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越南有忌讳三人合影的习俗,而其原因却无明确解释,众说纷纭。本文结合摄影技术、风水知识及民间故事来浅析该忌讳,尝试换个角度来看此习俗,用民间文化与习俗相结合的方法进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

汪朝光 《民国档案》2005,(1):97-105
国民党在战后国共内战中的失利.有诸多政治、经济、外交与社会层面之因素,但直接的原因仍应为其军事失利。本文以全面内战初期国民党之军事战略战术为中心,从战争爆发时的国共力量对比、战争爆发后国民党的军事战略和战术等方面,对国民党军事失利之原因作初步之考查与辨析,期使我们对国民党在内战中失利之缘由有更进一步之体认。在战争的实际进程中,谁胜谁负并不在于谁不犯错误,而往往在于谁的错误犯得更少,谁改正自己的错误更迅捷。当我们论及国民党军从战略到战术,从指挥到作战,从前方到后方,屡屡犯着同样的错误而不知或不能改正时,我们实际上已经可以判断这场战争最后的胜利者究属何方。  相似文献   

中央苏区第五次反“围剿”失利的经济原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中央苏区第五次反“围剿”失利的经济原因任保秋长期以来史学界多数学者认为王明“左”倾错误的危害、李德军事指挥的失误、敌我力量的悬殊,是中央苏区第五次反“围剿”失利的主客观原因。笔者通过对中央苏区经济状况的考察、分析,认为除上述原因外,苏区经济在一次又一...  相似文献   

诸葛亮是何地人,故里在何处,目前流行的史书和词典有三种不同的说法。 一、今山东沂南县人。持此说的有:1.《辞海》,上海辞书出版社1980年版,见该书“诸葛亮”条目。2.《中国名胜词典》,上海辞书出版社1981年版,见该书“湖北省古隆中”条目。3.《中国历史人物生卒年表》,黑龙江人民出版社1981年版,见该书“请葛亮”条目。 二、今山东沂水县人。持此说的有:1.《中  相似文献   

中日甲午战争是世界历史的重要组成部分,战争由日本首先发动,战争中一直处于主动地位,并最终取得了胜利。中国战败仅仅是因为失去了主动权?本文就甲午战争中海战部分失利原因进行简单讨论,主要论述失利原因如下:一、军队装备及思想观念落后;二、军队素质低下;三、海军体制不健全;四、战略战术失当;五、腐朽没落的封建统治导致后勤补给不足。  相似文献   

"四海之内皆兄弟",语出《论语·颜渊》,司马牛见别人都有兄弟而自己没有,很忧愁,说:"人皆有兄弟,我独亡。"子夏对他说:"四海之内,皆兄弟也。君子何患乎无兄弟也?"《现代汉语词典》对"四海"解释为:现今的渤海、黄海、东海、南海。这种解释有些牵强。这其  相似文献   

台湾海峡地区在新石器时代生业经济长期依赖渔猎、采集等手段,直至距今5000年左右才在闽江下游流域出现初具形态的农业生产.此区域先后经历了三次较显著的南岛语族跨海峡扩散的活跃期,且各时期扩散路线也有所变迁."人口压力说"或"海洋适应性说"不足以解释南岛语族跨海峡扩散的动因.  相似文献   

明末农民起义军领袖李白成最后失败的真正原因一直是个历史之谜。百余年来,专家们对此有多种解释,有的说他败于不得人心,有的说他败于骄傲自满,有的说他败于腐化堕落等等,都很难令人信服。因为,这些答案都不能解释一个问题:李白成占领北京时,他的军队浩浩荡荡100余万,为何进京40天后,部队竟然仿佛突然间失去了战斗力,与清军一触即溃,而且从此一蹶不振?  相似文献   

联语中说了两个典故,一是说多才的王羲之相亲时,大腹便便,因天热,在东床坦腹睡觉;一是说孟光婚后,有大德,别人一提起她就说“举案齐眉”。五十年代在中学读书时,读成语“举案齐眉”,知为古人梁鸿与其妻孟光的成语故事,是说妇敬夫有礼仪的典范。《后汉书》载:“梁鸿与妻隐居霸陵山中,妻为具食,不敢於鸿前仰视,举案齐眉”。“举案齐眉”的“案”字,有人解释“案”为有脚的方托盘,此解释指举起有脚的托盘;  相似文献   

秦始皇死,二世即位。赵高又杀二世,立秦王子婴。子婴不满赵高专权,杀赵高。随后,刘邦攻咸阳,子婴投降。项羽入咸阳,杀子婴。秦王子婴是什么人?《史记·秦始皇本记》说是二世兄子。此说影响甚大,后世学者莫不从之。如范文谰《中国通史》、郭沫若《中国史稿》及近年出版的《中国古代史》(南开大学刘泽华等著)皆从是说。然而,这个说法是很可疑的。可疑的原因不仅是司马迁对子婴有不同于此的第二种说法(详后),而且此说本身也经不起推敲。  相似文献   

The paper discusses supra-national spatial planning between 11 countries in the Baltic Sea Region. The focus is on competing narratives for tourism development. Western models of planning introduced to the newly independent post-Soviet States is the underlying theme. The argument is that Western planning thought has become legitimized and is presented to the East as a culturally and socially superior model, based on the presumption that because the newly independent States are moving towards market economies, Western planning models are appropriate. The paper evaluates a specific Western initiated supra-national spatial planning programme for the Baltic Sea Region and evaluates its tourism component. Post-modern concepts such as globalization, deconstruction, and narratives are incorporated in the discussion. The conclusion presents planning lessons and recommendations.  相似文献   

清代以来黄渤海真鲷资源的分布、开发与变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄渤海中所产之嘉鯕鱼,因其体征、肉质等方面原因,历来被视为一种名贵鱼类。清代以降,黄渤海真鲷资源数量异常丰富。造成清代山东登莱地区真鲷资源的异常丰富的原因,除了捕捞方式等原因之外,更为主要的则与海州湾真鲷资源一直未被开发有关。作为一种底层鱼类,其资源数量虽然一直比较稳定,但是清代一些重大环境变化,如明末清初和道光年间的变寒,以及1855年的黄河改道,使得真鲷资源在渔汛时间上和分布区域上都产生了变化。  相似文献   

The Transformation of the Caspian Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The author reviews the problem of the level fluctuations of the Caspian Sea, particularly the steady drop since 1929. The drop in level is affecting many key sectors of the regional economy. Among several remedial schemes is a plan for diverting the rivers of northern European Russia to the Caspian, and a project for a localized regulation of the level of the Caspian Sea.  相似文献   

China discovered and was the first to name and explore the South China Sea islands and the adjacent waters, and China has exercised sovereignty and jurisdiction over them since the Tang and Song dynasties. In modern times, imperialists shattered the peace of the South China Sea using advanced weapons, but Chinese sovereignty over this area has never been challenged. In the more than 60 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese government has pursued the principle of “claiming sovereignty, shelving disputes, and seeking joint development” and has exercised sovereignty and jurisdiction over and explored the South China Sea islands and territorial waters peacefully and effectively. The lure of resources and profits and strategic competition among countries beyond the region, however, have complicated the prospects for resolving the South China Sea issue.  相似文献   

论马来西亚在南海声称的领土争议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马来西亚在南海声称的领土争议,主要集中在对南沙群岛某些岛礁、苏拉威西海两小岛和新加坡海峡白礁的声称。对南沙群岛某些岛礁的声称,马来西亚依据的是岛礁“在其声称的大陆架上”,这种依据违反了“陆地支配海洋”的国际法基本原则。在苏拉威西海两小岛的争议中,最近国际法庭依据连续的实际管辖,将两岛的主权判属马来西亚,这对今后解决类似的国际争议将起到一定的示范作用。  相似文献   

The North Sea formed a barrier to contact between Britain and the Continental regions north of the Rhine prior to the late fourth century AD. Whilst there is evidence for sporadic contacts between these two regions prior to this date, in the main these contacts probably occurred indirectly via the south Dutch/Belgian/north French region. From the late fourth century onwards, we have evidence for considerable cross‐North Sea contact, first in the form of Saxon piracy, and from the early/mid‐fifth century onwards, as population movements principally directed from north‐west Germany to south‐east England. The reasons for this change are outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

Excavation of the Roman port of Myos Hormos on the Egyptian Red Sea coast has revealed both the extent of the Roman harbour and a significant corpus of maritime artefacts. These include a relatively large quantity of rigging material such as brail-rings and sailcloth dating from the late-1st century BC to the middle of the 3rd century AD. These finds are important for our understanding of ancient shipping in the Mediterranean, Red Sea and Indian Ocean regions.
© 2007 The Author  相似文献   

An analysis of water-balance components over the 45-year period 1926–1970 seeks to establish their relative significance in the marked decline of the Aral Sea level since 1961. Long-term fluctuations in the sea level are found to reflect both natural fluctuations in the water resources available to the drainage basin and the steady growth of human activity in the watershed area. An increase in water withdrawals for irrigation in the 1950s did not appreciably affect the Aral Sea level because of generally large water resources during those years. The intensive decline of the water level since 1961 is attributed mainly to a growth of consumptive withdrawals from the Syrdarya and Amudarya, the two main tributaries of the Aral Sea. The position of the sea level also depends on the annual fluctuations of evaporation from the sea surface, which tends to be more variable than the annual streamflow to the sea. The subsurface component of Aral Sea inflow, contrary to previous studies, is found to be a negligible factor.  相似文献   

It has been a feature of the past 30 years or so that individual sovereign states have been increasingly willing to partially set aside their own interests in favour of international treaties on pollution control and wildlife protection. It is the political will of the government signatories to such agreements that is the key to successful implementation as that political will provides the legitimate enforceable authority that is necessary to ensure compliance. This paper examines a trilateral agreement made by the Governments of Denmark, Germany and Holland for the protection and management of the Wadden Sea—one of Europe's most important wildlife sites. The examination of that agreement explores the key mechanisms used for its implementation and, in the case of the Wadden Sea, those mechanisms include the operation of key European Union environmental Directives. The paper finds major differences in approach and application of the Birds, Habitats and Environmental Impact Assessment Directives across the Wadden Sea region and argues that these differences undermine the trilateral agreements made by the three governments.  相似文献   

中国在南中国海的主权受到一些国家的挑战,菲律宾是其中之一。菲律宾最早对南中国海的岛礁提出领土要求可追溯到20世纪30年代。菲律宾在南中国海的活动分为三个阶段。20世纪70年代以前,菲律宾政府不断地对南沙岛礁提出领土要求,也支持其国民到南沙海域勘探,但未占领中国南沙岛礁;20世纪70年代,菲律宾占领了部分南沙岛礁;冷战结束后,由渔业纠纷而引发了美济礁和黄岩岛问题,影响较大。总的来看,南中国海争端一定程度上影响了两国关系,但不影响双边关系的大局。在可预见的将来,南中国海的局势将维持现状,双方会通过协商途径解决可能出现的纠纷和争执。  相似文献   

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