境史   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
与世界其他国家和地区的历史研究相比,非洲史研究起步晚、难度大。但是即便如此,20世纪的非洲史研究还是取得了长足进步,尤其是在民族解放运动取得胜利之后。非洲史研究不但成为世界史研究中一道亮丽的风景,而且为冲破历史研究中的“西方话语霸权”贡献出了自己的地方性知识,丰富了世界史研究的史料学、理论观点、方法论。环境史是继传统史学、殖民主义史学和民族主义史学之后的另一重要流派。本将从史学史的角度着重分析环境史在非洲史研究中的兴起发展、主要的观点和方法以及存在的问题。  相似文献   

刘昕悦 《文物天地》2021,(4):108-115
展开“中式凉亭”扇面图像的分析之前,需要明确一个概念,即“中国风”的欧洲风格究竟是怎样出现的,其准确的定义是什么?考察欧洲和远东地区之间的贸易往来史可以发现,早在公元前1世纪初,中国已经开始通过扬子江,穿越亚洲大陆抵达地中海沿岸参与世界贸易,向西方运出丝绸和少量瓷器。13世纪,忽必烈统一中亚领土建立元朝,进一步打开了东西陆上通道,借助商贸来巩固和扩大统治领域。  相似文献   

一、前言 对自己最根本原则之怀疑,以及时常作内省之功夫,乃是文明人之特征。史学之研究工作,若不具指导性及前瞻性,则不啻是将死人之枯骨,从一个坟场搬往另一个坟场,有吃老本和发死人财之嫌疑。 相对於中国史之外国史,俗称西洋史,挽近为顺应时代潮流,已改名为世界史(中国大陆早已使用此一名称)。唯欧洲仍为西方文明之重镇,而西方文明又是世界文化之中,最具有宰制性之主流。虽然“光明从东方来”,但泰西几  相似文献   

In recent years the urban question in the European Union has been a matter of deep focus and intensive debate, contributing to the European Community environmental, spatial and sustainability policies approach, however not entirely reflected in the current version of the 6th European Environmental Action Programme. The POLIS programme, initiated in Portugal at the time of the last Portuguese Presidency of the European Union (January–June 2000), illustrates the Portuguese urban environmental policy approach in that period, in response to contemporary trends and priorities regarding the improvement of urban life and governance. This article describes the POLIS programme, its current status and how it meets current challenges. The expetience acquired so far with the POLIS programme may be useful in the broader context of the discussion of an European urban policy.  相似文献   

近年来学术界对"封建"及"封建社会"问题的反思   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
黄敏兰 《史学月刊》2002,5(2):123-128
在新时期,越来越多的学者认为中国只有在西周时期才有封建制。从秦到晚清的社会不应被称为“封建社会”。在这一阶段,社会状况与西欧中世纪的封建社会并不相同,也与斯大林所概括的以经济为特征的封建社会有较大的距离。他们批评滥用“封建”的现象,并力图用新的概念来代替“封建社会”,用新的理论体系描述从秦到晚清的历史。一些学者还注意到,中国古代社会的主要矛盾不能简单地归结为地主阶级与农民阶级的矛盾。可以预料,关于封建社会的认识必将有重大的突破。  相似文献   

Ankersmit's articulation of a postmodern theory of history takes seriously both the strengths of traditional historicism and the right of historians to decide what makes sense for disciplinary practice. That makes him an exemplary interlocutor. Ankersmit proposes a theory of historical "representation" which radicalizes the narrative approach to historiography along the lines of poststructuralist textualism. Against this postmodernism but invoking some of his own arguments, I defend the traditional historicist position. I formulate criticisms of the theory of reference entailed in his notion of "narrative substance," of his master analogy of historiography with modern painting, and finally of his characterization of historical hermeneutics. In each case I find him guilty of the hyperbole which he himself cautions against. While it is true that historical narratives cannot be taken to be transparent, in taking them to be opaque Ankersmit puts himself in an untenable position. Finally, Ankersmit seeks to buttress his theoretical case by an interpretation of the new cultural historical texts of authors like Davis and Ginzburg. While this is a concreteness heartily to be welcomed in philosophers of history, I cannot find his construction of this new school's work plausible.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the environmental measures co-financed by the European Union (EU) Structural Funds in the less-developed regions. Specifically, it studies if these environmental measures are tailored to the specific needs of the different regions and whether they are driven by an ecological modernization approach. The inclusion of environmental goals into the regional policy is also tested by analysing its connection with the main European environmental directives. We find a suitability of the regional programmes to the regional specific environmental factors, a scarce presence of the ecological modernization paradigm behind the programmes implementation and a clear orientation of the regional programmes to meet the EU legislation.  相似文献   

从“境地研究”到环境史   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
热纳维耶芙教授认为 ,年鉴年派并非法国环境史研究的先驱 ,年鉴派研究的是“境地”而非环境史中的“环境”,但这并不是说法国没有环境史研究 ,只是因为学科分野导致分散罢了。法国环境史研究急需相关学科的整和  相似文献   

We consider the history of woodland clearing in central western New South Wales, Australia, which has led to the present highly cleared and fragmented landscape. A combined approach is used examining available historical land‐use data and using regression analysis to relate the pattern of cleared and wooded areas in the recent landscape to environmental variables, taking into account the contagious nature of clearing. We also ask whether it would be possible to apply a simple simulation modelling approach to reconstruct a credible historical sequence of clearing in the study area. The historical data indicate that annual clearing rates have varied substantially in the study area and selective tree removal (ringbarking and thinning) has been common. These findings make it unlikely that a simple simulation approach would replicate the spatial and temporal sequence of woodland loss. Our regression results show that clearing patterns can be related to environmental variables, particularly annual rainfall and estimated pre‐European vegetation type, but that patterns are dominated by contagion.  相似文献   

Rather than reflect on the process of an alleged "modernization" of historical scholarship, an intercultural comparison of historiography should take the European origins of academic history as its starting point. The reason, as this article argues, is that in non-European countries the European genealogy of the discipline of history continued to structure interpretations of the past. Both on the level of method, but more importantly on the level of interpretive strategies, "Europe" remained the yardstick for historiographical explanation. This article will use the example of postwar Japanese historiography to show that historians resorted to a European model in order to turn seemingly unconnected events in the Japanese past into a historical narrative. This is not to imply, however, that Japanese historiography passively relied on concepts from Western discourse. On the contrary, Japanese historians appropriated and transformed the elements of this discourse in the specific geopolitical setting of the 1940s and 1950s. This act of appropriation served the political purpose of positioning Japan with respect to Asia and the "West." However, on an epistemological level, the priority of "Europe" persisted; Japanese historiography remained a "derivative discourse." Studies in comparative historiography, therefore, should be attentive to these traces of the European descent of academic history and privilege the transnational history of historiography over meditations on its internal rationalization.  相似文献   

In summer 1990, the Commission of the European Communities published a "Green Paper" on the urban environment as a first step toward establishing an integrated policy for European cities, focusing on the revaluing of public space whose degradation is considered a symptom of a deep-seated developmental and environmental crisis. This article addresses the questions raised by the Green Paper: the needs to which it responds, and the results to be expected; the extent to which the proposed themes cover a "full range of difficulties facing Europe's conurbations," given the diversity of urban space in the old continent. Finally, it considers the paper's relevance for Greek cities: this highlights the existence of non-discussed city typologies within the single European space, which means that the concept of the European city should be carefully re-examined and based on the social and cultural plurality and complexity of the European cities, rather than stressing the existence of a single city-type. The Green Paper, when seen not as a text of generalizing assumptions or an instrument for action, may very well act positively to open a debate that will reveal and answer the specificities and the problems of each city.  相似文献   

This essay uses research in Chinese religion,and specifically Chinese "redemptive societies," to challenge and enrich the received history of "sects and secret societies" in modern and contemporary Chinese history,and suggests that a future "history of cultivation movements" might be a helpful means to steer between competing narratives of state-building and personal religious experience.The discussion is illustrated with a brief biography of Li Yujie (1901-94),founder of the redemptive society Tiandijiao who devoted his life to cultivation and religion,but also to independent journalism and the Guomindang.  相似文献   

Turkey's insistence on its European credentials, and its endeavours to join the European Union, provide an opportunity to reflect on what the European legacy means. While acknowledging the diverse contributors to Europe, and the extensive interactions with the rest of the world that have shaped European history and identity, this essay locates Europe's most important legacy—and measure—in the realm of ideas, especially the ideas we use to organise our experience and approach the challenges of the world. These ideas came to fruition in the Enlightenment, and they provide an approach that is potentially liberating for peoples but uncomfortable for those with power, and those that aspire to power, including within Europe itself. The challenge for Turkey is to recognise that the EU is not necessarily the last word on ‘Europe,’ while continuing to engage creatively with the European legacy.  相似文献   

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